Find You There (Fanfic Versio...

By DarkPurple22

40.4K 2.5K 1.8K

"When you let me go," I trail on, "did it hurt?" He smiles genuinely, "It did. It was the most painful thing... More

Author's ?
Fun Fact Time


557 32 63
By DarkPurple22

"Hey, Harry, come on, I give up."
"Harry! This is so not ideal!"
"Why would you leave me alone like that?"
"After a heartfelt moment, this is what you do."

I grumble, statement after statement as I walked along the vineyard, trying to look for Harry who went in here and now, I've just lost every single trace of him.

I already used my phone's flashlight as I looked around, trying to get the slightest glimpse of Harry Styles.

"You're really going to let me loose? There could be wild dogs!"

I heard him laugh from a certain direction, I just couldn't tell where. He's not even that near. "Now, you're just talking about that movie, Zorro."

"What movie? I've never watched that before."

"Now, you just want me to talk so you could find me. Clever."

I turned around, one more word out of him and I'll easily know where he is.

"Harry shouldn't you be actually be -"

"Taste this," he says, once he appears right in front of me by squeezing through the stands. And he's holding a bunch of grapes.

I can't believe I'm falling in love with this weirdo.

"You've been gone for ten minutes just for grapes?!" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's rather difficult to find ripe ones at this time," he justifies whereas I still don't get his point. He plucks out a piece and puts it right in between his teeth. Then he starts eating it.

"You're weird. You're so weird," I comment.

"Taste one, there's nothing like the freshest grapes over here," he says and then hands me one.

"Harry, your interests come from soccer, to racing, to grapes. . . how in the hell is that possible?"

"Not to mention, lavender," he adds and smiles. "There's a load more you should know. Now, the grape?"

I put the grape in my mouth. "Mhmm?"

"Bite it, you're not going to taste anything but dust if you don't bite it."

I spit it out and he seems surprised by that. "Did you just say dust?!"

Harry rolls his eyes and hands me another one. "Taylor, what part of 'country life' do you not remember? Freshly picked fruits, what do you expect?"

"You must be forgetting that I practically spent most of my life inside the house with no recollection of my old country life so. . . there you go," I say.

"The grape?"

"Is the air in Italy different or are you just that weird when you're at your favorite place in the world?"

"Latter. The grape?"

Again, I put the grape in my mouth with sheer disregard of the dust and all. I start chewing through and. . . well, it tastes nice.


"It's good," I say. "But it leads me to the question whether this is legal or not."

He laughs, "Purely legal. Cassie owns half of this. See? Even my sister-in-law is quite amazing."

Well, they are a family of royal blood.

He starts walking while plucking pieces of grapes every once in a while.

"This is where they met. You see, my brother isn't only interested in banking, which, needless to say, will be your business one day."

I chuckle in amusement at that part.

"He wanted to expand, be more than just banks so he tried to go for the food industry, he actually tried for textile and electronics so it came to my mind that he actually wanted to take over the world," he says and then laughs. "Yet later on, I realized that he didn't like banking that much as he portrayed himself to be. In fact, that's why he invested in a load of other businesses. . . so that when the time comes, he can easily drop the weight on my shoulders so definitely, we'd still see each other."

"Inevitably," I mumble. "So anyways, you've strayed from Cassie and your brother. How'd they meet?"

"Almost the same as we did."

"With a broken car and Cassie practically ignoring your brother's existence?" I ask because no offense, that's how we met.

"Don't smart talk me, non nel mio paese."

"Which means?"

"Not in my country," he says. "I meant they met like my dad forcing my brother to talk to Cassie while her dad forces her to talk to my brother."

"Your dad forced you to talk to me?"

"You don't like me, so why else would I talk to you?"

"Ouch. I mean, I don't have the best attitude but ow!"

"Ha, I may not have the best memory but I remember thinking, what the hell did I do for you to act like that?!"

"You killed my mood that day!" I reason out and laugh. "But it was a nice day." I take a grape out of his bunch and start munching through them very, very slowly.

"Couldn't agree more. Hey, easy on the grapes."

"I am taking them very slowly, Harry," I say.

We continue with the conversation, and it's mostly just us eating grapes, which are really good but I didn't want to admit that to him. Then after, we just continue being playful, playing a little hide and seek.

It's actually quite fun even though we've reached the point of absolutely cliché.

The moment we get out of the field, we find ourselves beneath a lamp post, near his car. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to take out the leaves and dust that comes along. I am a hundred-percent sure that I'm a mess.

"Enough with the grapes, you might actually get drunk," Harry says.

I roll my eyes and take another. "You shouldn't have given me one."

He is seated on the ground, and I'm pretty sure his pants will be very dusty later on. I keep playing around the lamp post. It's nice to be here even though other people won't think it isn't much.

I look to the far horizons, the darkness that sweeps through the greeneries. I shrug, "It's nice to get lost in green." I look over to Harry and smile.

"Stealing my line," he mutters.

"Sue me." I used my arm to spin around the lamp post. "Why did you really bring me here, Harry? As far as I know, you can tell me anything out there."

"Top three things I want to say to you. . ."

Harry held up three fingers, "Three, I'm not sure if I can go to prom."

"Why not?"

"I'll feel a little out of place," he replies. "Most of the people I've actually made friends with are a decade older than I am before I went to Dominicque High."

"Okay but what about the suit? I mean, the kittens were really looking forward to see that." I don't even understand why I'm using that as a reason.

"Still the same old. Whatever goes, it sort of leads me to number two. . ." he says and then takes a deep breath. "My father and brother both want me to go to college immediately after highschool, fortunately, I've gotten into a university. Some sorts of same level as the Ivy Leagues in Britain. I won't even make it to the graduation ceremony."

He arranged those words and said them in a manner that I might not catch easily. . . but in the end, it is the short conclusion of him leaving.

"Wait, what?"

"My heart won't take it if I stayed around any bit longer, Taylor," he says very seriously. "I don't want to keep seeing the same things."

It takes every amount of control I have not to say something about him leaving. I don't want him to leave. . . so I tried averting my focus to the last thing he said.

"Such as?"

"I don't want to be too dramatic tonight." Harry smiled up at me. "But I'd be lying if I said I never wanted you. If I said, I see you as just my friend when I really, badly, wanted you."

Maybe along the way, I've wanted to hear those words from him. . . but now that I am, I can't believe he's even saying those things, not now when he just told me he'll leave.

"There, that's my number one. . . have I ever fallen in love? I can safely answer a yes, and it's with you." He bites his lower lip and blinks a few times, "I - I don't know wh-when or how but all of a sudden I just uh - I feel jealous all the time because he has you."

He's not even looking at me as he says those words which makes it a little bit more unbearable.

"How can you tell a girl you love her, when she has someone else?"

Sincerity in his eyes and the truth behind the question, I suddenly find it hard to breathe.

I bite my lip and huff on my bangs, "God." I take a few deep breaths, honestly trying to figure out what to say.

I wanted to choose Harry, I still do. But, now that he told me he'll be leaving after. . . I don't really know.

I sit down in front of him, at the very side of the road and scratch my palms. With all the fun and messing around we did earlier, I didn't expect this. Maybe he had said a few things here and there but I rarely took it so seriously.

But then he said that. . .

"I was hoping that you didn't feel the same." I faked a smile at him, trying my best for it to look genuine.

If his reaction was blank with my lack of reply, now, he seems taken aback.

"Honestly, I thought it would be much easier if you really are messing with me even though you clearly aren't. I really, really liked you Harry. Maybe I realized that far later than I should have but this past month, when you weren't there, it was just - I don't know, blank."

My throat starts feeling dry for no apparent reason. "I've been thinking whether it was you or Runner. You have no idea how much of a conflict that is. I've never even kissed Runner after our kiss at the sea."

Again, he seems surprised. It's as though he never expected it from me. Why? Did he not see it? Was he really that oblivious that I really liked him far worse than expected?

"I told myself I'll make the decision after this field trip, because I don't know what it'll lead to if I did choose you." I say very quietly and I don't want to admit the next part. . . not to anyone. "You, being here right now, I think I already know. But then, you're leaving? What the hell, Harry?"

My voice is soft, serene even that it might be hard to believe that there are so many emotions running through me at the very moment.

I have no idea whether it was my words or the calmness of my tone that is seemingly bothering Harry but he's gone quiet.

I stand up and take very deep breaths as I feel the emotions rising up to my chest. I can't even think that straight. My head feels like it's going to burst with the amount of vehemence going right through me.

He stands up, blinking a couple times in obvious disbelief. "Taylor, y-you'd ch-choose -"

I keep my head low and my arms crossing as I chew on my lips. I look up a little, letting him see the look on my face. "Is it so hard to believe that?"

"Y-Ye- fuck, you're serious?! You're not messing with me?!" He asks, suddenly sounding very excited.

I did not expect that reaction. . . at all. That cleared everything inside me, leaving me almost too blank. I did not expect that.

"Why in the hell would I mess with you in that subject?"

"I'm not dreaming?!"

What the hell does he think I am now? Until. . . "Wait, y-you dream about this kind of scenario?"

"Whatever, I'm choosing you too." With that he pulls me to him and kisses me.

A thousand things run through my mind, the thoughts crowding over the small room inside my head. . . one stands out though, this was not the way I've thought this would go.

There is something about Harry's kiss that freezes me on sight. It's almost everything ranging from eager to gentle. His hands traveled to the back of my head and mine held his cheeks.

I've thought of the aftermaths, everything after this. . . it won't be easy.

He slowly pulls away but I don't remove my hands from holding his face. I stare into Harry's eyes for one moment. . .

He laughs a little, "Y-You don't know how much I wanted to do that. Again."

"We are not supposed to do this," I say, a bit breathless.

"I know." Harry blinks a few times. "Wh-What about Runner?"

"God! We have a lot of explaining to do." I lick my lips, "I have to talk to him, first."

That's the worst part of the equation, Runner. He definitely doesn't deserve to be chosen over. But, I'd end up doing this over and over again.

Then, looking at Harry who has an awfully dreamy state. The look in his eyes had turned sleepy.


"Harry," I say, starting to think he's gone from this world. "Your college?" I raise an eyebrow as I let him go.

He shrugged with a smile, "I reckon I've got a good reason to stay until prom. Don't worry, I'll talk it through with my brother. He'll kick my arse though."

"F-For what?"

Harry sighs, "Ever since I took you there for Warren's birthday he's been telling me not you. Don't ever, ever, mess with you."

"Things I don't know," I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Not the Swift. Harry, come on, not her," Harry says, supposedly mocking his brother. "I bet you a hundred euros, he'll say, didn't I tell you not Taylor Swift?! Love of heavens, Harold!"

"Wow, is he really that against us?"

"No," he says with a laugh. "I reckon he's watching out more for you. My brother doesn't trust me when it comes to relationships."

"Whoa, hold on, partner. I told you, I gotta talk to Runner first. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I might be murdered first. If not by Louis' glares, most certainly, the kittens' squeals."

He faces me with a cheeky grin. Which is sort of weird considering he's not even that smiley.

"We better head back," I say. "If the cats know I'd been out with you again, s-seriously, we'd be a mess."

Whereas Harry didn't seem like he was paying any attention, at all.

"You'd really choose me?" He asks.

"Yes, now can we go back?" I ask, trying not to smile because of his tone right now. He seems really ecstatic at the very moment.

"Yeah, we can go back," he says with a laugh. "Do you want me to open-"

"I am not in need of your gentleman attributes at the very moment." I start walking towards his car and open the door. I get inside almost at the same time he does.

I lean my head back once he starts driving.

Neither of us talk for a couple of minutes. I turn the radio off, playing Italian renditions of famous songs.

I've observed, he's actually driving slower than earlier. In fact, I can't even start to wonder why he's driving this slow. And he seems bothered by it, unsettling his gaze. The focus on his face has ceased, his eyes never stays on one thing, not even the road.

"H-Harry wh-"

"I drive too slow?" He asks. "It's too slow, right?"

"For you, yeah."

"I try not to drive fast after we talk."


"Th-Things," he answers. "Distracting."

"Distracting?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I'll explain later."

Harry drops me off at the hotel saying that he has to take his car back to his old place. That leaves me to walk alone on my own, just with my thoughts once more.

I have no idea what will happen after, how things will go but I gotta talk to Runner. Even if Harry is the uncertain choice, I can't choose Runner now that I know I feel something for Harry. It's not right to let him suffer. . .

It sort of sucks in timing too, now that I've been a little bit closer to Georgia, one of Runner's sisters but. . . I can't really let it stay that way.

I have to talk to him.

But right now, I really just want to sleep.



That was unsatisfying.

I hope it's okay, also I hope that it's not dramatic because that wasn't supposed to be. Sorry, I've been having trouble because of the freaking Tenerife scene. Still worth it. XD

Anyways, stay awesome!!!! 😭😍😊😘


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