Only time will tell (Not a ba...

By voyagegypsy

38.9K 958 191

Chelsi Beckham, football loving starlet, has done a lot over the last few years. Including getting her own re... More

- One -
-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-
-Thirty Two-
-Thirty Three-
-Thirty Four-
-Thirty Five-
-Thirty Six-
-Thirty Seven-
-Thirty Eight-
-Thirty Nine-
-Forty Two-
-Forty Three-
-Forty Four-
-Forty Five-
-Forty Six- -The End-

-Forty One-

614 14 0
By voyagegypsy

*Sixteen weeks later*

"Here in my hands i hold the gender of the baby" I smiled, holding up an envelope to the boys. "So are you gunna tell us, or are you gunna just wave it in our faces?" Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Nope. And she's not gunna know either" Bea smiled, grabbing the envelope from me. "We're gunna have a gender reveal party" Miya smiled, nudging me with her hip. "Exciting" Liam smiled, folding his arms across his chest. "Well i'm glad you think that Liam, cause we need your boys help to plan it. This girl here is to know nothing of it" Hayley placed her arm around my shoulders, turning me towards the kitchen. "Oh good. Being kicked out of my own lounge. There are other places you could discuss this which isn't my house" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Okay let's go to my house. Come on" Niall smiled, everyone nodding as they made their way out of the house. "Okay bye" I chuckled, shaking my head as i made my way into the kitchen.

"Chels" I looked up, smiling as Liam walked into the kitchen. "Hey, i thought you guys were planning, it's only been like fifteen minutes" I tilted my head, placing an Oreo into my mouth. "We were, but we got to Niall's and realized that we left you completely alone. So i offered to keep you company while they plan and they can fill me in" He smiled, taking an Oreo from the packet. "Well isn't that cute" I smiled, twisting the two sides of an Oreo apart. "So, about this baby" Liam looked at me, sitting on the bar stool. I looked at him confused, letting out a small hum as i placed the un-iced half of the Oreo into my mouth. "Any chance you plan on finding out who the father is at any point?" He picked up an Oreo, turning it in between his fingers. I let out a sigh, looking at him. "Honestly Liam, at this current point in time no" I folded my arms across my chest. "I see" He nodded slowly, leaning forward onto the bench. "May i ask why?" He tilted his head. "Because we're all finally happy again. We're back to normal. Nobody is fighting, nobody hates each other. There is no tension. And if we find out who the father is, it's going to add tension." I bit my finger nail, shrugging my shoulders. 

*Two week later*

"Okay, so. Everything is all sorted for tomorrow. However, we do need to take you shopping" Louis smiled, holding the front door open. "Who's we?" I asked, tilting my head as i made my way out of the door. "We is Niall and myself" Louis smiled, holding the car door open for me, Niall sitting in the drivers seat. "Oh cool" I half smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear. "So this is the task you two have been given huh?", i looked between the two boys. "We actually offered. The others are busy doing other things" Niall smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. I nodded slowly, turning my gaze towards the window. "So what are we shopping for?" I asked, making my way out of the car as we arrived at the mall. "We have been instructed to find you an all white outfit" Louis smiled. I nodded slowly, making my way into one of the shops. We wandered around for a while, nothing really standing out. "I think i found it" I smiled, ducking in between the racks. I picked out a white high waisted tight white skirt that reached just past my knees, matched with a white off the shoulder white crop top.

"Okay, so. We know you said that you didn't want to do the whole DNA thing" Louis sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "And we completely want you to take your time with it, we want you to know that we will both be here for you no matter what the outcome" Niall added, shrugging his shoulders. "But we've talked about it and we really do want you to do it when you're ready and we only want you to let us know when you're ready" Louis ran his hand through his hair, scratching the back of his neck. I looked between them confused, placing my hand on my hip. "So when you are ready, we have already done our part of the DNA test. All they need is you and then you'll know" Niall smiled, shrugging once more. "Thank you" I nodded slowly, smiling at the boys. 

I sighed as i sat up, rubbing my eyes as i let out a small yawn. I slipped my legs off the bed, pushing myself up as i walked towards the bathroom, turning on the shower. I looked at myself, turning sideways as i pulled up my singlet, showing my ever growing belly. "Today's the day baby. Let's find out who you're going to be" I smiled, rubbing a small circle on my belly. I pulled off my clothes, stepping into the hot water. I sighed as i stepped out, pulling on a pair of undies and a bra. I quickly did my make up, scrunching a bit of style mousse into my hair, before pulling onto my white outfit. I pulled on a pair of all white high top converse smiling at myself as i made my way down the stairs. "About time" Harry smirked, placing his hands on his hips as he stood at the bottom of the stairs. I rolled my eyes, letting out a chuckle. "You look stunning" He smiled, holding out his hand for me to take. I smiled as i took, following him as he pulled me outside. My mouth dropped as we walked out, the entire back yard covered in blue and pink, friends as family all in white. "Oh my god, guys. I love it" I smiled, hugging everyone.

"Alright, here we go. It is time. If everybody could please take a customized popper" Miya smiled, handing out the poppers. "Chels, if you could stand in the middle and everyone else stand around her" Hayley moved me, everyone else crowding around. "Okay, so on three we pull" Bea smiled. My heart began to race, placing my hands on my belly i took in a deep breath as they all reached three, the bang of the poppers surrounding me. The air filled with a light pink powder, a smile growing on my face. "It's a girl" The boys all screamed, laughing as we all got covered in pink. "a girl" I smiled, looking down at my belly. "There's more" Bea smiled, holding up an envelope. "More?" I asked, taking the envelope. I opened it, pulling out the small picture that lay inside. I looked at it confused, flipping it over, a picture of my ultrasound in my hands. "There's two of them" I whispered, looking at the picture closer. The small white word written on the bottom, i lifted it up reading it. "Twins" I whispered, looking at up. "Both girls" Hayley smiled, holding up her pink hands. A huge smile grew over my face, looking down at my belly once more, "I'm having twins".

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