Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas...

By magcon_lover10

356K 5.2K 1.4K

A 17 year old girl is constantly being beat by her foster parents. She has finally had enough and leaves earl... More

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story)
About me
The Beating
Staying With Khaleah
The Letter & Tweet
New Boyfriend Old Boyfriend
Swing Out
Packing Up For Magcon
The Long Drive To TN
Meeting Cam and Matt
Meeting The Rest
The Dream And To The Mall
Acting Fast and Hospital
Trying And Fights
Waking Up
Meeting My Real Parents
Couple Or Nah?
Seeing An Old Friend
Prank Time
Its All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Thrown Out Of A Window
Pregnancy Scares
Last Days Together
Waking Up
Catching Up
Date Night
Old Friend
I'm Alright
Meet Up With Cam
Waking Up (NOT THE END!)
Bog Plans
Stay With Me
You Can't
Cutter Cutter Peanut Butter
Date Night
The Wedding
The House
Depressing State
I'm Sorry
Pregnant but No Hope Left
Everyone Visits
Mental Hospital

Officialy Friends

9.1K 142 38
By magcon_lover10

Cameron's Pov.

In the elevator stood Khaleah and Jc making out. Haley and I looked at each other then at them. "Eh em" Haley said pretending to cough. They stopped and looked at her.

"I thought you were asleep?" Haley asked Khaleah. "I just put a bunch of pillows under the blanket." She said. We got into the elevator and they got out.

Haley's Pov.

"Have fun!" I screamed as Justin Castillo carried Khaleah down to there room. I laughed and shook my head at them.

Cameron pressed the button and the doors closed. I just closed my eyes this Tim and stood in Cameron's arms. His arms were wrapped around me.

The doors opened again and we walked out. There were barely any fans in there so Cameron took pictures and signed autographs.

I stood by the door waiting for him. One o the fans slipped me a note. I looked at the folded price of paper and put it into my back pocket.

Cameron walked up to me and asked "What was that?" "nothing" I replied. We walked out of the hotel and to his car. "Can I drive?" I asked.

He tossed me the keys and got in the passengers side. I got into the drivers side and started the car. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the road. I took a right and then a left.

I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. I parked the car further away from the doors. "Why you park so far away?" Cameron asked.

"Because we need the exercise!" I said pulling the key out of the ignition. I put the keys into my purse and unlocked the car.

We got out and walked in to McDonalds. He held the door open for me. When we got inside we walked to the register. The girls eyes widened. "Your Cameron Dallas!" she screeched.

Her voice was high pitched so I had to plug my ears. Cameron I guess was used to it. I opened my eyes and unplugged my ears.

Cameron stood there smiling. "Hey Cam?" I asked "hmm" he hummed. "What's good?" I asked. He stopped signing the autograph and looked at me.

I got a glare from the girl who was taking our order. "We'll take 2 plain double cheese burgers and a large fry with one of your large Reese's flurry" he said to the register lady handing her the signed photo of Cameron.

She smiled and wrung our food up. The total was $12.36 Cameron handed her a $20 bill and told her to keep the change.

She put the bill into the cash register and handed us out tray. Cameron picked up the tray and walked to the very back. We sat at the last table.

Cameron handed me the burger. I unwrapped it as he u wrapped his and took a bite. "This is HUGE!" I told him looking at it. He laughed at me.

"Like this" he said taking my cheese burger and putting it in to my mouth. I took a bite and giggled at him. He laughed with me.

"So what's your favorite color?" he asked taking another bite. "Blue what about you?" "Blue and green" he responded. "Your turn" he said eating a fry.

"What so you like to do for fun?" I asked. "Hmm idk a lot hang out make videos a bunch of stuff. You?" I had to think about this. "Pretty mic the same. Uh I like to draw and sing. Stuff like that."

We had sat there for an hour getting to know each other better. We kept laughing an giggling. I fed him some of the flurry and then he fed me some. I kept getting all these glares from the register girl.

Cameron took another bite of his burger. I started to laugh and pointed at his face. "You you!" I began bit couldn't finish because I was laughing to much.

"What?" he asked. I just stood up and grabbed a napkin. I wiped his face and then put the napkins back on the tray. "You had some ketchup." I said giggling. "Oh" he said finishing his burger.

We got up and Cameron picked up the tray. He walked to the trash can and threw it away as I waited by the door. He came back over to the door and held it open bowing like I was a queen.

I walked and he followed behind me. He opened the car door for me and I got in. He shut the door walking over to the drivers side. I didn't feel like driving so he drove us back to the hotel.

He parked far away from the main entrance. "Why'd you park so far away?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "We need the exercise." I smiled at him.

Khaleahs Pov.

Jc and I were making out in my room. Lets just say things got pretty heated pretty fast. Our lips moved in sync fast.

He laid me down on the bed. He crawled on top of me. He hovered over me while we were still kissing. My hands wrapped around the back of his neck.

He broke the kiss and took off his shirt. Then back to my lips. He was hungry for me. I could tell by the way he was kissing me.

Alli's Pov.

All the boys except for Jc and Cameron were hanging out with me in there room. We were basically having a party. There was alcohol bottles everywhere. Empty and full.

I took a drink of the tequila Matt had in his hand. "HEY!" He shouted at me. I laughed at him taking another drink. None of us were in our right state of minds. Not even Hayes.

We were all drunk including Hayes. "PARTAYYYY!" Hayes yelled. "If mom finds out were screwed!" Nash said to Hayes. Hayes just passed out on the couch.

I laughed and danced with Matt. His front against my back. We were basically grinding each other. I was having a blast.

Cameron's Pov.

We sat in the car for about 5 minuets just looking out into the streets of Nashville. "So..." she said breaking the awkward silence.

I looked at her and she looked at me. We smiled at each other. "I think we should head inside." I suggested. "Ok" she said getting out of the car.

We walked into the hotel and we used the stairs for exercise this time. We raced up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Unfortunately she won.

"I'm to tired can we take the elevator now?" she whined. I shook my head. "Nope" I said popping the 'p'. "Aww carry me" she said sitting down and lifting her arms up.

"Fine" I turned around and she jumped on my back. I carried he true rest of the way up. I went through the door that separated the stairs and the hall.

I carried her down the hall and into the room. We walked in laughing at the joke I had just told. We both looked at the bed Jc and Khaleah were on.

"Well then" I said loud enough so they could hear. They stopped and looked at us. "Right we were just uh and that's how you make out!" Jc said getting off of Khaleah. I cocked an eyebrow at them as they walked passed us out the door.

"Well then that was-" Haley finished my sentence for me "awkward" she said. I nodded and threw her on the bed. "Ok well I'm gonna go sleep in my ro-" I began. "NO" She said.

"Hehe I mean stay pwease I can tell you what my dream was about that one night" she begged. "Ok" I said laying next to her on the bed.

"Ok well my mom got pregnant when she was 13 so she put me into and adoption place. That didn't work out so I got put into a foster home. I've been staying with these people for 2 years. Well I finally had enough and left. I left because they beat me and they I was abused. And now I live with Khaleah." She explained almost crying.

I held her in my arms and rocked her a little my eyes turned soft. This was terrible news. I just wanted to hold her like this forever and tell her it'll be okay.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea." I said stroking her hair. "It's ok" she snuffled. "So like did you ever take this to court?" I asked. She nodded. "I tried but nothing worked they never believed me" I became upset. It's like I was feeling what she had felt.

"Anyway lets go hang out with everyone else" she said switching subjects. "Ok" I nodded getting off the bed. Her and I walked out of the hotel room and down the hall hearing music.

The music grew louder as we got closer. The music was blaring as we stood outside my hotel room door.

Matt's Pov.

Alli and I were basically grinding each other while dancing at the same time. We were sharing a bottle of tequila. I held the bottle in my left hand while my right hand was on her waist.

We had music blaring and alcohol everywhere. Jc and Khaleah were in the back bedroom doing god knows what. The door opened and the music stopped.

We all stopped. "Oh it's just Cameron and his girl friend" I said turning the music back on and dancing. Everyone continued to dance.

"The hell?!?" Haley said walking in. Cameron was right behind her. Taylor tossed Haley a beer. "You drink?" he asked her. She looked at him wide eyed. She shook her head no vigorously.

"Your no fun" Taylor slurred at her. He threw the empty bottle against the wall and it broke. She started backing up. She had fear in her eyes.

She backed up into Cameron.

Haley's Pov.

I backed up into Cameron. I flinched. It was reminding me of my mom. It felt like everyone was alone. I started crying. I turned around and hugged Cameron tightly. "MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed at Cameron.

I hugged him tighter. I squeezed him. I was afraid they were going to hurt me like my mom did. I squeezed my eyes shut and and buried my head into his chest and sobbed.

Cameron's Pov.

"HEYYYYY!" I screams at the top of my lungs. Everyone stopped. Everyone froze. Haley was breathing heavily into my chest. "Guys clean up" I said.

"Why? Just relax and have a dri-" Taylor began but I cut him off. "NOW" I screamed to everyone. I could be mean if I wanted to be. I walked over to the kitchen area.

This place was like a house. I reached under the sink and grabbed trash bags. Haley followed close behind. I walked back into the living area and set the bags down.

"When I come back in 20 minuets I want this place to be spotless." I said sternly. Everyone obeyed and started cleaning.

I walked out of the room with Haley. We stop in the hallway for a second as she tried ?o quit crying. "I just want to go home" she sobbed.

"Hey it'll be ok. It reminded you of ya know didn't it." I said hugging her. She nodded. "I'm here ok shhh" I rubbed her back. "Thanks Cam your like my best friend now. Except for Khaleah. Your my best guy friend." She said.

Guy friend. What if I wanted to be more than friends?

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