Don't Stop Believing

By DMSJ06261995

1.4K 8 0

*Warning there is going to be swearing. I don't own glee. I own the plot and other people that I add. Rating... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 22

17 0 0
By DMSJ06261995

It was later in that day. I stayed back to help cleaning and thanking everyone for the help. I was walking out when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see Hunter there.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey. Good job." He said to me.

"What is the good job for?" I asked him.

"That you won." He said.

"Well, it was a group effort. It was not just me." I said.

"Well, without you it would have never happened." He said to me.

"Oh. But anyone could have done it." I told him.

"But it was not just anyone. It was you. You are a born leader Kitty." He told me.

"Thanks Hunter. Thanks for the help too." I said to him.

"No problem. I hope I can see you again." He said to me.

"Give me your number. Then we can text and everything." I said to him.

"Okay." He said. Then we switched phones and put our numbers in them. Then we took pictures for our contact pictures.

"Okay. Then see you around then." He said.

"Yeah. See you around." I said.

It had been a while since then. We have glee back and everything. I have been texting and hanging out with Hunter. He is a really cool guy. It is right now glee.

"Okay guys. Welcome to our first glee club. We have a big thank-you to Kitty for making this happen. Without her leading this rebelling it would never happen." Mr. Shuester said.

"Yayyy Kitty." Everyone yelled and cheered.

"Okay. You know the first week. It is...." Mr. Shuester was saying.

"Mr. Shuester. No need to finish that sentence." I said getting up. "During that time. I did my own recruitment. Come on in guys." I said. Then people came walking into the glee room.

"Kitty, wow." He said to me.

"I know." I said to him.

"What is all your names?" He asked. Then everyone introduced themselves.

Our new members were Rico, Lesa, TJ, Michelle, Luis, June, Markise, Stephanie, and Reid.

"So what is our first week assignment going to be?" Jake asked Mr.Shuester.

"This week is going to be more recruitment and also to get to know each other. The other part of this week is hidden talents." He told us.

"What do you mean hidden talents?" Someone asked.

"I mean if you have a talent. Show us but it has to be school appropriate." He told us. "So I am leaving that to it. I will let you guys go early to think and everything. Good luck guys and welcome our new members."

We all left the room to head different ways. I was walking to the library. I took a seat in the back. Ryder, Jake, Marley, and Unique sat down and joined me.

"So what going to be everyone hidden talent?" Unique asked us.

"I don't know." I said.

"I have something. But I don't know." Marley said.

"What is it?" Jake asked.

"Don't you wish you know." She said to him.

"Nice one Marley." I said. My phone vibrated. I looked at it and saw it was Hunter texting me.

Hey you

Hey what's up

"Who are you texting?" Unique asked me trying get a look at my phone.

"If you really want to know. It is Hunter." I said.

"Hunter? As in the walber's leader?" Ryder asked me.

"Yes. The same guy." I said. Then I got another text from him.

Nm just have a free block. Hbu?

Nothing got out of glee early.

Fun. Were they surprise when you brought in the new members?

Yeah. They were all shocked when I brought them in.

I bet. You so should be the leader. You can do so great thing.

You think. But I doubt I become the leader. So how is your glee club?

Don't doubt yourself. They are good. So what is this week assignment for you guys?

Hidden talents and recruitment.

"Why are talking to that guy?" Jake asked me.

"Because I can. Also we are friends." I said to him.

"Yeah. Friends." Marley said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

Nice week. You should show them how great singer you are.

I am not that good. Marley is better then me.

No you can do away better than her.

Thanks for that. But U don't know.

Yes you do. You are just scared to be put down. If any one puts you down I will put them down. You got that.

You are so a sweetheart.

I know. Maybe we can hang out after school and help you.

I would like that

Okay Lima Beans

Yeah pick me up after cheer

Sound good

Okay talk to you later

until then

I smiled when I put my phone down.

"What I mean about that is you hang out with him a lot and text like twenty-four for seven. I am just saying if there might be more. Marley said.

"No. We are just friends. That is it." I said. I can't believe they think there is more there. But if he asked me out I would totally accept.

The rest of the day went by fast. I am at practice. We were taking a break. I looked up to see Hunter sitting there on the bleachers. But he was not alone. I saw the guys going to him.

*Ryder's POV*

We got done with practice early. So me and Jake went to sit on the bleachers to wait for Kitty to get done. We didn't want her to walk home alone.

When we got to the bleachers we saw someone. It was that Hunter guy. What was he doing here? I looked over to Jake who nodded in agreement with what I wanted to do. I didn't say anything. He just know. So we both walked over to him. We were not going to hurt him. We only wanted to talk to him.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked him.


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