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Well, I hope you cats like the way it ended.

But anyways. . .

Fourth book finished!

Like finally!

So anyways, DP22 again here, asking you cats. . . How was it?

And you cats know I have like four books now so which one is your favorite?

You cats can rant on me, about the book and everything else right here.

Also, if you guys got questions. Comments are open. Suggestions for scenes or whatever, go right ahead.

Fair note to my readers. . . I am seriously busy with my studies so I might take just a short break until I get my storylines polished because most of them are still like fogged glass, they still need to be cleared before I publish.

When I do start publishing, I'll let you guys know. Besides, Queen TS is back!!!!

Sorry. But I do hope I didn't / won't disappoint you guys.

Anyways. . .



To Micha, the talented girl, I know you're not reading this and there's like a slight chance that you'll read this but thank you for existing.


To Isabelli, the girl with the prettiest smile, thank you. If you're reading this, thank you thank you! You're a cheer-up and the character that you inspired is one of the funniest. Sorry for calling you whale a lot though. Haha. Don't change, keep smiling.


To my sister, Madelaine, who is also Cara Delevingne's twin sister, I might get cheesy so bear with me. This book is one of my gifts to you for your birthday. Thanks for reading it and saying it's good even though I know you have like the highest standards when you read. Thanks for forcing me to write this. I mean, I think it turned out okay. And hey, I really put effort in this. Thank you so much!!!! Love ya. *vomits 'cause it's too cheesy* XD


And lastly, to my beautiful readers. . .

Thank you so so so much! Thanks for keeping up even though I get a little predictable at times. It's always nice to see you guys reading, voting and then reading your comments. They always cheer me up, especially the funny and those speculations. I hope I haven't disappointed you guys with how this story went. Love you guys. I hope I'll still see you cats in my next books. I hope.

It is, and will always be my pleasure to write for you guys.

Stay awesome everyone!!!!


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