Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3...

By EmotionalPerson01

242K 11.8K 1.3K

Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Rewrite starts here)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
BOOK 4 Cover read!!!(CLOSED)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 33

3.7K 206 18
By EmotionalPerson01

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my bedroom. I felt pain take over my body for a second but it went away. I sat up and looked to see I was hooked up to some drips along with some other machines. "You're up," a voice came across the room. I turned my head to see some of the guys on the couch staring at me with a small smile.

"How did I get here?" I asked in a stern voice.

Silence ran through the room. "I bought you here," an old voice entered the room. I turned my head towards the door to see Axel.

A small smile took over his face, "I was with Lucifer and he hear you calling him. He tried to -"

"Where's Gabe?" I cut him off not caring. I know I asked the question but now Gabe is my priority.

His smile dropped a bit, "He's on drips in his room. You guys have been out for about 4 days now. You should get some rest and..."

I didn't pay attention to what he saying. I got off the bed and felt a little dizzy but I held myself up. An arm held me causing me to look up. It was James.

"Sky, you need to rest," he softly spoke. I pushed his hand away and ripped the needle out my hand. "I have to see him," I mumbled before turning around to walk out my room but James stood in my way.

"Look, I know you care about him and you want to see him but you're so weak Sky. You're not even healing," he frowned as he looked down to my stomach. I followed his eyes and saw my stomach was patched up.

I looked up at James and glared at him. "You either move or I will move you," I threatened. He seemed to get the message because he moved from my way. I walked out my room and down the hall. I opened the door to see some of the guys in Gabe's room. I nodded my head for them to give me some privacy. They nodded and walked out before shutting the door behind them.

I walked over to his bedside. He was on the oxygen machine along with a pulse machine and drips. I looked at his arm to see it was lightly banned up. I kissed his forehead before sitting on the edge of his bed.

Letting out a sigh, I looked up at the ceiling trying to hold my tears in. "I hold you really do way up. I'm sorry I couldn't save you before you passed out. I really did try my hardest. I know I promised to get you out myself. I...I don't even know anymore. I don't even know what I would do without you. I wish there was something I could do for you," I exhaled and closed my eyes.

"You could just shut up and lay next to me," a voice croaked out. I turned my head and saw Gabe had slipped off his oxygen mask.

"But I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed my arm and yanked me down next to him so I was laying down. He slipped the oxygen mask back on and laid on his side. "I'm not ready to leave you yet," he spoke through the mask causing me to smile a bit. His eyes gazed down my body and stopped on my stomach.

"Yeah, don't ask. I don't know why I'm not self healing," I huffed.

He nodded and pulled me into his chest. "Thank you for protecting me. You never did fail," he mumbled. I didn't bother to reply because I knew he had just fallen back asleep. I couldn't help but smile. Gabe was okay. Everyone was okay. Things were going to be okay...Right?


I shoved a forkful of pancake then bacon in my mouth. After a few hours had past, Gabe and I got up and showered before running downstairs into the kitchen. We were literally hungry. I finished my plate of food and got up from my seat. I pulled open the fridge door looking for more food.

"Grab the pizza and the wings," Gabe muffled through his last pancake. I grabbed both boxes from the fridge and walked over to Gabe. I set the boxes on the table and walked back around the island. I opened the nearest cabinet near the fridge and took out a bottle of rum and vodka.

"Bring me the Henny," Gabe spoke. I turned to him and shook my head. "You're on meds," I stated. He rolled his eyes, "So are you and don't even pull that immortal shit. You either get it or I'll get it," he groaned in frustration. I grabbed the Henny and headed back to my seat.

Placing the bottle in front us, I dug into the cold leftover pizza. "You think we would be full by now," I muffled through my pizza.

Gabe nodded in agreeing, "It's been almost 3 hours."

Yup. That's right. We've been eating straight for almost 3 hours. It was as if we just came back from the dead. I poured some vodka and rum into my cup which already had some Sprite in it. I drank it down and let out a cough as it burned all the way down my throat.

"Pussy," Gabe mumbled as he drank his drink. I rolled my eyes, "Fuck off," I fired back. I don't exactly what happened but ever since we woke up, we've been a bit in a pissy mode.

He scoffed before shoving a hot wing in his mouth. "You going to training tonight?" he asked. I nodded my head, "You know what's gonna be a shocker for James? Us showing up," I snickered since James ordered us to stay home and rest.

"I could drink to that," Gabe laughed as he held up his cup. I held up my cup and clinked it with his before drinking. We finished our food and was finally satisfied. We took our medication and drank out our bottles.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" a voice shouted behind us causing me to jump in my seat. I turned to see James angrily looking at Gabe and I. A few guys came running into the kitchen with worried faces.

"Please tell me you guys didn't drink!" James hissed. Gabe rolled his eyes, "Nah, it just fucking evaporated. What the fuck you think dipshit," he snickered.

James walked up to him and Gabe stood up from his seat. "Look you just came out of a 4 day coma. It doesn't mean I will not kick your ass," James hissed. A smirk twitched up on Gabe's lips, "Try me cunt," he challenged stepping up to James.

I got up and stood between both of them. "No one is fighting no one. Chill out both of you," I ordered as I placed my hand on both of their chests to keep them apart. "Don't touch me," Gabe growled as he pushed my hand of his chest roughly.

"Don't push me off like that," I gritted through my teeth as I turned my body to face him. Gabe shook his head and laughed, "Sit down before you get hurt."

"I think you should sit down," I fired back. His laugh died down and his face turned serious. "Get out my face," Gabe demanded as he pushed me back a bit.

"Don't fucking push me!" I shouted as I pushed him back. He then pushed me back harder this time, "Then get out my face," he shouted back.

I went to push him but a hand pulled me back. "Both of you stop it. What the hell has happened between you two?" Ethan was now in the room.

I slipped out of his grip and launched onto Gabe causing him to fall on his back. "Don't ever fucking push me again!" I scream as I punched him in the face.

He took the first punch but blocked the second one. Within a swift move, he kneed me in the stomach and pushed me off. He was now on top of me. "Then don't fucking touch me," he growled as he punch me square in the face.

"Get the fuck off me," I shouted in anger as I kicked him off me. I launched myself back onto him and started to punch him again but this time on his shoulder. Before I could land another punch, a hand pulled me off him. Gabe quickly got up to his feet getting ready to launch at me but 3 of the guys held him back.

"Would you like to tell me what's going on?" a familiar voice spoke. He released me and I turned to see him in sweats and a t-shirt.

Lucifer's eyes glared at me and trailed down my body and stopped on my stomach. I looked down to see fresh blood had soaked the bandages. "Do you want to tell me why I can't fucking self heal or why you didn't come when I called you?" I shouted in anger.

I watched as a frown formed on his face. Before talking, he let out a sigh. "For your first question, it was one of the witches who cast something on you but I fixed it. You'll be back to yourself by tomorrow and for your second question, I did hear you but couldn't tell where you were because we don't bond like that anymore. I mean we still do, just not in that way," he finished explaining.

I stared at him to see if he was lying or not but it was the truth. "So-"

"You hush. We talk later," he had cut me off. I went to say something but his glare kept me quiet. "You," Lucifer nodded to Gabe who just rolled his eyes. "What's your problem?" he asked Gabe.

Gabe scoffed as if his question was just stupid. "Here's what's going to happen. You two are going to apologize to each other and just walk it off," Lucifer stated as he was now standing in the middle of the room with Gabe and I on separate sides.

I looked at Gabe who was now laughing. "Look who's talking," he shook his head at Lucifer.

"NOW!!" Lucifer shouted as his body was now inflamed. Gabe stopped laughing and let out a scoff before walking up to me.

He stopped 5 feet away and cleared his throat, "I'm sorry," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and went to say something but my eyes shifted to Lucifer who was giving me a death glare. "I'm sorry as well," I sighed.

"Good. Now that's cleared up, we need to talk," Lucifer spoke in a casual voice as if nothing happened. Before I could say anything, within a swift move, he threw me over his shoulder and walked out the room. I looked down at his back and lifted up his shirt to see his tattooed back.

I saw his phone sticking out his back pocket. I reached down and grabbed it from his pocket. I pushed the lock button causing the lock screen to pop up. I smiled as I saw he had my picture as the background. It was a pic of me sleeping on his lap on the plane when we were going Hawaii.

Deciding I didn't want to snoop through his phone, I shove it back in his pocket...well before opening the camera and taking some pictures of course. "So where we going," I asked as I was still being carried on his shoulder. I stuck my tongue out at the camera and took a picture.

"We just need a quiet place to talk," he mumbled. Deciding not to ask anymore questions, I stayed quiet and took a few more pictures before shoving his phone back into his pocket.

A few seconds had passed by and I was then seated on some hard surface. I looked around and recognized the room we were in. It was Lucifer's kitchen. Lucifer released his hands from my waist and walked towards the fridge. "So...what did you want to talk about?" I asked a bit nervous.

He pulled out a bottle that had some green mushy thing inside. He walked back towards me and leaned against the counter in front me so we were face to face but had a good distance between us.

"So, I've been thinking about a lot of things lately happen to be one of them.." he slowly finished off.

I felt my body becoming colder. This conversation was taking a turn and I didn't know where, which was scaring me. "Ohh?" was all I managed to breathe out. He opened the bottle and started to drink the green drink. The smell almost made me gag. Lucifer seemed to noticed because he let out a little chuckle.

"What is that?" I scrunched up my nose in disgusted.

He shook the bottle around in his hand. "This body don't shape itself," he smiled before chugging the rest down.

"Then you should join us in training tonight. Gabe and I are banned by James but we're still going. You-...Wait, we're getting off topic. What were you going to say?" I asked.

He opened his mouth but nothing came out excepting a heavy sigh. He then shook his head, "It's nothing. I was just going to say...I love you with all my heart," he smiled at me before reaching over and taking my hand in his.

Some part of me was a bit disappointed and also relief. I knew he wasn't telling me something and I didn't want to push him but I hope he's not planning to break up or anything. He wouldn't leave me again...Right?

His knuckles then softly stroked against my cheek. "What's wrong? You seem a bit worried and sad?" he spoke in a soft voice as he was now standing in between my legs.

This time I shook my head and place a small smile on my lips. "Nothing," I notified him as I looked down at my hand. I don't know what was happening to me. I felt like my whole body was melting despite how cold I was.

"Hey," Lucifer mumbled as he lifted my chin up so we were eye to eye and inch away from each other. "If you think for one second I'm leaving you again, you're wrong. I promise to never leave you again. I'm here to stay with you for good," his voice came out strong yet soft.

I felt myself getting weak as his scent was now swarming around in my head causing me to grin. His eyebrow rose, "You sniffing me?" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him in the chest. "Not my fault. You smell nice, okay?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. Just kiss me," he laughed before crashing his lips onto mine. I kissed him back without hesitation. He pulled my body towards his and my legs wrapped around his waist.

His tongue slide against my lips asking for access. Deciding to mess with him, I denied him access causing him to let out a groan of annoyance. Within a swift move, his hand squeeze my thigh causing me to gasp. He quickly slipped his tongue in and I felt him smirk as if he won...which he kind of did.

"Oh my god. Get a room you two," a high pitch voice came behind me. Lucifer growled as he kissed me one last time before pulling away from me. Lucifer glared at the person behind me. I turned around to see a familiar face.


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