When The Day Met The Night

By Imperfectt_Imposter

16.6K 613 181

Panic! At The Disco's Brendon Urie just got a divorce, making him sad and lonely. But also re-establishing hi... More

When The Day Met The Night


262 13 2
By Imperfectt_Imposter

So I actually did end up leaving Brendon's apartment and going back to mine last week, he didn't believe me when I said I would and I actually didn't see him all week and I really miss him. But luckily today he's going for interview at Radio 1 and Zack asked me to come to get some pictures so that's what I'm doing.
After I finish getting ready I wait outside of my apartment with my camera on the van. Zack doesn't like to take the tour bus to events like these because it's literally just Brendon, him and now me. 
The van pulls up and I'm about to get in when Brendon gets out of the van and walks up to me. He pulls me in for a long kiss, tangling his hands through my hair and then pulling away.
"I've missed you beautiful" he breathes.
"I missed you to Bren" I smile at him. He kisses me again and then opens the van door, letting me in. He gets in after me, instead of sitting in the passenger seat.
"You don't have to sit by me Brendon, you can sit up there" I tell him and he just shakes his head.
"I want to sit next to you, I haven't seen you all week. I've missed you a lot" he explains, grabbing my hand.  
"I missed you too." I state again as Zack drives off without a comment on anything.

Once we get to the building Brendon gets out and there are fans screaming for him. We decided not to draw attention to ourselves because the media can be an ass sometimes so he walks ahead of me, over to the fans and starts signing stuff for them. I watch as one girl touches his face and hair and I laugh a little. Zack stands by Brendon to make sure no one hurts him and I take a picture of the moment before going into the building.
I stand in the lobby area waiting on Zack and Brendon when a man comes up to me with a smile, shaking my hand.
"I'm John, and you are?" he asks.
"Rion, I'm Panic's photographer." I tell him matching his smile.
"Oh, you're with Panic, that's so great. I love them. I can't wait to hear how the interview goes. Where is Brendon?" he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Outside, saying hi to fans" I hook my thumb behind me.
"That Brendon sure does love to interact with his fans" he laughs shaking his head and I agree. "So tell me, how do you like working for Panic?" he asks.
"It's awesome. I get to take pictures of the coolest things and I get to travel which is amazing." I explain. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a hand sit neatly on my hip. I turn my head to see Brendon standing there, staring at John.
"Hey man" John nods to him. Brendon's eyebrows furrow as he looks down at me and then back up at John. Brendon nods to him and then looks back down at me.
"Ready to go babe?" he asks.
"Uh, yeah. Sure" I shrug. He's being a bit strange. If he's jealous that is the cutest thing ever. But he really shouldn't be like this in front of the press. The last thing I want is more attention then I already have. He kisses the top of my head and we walk back to the booth.
"Hey Brendon" a tall man comes up to him and gives him a fist bump, Brendon unhooks himself from me to get closer to the taller man.
"Sup Greg, it's been a while" Brendon states.
"I know dude, glad that you're back, want to head in?" he point to the door and they go in, I follow behind them.
"We'll start in 5 minutes" he tells Brendon and Brendon nods.
"I'm going to get some water" I inform Brendon and he gives me a thumbs up before I leave the room to find something to drink.
Somewhere in the middle of me looking for water I bump into that John guy again.
"Hey Rion. Looking for something?" he asks, a smirk on his face.
"Yes actually, water" I confess.
"Let me help you" he directs me to follow him and I do. "So Brendon...is he your..." he fades hoping I'll get what he means and I do.
"I really don't feel comfortable talking about that, sorry" I wave off his question. If I say yes then this guy might have a hay day but if I say no than Brendon will be upset because the press will have a hay day anyways, talking about how I denied being his girlfriend.
"Oh, I get it." he nods as we find a table full of water. When I turn back to face him with my water bottle he hands me a piece of paper. "Call me sometime" he winks and walks away. I scoff a little, I can't throw it away because I can't find a trash can and if I set it somewhere, he'll find it. My outfit doesn't have any pockets so I shove it on my bra, that's where everything else goes, I'll just throw this away at my place.
I find my way back to the studio and soon they begin they're interview.
"Hello everyone my name is Greg, Radio 1, I got my man, Brendon Urie from Panic at the disco in the studio. Brendon what's up?" Greg announces.
"I'm great man, it's awesome to be here. Good to be back" Brendon informs him, pushing one of his headphones off his ear. I snap a picture of him and then one of Greg.
"How have you been, it's been a couple years. Right?"
"Yeah" Brendon laughs. "I've been doing fantastic thanks for asking"
"Cool. Cool. So you just got off a North American tour a little while ago. How was that?" Greg questions.
"Amazing. It's always great to go on tour, I love it. Honestly I would choose touring over anything" Brendon admits.
"So even over this interview?" Greg jokes and Brendon laughs with a nod.
"Yes" he nods once, looking around the room for approval of his joke.
"Great good to know" Greg laughs. "And that's it for our interview today" he jokes and Brendon laughs too. I snap a picture of my smiley boy, I'm happy that he's happy. "No but seriously, what was your favorite show on tour?" he asks Brendon and Brendon cringes, he can't answer that,  he knows that.
"All of them." he smiles, shaking his head like he's thinking. "Every night it's the same energy and all the fans...when they're screaming back the words to me I get even more hyped up." he explains.
"Mmm, yeah. So are you working on anything new?" Greg questions.
"Of course, I'm always writing something all the time. Like, I'll be out with my buddies and one of them will say something funny and I'll pull my phone out and jot it down and it could go in a song or maybe not" Brendon explains with a shrug.
"So maybe something from this interview?" Greg wiggles his eyebrows.
"Maybe" Brendon laughs. There's a second of silence before Greg asks the next question that makes my heart sink.
"So..." Greg sighs. "You and the wife split earlier this year. I understand that it must be hard but we've heard rumor that you might have a new girl?"
Brendon bites his lip and then looks at me through the corner of his eye, I nod once to him and he looks back at Greg.
"Uh, yeah." Brendon scratches the back of his neck. "There is. I met her a few months ago. I was doing a photoshoot at my old house and she came, she was the photographer. When I saw her, my jaw just dropped. I thought she was the most gorgeous living thing I had ever seen in my life. And she still is. We hit off really well but she was in the same place I was, she was getting over a break up, I was getting over a divorce. Neither of us were in a place to be dating so we stayed friends for a little while and after a lot of waiting we finally started dating. We've been inseparable ever since" he explains looking to me with a smile and I'm blushing a little. Greg follows his gaze and his mouth hangs open.
"That's her?" He asks pointing to me. Brendon turns his attention back to Greg and he nods. Greg looks me up and down and smiles. "Congrats man" he says and then they begin talking about something else and my anxiety goes down.

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