Who would've thought?

By xamazynduhx

39.1K 924 105

' "Justin?"I ask,feeling my eyes widen a little in suprise. "The one and only."he half jokes,letting out a... More

Who would've thought?
Chapter 2-Here we go
Chapter 3-im sure.
Chapter 4-should we?
Chapter 5...awkward
Chapter 7 here we go again
Chapter 8-i think.
Chapter 9-jealous
Chapter 10-Aussie
Chapter 11-drama
Chapter 12-i chose him because..
Chapter 13-oollg
chapter 14-the meet and greet
Chapter 15-Talk to me.
Chapter 16-The walk with Chaz.
Chapter 17~the dinner.
Chapter 18-What happened last night?
Chapter 19~The talk..
Chapter 20-announcement
Chapter 21~The new dancer
Chapter 22~day off
Chapter 23-NOAH?!
Chapter 24~Hailey,whats wrong?
Chapter 25~tell me
The beach.
Noah is coming
Big mistake
Memory loss
You promised,you lied.
We meet again
Almost a punch-on
The kiss's
My one and only(last chapter)
New book!
5 years later
I miss jailey <3
Special 6/7k/8k/9k chapter
My demons
Holy sdougwiubfodwubf
My demons

Chapter 6-Torn.

1.1K 24 10
By xamazynduhx

Haileys pov-

~after the concert on the bus~

"Wow,good job man!!" Fredo greets us.

"Yeah"Ryan says agreeing.

"Thanks guys..Where's Chaz?"Justin asks.Ryan opens his mouth but is interrupted with a flush of the toilet,Chaz walks out and Ryan nods.

"Ayeeeeeee..Good job man!!"Chaz says bro hugging him.I laugh as they stumble.

"Shut up"Chaz says jokingly..I laugh harder and sit down.Justin sits down next to me and wraps me in a hug..I'm a little confused at what's going on between us.I mean....Are we together or not?More importantly...Do I want that? Does he?I roll my eyes at the thought of all of it..

"You right?"justin whispers in my ear.I nod and he looks away back at the tv.

"Guys,we should watch a movie"Chaz said.

"You guys can.Im going to get some sleep"says Ryan.

"Me to"Alfredo agrees.

"Alright,guess it's just me and you guys.."Chaz says shrugging..I nod..

"Ok let's watch....The hunger games?"I suggest looking through the pile of DVDs.They nod and I pick it up and put it in the DVD player...

You know...Chaz is actually kinda cute,now that I look at him..Hmm..I shrug to myself and sit a little further away from Justin.

"I can't see from over here,can I sit there?"Chaz says pointing to a spot next to me and the end of the couch as the movie starts.I shrug and nod.He sits next to me,pretty close.I shake it off and pay attention to the movie.

"Out of the corner of my eye,I see Justin glaring at us with jealousy in his eyes every now and then.I just ignore him.


~at the end of the movie~

Justin's pov-

I swear Hailey and Chaz have a crush on each other..I don't care..She is MINE.I know we aren't officially dating,but I do want to ask her out..I'm just not sure how,and what if she says no? What if scooter won't let us? Maybe I shouldn't have let my feelings get the best of me..

"Well that was go-"I stop midway.My throat tightens and I ball my fists up in anger.Hailey is asleep on Chaz's lap and Chaz is also asleep with his hand wrapped around her.

"CHAZ!"I scream.They both jerk awake and Hailey immediately stands up tiredly.

"What happened?!"Hailey yells slightly and Chaz stands up in confusion.

I roll my eyes and try and contain myself..

"AS IF YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW!FUCKING SLUT"I spat,immediately regretting it.I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes but it immediately changed to normal as she tries to hide it.

"Woah woah woah..Hold up hold up..Is this cuz she fell asleep on me?!"Chaz said confused.

"No shit Sherlock"I mutter.

"Man,come on..We're just friends.I know you two like each other.."he said rubbing the back of his neck.I roll my eyes and angrily stomp into my room and slam the door.

-Haileys pov-

"He..just called me a slut..."I say in shock after Justin storms out..

"HE FUCKING CALLED ME A SLUT!!"I yell in disbelief..

"I know.."Chaz says shaking his head and pulling me into a hug.I let a tear escape..

"I mean..bitch I can handle..but slut? I mean..am I a slut?"I say sitting down taken aback.

"No way,Hailey.I've known you for what...2 days? And I know you're an amazing girl who is so smart and beautiful and no where near a slut! He is just a little jealous that's all..You know how he can be"Chaz says sitting down next to me and comforting me..

"Thanks"I nod and lean my head on his shoulder..not only is he cute..He is NICE.

"Welcome..wanna bunk with me?"he says.I nod and follow him to his bunk area.He gets in and moves over to give me space..

"Let me just go get changed into my pyjamas first"I say.He nods and I walk into Justin and I's room.I try and open the door but it's locked.

"Open the door, Justin"I say my voice cracking when it says Justin,I hear him snort.

"Open the fucking door before I kick it down and beat your ass"I say calmly yet angrily.I hear him walk to the door and unlock it.I open and stomp in there angrily.I notice he pushed the beds back towards the wall.I roll my eyes.

"You know,retard.Me and Chaz are JUST friends,not that it should be any of your worry because we aren't even dating..So there is no fucking reason to call me a slut."I say angrily..

"Oh yeah?You were fucking kissing me one day,and the next,all over my best friend!!"he gets up and yells.

"I FELL ASLEEP!GOD JUSTIN! YOU THINK IM GONNA DATE YOU NOW?"I yell back louder getting in his face.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!GOD WHY DID I EVER EVEN THINK OF LIKING YOU?YOU'RE THE WORST"He spat pushing me and I fell over.A sharp pain goes to my ankle and I cry out in pain.

"Hailey I'm so so-"

"What the fuck Justin!!"Chaz yells rushing over to me.I nurse my ankle.

"Are you ok Hailey?"he asks helping me up.

"Yeah my ankle just hurts a little"I say my voice cracking.I glance at Justin and he has a worried look on his face as his hands run through his hair.

"Hailey I'm sorry I really didn't mean it"He says to me.

"Shut up"I mutter and limp towards Chaz's bunk..

"Umm..Could you go get my pyjamas?"I ask Chaz as I slide into his bunk with help.

"Yeah sure.."he says walking away.

I CAN NOT BELIEVE JUSTIN DID THAT!!And to think I liked him a little..Seriously Hailey? You're so stupid.

Chaz comes back with my pyjamas.

"Ugh...Here you go..I'll um..Go out there so you can get changed.."he said handing me my pyjamas and walking out.I quickly slip them on and throw my other clothes in the bunk underneath.

"Chaz I'm done"I call out quietly.He walks back in sleepily.I move over and he slips into bed next to me.Its not a big bed,but not small either.Probably like a king single..

"Is your ankle better?"he whispers quietly as I rest my head on his chest.

"Yeah..a little.."I reply yawning.

"Get some rest..We have to get up early tomorrow."Chaz says stroking my hair.

"Goodnight..and thanks for before"I look up at him into his eyes.They are really pretty..

"Your eyes are beautiful..."He says.I smirk and blush a little.

"Th-thanks"I say smiling.

"Haha..your blushing"he says touching my cheek.I let out a small laugh..

"Ohhh..so now you're flirting?"I hear Justin snort.I snap my head around to find Justin standing next to us with his arms crossed.

"Dude..seriously?"Chaz says.

"Uh yeah..I heard you from my room"he rolls his eyes.

"Justin..It shouldn't even matter,you and me aren't even dating!! I don't know maybe we were just confused..We hated each other for gods sake!"I spit,pulling further away from Chaz.

"Whatever Hailey"he says and walks away with a glint of hurt in his eyes..I roll my eyes..

"That was interesting"Chaz says rolling his eyes.

"Yeah.."I say yawning..

"Time to sleep.."He said closing my eyes..

"Yeah"I say,getting myself comfortable and falling asleep.


"Hailey?"Justin says lightly shaking me.I reluctantly manage to open my eyes and am met by Justin leaning over me..

"Where's Chaz?"I say confused as I look around.He rolls his eyes..

"In the shower"he said getting up straight..I nod.

"We need to talk."I say sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Uh..yeah."he replies.

"Sit down"I say moving over.He sits.

"Justin..You realise we aren't dating..And I can cuddle with whoever I want!But you know what's worse? We weren't even cuddling! I fell asleep! So what?"I say shaking my head.He just nods and keeps looking down.

"And you called me a slut?!A SLUT?! That's horrible"I say a few little tears burning in my eyes.

He nods again and still doesn't look at me,making me angry.


"I-I'm sorry"he said looking me in the eyes this time.I sigh..

"It's because I really like you..And I got so jealous when I saw you with Chaz I freaked out! Can you blame me for caring?I felt so horrible when I pushed you over,I haven't slept all night,all I could think about was what I did.I was on the verge of tears,I will never forgive myself for physically hurting you purposely and I wouldn't expect you to"he said with tears in his eyes..TEARS?Wow this is getting weird..

"Justin..."I sigh..

"It's ok"I say hugging him.He attacks me with a bone crushing bear hug.

"Can't....breathe..."I manage to choke out.He let's go and blushes a little.

"Sorry"he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's ok"I say smirking.I follow him out of bed and down the hall to get some clothes from my suitcase..

We bumped into Chaz on the way..He gave me a look as if to say

'You right?'

I give him a reassuring smile and continue on my way.I pick out some light blue ripped high wasted shorts with a white t-shirt that's half tucked in half tucked out.I wear some white sandals and a pink SnapBack cap.I walk out to find Justin,Ryan,Alfredo,Chaz and dad sitting on the couch chatting about something.

"Morning Hailey"Alfredo waves.

"Hey"I smile.

"How'd you sleep?"Ryan says.

My throat tightens at the memory of last night flashes in my brain.

"Uh..g-good"I stutter and Chaz gives me a worried look.I smile and sit near dad,not wanting to cause conflict if i sit with Chaz or Justin.

"Good morning dad"I say as he is writing stuff down.

"Um hey"he said not looking up.i roll my eyes..Why is he always ignoring me?

Chaz clears his throat..

"So..since your rehearsing all day Justin,you guys wanna go to the carnival again or something?"Chaz suggests.I nod..

"Yeah I'm down"Alfredo says..

"Me too!"Ryan says..

"Let's do it! You good Justin?"I ask him.

"Yeah"he replies.

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