Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas...

By magcon_lover10

355K 5.2K 1.4K

A 17 year old girl is constantly being beat by her foster parents. She has finally had enough and leaves earl... More

Dating Him (A Cameron Dallas Story)
About me
The Beating
Staying With Khaleah
The Letter & Tweet
New Boyfriend Old Boyfriend
Swing Out
Packing Up For Magcon
Meeting Cam and Matt
Meeting The Rest
The Dream And To The Mall
Officialy Friends
Acting Fast and Hospital
Trying And Fights
Waking Up
Meeting My Real Parents
Couple Or Nah?
Seeing An Old Friend
Prank Time
Its All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Thrown Out Of A Window
Pregnancy Scares
Last Days Together
Waking Up
Catching Up
Date Night
Old Friend
I'm Alright
Meet Up With Cam
Waking Up (NOT THE END!)
Bog Plans
Stay With Me
You Can't
Cutter Cutter Peanut Butter
Date Night
The Wedding
The House
Depressing State
I'm Sorry
Pregnant but No Hope Left
Everyone Visits
Mental Hospital

The Long Drive To TN

9.6K 171 32
By magcon_lover10

Haley's Pov.

I got home at 3 PM. I ran into the house. We were running an hour late. "CRAP" Alli yelled grabbing her bags. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE LET'S GO!" I yelled to them.

"We're taking my car" I said to Alli. I popped the trunk for Alli. She put her bags into the trunk and came back into the house. She helped Khaleah and I put our bag Ito the trunk as well.

It took us a second but we managed to get it all in. Alli sat in the back and Khaleah sat in the front while I drove. I started the car and suddenly I get a call.

"God damn it" I sighed answering it.



"Who is this?"




"How'd you get my number?"

"I know people"

"Oh my god this is like like I don't know I'm speechless"

"Well don't be because I need to ask you something"

"And what's that?"

"Will you go with me to The mall when you get here"

"Ok but why?"

"Because I don't know what to wear for Magcon"

"Oh ok and sure"

"Ok beautiful talk to you later?"

"Yea and how do you know if I'm beautiful or not and you know we just met right sooo...."

"Well we've been talking for 3 months and you've sent me lots of pictures"

"Oh yea well I gtg I've got a long drive ahead of me and yea"

"Ok we'll see ya in like 12 hours"

"Yea bye"


And with that I hung up. "Who was that?" Alli asked. "Your never going to believe this but that was the one and only Cameron Dallas!" I shrieked.

"NO WAY" Alli and Khaleah said in unison. I nodded smiling like and idiot. "AHHHH!!!!" Khaleah screamed. "I Know I know!" I replied.

"You lucky son of a bitch" Alli said. I just smiled. Khaleah was looking at our tickets when she widened her eyes. I glanced at her confused.

"Haley" she said slowly. "What? what happened?" I asked panicked afraid something happened to our tickets.

"This isn't just Magcon" she said starting to grin. "This is Digi Fest!" She screeched. "What but that's in London?!?!?" I was totally confused.

"LOOK!" she shouted. God lots if screaming. I glanced and saw it. 'Digi Fest Ticket' I had a huge grin on my face. We weren't only gonna meet Magcon.

We were going to meet Magcon, O2l, Brent, etc. By now we were all freaking out. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I yelled and we all laughed.

I turned on the radio and started channel surfing. "Here" Khaleah said plugging in my phone. "Did you get Bluetooth audio?" She asked.

"Hellz yea" I said setting up my phone to Bluetooth audio. I clicked a few buttons and my music started playing. The first song was 'Made In The USA' by Demi Lovato.

We sang the whole song. We were blaring the music loud as we drove along.

I sped up trying to make us get there faster. You gotta love highways! "I'm hungry are you guys?" Alli asked. She's always hungry. I looked at her in my rear view mirror.

I laughed at her. "Ok we'll pull over." I said taking the closest rest exit. I turned left and drifted. "Where we gonna eat?" I asked "TACO BELL" Khaleah said pointing towards a Taco Bell.

I pulled in. "Hi I'd like 6 regular tacos with cheese lettuce and sour cream and 3 nachos." I said in a funny voice. I puts on my fake mustache an pulled out to the window.

"20.63 is you-" she faded when she saw my giant link fluffy mustache attached to my face. Alli and Khaleah were trying so hard not to laugh. "Keep the change" I said handing her a 20$ and a 1$.

I pulled up to the next window and peeked in. Everyone was laughing at me buy in a good way. They handed me the bags. I took them and handed them back to Alli.

She passed out the food while I drove out. I got back on the highway and started going again. We all ate our Taco Bell while listening to music and singing along.

The time went by slowly. I leaned my head back. I was tire but I wasn't stopping until we reached Nashville.

Alli was already snoring in the back loudly. We could hear her loud and clear. "Ill stay awake with you" Khaleah said. "Thanks" I replied.




I look over at Khaleah and she's sleeping. "Jesus 10 minuets ago you said you'd stay up with me you douche bag" I said to myself.





We had about another hour to go. "Fuck it" I said to myself. "I'm gonna make it in a half an hour." I said speeding up and passing people.

I got lost so I called Cameron.

"Hello?" He said in sleepy voice.

"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you up?"

"No your fine what's up?"

"Well my friends fell asleep and I got bored."

"Your driving the whole way?"


"Dude aren't you tired?"


"Pull over sleep"


"Your crazy"

"Ye I need your help"

"Ok what's up"

"I'm lost"

"Where are you"

"Right now I'm in...I don't know but Memphis is in 10 miles."

"Oh so you'll be here soon are close to an I-Hop?"

"Just passed it"

"Ok just run it straight through until you see a big church it'll be on the left. Turn right and that'll take you right to Nashville"


"No problem"

"Can I tell you something?"


"I feel like I've known you forever"

"Haha the feelings mutual its kinda weird"


"Ok big church just took a right"

"Cool so you'll be here in like 5 minuets"

"Yay I had to push it I was going 90 all the way here"

"Jesus slow down don get into an accident."

"Ok ok how's 55?"


"Ok jeez mom"

"Im going to sit in the lobby and wait for you" He laughed at my remark.

"Ok we'll I'm pulling in"

"Baby blue mustang convertible?"

"That's me!"

"Ok bye"


"Ohh your lovers here!"

I heard in the background before I hung up. I parked as close as I could to the doors. And there he was waiting.

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