Who would've thought?

By xamazynduhx

39.1K 924 105

' "Justin?"I ask,feeling my eyes widen a little in suprise. "The one and only."he half jokes,letting out a... More

Who would've thought?
Chapter 2-Here we go
Chapter 3-im sure.
Chapter 4-should we?
Chapter 5...awkward
Chapter 6-Torn.
Chapter 7 here we go again
Chapter 8-i think.
Chapter 9-jealous
Chapter 10-Aussie
Chapter 11-drama
Chapter 12-i chose him because..
Chapter 13-oollg
chapter 14-the meet and greet
Chapter 15-Talk to me.
Chapter 16-The walk with Chaz.
Chapter 17~the dinner.
Chapter 18-What happened last night?
Chapter 19~The talk..
Chapter 20-announcement
Chapter 21~The new dancer
Chapter 22~day off
Chapter 23-NOAH?!
Chapter 24~Hailey,whats wrong?
Chapter 25~tell me
The beach.
Noah is coming
Big mistake
You promised,you lied.
We meet again
Almost a punch-on
The kiss's
My one and only(last chapter)
New book!
5 years later
I miss jailey <3
Special 6/7k/8k/9k chapter
My demons
Holy sdougwiubfodwubf
My demons

Memory loss

712 18 4
By xamazynduhx

*Justins pov*


Then it hit her,a massive black car hit her.Her head bounced off the windshield and she flipped over and before I knew it,she was lying face down on the concrete.

"Hailey!"Fredo cried out and everyone scrambled out of the car and ran over to her.

"Hailey baby wake up!"I scream,the tears uncontrollably running down my face.

Noah stands behind us,shaking.He looks like he isn't breathing and his face has a shocked expression plastered on it.The driver of the car was a man a little older then me,he came running over to us with his hand covering his mouth.

"Oh my god,I'll call an ambulance"he said pulling out his phone and pressing a few numbers before talking into it.

"Hailey.."I cried!stroking her hair.I felt a wet substance on my fingers so I look at my hand to see it covers in blood.

"Oh god Hailey"Chaz gasps running a hand through his hair.

"HAILEY?Hailey can you hear us?"Ryan says desperately.

Then it was all a big blur,sirens and flashing lights.Somehow we ended up at the hospital,me sitting in the waiting area crying my eyes out while we all waited for scooter to come.

"HAILEY?JUSTIN?!"someone yelled desperately.i turn to face where the voice was coming from to see scooter screaming.

"Scooter over here!"Ryan waved.

"Where is she?!"he asked desperately,when no one answered he repeated himself,"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!"he screams,earning stares.

Still no one answered him so he ran off down the hall.I stand up and desperately run after him.

"SCOOTER!"I yell but he comes running,looking in every room.

Then he stops at one room and covers his mouth with his hand,sobbing into it.I run as fast as my legs will take me and run next to him.I look in the room to see Hailey with stuff on her arms and machines beeping,an oxygen mask covering her face.I feel the tears come and before I knew it,we were both sobbing.And then the unthinkable happens.

"HAILEY!"I scream as her heart monster stops beeping and continues on a straight line.

Doctors rush over to her and start pumping her chest.

"Excuse me sir you can't be here"a nurse comes up to both of us.

"HAILEY!"I cry,her heart monitor still not beeping.

"BACKUP!"the nurse yells trying to hold me back as I run into the room.

I feel a few strong arms pull me back and they close the door,but I catch one last glimpse of them getting those electric things and pressing them to her chest(a/n sorry idk what they r called lmaooo)


*Haileys pov*

I slowly open my eyes to beeping sound and white lights blinding me.My vision is blurry so I blink a few times to help me see.Finally it became clear and I took in my surroundings.

White walls


Beeping sounds

Guy in the floor


I blink a few times to make sure I'm not hallucinating and believe it or not,there is stupid Justin lying ion the floor asleep.

"Um,Justin?"I ask confused.He opens his eyes and looks at me for a second and then his eyes widen.

"HAILEY YOU'RE AWAKE!"he yells running over to me and hugging me.

"GET OF ME!"I spat angrily pushing him off me,wincing at the pain that shot through my head and back at the sudden movement.

"What do you mean?"he looks at me sadly.

"Where the fuck am I?"I say confused,rubbing my forehead.

"Hailey,you're at the hospital.You got hit by a car on the way home from dinner,that was 5 days ago.You've been in a coma since then.."he said.

"um no,five days ago?what are you talking about.I was home just last night,remember you practically kidnapped me and took me home,and I have to go on tour with you or some shit"I roll my eyes.

"Hailey.."he begins but decided against it"I'm going to go get your dad and the doc."he says with a confused look on his face before he walks out.

Five minutes later dad,Justin and what I'm assuming is a doctor comes in.

"Hello Miss.Braun."the doctor smiles."I'm doctor Stevenson"he says.

"Hailey,you're awake."my dad smiles in relief,coming over and hugging me.

"Ouch"I wince.

"Sorry."he says quickly pulling away.

"Hailey I'm going to ask a few questions,is that ok?"the doctor said.

"Um sure but,why am I in here?"I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Please,"He said,waving his hand to hush me,"what is the last thing you remember?"he asks clicking his eon open and getting a clipboard from the end if my bed.

"going to sleep after my dad told me I had to go on tour with him"I nod my head toward Justin,

"How long ago was that?"the doctor asks my dad who has a worried look on his face.

"Five months ago."he says quietly.

"WHAT?!"I yell almost chocking on air."all of you are crazy,that was YESTERDAY!"I roll my eyes.

"Hailey,they are right."the doctor nodded before continuing,"that was five and a half months ago,you got hit by a car 5 days ago on your way home from a dinner.You hit your head pretty hard on the windshield of the car,you were in Spain for the tour but they transferred you here back to California.You don't remember this because your have memory loss.Only from the past five months though.You will most likely regain some of this memory but maybe not all.Only time will tell.You are free to leave when you are ready,just come to the front desk and they will give you some medication you have to take once a day for 2 weeks.I'll leave you to it."he nods.

I take a deep breath,trying to take it all in.

"Im so sorry Hailey.."Justin sighs.

"It's ok..?"I say weirdly.

"What?"he asks.

"Well,why are you even here?"I say like it's the most obvious thing ever,which it is,to me anyway.

"Um,we are,were,dating.."he said looking down and shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah right."I roll my eyes.

"It's true honey."my dad nods.

"WHAT?!"I almost choke on air."you've got to be kidding me"I say wide-eyed.Me,him?No way in hell.

"Yeah.you broke up with me a few days ago.."Justin says awkwardly.

"What?"this can not be happening.

"Yeah because of Noah and -"

"N-Noah?"I say shaking.

How did he know about Noah?Only me and my friends knew,well dad knew but he didn't know what he did to me.

"Shh it's ok.."Justin says walking over to me and sitting next to me,placing a thumb in my face and wiping of the salty substance that found it's way out if my eyes and onto my cheek.

"Sorry"I shake my head and wipe away the tears,clearing my throat."How do you know about Noah?"I ask.

"Get ready to leave,will tell you on the way home."Dad nods."I'll go get the medication"he walks out,leaving only me and Justin.

"Um Justin.."I say awkwardly.

"Yes babe-Hailey.."he corrects himself awkwardly.

"Do you know where my clothes are?"I say sitting up,since I was only in this hospital gown.

"Oh yeah let me get them for you."he says walking over to a corner and handing me some leggings,brown ugh boots and a big baggy jumper.

"Um,is that your jumper?"I say awkwardly,seeing the large size it was.

"Um yeah,I didn't want to go looking through your stuff so I just bought you leggings and got this jumper.I can go but you a different shut or jumper if you like I didn't know wha-"

"It's fine."I reassure him."could you um,just,wait outside whole I get changed.."I say feeling myself blush.

"Oh right,yeah sorry"he shook his head and walked out,shutting the door behind him.

I quickly slipped on the leggings and his jumper,which was quite comfortable to say the least,and walked out slowly from the pain in my head.

"Oh your out,is everything ok?"he asks wrapping and arm around my shoulder.

"Um yeah"I say hunching my shoulders a bit,wincing at the pain.

"Here,do you want me to carry you?"he asks stopping us.

"No it's fine I just have a headache.."I say.

"Don't worry I'll just give you a piggy back."he said before suddenly pulling me behind him and pushing me onto his back.

"Is that better?"

I nod in reply and rest my head on his shoulder because keeping my head up hurts.We finally made our way to the front desk where dad was waiting for us.He gave us a confused look but I just shrugged and he ignored it.We made our way to the car and Justin slid me in the backseat,putting a blanket over me.Then he ran over to the other side of the back and say next to me,wrapping his arms around me.I cough awkwardly.

"Sorry."he says pulling his arms away.

"It's ok I'm just not used to it..Well I guess I am but I just don't remember.."I shrug,wincing.

God I need to stop moving.

"Oh right,well do you want me to move into the front seat?"he asks getting ready to hop out.

"No"I shake my head grabbing his hand and pulling it back."I need help remembering anyway"I say as dad starts the car and behind driving out of the car park.Justin nods his head and moves back next to me.

I didn't really know what to do,but my head was really hurting and I needed to rest it and the back of my seat wasn't cutting it.

"Do you mind if I,lay my head on your shoulder?"I ask Justin quietly.He just smiles and shakes his head,so I do.

After half an hour we finally got home.I opened the door and Jake,Riley and Kylie were all sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"HAILEY!"They all yelled in unison.

"Hey guys."I smile happily as they each carefully give me hugs.

"How are you?"Jake asks as we sit down on the couch.

"Good..I guess.."I say,noticing Justin standing there awkwardly."oh um Justin,this is Riley,Jake and Kylie,my best friends."I introduce them to Justin."guys,this is Justin.."I say.They all smile and I motion for him to come over and sit with us and he does so.

"how was the tour?"Jake smiled,causing me to frown.

"I,don't remember..I lost some of my memory.."I shrug.

"Oh babe,I'm so sorry"Kylie says pulling me into a hug.

"It's ok"I smile.

"Hailey are you hungry?"my dad says walking in.

"Very.."I nod.

"All right I'll go get some McDonald's ok?"dad asks.

"YAY!"I laugh.

"Do you guys want anything?"dad asks everyone else.

"Dad,just get like 8 large friend and 30 nuggets and will just all share"I shrug.

"Alright."he laughs before walking out.

"30?Really?"Jake laughs shaking his head.

"Well,what can I say?i like my chicken nuggets and so does Kylie so we'll have them if you don't want any."I shrug.

"no I love chicken nuggets!"Justin whines.

"I was joking!"I laugh pushing him playfully.

"Right."he nods.

"Hailey why are you wearing a dudes jumper?"she asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh Justin lent me it because I didn't really have any clothes so.."I shrug.

"How do you feel?"Riley asks.

"Um,alright I guess..My head hurts but that's about it.."I sigh.

"Wait,you're Riley?"Justin smirks.

"Um,yeah?"he replies confused.

"Oh so you were the one that blew Noah's head off over the phone?"he laughs.

"Yeah"he nods laughing."he deserved it after what he did to Hailey.."he shrugged.

"Wait hold up,you did what?"I ask Riley.

Then they explained to me the story about how on tour Noah came and Riley blew his head off over the phone.

"he deserved it every bit though,he shouldn't have done what he did."Riley shrugs.

"Did what?"Justin asks,my face drains of colour and before I can stop Riley he says it.

"You know,hit her?"he says,his eyes widening as realisation hit him that Justin didn't know.

"WHAT?!"Justin roars,standing up.

"Shit.."Kylie mutters.

"Justin please calm down.."I plead.

"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THIS?!"he yells getting close to my face.

I don't know what it is but every time a guy yells at me I get really scared because it reminds me of Noah.

"P-please don't hurt me"I sob flinching.

Justin eyes fill with sadness and all of a sudden,he pulls me into a hug.He stays like that for a while before pulling away.

"I will never,ever hurt you."he whispers,wiping the tears away.

"Ok.."I nod.Then dad comes in with 3 bags off food.

"I also got 5 chicken burgers."dad says handing us the food.

"Thanks daddy.."I smile and empty out the contents before we all dig in.


I hear a knock on the door just as we finished our food.

"I'll get it."I volunteer and run to the door,I open it and 3 guys,around my age stand at the door.

"HAILEY!"the yells and attack me with hugs.

What the fuck.

I scream from the sudden contact and they pull away with a confused look on their face.

"WHAT HAPPENED WE HEARD SCREAMING!"Justin runs up behind me and then relaxes once he sees the guys.I quickly run behind him and peek over his shoulder.

"Guys she..lost her memory of the tour..she doesn't remember you."Justin said sadly."Hailey it's ok,they are friends"he nods reassuringly.I nod and step beside him.

"Hi,I'm Alfredo but you call me Fredo"he smiles shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you..I guess for the second time.."I say annoyed that I don't remember.

"I'm Ryan"a guy smiles and shakes my head.I smile and then the next guy comes up.

"I'm Chaz"he nods and I shake his hand back.

We make our way to the living room and everyone introduces themselves and before I know it,we are all gathered in the living room watching a movie while dad was sound asleep.

"Guys you can stay over,we'll just bring the mattresses downstairs"I shrug.

They all agree and me and Kylie go upstairs to get the mattresses and blankets.

We have 3 on the couch which are Kylie,Jake and Riley,then Fredo and Chaz on the double maters,then Chaz on the single mattress and me and Justin on a double mattress which is quite awkward to say the least.

We put on 'This is 40'and halfway though,I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

"Justin?"I whisper.

"Yeah Hailes?"

"I'm going to sleep"I say before snuggling into his chest and slowly letting sleep takeover me.

Hey guys,omg plot twist centeraaaaaalllllll.so omg I just read this seriously amazing book called..um.. oh poop I can't remember but it's by whochieeee or maybe it's only 3 e's idek but yeah and OMG she is an amazing writer so go check out her books! Love y'all 💕

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