Thirteen Reasons Why (Ezria f...

By katrinaasalvador

178K 3.6K 736

A is finished. No, A is not Mona nor Lucas. Not CeCe nor Alison. Not Toby nor Spencer. And no, it’s not Ezra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Cheesy moments with Ezria
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
another meep
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Christmas chapter!
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
last meep of the story
v important meep

Chapter 29

2.9K 62 8
By katrinaasalvador

(Ezra's POV)

Today is Valentine's Day and today is also the last estimated day of the arrival of the twins. To say that we're excited and nervous at the same time is probably the understatement of the century. Of course I'm taking her out for dinner because after all, we won't be able to go out for a long, long while even if with the babies' help that they lengthened her life span of two years.

"H, I don't think I'd like to go out." Aria whined from the washroom. She also grew out of her teenage stage within two months. I'm sure Ella has something to do with that because one of the signs that she matured is she stopped calling me pet names like 'Ezy boo bear' and 'Ezy'. 'H' stands for 'husband'.

"And why ever not, wife?"

"Because I look like a blue whale in this dress!" She screamed and I can hear her sobbing. Ah damn, the hormones took over again.

I almost laughed but that would cause me to experience her wrath and that's never a good thing. Well, she might look like a 'blue whale' because she is wearing a blue dress and she's pregnant. But stunning all the same.

I knocked on the door and entered with precaution as I saw my wife staring at herself in the full length mirror while her eyeliner smudges and makes a little black river because of her tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked and she cried even more.

"I'm so imperfect! I'm so fat, I have stretch marks marring my belly, oh God, just look at me!" She said and started with her crying session again and I laughed at the absurdity of her words.

"See? You're even laughing at me which means it's true!" Aria wailed.

I stopped laughing and approached my crying wife and consoled her.

By now, her blue dress is on the floor and she's just on her matching red lace bra and frilly knickers and I got turned on at the sight. One thing you should know about guys is that when they see the color red on a woman's body, they immediately turn into a bull and the ladies are the matadors, killing us with your body.

"I'm laughing because your description of yourself isn't true. You're not fat, you're pregnant with our twins. So what if you have stretch marks, almost every living person had them so don't be bothered." I cajoled and yet she didn't stop crying.

"But you might be disgusted with my stretch marks."

Disgusted? Heck no.

"When pigs fly in frozen hell." I said. "Your skin was just accommodating you and our babies that's inside of you by stretching. Imagine if it didn't stretch, right? You held and protected our baby there for nine months, Aria and I can tell you that that's the most amazing thing in the whole world."

"You're just saying that because I'm your wife and you're stuck with me til death do us part and to make me feel good." I swear that I'm not lying because seeing her stretch marks is a bit of a turn on, too.

"Okay fine let's just say you are a tigress who earned her stripes and gave birth to two tiger cubs." I sighed exasperatedly, not knowing what in anyway I could convince her what she's telling herself and since she fancies tigers, I think she'll understand. I hope.


We decided to just stay home and have a quiet night while watching 'The Vow'. I might be a guy but my favorite romantic movie is this one. After the movie and with Aria's hormones all over the place, we headed to our bedroom to sleep.


The clock read when Aria shook me to consciousness and felt a puddle of goo just below Aria's legs.

"Is that-"

"Yes, now call the damn hospital and text everyone who cares because these twins are going out already!" Aria screams partly in releasing her pain and in frustration because she just probably woke up.

I rushed to the washroom to get the 'baby bag' as Aria aptly named it full with basic necessities. When I went back to the room, she was up in her feet.

"Don't stand up, I'll carry you to the car." I demanded and she just huffed out a breath.

I was practically breaking all the traffic laws that's written down in every goddamn constitution but hell, Aria's having her contractions are 7 minutes apart already which is very fast for someone who's pregnant.

"Can you still walk?" I asked her and she nodded, her face beet red from the pain. A familiar nurse gave a wheel chair and ran to the maternity ward. Nurse Eli!

"Good luck, son." She wished us well and left the ward.

"Please get us in a room immediately." I requested and the nurse's fingers flew and typed in a very fast manner.

"Nurse Amanda report to MR 357." The nurse shouted from her desk and a blonde nurse emerged from the nurse kiosk and wheeled Aria into a room and helped her lay down on the bed.

"Is Dr. Patrick Smith on call?" I asked because I know that Aria will be comfortable around him and besides, he'll be one of the godparents so I think that's okay.

"If you're Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald then yes. He told us that if ever someone calls for him and they're the couple, we can call him." The nurse said in boredom and I almost snapped at her rude attitude.

"Then call him now."

- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -

"I see the last baby's head!" Dr. Patrick exclaimed meanwhile Aria held my hand in a deathly like grip. I swear, the blood circulation in my hand stopped.

The first baby is the baby boy, Alex Fitzgerald and now we're about to see Elicia, the baby girl.

"One last, big push Aria, you can do this!" He encouraged and with all her might, she squeezed my hand and broke all my hand but that doesn't come close to the pain that she's going through right now so I didn't mind it.

"And we have a baby girl!"

13. Give birth to twins.

13 down, none to go.

Mission accomplished.


A/N: aaaand Aria's bucket list is accomplished but this book isn't over yet! :D

This is the last update before school starts (which is 5 hours from now) and that means updates will vary but I'll update one or twice a week! Local time in my country is 3 in the morning so this is kinda short because I wanted to update before school starts! hehe

In many countries such as US and my country, Philippines, we celebrated Father's Day yesterday so I just want to greet all your fathers for being your big man and giving you love gm that you deserve. 'Father' doesn't only mean your biological father but to all the possible people who can be your father figure (i.e uncle, grandpa, stepdad) because I also grew up with the love of my stepdad whom isn't actually a blood relative but even if I'm not his real daughter, he considered me one and nurtured me to the person I am right now and for that, I'm very grateful. :)

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there!

(And wish me luck because my school will start already which is equivalent to sleepless nights and stress overload. haha!)

Check out my other book, "The Infamous Billionaire" because if you don't.......... Let's just say Slenderman will cuddle with you(?) SORRY IM MEAN HAHAHHA but rlly, check it out! ;)

Vote, comment, fan and share!

Kat xo

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