Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3...

By EmotionalPerson01

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Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Rewrite starts here)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
BOOK 4 Cover read!!!(CLOSED)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 26

3.9K 201 26
By EmotionalPerson01

I opened my eyes to see nothing but pitch darkness. I turned my head and looked down to see nothing. I tired to move my hand but it didn't budge. I was chained or tapped to something. I focused on some different location to flash to but couldn't. My head started to hurt since whatever I was injected with was still in me.

I let out a painful groan as my headache seemed to get worst. I heard some footsteps and soon I was blinded with light. I hissed at how bright the room was. I squinted my eyes until they adjusted to the light. I looked up to see a guy sitting in a chair in front me. He was pretty handsome to be honest. I looked around to see three guys armed around the room.

Im guessing the guy in front of me was their leader or something. I turned back to look at the guy. He had a tan complexion and his hair was ruffled with the color black. His eyes were grey with coldness all around it. Ruthless if I may add. My eyes trailed down to his jawline which then switched up into a smirk. (Pic of guy below)

Oh my dog! I've been gawking at this guy like a schoolgirl. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes only to see my reflection.

The guy in front of me spoke in a deep voice and I couldn't understand anything he said since it was in a different language. I looked down back at him. He seemed to catch my confusion since he stood up from the chair and leaned behind me. One of his guys passed him something which I then saw was my duffle bag.

The guy sat the bag on the floor in front me before sitting back down in his chair. He opened the bag and reached in to pull out a stack load of cash which I took from my closet. He placed it on the floor then reached into the bag again to pull out my combat knife and pistol. He placed it on the floor then emptied the bag revealing only clothes.

He looked at me with a straight face and I sat back in my chair. "I don't know what you want from me. I'm just a tourist," I lied and shrugged.

He then leaned back in his chair with a straight face.

"Do you even understand what I'm saying?" I asked.

He didn't say a word or move.

I let out a sigh. Great Sky. Just great.

"Can you please release me?" I asked leaning forward in my chair.

He stayed in the same position.

"Okay, now you're pissing me the fuck off. You either don't understand me or you're just mute or deaf. Maybe both," I scoffed.

He looked to one of the armed guys and nodded. The guy walked over and started to pick my stuff up off the floor. I then realized my legs weren't chained. Within a swift move, I wrapped my legs around the guy's neck and put him in a choke hold. I head some clicks and knew the two other guys were aiming their guns at me. But the guy in front me, he didn't flinch not even a little. He kept the same straight face.

The guy reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He looked at me in the eyes as if I was suppose to read his mind. It was pretty obvious what he meant too. I let out a sigh and released the guy from the choke hold. He quickly got up and dragged the stuff from the ground to the other side of the room.

The guy in front me leaned in and unlocked the chains from my hand. At this point, my mind was swirling with questions. I just tried to kill one of his guys and he want to free me? This dude is either super crazy or sweet, which I doubt. My two hands were now free and I rubbed my wrist since the chains were tight.

The guy stepped away from me and walked to the door before stopping and turning around to look at me. He wanted me to follow. I debated for a second whether I should just kill them all or follow. Deciding to follow for a chance, I got up and followed him. We walked out the room and up some steps then turn some corners and up more stairs.

It was a never ending loop. We reached a dining room and I looked around to see everything was marble, royal red and white. The guy sat down at the end of the table and gestured me to sit across from him. One of the guards stood next to him while the other two stood behind me.

"He wants to offer you a deal," the guard spoke behind him.

My eyebrow rose for two reasons. One being how I thought none of these guys spoke English and the other being this deal. I was drugged, kidnapped and held hostage all for a deal. I looked at my hand for the time but my watch was gone.

"You've been asleep for an hour," the guy stated.

I shook my head, "I want my stuff back," I demanded.

"You either accept the deal or you don't," the guy spoke.

"Number one, you haven't told me what this deal is. Number two, I don't care what the deal is just let me go," I replied.

Their leader just rolled his eyes. "He wants you to work for him and for you to be his partner," the guard stated.

I burst out laughing and stood up causing them to all aim their guns at me. "Not going to happen," I laughed.

A hand slammed down on the table, starling me a little. It was their leader. He was now standing up and glaring at me with raging anger. "Either you take the deal or die," he growled.

Now he decides to speak English.

I held up my finger indicating him to wait. I watch as his glare turned into a death stare. I focused my powers in order to flash me out of here. I focused on the hotel room but nothing happened. The drug was still in me. So much for trying to escape house lockdown.

Let out a sigh, I looked up at the leader, "I will work for you but do not expect me to meet your sexual needs because there's no way-"

"Trust me honey. I'm not the one who's going to want to get freaky," he spoke in a deep voice before smirking.

My mouth opened to say something but nothing came out causing him to laugh.

"You're sharing a room with me. Go clean up and meet me in the kitchen at 1am. Dee will accompany you. I have eyes around the house so don't bother to try anything or I'll-"

"I get the point. I need my clothes," I stated.

His eyes darkened as I spoke. "Never interrupt me. The next time you do, you'll wish you didn't. Also never test me or talk back to me. Knowing you for the past ten minutes, this might be impossible for you," he growled.

Wow. Anger issue and psychotic.


I looked out the bedroom window to see the moon shining over the garden. I had already showered and got dress so now I was waiting for Dee to come get me. Honestly, I was still trying to comprehend what is happening. I mean, if I was human right now, I would be scared, but I'm not. The drugs wore off about ten minutes ago which means I can just teleport out of here but something in me just decided to see where this whole thing was leading too.

"You ready?" a voice asked from the doorway. I turned around to see Dee standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

I nodded my head and walked up to him. We silently took the elevator down to the first floor and as we got closer to the kitchen. You could hear a girl giggling. We walked in to see a girl on the guy's lap. I still don't even know his name.

The guy's hand was on the girl thighs rubbing his thumb in circular motions on her skin. She giggled again and I turned to look at Dee who looked at her with a rage of hatred.

"Cheating on me already?" I asked out loud causing the guy and girl to look at me.

The girl rolled her eyes and turned to look at the guy. "Who's she?"

The guy just glared at me before looking at her. "No one. I found her in the streets," he told her.

I shook my head and looked beyond them to see a mini bar. Yay me!!

I started to walk over to the bar. "On the contrary, you not only found me but also drugged me," I stated as I stood in front the bar. I poured myself a drink and turned around to see the guy glaring at me from his seat. Dee just had amusement written all over his face.

"Is she going to do your dirty bidding babe," she asked him.

Before he could say anything, I spoke. "No. He has you wrapped around his pinky for that. It's pretty obvious your just a one night stand. You two probably got together before but he just uses you to fuck while you think this is an actual relationship. Oh, I bet you guy don't even go out during the day like a normal couple. Why do you think you're only allowed over here at night. I mean, come on, look at the guy. Does he look like he can keep one girl intact," I asked pointing my middle finger at the guy whilst holding my drink.

I looked at the girl to see her shock. I'm guessing I was right too because she got off his lap and stormed out the room. I looked at Dee to see him shaking his head but he had a smirk on his face. The guy on the other hand was way beyond pissed off. He got up and within seconds, his face was inches away from mine.

"Here's what's going to happen. Tomorrow, we're going to take out some people. If all goes well, I will spare your life. If not, well you know what happens. And that -"

"Stunt I pulled was not acceptable. I know. I get tha-" I was cut off when his hand wrapped around my throat. He leaned him so close, my body was pressed up against the counter.

"Interrupt me again and see what happens," he growled.

I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to say a word. He released me and turned around. "Be ready to leave at 9am," he growled as he walked out the room. He mumbled something to Dee and he nodded before the guy left. 

I refilled my cup with a different drink and sat down by the counter. Dee let out a sigh and sat down next to me.

"What's his name?" I asked in a low voice.

"Leonardo but everyone calls him Leo for short," Dee spoke.

I hummed in response and zoned out.

"How come you're here?" Dee asked bring me to look at him.

I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. I let out a sigh and turned back to my drink. "I don't. I was just running from my problems," I mumbled.


I nodded my head. "I'm not going to tell you everything about me excepting let's say I use to be the good girl."

I felt his gaze on me and I knew he wanted more answers but he didn't ask nor said anything. A few minutes passed by and I became bored.

"Do you have a stereo or something," I asked looking at him. He looked up from his phone and nodded. "It's right there on the counter," he nodded to the counter top next to the bar. I stood up and took his phone from his hand and ran over to the stereo.

"Ready? I was using it," he huffed.

I plugged in the phone to the stereo and placed the music list on shuffle. "My boredom is more important than your ...whatever you were doing," I mumbled as the music came on.

The song Come Closer by WizKid came on. I turned around and slowly started dancing. I looked at Dee to see him pouring himself a drink by the bar. He drank his drink and shook his head at me as I started dancing.

"Come on," I dance walked towards him and took his cup out of his before hand grabbed his hand.

I tugged him towards the center of the room and he started to dance with me. We laughed and dance throughout the whole song. The next song came on and we danced. This went on for the next 3 hours. We started taking shots and let me tell you, Dee looked adorable when he's tried drunk.

It was now five in the morning. I was on my 6 bottle of Jack Daniel. I was currently having a strong buzz and I was now feeling a bit depressed for now unknown reason. I looked across at Dee who was passed out on the couch. I raised the bottle up to my lips and nothing came out.

Walking back to the bar I searched for another bottle. I let out a sigh as I realized I drank out all the Jack Daniel. I grabbed a bottle of Henny and popped it open. I drank some before opening the rum bottle and pouring some in. I mixed it up and walked back into the living room with the rum bottle in one hand and the Henny mixed with rum in the other. I sat on the couch and slowly drank it down one bottle at a time.

I looked at the time to see it was now nine. Wow time does fly fast. I looked at the 8 empty bottles in front me. I was half drunk now. The rum hit me hard than I expected. I let out a sigh and looked up to see Dee was still laying down but now staring at me in shock.

"You drank all that?" he asked in disbelief.

I looked at the empty bottles then back at him before nodding. Before he could say anything a voice boomed through the room.

"What in Earth happened here!!" Leo yelled. I looked at him to see he had on a black shirt and black combat pants and boots. He looked at the bottles then at me. "Where's Dee?" he asked.

Dee couldn't be spotted since he was hidden by the back of the couch. Dee didn't say anything except to roll his eyes.

"I killed him," I shrugged.

Leo stared at me serious and I burst out laughing. Dee snickered and sat up making his presences known. "She drank out your alcohol," Dee stated.

I rolled my eyes, "No, I just drank out the Jack Daniel. The others are there," I corrected him.

Leo released a low growled. "Go clean up. Both of you," he demanded. Dee rolled his eyes and left the room whilst I still sat on the couch.

He glared at me and I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I mumbled before standing up.

I lost my balance for a second but I gain control. "You've got to be kidding me," Leo huffed.

"I said the same thing yesterday when I was drugged," I randomly stated.

"I'm giving you 30 minutes to get clean up. If you're not down in 30 I'm going to drag you out this house myself even if you're naked," he shouted.

I rolled my eyes and stumbled past him. "You would love to see that huh," I joked causing him to growl again.

I stopped in my steps once I realized I didn't know where to go. "Can you um-"

"Just hush," he mumbled before grabbing my hand. He tugged me towards the elevator and towards our room. He opened the door and I saw my duffle bag was on the floor. "Hurry up," he demanded before slamming the door shut behind him.

Letting out a sigh, I picked up my bag and walked into the bathroom. Still half drunk, I didn't manage to trip and bust my butt. Today should be a fun day.

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