To Die For (Sequel To Lost It...

By RaisedByWuuves

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To Die For
Chapter 1: All Good Things Must Come To An End
Chapter 2: Surfing
Chapter 3: Emily Ann Biersack
Chapter 4: Contest
Chapter 5: Baby Fever
Chapter 6: Get Up, It's A Minute To Midnight
Chapter 7: Storm
Chapter 8: Depression
Chapter 9: And We've Got The Whole World Coming After Us
Chapter 10: Quitting
Chapter 11: Back To School
Chapter 12: Sabrina The Teenage Bitch
Chapter 13: Fight
Chapter 14: Cassie
Chapter 15: So We're Running And Running
Chapter 16: Bryce
Chapter 17: Jessica
Chapter 18: And Your Eyes Are The Color Of Wanting
Chapter 19: Party
Chapter 20: Hospital
Chapter 21: Bros Before Hoes
Chapter 22: Christmas
Chapter 23: Babysitting
Chapter 24: And My Heart Is A Runaway Paper
Chapter 25: And Our Hands, Seducing Them To Coincide
Chapter 26: Summer
Chapter 27: Sophmores
Chapter 28: And There's Something About You
Chapter 29: And There's Something That You See
Chapter 30: Suspended
Chapter 31: We Both Lay Here Broken
Chapter 32: It Never Ends
Chapter 33: Expelled
Chapter 34: Jennifer
Chapter 35: Make A Move
Chapter 36: Movies
Chapter 37: Cause We Both Know That This Can't Be
Chapter 38: And It Cuts Like A Gun
Chapter 39: The Poison In Battle
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: Help
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Freedom?
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69: They Told Me To Go To Rehab and I Said Okay
Chapter 70: Rehab
Chapter 71: Family
Chapter 72
Chapter 73: Free
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Sarah
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79: Caitlyn's Prom
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Church
Chapter 87: Communion
Chapter 88
Chapter 89: Results
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92: Radiation Simulation
Chapter 93: Radiation
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Yosemite
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102: Surgery
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106: Prom
Chapter 107: Graduation
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111: Apartment Hunting
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115: Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News
Chapter 116:
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126: Elijah Chase Longsworth
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129: Caitlyn's Graduation
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133: Keep. Sell.
Chapter 134: Garage Sale
Chapter 135: On The Market
Chapter 136: Plan
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140: Colton's Wedding
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144: Casey Riley Longsworth
Chapter 145: Casey's Baptisim
Chapter 146
Chapter 147: My Son Is Dead
Chapter 148: Brandon's Funeral
Chapter 149
Chapter 150: Blade's Funeral
Chapter 151: Andy [END]

Chapter 112: Moving

413 16 9
By RaisedByWuuves

Chapter 112: Moving

Colton's POV

"I can't believe my baby boy is moving away!" My mom sobbed as she got out of the car in front of my new apartment. Today was moving day and Brayden should be here any minute. 

Brayden enrolled in Santa Monica College as well to get his associates in Entertainment Technology. He's hoping that will help him get a job in game design. He still hasn't decided if he wants to transfer to a university to get his bachelors, but he's got two years to decide.

"Mom, I'm only thirty minutes away." I said as the rest of my family got out of the car.

"For the last eighteen years, you've been five steps away, now you're a thousand!"

"Mom, it's okay." I said, hugging her. She hugged back and cried into my shoulder. I shot my dad a look to help me.

"Camryn, you can cry on the ride home. Let's get his stuff upstairs." My dad said, popping the trunk on the car. He started picking up boxes and joined him. My mom and sister pitched in, the four of us lugging my stuff up the stairs. I placed my boxes on the ground and fished the keys out of my pocket. I searched through the several keys on my keychain until I found the one that opened the door. I unlocked the door and opened it wide. I picked the boxes back up and walked in, allowing my family to follow me.

"Place the boxes in my room." I told them, walking down the hallway and opening the door to my room. Brayden and I decided that I should take the master bedroom since all of this was my idea anyway. 

"You didn't do too bad Colton." My dad said, a genuine look of surprise on his face as he placed more boxes down. This was the first time my family had actually seen my apartment.

"Do you feel better about me living here, mom? Now that you've seen it? It's in a nice area, it's not crawling with roaches and I'm living with my best friend instead of a stranger. I'll be back to visit all the time, okay?"

"Well, I guess knowing that you'll be safe does make me feel a bit better." She said, looking around.

"Colton!" I heard Brayden call. I walked out to the living room and saw him standing in the living room with his parents.

"Hey, do you need help bringing your boxes in? I've almost got all of my stuff loaded in."

"Yeah, that'd be great." We all walked back downstairs and started grabbing boxes from the cars, putting them in the appropriate rooms. We heard a truck outside as we unloaded the last of the boxes into the apartment.

"Sounds like your furniture is here." My dad said as he went to go check on the delivery. My parents and Brayden's parents chipped in to buy us some furniture for the apartment. It was so nice of them since Brayden is still searching for a job and I'm waiting to get interviews. I've applied at a few places along the beach, but I have to keep my shitty job back in LA until I find one down here. The delivery men loaded the furniture into the apartment and placed it where we wanted it. Finally, all that was left to do was unpack which I'm sure would gradually happen over the next month.

"Well, I think it's about time for us to get back." My dad said.

"Alright, thank you all so much for helping us move in. You were very helpful."

"Anytime." My dad smiled, hugging me. "I love you son."

"I love you too dad." I said as we pulled apart. I hugged my mom next, who was already sobbing. I tried comforting her, shooting my dad another look to help me out. Eventually, he just pulled her away and tried to comfort her himself. Finally, I had to say goodbye to Caitlyn. I opened my arms and she ran into them, sobbing into my chest.

"I-I can't believe you're actually l-leaving!" She cried.

"Shh, it's okay. I'll visit all the time and you can come down here anytime. Okay? I got a sofa bed specifically so you could stay here."

"Thanks Colton." She said, pulled away and wiping her eyes. "I love you brother."

"I love you too sister." I smiled, hugging her again.

*One Week Later* 

I walked up to a building on the beach. 

"Hi, I'm here for an interview."

"Are you Colton?"

"Yes sir."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Joe and I'm the owner."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Let me grab us some chairs and we'll start." He said. I bit my lip, super nervous. I really wanted this job. I spent like two hours picking out my outfit. I didn't want to look too stuffy or too casual, so I went with a blue, short sleeved button down shirt, khaki shorts and black converse. He walked out of the building with two folding chairs. He opened them up and we sat down.

"So, what makes you want to work here?" 

"Well, I've always loved surfing. My parents introduced me to it when I was young and I was able to place in a good amount of competitions. This may sound cheesy, but surfing is my life and it was a no brainer when I decided I wanted to make it my career. I've taught a few friends how to surf and I even attended a two week course in Hawaii in June where I got certified as a surfing instructor and even got first aid training."

"You said you wanted to make surfing your career, do you have any goals?"

"Well, I grew up in LA, but decided to move down to Santa Monica to be closer to the beach. Next week, I start classes at Santa Monica College to start my business degree. I plan to transfer to USC in two years to finish my bachelors degree and I really want to own a surf shop and become an instructor."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you've got goals and ambition. Congrats, you're hired!"

"That's it?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to hear that you've got a passion for surfing. I will have you working behind the counter for a while, renting out equipment and other tasks. Once I decide that you are ready, I will promote you to an instructor. Is that okay?"

"Yes sir, of course."

"Do you have any questions for me?"

"Actually, I still have my job in LA and I need to put in my two weeks."

"Email me your schedule preferences by tomorrow and I'll add you on next week. What size shirt are you?"

"Medium." He went back into the shop and came out with a few items. He handed me a few tank tops and t-shirts with the shops logo on them. 

"You can wear swim trunks or any type of shorts with these. Here are all the forms I'm going to need as soon as possible. Welcome aboard Colton."

"Thank you so much sir." I smiled, shaking his hand and taking the items from him. I went back to my car and drove home with a smile.



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