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"Hey, Harry, come on, I give up."
"Harry! This is so not ideal!"
"Why would you leave me alone like that?"
"After a heartfelt moment, this is what you do."

I grumble, statement after statement as I walked along the vineyard, trying to look for Harry who went in here and now, I've just lost every single trace of him.

I already used my phone's flashlight as I looked around, trying to get the slightest glimpse of Harry Styles.

"You're really going to let me loose? There could be wild dogs!"

I heard him laugh from a certain direction, I just couldn't tell where. He's not even that near. "Now, you're just talking about that movie, Zorro."

"What movie? I've never watched that before."

"Now, you just want me to talk so you could find me. Clever."

I turned around, one more word out of him and I'll easily know where he is.

"Harry shouldn't you be actually be -"

"Taste this," he says, once he appears right in front of me by squeezing through the stands. And he's holding a bunch of grapes.

I can't believe I'm falling in love with this weirdo.

"You've been gone for ten minutes just for grapes?!" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's rather difficult to find ripe ones at this time," he justifies whereas I still don't get his point. He plucks out a piece and puts it right in between his teeth. Then he starts eating it.

"You're weird. You're so weird," I comment.

"Taste one, there's nothing like the freshest grapes over here," he says and then hands me one.

"Harry, your interests come from soccer, to racing, to grapes. . . how in the hell is that possible?"

"Not to mention, lavender," he adds and smiles. "There's a load more you should know. Now, the grape?"

I put the grape in my mouth. "Mhmm?"

"Bite it, you're not going to taste anything but dust if you don't bite it."

I spit it out and he seems surprised by that. "Did you just say dust?!"

Harry rolls his eyes and hands me another one. "Taylor, what part of 'country life' do you not remember? Freshly picked fruits, what do you expect?"

"You must be forgetting that I practically spent most of my life inside the house with no recollection of my old country life so. . . there you go," I say.

"The grape?"

"Is the air in Italy different or are you just that weird when you're at your favorite place in the world?"

"Latter. The grape?"

Again, I put the grape in my mouth with sheer disregard of the dust and all. I start chewing through and. . . well, it tastes nice.


"It's good," I say. "But it leads me to the question whether this is legal or not."

He laughs, "Purely legal. Cassie owns half of this. See? Even my sister-in-law is quite amazing."

Well, they are a family of royal blood.

He starts walking while plucking pieces of grapes every once in a while.

"This is where they met. You see, my brother isn't only interested in banking, which, needless to say, will be your business one day."

I chuckle in amusement at that part.

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