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"Swift, get up!" Micha yells, pulling at my leg. I'm usually the morning person but the thing is, I've been sleeping very late these past couple of weeks so there's that.

"No!" I yell, putting a pillow over my head.

"Tay, the bus is going to leave in twenty minutes. If you don't get off your arse and get dressed, you sure as hell won't see the center of Verona and the rest of the picture worthy places." Madz yells in a very rapid pace. Along with her English accent, it's almost too confusing.

"And, I think, Romeo's house!" Micha hops on my bed. I'm actually looking more forward to Juliet's house.

"God! Stop it!" I yell even though it comes out muffled. "I couldn't sleep, okay? I need my sleep!"

"Fine with us, but it's the second day out of five. Viva Italia," Madz says teasingly.

"I'll go out when I want to," I mumble then pull my covers up to my head. Unfortunately, my awful moods managed to strike me in Italy but I'll catch up later.

"You're totally confusing," Isabelli says with a sigh. "One moment you're never tired and one moment you just seem like you haven't slept a year."

"Love you cats, take a lot of photos for me," I say and shut my eyes tightly.

"Okay, you have a headache, you're not feeling well," Isabelli replies. "I'll just tell Mr. Cormack that you can't join the tours today."

"Thank you."

And so after they left, I fell right asleep.

I can't believe I'm on my lazy mode here in Italy. To be fair, I haven't had a goodnight sleep until now.

"Wake up."
"Taylor, wake up."
"Come on, wake up."
"Taylor, svegliati."

I don't have to be a genius to know that that means, wake up.

"I'm sleepy, get away," I say, turning my back on Harry.

Wait. . .

I sit up. "Holy shit, what are you doing here?!" I scramble to get up on my feet while he's sitting at Maddie's bed. . . he looks, sleepy. It's the same look on his face as yesterday.

He laughs, "I'm bored. I heard you stayed in too."

"I heard you were sick," I say, rubbing my eyes. "God! I told you never ever come over when I just woke up this is —" I run my hands through my hair as it is always messy especially when I  have just woken up.

"I am sick," he says. "I can barely stand up for five minutes. I'm not feeling well."

"And yet you're here! God!" I walk to the bathroom and rinse my face with water. I do a few of my morning habits and then go outside hoping that Harry is gone but he's still there. . . only, he's now lying on my bed, hugging my pillow.

I shut the door behind me. There goes my lovely sleep. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't want to stay there alone," he says sleepily and smiles. "You're here and. . . I don't want to be alone."

"Yeah, but seriously, waking me up like that?! A little forewarning, next time? A call, maybe?"

"I'm already here," he reminds and takes a deep breath. "You've only been here two nights and your bed already smells like lavender."

"I'm kind of getting weirded-out by you and your lavender obsession," I comment.

"I don't have a lavender obsession, I just love the scent," he says. "I'm staying here."

Find You There (Fanfic Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt