The Great War (Percy Jackson...

By pjf1000

5.3K 195 111

The Heroes of Olympus, Harry Potter Series, and many more excellent books compline in the epic saga. Join you... More

The Beginning (Prologue)
The Characters
Percy and Annabeth's Cruise
Hogwarts Destroyed
A Suprise with a Side of Several Explosions
Skydiving isn't as Fun as it Looks.
Broken Hyperdrives and Dimensional Portal 4
I've had my Fill of Prophecies.
Space Salmon Tastes Good with Honey Mustard
The Jedi Temple
Fleet #8
The Second Battle of Geonosis.
I Blow Up Droid Ships in my Free Time.
A Fallen Commander
More than Asthma It's Vader!
The Beginning of the Beginning.
Die Bugs
Testing the Dimensional Portal 4
It Must be the Magyk
Life is Nothing but Bad News
Order 66
The Death of a Comrade
The Contest
Don't We all Hate the Purple Tunnel?
Everyone Makes Mistakes. Especially Jedi Commanders.
Facebook not Included.
Golden Motor Oil
The Beginning of the Quest that had Already Begun
Fortis Ingenti
An Old Friend
The Important Part
British Airways aren't the only ones that use the Concorde.
Making the Jump
Story Stats!
It's Just too Good to be True.
Back to the Future
The End of the Beginning, Which Makes No Sense (Epilogue)
It's not Over!
The Great War, Book 2
New Beginnings
A Strange Childhood
The Send Off
The Galactic Princess
Welcome to the Republic, Earth
Confirmation with the Jedi
Parting Ways
Tech Testing
I am the Ice Cream Man
The Coronation
Parting Words
The End, or Just the Beginning?

Lieutenant Kyle of the Fourth Battalion

187 7 1
By pjf1000


Piper was still thinking how Percy and Annabeth had just left to go to Venice. Percy had literally said "So, Annabeth and I are going to go to Venice just to tour around, bye!" As soon as the Argo II had landed, they were already gone.

Jason and Piper were walking through the woods playing capture the flag against the Romans, but Jason had flown them up into a tree so they could talk.

"You're thinking about Percy and Annabeth, right?, He said.

"Yeah. I was just...shocked at how they just, left." Piper said.

"I know, but, they really needed some alone time. They went through a lot.", Jason replied.

A voice from below broke the silence. "Surrender now, or I'll impale you with my javelin!" Jason and Piper looked down at a Roman who must have heard them.

"Tempting." Jason called down. "Come on, Pipes, let's go." He wrapped his arms around her waist and they soared out of the tree, leaving a javelin and a cursing Roman behind.

When capture the flag was over, Chiron called a meeting around the campfire to honor everyone who went on the quest. Then Jason landed with Piper as the quest members were walking up. Hazel and Frank were there, and Leo piloted the Argo II and landed it behind the campfire.

Chiron began, "We would like to thank the members of the Great Prophecy, or Prophecy of Seven, pick or chose. The members were Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, (which got several gasps from the crowd) Leo Valdez, and although they could not be present tonight due to... certain circumstances..." Several people in the crowd giggled, and even Reyna couldn't suppress a smile. "Lovebirds!" Someone called out.

"Anyway," Chiron continued, "those two individuals are Percy Jakson and Annabeth Chase." Then Chris Rodriguez from the Hermes cabin pointed up and yelled, "What the heck is that!?"

Everyone turned to look and saw some small spaceship hurtling down to Earth. "Everyone, move to the Big House!" Chiron yelled. The ship hit the lake and it caused a huge wave that splashed over the Poseidon cabin. The ship's twin engines burned out, and it beached on the shore with a massive disruption of sand.

Everything was quiet for a minute. Then one of the kids from the Romans gasped and said, "Its a Republic Gunship!" But how can it even exist? That was a movie!"

Then the side door fell off and five people in shining white armor came out and collapsed. Piper recognized them by their helmets. They were clone troopers from the Star Wars Saga. But how was this possible?

"We have to help them!" Piper yelled, using her charmspeak. Everyone rushed forward and the five clones were loaded on stretchers.and taken to the Big House.

An hour later, a clone that was ranked lieutenant came back to consciousness.

"Where am I?" He asked. Chiron had asked Piper to talk to him, since she was "good with words."

"You're at Camp Half-Blood." Piper said.

The clone nodded. "Good. Will you take me to Chiron? I must talk to him immediately." He said.

"Sure" Piper said.

As soon as they were there, the clone said, "Chiron, I am Lieutenant Kyle of the 4th clone battalion. We were sent by Supreme Commander Patrick to tell you this, but the crew of the Argo II must be present." He insisted.

"I am sorry, but two are not here right now." Chiron said, sipping his coffee. "That's precisely why I need to talk to them." Lieutenant Kyle said. "Very well. Piper, would you go get the rest of them?" Chiron asked. "Ok" Piper sighed.

It was about midnight when they were all gathered with Lieutenant Kyle. "I was sent here to warn you and prepare you for the danger that is coming. " He said.

"Where's Percy and Annabeth? Frank asked impatiently.

"They were last seen on a cruise that departed from Galveston, Texas. But that ship sank yesterday precisley at midnight." Kyle said.

"They're dead!?" Everyone said in unison. "We do not know. We think Lord Vader might have captured them, but he will most likely attack Camp Half-Blood and wipe it off the map. He will also..."

The lieutenant never got a chance to finish, because he started glowing and red swirls of mist swirled around him. "What's happening!?" Lieutenant Kyle yelled. The other unconscious clones were swirling in red mist as well.

Kyle opened his pocket and pulled out a little box and threw it to Leo. Then he disappeared along with the other clones.

Everyone turned to Leo. "What does it say?" Hazel asked.

Leo looked it over in amazement. "It's... it's a hyperdrive!" He exclaimed.

"A what?" Frank asked.

"A hyperdrive! It's an infinite source of energy. If I installed it on the Argo II, we could travel in space at twice the speed of light." Leo said.

"Why would we need to travel at the speed of light?" Jason asked. "Well, this lieutenant dude first said we should expect an attack, and I think the hyperdrive could help us reach Annabeth and Percy." Leo said.

"Alright, who's in?" Jason asked. Everyone raised their hands.



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