Thirteen Reasons Why (Ezria f...

By katrinaasalvador

178K 3.6K 736

A is finished. No, A is not Mona nor Lucas. Not CeCe nor Alison. Not Toby nor Spencer. And no, it’s not Ezra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Cheesy moments with Ezria
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
another meep
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Christmas chapter!
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
last meep of the story
v important meep

Chapter 19

3.9K 67 21
By katrinaasalvador

Dedicated to @Starabby! :)


Since I'll be going back to work in Hollis today after my almost a three-month off from school with pay, which I'm grateful for, Aria told me that she'll just stay in her parents' house for the day with the girls.

Emily, Spencer and Hanna was off from school since it's Rosewood High School's Foundation Day so they didn't have to go to school and they're going to crash at Aria's parents' house to help her plan for our wedding.

Our wedding.

I still feel like all of what's happening around me is just a never-ending dream I don't want to wake up from. Getting engaged to Aria was probably the best thing I've ever done in my whole life so far.

I'm so thankful that the dean of Hollis didn't have seconds thoughts of helping me through financial support especially through the rough patch that Aria and I are going through and will be going through.

"Ms. Montgomery, I'm sorry to say this but you have to stop your schooling now. It will add too much stress and the fact that you're pregnant with an illness, it's a very huge risk so I advise you that you should stop." Dr. Patrick Smith said during our last visit to him. Aria didn't like the news and it was very hard for everyone to convince her that stopping her schooling was probably the best thing she could do during her pregnancy since she was so hard-headed. At the end though, she still gave in.

Bryon almost shat bricks when we told him the news since he didn't want her to stop since she is the first child and only daughter so he wants her to be a rolemodel to Mike because Aria is his idol. Ella, on the other hand, is willing to do anything as long as Aria is safe and happy. The girls took it very hard, though. I understand since they will lose another best friend in school which is very hard to take on for them.

But for now, I gotta focus on making money for Aria and our growing family.

- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -

(Aria's POV)

"What's the wedding motif colors?" Hanna asked excitedly, she's practically jumping up and down. Her being the fashionista, she'll probably help me looking for dresses, not only my gown but theirs too.

"Mint green and blue. It's so calming." I said and she nods.

"Ar, you probably don't need a wedding planner anymore since I think Han is enough of a handful." Emily said and Spencer laughed cynically, mocking Hanna.

"Hell yes, and it's for free!" Hanna bargained and I smiled at them. I'll really miss them and without doubt, they'll miss me too. We've been through together a lot and we already lost Alison and we coped with it. It's not easy and we're not fully recovered and then now, I'm the next in line with my terminal illness. Two deaths in one group of best friends is bad enough.

"What kind of wedding do you want anyway?" Hanna asked and I think of all the possibilities but of course, one thought dominated.

"In a Church." I immediately replied. I want to be in a sanctity where our lifelong vows would be said because I might not be religious but God was there for not only me but for everyone ever since our first days and for me, this is the only way I could thank Him. Entrusting my wedding with Ezra.

"The reception could be at my backyard. It's big enough, right?" Spencer suggested and I nodded, knowing we could do wonders in her backyard. (A/N: Pic at the side on how I envision the reception would be! :D)

"Okay, noted! The Church, then Spencer's backyard for reception, and motif. We need the guest list, the invitation, flower arrangements, food catering, sound system, light and video production people-"

"Calm down, bridezilla!" Spencer said and we all ended up laughing. It's like it's Hanna's wedding she's planning. I'm okay with it though because I really need some help because I have no idea at all.

"Let's start with the guest list, then. Oh by the way, you know you guys are the bridesmaids, right?" I asked them and they nodded in unison.

"Of course, Ar! If you won't make us maids of honor, we'll probably chop your head off anyway!" Emily joked and we were in hysterics again.

The guest list was really short though for it consisted only my family, Wesley, Ezra's brother is invited because I forced him to make him the best man,  the girls' family, Mona Vanderwaal, Lucas Gottesman, Paige McCullers, Caleb Rivers, Toby Cavanaugh, Jason DiLaurentis, Wren Kingston, and of course, Malcolm Cutler.


Best Man: Wesley Fitzgerald

Maid of Honor: Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields

Ring bearer: Malcolm Cutler

Bible bearer: Mike Montgomery

"And now for the flower arrangements." Hanna said. Spencer was using her laptop for the things we needed to plan so she opened Safari.

We looked for flowers with meanings related to love and came up with two flowers: red tulips symbolizing perfect love and of course, red roses for eternal love. I just nodded in agreement since I can't think straight anymore because I'm hungry and craving for some chicken noodle soup and pickles.

"Lucas could lead the light, sound and video production for the wedding and he'd do it for free and he'd be honored." Hanna said and I wasn't listening anymore since I was rummaging around the kitchen looking for canned chicken noodle soup. And pickles. Alas, there isn't any pickles so I called Ezra.

"Hello?" Ezra answered, a bit panicky. She giggled because she knows that he was thinking that something was wrong.

"Hello, Ezy!" Aria greeted and she knows that he's now smiling because Ezra smiles when she says that nickname.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked.

"I am in dire need of some pickles, honey." I mewl seductively, hoping that he'll buy me some because Ezra is still following the list of what I should and shouldn't eat.

"Anything else, sweetheart?" He flirted back and I giggle like a high school girl. Well, technically I am but I stopped, remember?

"And a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!" I said, sighing with satisfaction because I was already imagining how it would taste like in my mouth. I heard Ezra chuckling at the other end of the phone. "You've got a problem with that, Ezra Fitz?" I sneered and he immediately stopped laughing.


I ended the call in irritation and when he called back, I ignored the call.

"Trouble in paradise?" Hanna teased and my frown got even deeper.

"Shut the heck up." I said and she stiffen. I don't usually curse but when I do, it's really bad.

"Okay, sorry! Damn pregnancy hormones." Hanna muttered and I curled my fists in annoyance.

"Um, Aria, calm down. Han thought it was funny, you know her, she has a warped sense of humor." Spencer said, thinking rather radically.

"I'm sorry, it's just that-that my hormones are all over the place and-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because I ended up crying.

"Woah, woah, Ar!" Emily said and hugged me, trying to comfort me.

We heard footstops thump down the stairs and soon, Mike joined us.

"Hey sis, what happened?" Mike said worriedly. Ever since he knew about the illness and my pregnancy, he became really overprotective and I find it cute.

"Nothing, just leave. Girl stuff." Hanna shooed him away and he didn't listen. He pulled me into a hug and cradled my head in his neck.

"Whatever's the reason why you're crying, I hope you'll get over it." Mike soothed and I bit my lip, desperate to stop myself from crying.

"S-sorry about that. I didn't even know why I'm crying." I apologized and they just smiled at me.

"Hormones?" Mike asked and I just nodded, wiping my tears in his shirtbut he didn't mind.

"By the way, you should all look out for Aria, I have basketball practice and I'll play lacrosse with them later. I'll be back by seven. Need or want anything?" Mike said as he grabbed his equipments. I never really liked watching my little brother play lacrosse since I didn't get the mechanics of the game but sometimes I go to his basketball practice.

"I need tampons." I said and he stood there and shifted from foot to foot in awkwardness. The girls laughed behind me as they saw Mike's reaction.

"Anything else?"

"I was kidding, Mickey Mouse. But you have to bring me Snickers or some chocolates with nuts." I said, laughing because for obvious reasons, Mike was scared buying tampons. He's a guy after all.

"I'll be heading out now. Bye, girls. Bye, Ar." Mike said and opened the door.

"I love you, Mikey boo!" I shouted and he shook his head laughing at the nickname I used to call him when we were kids.

"You too, Ar."

                       After Hanna called Lucas asking if he could lead the light, sound and video production for the wedding, he gladly accepted it and would like to meet tomorrow at Rosewood High School. I'll also go because I wanted to watch my baby brother play basketball against another school.

I heard Ezra's car pull over in front of the house and I immediately frowned at the thought. He better have the things I was craving for. When he opened the door with paper bags, I grinned at him goofily and he smiled back.

"Am I forgiven yet? I'm sorry for laughing at you like that, really." Ezra said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Let me see the things you bought and if they're complete." I ordered and he handed it to me in compliance.

Pickles. Check.

Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Check.

When I dug deeper though, I found more treats. I feel my mouth water at the sight.

A bar of toblerone, a pack of small Cadbury's and a giant bar of Hershey's! I love this guy to bits.

"I love you!" I screamed as I hugged him and he just chuckled.

"Oh, chocolates, Ben & Jerry's, and pickles! 8 calories for the pickles, Ben & Jerry's has 270, all those chocolate are like around 950 plus so you've got a total of 1, 233, Aria!" Hanna admonished and I got so mad at her and threw the Hershey's bar at her stomach.

"You don't count my calories when I'm pregnant, okay?" I screamed in frustration and opened the tub of Ben & Jerry's and ate it in front of her.

"Do you want some, Ezy?" I asked him as I plopped down the couch and he opened his mouth, hoping to get a piece of Heaven but I denied him.

"Tasty." I teased and stuck my tongue out. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"I could always buy my own, you know." Ezra said and I threw a death glare on his way.

"If you buy and won't give me some, you'll end up sleeping in the doghouse." I warned him and he shrugged.

"I won't take my chances, then. Besides, I love you enough that even if I buy that for myself, I'll just give it to you and our baby." He said cheekily and I blushed.

"Uh, hello? We're still here." Hanna said and I think my cheeks are redder than ever before.

"When will you start showing? I'm excited to see your bump already." Ezra whined and I look at Spencer, asking her if she knows the answer.

"Two-three months. Your miscarriage risks are very high during the first semester so you better be careful, too, short stuff." Spencer informed and I just hugged her, telling her how much her intelligence is helpful.

"We'll be heading off now, it's getting late and we still have to go to school tomorrow. See ya tom!" Hanna bid farewell and I kissed their cheeks as one by one left the house. We were gonna head out too if Ella or Byron arrives.

"Ezy, haven't you seen dad?" I asked while he was still heating some food for us.

"He's in an urgent meeting with the administration so he'll be late. Ella would probably go home first. Where's Mike, by the way?" Ezra asked as he prepares water for the both of us. It sucks since Dr. Smith told me that I can't drink coffee since caffeine is bad for the baby. Nine months without coffee is torture!

"Went out to have his basketball and lacrosse training. Speaking of, I'll go pass by Rosewood High tomorrow for his game and to visit Lucas and the girls. Lucas will be the one who will lead the light, sound and video production in our wedding. He also said he was honored too and we don't need to pay him. Han volunteered to be the wedding planner." I explained and he just listened.

Soon, my parents arrived together with Mike and I told them the wedding plans so far and they were all happy that we actually finished everything today because most brides would probably take a whole month just preparing. The clothes are the only ones we need and the whole thing will be perfect.

I felt like life is so perfect and that I didn't have a terminal illness. I feel like a normal bride-to-be.

And I hope that would be maintained until the wedding day.


A/N: Wow I've been updating every single day every since Monday! :D I'm not trying to rush but I'm just so excited because I finished the whole FINAL storyline today and I can't wait to write it! Since summer is about to end (well, here in my country anyway lol), my goal is to end it before that because my updates won't be constant but of course, I'd still give time to write. :)

And with all the comments and messages I've been receiving, I'm so motivated to the max because it makes me so delighted to see your feedbacks! So far, only one person dislikes this story so I hope you still all like how I'm writing it!

Also, I've started dedicating chapters to people from Chapter 11 so check it out! Maybe I dedicated a chapter to you! ;) From now on, I'll start to answer any question that I wanna answer from my messages. (Just one though so sorry if I don't answer yours! :( )

Q: Please dont let aria die thats so harsh of you ):

A: Well, dear, John Green killed Gus from TFIOS and Alaska from Looking for Alaska so..........HAHAHA jk! If you think I'll kill Aria well, maybe... ;)

Check out my other story, "The Infamous Billionaire" and give it some love by voting, commenting and reading it!


Love yas, pretty liars!

Kat xo

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