By celestialbarnes

94K 5.3K 1.6K

a collection of destiel one shots. :) More

Destiel One Shots
A Love Like War
Hula Hoop
Hey Jude
Good Enough
Jealous Stares
Alone Together (Song Fic)
Take This to Your Grave (Part 1)
Folie à Deux (Part 2)
Coming Out (Part 1)
Coming Out (Part 2)
Romantic Dinner
Pillow Fight
Guardian Angel
Six Words
Sun and Rain
Doctor Who AU
Autumn Leaves (Song Fic)
Speed Limit
Days of Our Lives
Birthday Pie
Laser Tag
Double Date
Dr. Sexy
Mirror of Erised


391 30 8
By celestialbarnes

takes place during season 8/9 when cas is human


Castiel furrowed his eyebrows as they walked down the aisle of a grocery store, looking at all the pastel colored packages of candy. Easter eggs decorated the shelves, along with various pictures of rabbits and bunnies. "I do not understand how Easter came to be like this."

Dean glanced up from where he was contemplating what color of Peeps to buy. "What do you mean?"

"How it became so..." He paused for a second, trying to think of a word to describe what he was talking about. "Unreligious." He settled on the word.

"A lot of people still do religious things. They go to church, give stuff up for Lent, whatever." He leaned in closer to his boyfriend. "Although, if it was me, I'd never be able to give up anything for a couple weeks. I'd snap after a few days."

"You gave up having sex when we first started dating." Castiel pointed out.

Dean let out a small sigh. "That was different. I didn't want you to feel like I was only dating you for sex."

Cas nodded, looking around at all the different shelves. Back in the early days of civilization, people had taken it so seriously. But now.... it all felt like it was one big joke.

"C'mon, lets just go back to the bunker." He finally decided on just going with the yellow Peeps. Dean gently took Castiel's hand in his, tugging him towards the register.


About a week later it was Easter Sunday. Everyone rolled out of bed at the normal time they usually got up. Sam was usually the first one up. He'd go into the kitchen, make himself some breakfast, turn on the coffee pot for Dean, and sit down in the library to read a book or the news.

Dean and Cas woke up at the same time usually, since they shared a room (and bed). Once one of them started stirring, the other would wake up soon after. They'd give each other a sleepy good morning kiss and lay there for a few more minutes as they slowly woke up. They'd stumble out of bed. Dean would slip on his robe before they made their way to the kitchen, where he'd pour himself a cup of coffee. Cas sometimes had one too, but he preferred tea.

As everyone was sitting at the table in the library, doing their own thing, Sam couldn't help but notice something out of the corner of his eye. It was small, light pink, and hidden in a pretty obvious place (on the floor in front of a bookcase). He turned his head towards it and realized it was an Easter egg. "Uhh... Did one of you guys put that there?" He gestured at the egg.

Dean looked to where his brother was pointing. "Oh. Yeah, I did." He said casually as if it wasn't a big deal. He turned back to his phone, playing a game of pool against someone.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"

He glanced up again from his phone, pausing the game. "Well, when Cas and I went to the store, he couldn't help but notice how corporate Easter became. I thought that I'd try to do some Easter activities today to show that they aren't as bad as he thinks."

"Dean, you didn't have to do that for me." Castiel said.

Dean shook his head. "I wanted to, though." He stood up, leaving the room for a moment before coming back in with a woven wicker basket. "Here." He handed it to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I hid some eggs around the bunker. Go and find them."

Cas smiled at him. "Okay." He took the basket and went and picked up the egg Sam had spotted earlier. And then he was off, moving around the bunker to look for eggs.

He returned to the library after about half an hour. Dean had gotten dressed in that time and had also set up their next activity in the kitchen. "Find any eggs?" He asked, standing up and peering into the basket the ex-angel had just set down on the table.

"Yeah, lots of them!" Cas exclaimed, a wide smile on his face.

It was the first time in a long time Dean had seen his boyfriend this happy. Ever since Metatron had taken his grace, he'd felt so.... disjointed from society. He wasn't used to being a human. Everyone else around him had an advantage; they'd been doing the whole human thing since they were born. So it was nice to finally see Cas smiling again.

"What's inside the eggs?" Dean asked, although he already knew. He'd put some fun sized candy in the eggs he'd hidden.

He opened up a purple plastic egg. "Candy!" He exclaimed, opening it up and shoving the Starburst into his mouth.

The hunter chuckled, watching as Cas went through and opened up the rest of the eggs. Occasionally he'd put a piece of chocolate or candy in his mouth, but he ended up putting most of them aside, presumably to save them for later.

"Ready for the next activity?" He smiled, lacing their fingers together and tugging him towards the kitchen.

"You have more planned?" He seemed surprised, letting the hunter pull him into the kitchen.

He nodded, pressing a kiss to his temple. "Yep. We're going to dye some eggs."

Everything was set up on the table. Newspaper had been laid out so they wouldn't make too much of a mess. The cups of dye were set out, and the boiled eggs were sitting ready in a bowl.

"Okay, to dye eggs, you go like this." He took an egg and placed it on a spoon. He dipped it into some blue dye for a while before pulling it out. "You gotta let it dry, and then you're done." He instructed. "Before you dye it, you can also draw a design on it with a white crayon and it'll show up." He smiled.

Cas nodded eagerly. As soon as Dean was done teaching him how to do it, he sat down and got to work.

After a while of him working and dying some eggs, he turned them excitedly towards the hunter when they finished drying. "This one's me," he pointed at a blue one with a face and a tie drawn onto it. "And this ones you!" He showed a green one to him. This one had a face as well, but there was a necklace drawn around it that looked indistinctly like the amulet he used to wear. "And then this one is Sam." He pointed at a red one that looked like there was an attempt to draw a plaid shirt on it.

Castiel was grinning. Actually grinning. Dean thought he looked adorable. He was like a little kid on Christmas, except, well, it was Easter. So a little kid during Easter.

"Thank you, Dean!" Cas got up and came around to the other side of the table, wrapping his arms around him and giving him a big hug.

"Of course, sweetheart." He returned the hug, his lips spreading into a smile. "I know you think that people don't really respect Easter anymore but I wanted you to see that it can still be fun at the same time."

"I did have fun." Cas nodded in agreement.

Dean's smile spread even wider, turning into a grin. "C'mon, let's get cleaned up and start getting stuff ready for Easter dinner." He reluctantly let go of him. He pressed a quick kiss to his lips before standing up and starting to clean everything up.

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