Find You There (Fanfic Versio...

By DarkPurple22

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"When you let me go," I trail on, "did it hurt?" He smiles genuinely, "It did. It was the most painful thing... More

Author's ?
Fun Fact Time


514 39 24
By DarkPurple22

"Now that was fun," I say the moment I finish a couple of laps with Harry.

"You were actually close to giving me a heart attack," Harry comments and I laugh.

"Your turn to give me a heart attack," I say and recline the chair. I take my seatbelt off and move to the backseat, the same thing he did earlier.

"You can't possibly want me to drive faster."

I roll my eyes, "Do it, I dare you."

He unlocks his seatbelt and move to the driver seat. And then I make my way to the passenger seat. I lock my seatbelt immediately knowing that if Harry does actually drive like a real racecar driver, my soul would escape my body if he hit the brakes as harshly as he says I should.

"You know, you can't make me do things just because you dared me to," he says.

"Well then, I double dare you."

He mutters a swear under his breath, "Alright but don't go screaming on me."

"I don't scream, at least not like the — AHHHHHH!" I screamed at the last part, making Harry cover his ears. I laugh at his reaction. "For a daredevil, you're a little too jumpy."

"Wouldn't you be if I — AHHHH!" he screams as well, making me jump off my seat.

"Look who's jumpy, Rapunzel," he mutters.

"Even you?!" I groan out loud, "First Micha and then you. Do you two have a secret language or something?"

Harry laughs, "That Rapunzel thing? No, I heard her call you that once and I just took one chance to do it. Shall I start?"

"Yeah, go ahead," I say.

The moment he speeds up, I grab the seat next to me and the dashboard in instinct, "Holy —"

I hear Harry laughing in the background and apparently he enjoys it. I did not expect that he'd speed up instantly. He hit the gas pedal the moment I told him to go ahead. Once I've caught up, I lean back and let the seatbelt do its thing.

Harry kept the car running around the clear field, in ovals and straight lines and I've got to say it's one of the best things to experience. Just seeing the sceneries pass by the blink of an eye, watching the dust fly over, looking over at glass and seeing my reflection smile the most fascinated look I've ever been. It's amazing.

I look over to Harry in the fastest moment, everything turned the slowest.  There is something different about the enjoyment in his eyes. It's something I don't see to people often. It's something rare, it's just pure happiness of doing something he loves. In my life full of the same things everyday, there's an exquisite sight of seeing someone like me enjoy their life.

Harry hit the brakes after a moment and turns his wheel, making the car drift. Smoke and dust starts clearing off from the windows as I fix my hair.

"Whoa," I exhale, still feeling my quick heartbeat.

"That was fun wasn't it?" Harry says with a smile.

"Yeah," I answer. "Can we do it again?"

He smiles with pleasure and nods his head. Soon enough, the car was at speeds, running around again. And he drifts one more time, making me lean almost against his seat but thank God for seatbelts.

Harry looks over at me, smiling, "You alright?"

I nod, I don't have to ask him if he is okay because by the way he handles the entire engine, he just seemed to be used to it. "Thanks but we should probably give your car a rest, she's been running for hours now."

"I think she can run for more."

"No, come on. Give it a rest," I say as though it was my car we're talking about.

"Stranger, I've toured North America before school started with this car," he explains and he's making a good point.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, it's your car."

But after a moment, I say, "But seriously, we can delay like an hour of speeding."

"Don't really want to delay that lovely smile of yours. I see it every time I speed up, it's fascinating."

I open my mouth to say something but words just disappear before I can even say them. I need a remark, I need something sarcastic, I just need to reply but nothing comes out.

When finally, the words came back to my vocabulary, I roll my eyes, "Just do whatever you want."

The moment I say that, the car hits the wind and leaves dust behind.

Harry hits the brakes one too harshly so I put my palms right on his dashboard to brace myself. He takes his sunglasses from his rearview and gives it to me.

I don't need to ask him. I put in on me and he smiles as he takes one from his dash only his is clear, almost the same thing they use in racing. . . I think it's the same thing.

His windows roll down, both in the driver and the passenger seat. "Don't open your mouth, too much dust."

I zip my lips immediately and he laughs as both of my lips are suddenly hidden.

"Don't do that, I didn't tell you to hide your lips now, did I?"

I raise an eyebrow, still keeping my lips sealed.

"I didn't tell you not to talk. For the love of God, Taylor, stop taking things so literally," he says, sounding quite annoyed.

"You know I have an observation with you," I say.

"And what is that?"

"You tend to call me by my name only if you're mad, annoyed or irritated at me," I answer, slightly pouting.

"I do?" Now he seems confused.

"Yeah, you do."

"I'm sorry."

I smile, "Don't say that if you don't mean it, I'll forgive you any other way."

"No, I do, I mean it," he says and sighs.

Harry takes the car out for a few more spins until he finally stops.

"You know it's already two PM," he says.


"You haven't eaten lunch at all."

"I've had coffee and I'm immortal if I drink one cup in the morning," I tell him. It only happens during the weekends but all the same, it's the truth.

"Don't care, even immortals eat so would you like some nectar and ambrosia?" He asks and I think he's actually saying something about the food of Greek gods.

"You've been to Greece?" I ask since that's probably where he learned it.


"Is there somewhere you haven't gone to yet?"

"Yes, the church," he answers and then drives off. I don't know what that meant and I don't really want to know. "Do you know a fast food chain nearby? Or anywhere to eat?"

"According to Google, there is." My nose wrinkles at that one review and one star. "Not recommended for me."

"Let me." Harry grabs my phone and scrolls through it. "Doesn't seem so bad."

"Harry, they literally display animal carcasses while you eat!" I say.

"All the more reason I want you there."

"It better be a nice experience or I'll murder you."

"Nice offer," he replies and grins. "We should go there."


The moment we get to the nearest place to eat called the Black Plague –which, I've no idea why it's called that. When we enter, I've no idea why it doesn't stink like hell and why it isn't as hot as I thought it would be. It's full of bikers, thugs and hillbillies –at least, everyone does look the part. It's dark and there are numerous weapons on the walls with the whole place looking like a red, wooden, butcher place. Animal carcasses hang on the ceilings and there are bloody paintings everywhere. The place gives me the creeps, actually.

Worst, I am never going to forget this.

Once we walk in, all eyes walk towards us so in instinct, I grab Harry's arm and walk a little too closely. Turns out I'm not as rogue as I think I am.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I whisper behind Harry's ear and he just hums. "Harry," I whisper, and again he just hums.

I feel a little mad right now but that never overpowered the fear inside me. Still, it is fighting for it.

"I'm really going to murder you, Harry." Even with my warning and the place being scary as hell, Harry seems too calm for it.

"Mmm, in what way?" He asks.


I almost jump or sprint back once a man, taller than Harry for a couple of inches with large biceps, thick, black beard and hair. He is wearing a leather jacket stained with something I wouldn't like to imagine. He's got the scariest glare and the most unsettling frown.

I feel myself getting a little bit shakier by the second as the room is filled with nothing but silence and the tiny sound of metal hitting the glass.

Harry removes my hand that's holding his arm with his other hand. I almost open my mouth to protest as he's the only comfort I have right now, this is his fault and he's denying that comfort right now.

But then, he places my hand in his. He looks over to me as he interlocks them and smiles. "Now, I like that much better."

It's actually much more comforting.

"What are you two doing here?" The man asks in a low voice.

"A table for two, please?" Harry says confidently and respectfully.

"A couple! Yay!" And the whole crowd bursts into a fest.

I just feel Harry pulling me towards a table with a crowd pushing me. Music starts playing around and everyone suddenly turns to something my eyes couldn't even believe. Everyone seems friendly. The heavily inked, grunge-looking guys were suddenly playing soft music with violins and cellos. The most unfriendly looking were the waiters and they keep greeting us by the second. The chubby and mean looking ones are the ones dancing.

As soon as I get to my seat, I realize one thing. . . I should never even judge people by the experiences. I mean of course, people constantly remind me of that but never have I seen it happen before my eyes.

They pour out red wine in simple glasses and the table setting is quite neat, it resembles those of the fancy restaurants.

The menus are set in front of us, bound in black leather with tiny stains that almost looked like blood. I open the menu yet I don't really concentrate on anything because I can't imagine eating in a place that looks absolutely grotesque.

Harry smiles at me, "You didn't look at the entire review. Misleading at the start and lovely ending."

"What shall the couple have?" A waiter comes by wearing that of biker clothes and he's holding a tiny notepad.

"Uh, whatever he is having," I answer since I wasn't really paying attention on the menu and then I stray off to my thoughts.

The music makes it much easier as it is relaxing as ever. I remember that sound, it's one of the few ones I studied with piano when I was eight years old, Waltz in A minor by Frederic Chopin. Of course, it was sort of difficult for me and I had my own fits of tantrums.

I don't really feel so hungry but once the food has arrived, I really couldn't help. "Lamb?"

"It's tasty," Harry says, halfway through his food already and it says that he's already there.

"How'd you know this place is this cool?" I ask.

He smiles, his eyes gleaming beautifully. "Actually, I just want to scare you."


"I half wanted to scare you and wanted you to see how different thing are. You know, judging and perspectives. I've seen this a lot in my lifetime," he answers and takes a bite. He swallows first before continuing, "I'm sorry, this is just what I do when I get comfortable around somebody. I tend to show a load of true colors. Hope you don't mind."

"No, it's a nice color," I say. "I actually liked it better than the confused Harry, like you look absolutely confused all the time."

He laughs, "Eat lots, enjoy the meal."

"Oh, I definitely will." I dig my fork on my piece of lamb chop and another the sauce all over it. God, it seems so delicious and tender I need to eat here again. I need to eat here everyday for the rest of my life.

Moments later we walk out with everyone congratulating us and telling us to come again with cheerful voices and singsong ways.

I thank and greet almost everyone until we get out. Harry does the same and he's basically dragging me out.

As I sit on the passenger seat with a full stomach and a nice experience, I say, "Just tell me it isn't the last time we'll go there. That place is like the greatest thing ever!"

"It won't be the last time, don't worry," he says and smiles. He starts driving and we make our way back to the clearing.

For the next few hours, we don't do anything, mostly because I don't want to throw up in his car. And that little percent left, I'm actually just sleepy.

"Hey, can I lie down for a few minutes?" I ask.

"Backseat is much more comfortable, yeah," Harry answers.

"Thanks." I start making my way there but, Harry reclines his seat the very furthest in a way I won't be able to lie down there. "Hey!"

"On second thought, just lie here in the front. I'll lie there." So much for being a gentleman.

I roll my eyes, "Alright, I'll play your game." I lie on the front with my head on his lap.

"What are you—"

"Now, we're both uncomfortable."

I close my eyes and I feel Harry slowly leaning back. I know he's finally settled when I hear a part of the seat click and that's when I sit up and laugh at him.

"I'm sorry that's just me when I'm comfortable around someone," I say.

"We're even," Harry mumbles and closes his eyes.

I lie back down since he doesn't show a hint of discomfort.

I don't even know how I fell asleep until I hear my phone ringing. And by the sound of the ringtone which is the Prelude in C major number one by Johann Sebastian Bach, it's Robbie.

My head snaps up in alarm as I sit up and look around. It's already dark and everything the nigh skies already shown itself.

I try to find my phone in my pockets until I remember Harry took it from me before we got to the restaurant.

And he's freaking sleeping like a Snorlax, yes, the Pokémon! I haven't watched a movie or an episode, I just saw it in my Facebook newsfeed.

"Harry," I call. "Harry. . . Harry. . . Harry!" I yell and he snaps awake at the last yell.

"Wait, what? What did I do?" He asks me in panic. He groans once probably catching up to the situation, "What's that noise?"

"It's not noise, it's a classic and it's my ringtone by the way. Where's my phone?" I ask.

"God, you're giving me headache. Five minutes," he mumbles and schlumps his body back to the seat.

"Harry!" And the dude is still sleeping.

I sigh, "That's it."

I turn his key and then honk his horns, making him sit up in a much more alarmed state than usual.

"Jesus!" Harry yells, running his hands on his face. He reaches for his pocket and then gives my phone to me. "Taylor, you shouldn't do that!"

"Grazie, amore mio," I say to him, apparently kidding because I think just said, thank you, my love. I don't see his reaction anymore as I answered the call immediately.

"Good evening, Miss Swift, are you alright?" Robbie asks.

"Yes, I—I'm fine. What made you call?" I ask even though I think I get the reason. . . it's getting very late.

"It's nine PM, Miss Swift, shall I get your location?"

"No, I can go home, thanks Robbie."

"Have a safe ride, Miss Swift."

The call ends and I just find Harry, wide awake and seated properly in the driver seat with his seat the way it was.

"You need to get home?" He asks and I nod. "Alright, we'll just make a quick gas stop and I promise you, we'll be there before 9:30, if traffic's not a dreck."

"My curfew is actually twelve but, okay."

"Still, 9:30. Seatbelts," he tells me and I strap myself in.

As soon as he starts driving, I look outside the window, watching headlights pass so easily. One moment, while at the bridge, the memories around before I fell asleep came in.

"Oh my God!"

When I look over at Harry, he is already looking at me.

"I can't believe I fell asleep on your lap!" I exclaim and then laugh, "Even that is new for me."

"You know you're adorably confusing me," he says and pulls over a gasoline station.

He walks down, "Want to stretch your legs for a moment?"

"Yeah, I need food," I say and go down. Yet, I walk to Harry first, "How much will it take to fill your tank?"

"As if I'm going to let you pay for it," he says with a scoff.

"As if I'm going to let you pay for everything."

"Don't argue with me, please?" He says and as much as I hate kids, he really sounds like one and even if I hate to admit it, it's actually effective.

I shut my eyes for a moment, "Okay but what would you like?" I ask as I point to the mini-mart.

"Whatever you're having."

"I hate you," I mumble and roll my eyes.

"Ti amo."

"Lo so," I reply which roughly translates to, I know.

I see him smile before I turn away and then but whatever I think will catch his fancy.

As soon as we both get to his car, I hand him his food with my handkerchief partly wrapped around it as it's still hot.

"This should make you feel right at home," I say and he rolls his eyes the moment he sees it.

"Lasagna, you're kidding with me, are you?"

I shrug, "It's the only Italian food there."

"Yes, you're definitely kidding with me," Harry says. "But thanks."

I keep staring at him as he doesn't doesn't sound grateful at all.


"That didn't sound like a 'thank you' to me."

"Thank you, grazie, gracias —"

"I don't need to hear languages from you," I say and I smile and open his microwaved lasagna. I dig his plastic fork in it and extend my hand. "Just take a bite."

"No, Taylor, no! This is so uncomfortable."

I roll my eyes, "Right, fine." And then I put the food in my mouth. "But you have to eat this one, hmm?" I hand him the other box that I haven't touched yet.

"Yes, I will."

Well, you promised.

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