Taking a Bite Out of the Moons

By txdramalover

536K 37.9K 6.7K

Wayo is a simple human boy trapped in a lonely little world, until he makes friends with Ming and Forth, were... More

CH 1: Bullies Suck
CH 2: Making New Friends
CH 3: No. More.
CH 4: The Mausoleum
CH 5: All Alone
CH 6: Sticking Close
CH 7: Visitors
CH 8: We Have an Understanding
CH 9: Coming to Visit
CH 10: Dinner with the Pack
CH 11: Pack House Sleepover
CH 12: A Series of Firsts
The Rules: Taking a Bite Out of the Moons AU
CH 13: Explanations
CH 14: Time to Go Home
CH 15: Birthdays and Mates
CH 16: Going to College
CH 17: Mouthwatering
CH 18: Neighbors
CH 19: Worry, Frustration & Pink Milk
CH 20: My Friends?
CH 21: Breakfast with Wolves
CH 22: Dirty Laundry with Kit
CH 23: Staking His Claim
CH 24: Lunch with Vampires
CH 25: Movie & Dinner with Wolves
CH 26: Here's a Mate, There's a Mate
CH 27: Help Us
CH 28: Fairy Angel Gang
CH 29: A Howl in the Night
CH 30: Tell Me Everything
CH 31: Competition Meeting
CH 32: Jumping to Conclusions
CH 33: Blue/Green Fire
CH 34: Half-Blood
CH 35: Addicted
CH 36: Judgy Much?
CH 37: Picking an Outfit
CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P1 - MingxKit)
CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P2 - ForthxBeam)
CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P3 - PhaxYo)
CH 39: Species Change
CH 39 Ext: Mom's Letter
CH 40: No Escape for You (Part 1)
CH 40: No Escape for You (Part 2)
CH 41: The Competition
CH 42: Good Enough to Eat
CH 44: Actually, You Kissed Me
CH 45: I'm a Yo-Yo
CH 46: Family Visit
CH 47: The Bite
CH 48: Clubs & Drugs
CH 49: Hospital & Meeting His Family
CH 50: What's the Big Deal
CH 51: He Did Not Flirt with Me
CH 52: Dinner with the Fam
CH 53: Claiming My Kitkat (Part 1)
CH 53: Claiming My Kitkat (Part 2)
CH 54: Let's Make a Deal
CH 55: Planning to Tell Them
CH 56: When?!?
CH 57: Heart and Body Will Know (Part 1)
CH 57: Heart and Body Will Know (Part 2)
CH 58: Avoidance
CH 59: Let's Hug it Out
CH 60: Decisions
CH 61: Finding a Clue
CH 62: Who is Park
CH 63: Edge of Disaster
CH 64: The Plan (Part 1)
CH 64: The Plan (Part 2)
CH 65: To the Hospital We Go
CH 66: No Contradictions Allowed
CH 67: Soul-Bonding & Park's Life
CH 68: Epilogue: 103 Years Later

CH 43: Deja Vu

6.4K 451 68
By txdramalover


Almost three weeks have passed since actual school started now, and I feel like I am finally settling into a groove. It took a bit of extra work to catch up from the time spent on the competition, but now I feel like I'm at the same level as everyone else.

When you tell people you're majoring in music, they think your school life is filled with fun and games, and that you're sitting around composing and playing music all day long. However, in reality, I still have classes like math, science and history that I have to attend and homework for them I have to complete.

It's Thursday and thankfully I'm finally done with classes for the day. Ming and Forth said they'd give me a ride back to the dorm, so I'm heading out to wait for them now. I'm walking through the hall and when I finally reach the front of the building I step out onto the landing and see the guys walking towards me from the parking lot. I wave to let them know I see them and they give me a wave back.

As I move forward to walk down the stairs, I feel something strike me from behind strong enough to make me lose my balance and send me tumbling down.



What the fuck just happened?!? Yo stopped to wave at us as he was coming out of his faculty building and the next thing, he was falling down the flight of stairs in front of him.

I feel my stomach drop and a crazy sense of déjà vu steals over me, as Forth and I take off running to Yo's side. I scan the area while Forth looks Yo over, but it's probably too late. I should have done it right when it happened, I was just too shocked to think about it.

Forth picks Yo up and carries him to the SUV. "Get in!" he yells at me. I climb into the back seat and he lays Yo back there with me, so I can hold onto him while he drives. Less than 10 minutes later we are at an emergency clinic and they are checking Yo out in one of the screened off areas, while Forth and I nervously await word.

"P'Forth, what the hell? That was almost the exact same thing that happened three years ago. How did he fall? I didn't see anyone push him, but I didn't look around immediately after he fell."

"I saw someone behind him, but I didn't get a good look at them. And you're right it was similar, almost too similar to be a coincidence."

"Oh shit, shouldn't we call Pha. You know he's going to flip out when he gets to the dorm and Yo isn't there and he can't get ahold of him."

"Yeah, I'll take care of it. Stay here while I go outside and call him. I'll be right back."



I'm pulling up in the parking lot of the dorm when my phone starts ringing. I look down and see it's Forth calling. "Ai'Forth, hello. How's it going?"

"Ai'Pha... look, I need to tell you something and I need you to stay calm, ok?" Forth sounds hesitant and stressed out.

"What's the matter?" I question getting nervous.

"We're at the emergency clinic with Yo, he..."

I interrupt immediately, "WHAT? Why? What happened?"

"Calm down and I'll tell you!" Forth yells at me. "Someone pushed Yo down the stairs in the front of his faculty building. He's being checked out right now, but he was unconscious when we brought him in. You should probably come here. I will send you the address."

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. Why would anyone hurt Yo?

"Ai'Pha? Pha! Are you coming?"

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and try to concentrate, "Yes, I'm coming. Send me the address." I say then disconnect the call. As soon as I receive Forth's text, I'm back on the road on the way to the clinic.

When I arrive, I see Forth standing outside waiting for me. He explains exactly what happened again and what he saw, then we walk into the clinic to wait for word on Yo.



I'm standing here in front of my dorm tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for Ming. He was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago to pick me up for dinner and I'm getting irritated that he's late. I'm also getting a little worried, because he's never late. He's always early for our dates. I finally give in and dial his number.

"Hello, P'Kit, hang on just a second, let me walk outside." He says then I hear him mumble, "... be back... P'Kit... yes, I'll tell..."

When he finally comes back on the line, I ask him where he is, and he explains what happened.

"P'Kit, I'm sorry I missed our date. I completely forgot with having to rush to the clinic, and Pha is here now and he's freaking out, and Forth and I are kind of at a loss of what to do."

Now I feel like a jerk for being upset about him being late, "N'Ming, tell me where you are, and I'll come there. I can probably help with Pha at least."

"Thank you, P'Kit, that would be good. I'll text you the address, ok?"

"Ok, see you soon." When he hangs up I immediately call Beam and let him know what happened and where everyone is.



After Kit's call, he picked me up and we drove to the clinic. We're on our way in now. I spot Forth, Ming and Pha talking to a doctor as we walk up to join them.

"...concussion, but he is awake. He symptoms right now include headache, nausea, dizziness, and a small lack of coordination. He needs rest for a few days and should probably be monitored tonight. If his symptoms worsen or new ones appear, he should be brought back here immediately for treatment."

"When can I see him?" Pha asks.

"I'll have one of the nurses bring you back in just a few minutes." He looks our group over and nods his head at all of us, then leaves.

We huddle up and Pha turns to Forth, "Are you sure you didn't get a good...?"

"Damn it Pha! I already told you ten times, I didn't! Do you think I would still be here if I had? No. I wouldn't be. I would be hunting someone down right now." Forth growls out. He is pissed, and his eyes are flashing between his brown and his wolf's gold.

"I'm just asking, alright! I'm upset, and I don't know what to do and we don't know who did this and I can't fucking think right now, alright! So, cut me some slack!" Pha fires back and his eyes are starting to glow red now too.

Kit and I step into the breech and try to calm the situation. Kit takes Pha and pulls him away to talk while I pull Forth outside.

"You need to calm down, Forth. I'm not taking Pha's side here, but the two of you arguing right now is not helping Yo."

"I know," he says as he starts pacing and taking deep breaths. "Beam, you weren't there, you didn't see it. Watching him get pushed down those stairs and knowing I couldn't do anything to stop it was awful. It was like when we were kids. The exact same thing happened three years ago. I never thought I would have to watch something like that again."

"We'll figure this out, ok? Maybe we can get the security tapes and see if they caught anything or maybe there was someone else nearby who might have seen something. No matter what though you need to calm down. It's not just you who's angry about this alright. You're not here alone, we're all upset and we'll work together to figure out what happened."

Forth had stopped in his tracks to look at me at some point while I was talking. When I finish he walks over and wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder, "Thank you, Beam."



I woke up about 15 minutes ago with hospital staff hovering around me. I feel confused about why I'm here, but when the doctor starts asking questions it comes back to me.

I was pushed. Down the stairs. Again. If someone was going to start bullying me again, couldn't they have picked something original. I've already been there and done that.

I ask who brought me in and the nurse describes both Forth and Ming. Then she goes on to tell me about the other hunk who joined them just a few minutes ago. Crap, someone called Pha. I ask when I can see my friends and the doctor says he is going out to talk to them now, and he'll have a nurse bring them back after that.

It's not long before Pha comes running around the curtain and is immediately at my side checking me over himself. "Are you ok? How do you feel? What hurts? Do you need anything? Did you see who pushed you? Does the light hurt your eyes? What can I do to help?"

The questions are pouring out of his mouth too fast for me to answer, so I just sit quietly and smile at him until he runs out of breath, and stops to actually look at me.

This man keeps stealing pieces of my heart. Every time I turn around he steals another piece. I can't seem to guard myself against him, not that I'm really trying too.

"I'm glad you're here P'Pha." I say, and he calms enough to kiss my forehead and sit in the chair beside me.



"You were almost caught."

"No, I wasn't. Not even close."

"What did you hope to accomplish by doing that?"

"Well, I was hoping he'd die." I say as I chuckle.

"Stop joking about killing him." They say in a serious voice. "Someone is going to hear you and unlike me, they might take you seriously."

Too bad you don't understand I am serious I think, or maybe it's better you don't understand that yet.

"I know you want to hurt him, but this is a bad idea. And why do it in front of his friends? It's just going to put them all on guard, and you're going to get caught."

"That's ok, I'll just have to be more careful. This time I saw an opportunity and couldn't resist. Next time, I'll plan it out to make sure it's perfect, but I'm going to need your help."

"Look, I told you not to drag me into your crazy plans."

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm trying to keep you out of trouble."

"Then you need to help me"

"I don't think this is a good idea. Can't we go home? I don't want to be here any longer."

"No, I think I'm going to be here a while. I'm having fun. Besides, it can't be too fast, that would be too easy. I want to see him suffer." Then I want to see him die, I think to myself.  



So, I know a lot of you were hoping for a continuation of Forth's and Beam's date, but you should also know by now how much I enjoy teasing ya'll...   ;-P  

They'll be back soon though,so don't freak out!   :-]

So, drama starting in this chapter and a new 'Unknown POV'. Thoughts about who it could be??

Hope you enjoyed it! Se ya tomorrow!

12.15.2017   8:24 am   US CST

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