Taking a Bite Out of the Moons

By txdramalover

538K 38K 6.7K

Wayo is a simple human boy trapped in a lonely little world, until he makes friends with Ming and Forth, were... More

CH 1: Bullies Suck
CH 2: Making New Friends
CH 3: No. More.
CH 4: The Mausoleum
CH 5: All Alone
CH 7: Visitors
CH 8: We Have an Understanding
CH 9: Coming to Visit
CH 10: Dinner with the Pack
CH 11: Pack House Sleepover
CH 12: A Series of Firsts
The Rules: Taking a Bite Out of the Moons AU
CH 13: Explanations
CH 14: Time to Go Home
CH 15: Birthdays and Mates
CH 16: Going to College
CH 17: Mouthwatering
CH 18: Neighbors
CH 19: Worry, Frustration & Pink Milk
CH 20: My Friends?
CH 21: Breakfast with Wolves
CH 22: Dirty Laundry with Kit
CH 23: Staking His Claim
CH 24: Lunch with Vampires
CH 25: Movie & Dinner with Wolves
CH 26: Here's a Mate, There's a Mate
CH 27: Help Us
CH 28: Fairy Angel Gang
CH 29: A Howl in the Night
CH 30: Tell Me Everything
CH 31: Competition Meeting
CH 32: Jumping to Conclusions
CH 33: Blue/Green Fire
CH 34: Half-Blood
CH 35: Addicted
CH 36: Judgy Much?
CH 37: Picking an Outfit
CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P1 - MingxKit)
CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P2 - ForthxBeam)
CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P3 - PhaxYo)
CH 39: Species Change
CH 39 Ext: Mom's Letter
CH 40: No Escape for You (Part 1)
CH 40: No Escape for You (Part 2)
CH 41: The Competition
CH 42: Good Enough to Eat
CH 43: Deja Vu
CH 44: Actually, You Kissed Me
CH 45: I'm a Yo-Yo
CH 46: Family Visit
CH 47: The Bite
CH 48: Clubs & Drugs
CH 49: Hospital & Meeting His Family
CH 50: What's the Big Deal
CH 51: He Did Not Flirt with Me
CH 52: Dinner with the Fam
CH 53: Claiming My Kitkat (Part 1)
CH 53: Claiming My Kitkat (Part 2)
CH 54: Let's Make a Deal
CH 55: Planning to Tell Them
CH 56: When?!?
CH 57: Heart and Body Will Know (Part 1)
CH 57: Heart and Body Will Know (Part 2)
CH 58: Avoidance
CH 59: Let's Hug it Out
CH 60: Decisions
CH 61: Finding a Clue
CH 62: Who is Park
CH 63: Edge of Disaster
CH 64: The Plan (Part 1)
CH 64: The Plan (Part 2)
CH 65: To the Hospital We Go
CH 66: No Contradictions Allowed
CH 67: Soul-Bonding & Park's Life
CH 68: Epilogue: 103 Years Later

CH 6: Sticking Close

7.8K 518 32
By txdramalover


It's Monday and Sonthi just dropped me off at the gates of the school, as he drives away I turn to find Ming waiting for me. He gives me a smile as I walk towards him, and I return it with a shy one of my own.

As I reach his side, he throws his arm over my shoulders and we walk into school together.

"How was the rest of your weekend?" He asks me.

"Fine. I just did homework and read a little. What about you?"

"Oh, I just goofed off and hung around the pack house. Did you play the piano again?"

"No, why?"

He leans in close and whispers in my ear, "Ai'Yo, you play the piano really well and you look very pretty while you do it. Will you play the piano for me again sometime?"

I can feel my face and ears burning as I stutter out, "Uuhh, s-sure, Ai'Ming."

We come to a halt in the middle of the hall when someone steps in front of us. I look up and watch Forth smack Ming on the head, "What are you doing to N'Yo to make him blush that red."

"Ooww, P'Jerk! Nothing! I was just asking him to play the piano for me."

Forth looks over at me, "You play the piano, Nong?"

Before I can answer Ming does it for me, "He's really good P'! He was playing on Saturday when I went over to visit. It was amazing. You need to come with me next time, so you can hear it."

"Alright, I guess I need to do that." Forth is really tall compared to me, but he leans down a little until we're eye to eye, "Would it be ok, Nong, if I come over sometime?"

His face is so close to mine I can feel his warm sweet breath sweep across my skin. I can only stammer out, "O-of c-course, P'Forth."

Ming reaches over and gets his revenge by lightly smacking Forth on the back of the head this time, "Who is making him turn red now? Stop it, we're at school."

Forth growls at Ming as he jerks his hand back. They're pretty funny. I let go of a small laugh at their actions and they both stop their play fighting to look at me. Smiles cross both of their faces.

We talk for a few minutes about miscellaneous things, before Ming turns to me asking, "Ai'Yo, do you need anything at your locker."

"No, I have everything for class with me. Why?"

"Because, I'm going to walk over with you."

Ming dropped me at my first class and my day began. This day was very different from my previous school days though because either Forth or Ming were with me most of the day.

When first period ended Forth was there when I walked out the door, he walked with me to my next class. He was also there when second period ended and walked me to my third class. Ming was there waiting for me when I came out of that one and he walked me to fourth period. Both of them were waiting for me when it was time for lunch. I was a little bemused by the whole process, but was very glad to get to spend time with them.

Lunch was a little awkward at first, since I had only spent one afternoon with Ming and only a tiny bit of time with Forth and didn't know the other four guys at all. But Ming and Forth both smoothed the way by keeping the conversation flowing and including me in it.

"N'Yo, when do you get to stop wearing this bandage?" He pointed at the large band-aid on my forehead.

"It'll be at least a week, P'Forth, but it's a lot smaller than the bandage I had to wear this weekend. I'm glad the doctor said I could change to this smaller one, I would have hated wearing the big one to school. The doctor said I needed to keep it covered until the stitches come out."

"Ai'Yo, you going to come watch us practice after school?" Ming asks me.

"Uhm, sure, I'd like that." I give Ming and Forth a big smile.

"Good." Forth says as he ruffles my hair.

When the bell rings Forth walks me back to class and the afternoon continues like the morning. Either Forth or Ming is there every time one of my classes lets out, and at the end of the day, it's Ming who walks with me to the courts.



I picked up Yo at his last class and we stopped by our lockers before heading over to the courts. When we arrived, the other guys were waiting for us.

I walked Yo over to the bench and this time I made it a point to tell him, "Ai'Yo please don't leave this area without one of us, ok? You scared me last time when you got hurt and I don't want to see that again, na?"

"Yes, Ai'Ming." He was looking at the ground.

Satisfied with his agreement, I went and joined the guys on the court for our game. Every now and then I would glance at the bench to make sure Yo was still there, but he never moved.



After the game, we walked with Yo to the front gates of the school and waited with him for his ride. When he was safely in the car and off to home, I turned to Ming to talk about today.

"So, the guy who just picked him up is who?"

"The creepy butler. P' you won't understand until you see his house for yourself, but it's awful. He's all alone in that big creepy mausoleum. I don't know how he can stand it."

"Well, if it's all he's ever known, he wouldn't know the difference N'Ming." I change the subject, "Today went pretty well I think."

"Yeah, P', not bad at all." Ming agrees. "I did see a couple of those boys earlier in the day, but no one got close enough to do anything to him while we were around. Honestly, P', my biggest concerns is that if something does happen and we don't see it, he's not going to tell us."

"Why not?"

"Come on, you've spent a little time talking to him now P'. Do you actually think he would tell us if something happened?"

"No, probably not." I sigh, "Then we'll just have to stick close to him for a while to make sure nothing happens."

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