Finding Hope

By forever_Jen_

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"You're hired." Nobody could have known that that those two words would eventually lead to so much. Most impo... More

Chapter 1- Senior Year
Chapter 2- Babysitting
Chapter 3- The Mission
Chapter 4- Oh How I Wish Buddy
Chapter 5- Challenge Accepted
Chapter 6- Homecoming, Or Should I Say Disater Day
Chapter 8- Nothing Like Carter Huh?
Chapter 9- What Happened Back There?
Chapter 10- Betrayal
Chapter 11- Mondays
Chapter 12- The Truth
Chapter 13- Mhmmm Sure
Chapter 14- I Hate You
Chapter 15- I Love Him
Chapter 16- I Have A Plan
Chapter 17- I Love You
Chapter 18- You're In Danger
Chapter 19- The New Face
Chapter 20- Will You Stop Pacing? It's Going To Make Me Sick
Chapter 21- Caller Unknown
Chapter 22- Teach me
Cast List
Chapter 23- Face Off (Part 1)
Chapter 24- Face Off (Part 2)
Chapter 25- She Took It Too Far
Chapter 26- Why Are You Showing Me This
Chapter 27- Life's Too Short
Chapter 28- You're Not A Psycho!
Chapter 29- The Best Day Of My Life
Chapter 30- You're Late
Chapter 31- 8 years later

Chapter 7- I'm Gonna Birthday Bash You In The Head

347 10 1
By forever_Jen_

Last Friday was just a disaster. Sara and Sage are planning some devious scheme that actually is both scaring and annoying me because I don't know what it is that they are planning.

But unfortunately today, Friday October 1st is my birthday. Lets hope that this day goes a lot better than last week.

I walked into school with my head held high. Word got around in school about my mom and now everyone is trying to treat me and Brianna like charity cases, not that Brianna minds but I do. I'm just thanking god that we don't share a birthday.

The only reason Bri is in my grade is because she started school late one year. It's a long story but to sum it up, mom thought Bri had the looks of a model so she took her to a photo shoot in California and she was competing to be on some magazine. Anyways, when she got back it was the end of the year so our school couldn't take her so they made her repeat the fifth grade.

As I approached my locker someone covered my eyes. "Guess who?" A voice that I recognize as Jadon's says, I chuckle. "I know it's you dumbass, can you uncover my eyes now?"

"So feisty. Yes I can." I turn towards him and open my eyes to see him with a bouquet of my favorite roses. "Oh my god they're beautiful." He smiles.

"Just like you. Happy birthday." I give him a hug. "Thank you." I reply while opening my locker to see a note attached to it.

A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl. Follow the clues that will lead you to your birthday surprise.

I glare at him. "So you're in on whatever it is that Sage and Sara are scheming? I bet Ty is in on it too."

"Nope. Just me, Sage, Sara, Alec, and Matt. Ty and I are not really on good terms, I kind of told Bri that he liked her and she threw up on my shoes after." I punch his arm.

"Why would you do that!" He chuckles and replied "it's a long story. Also OUCH! You punch hard damn."

"Oh suck it up, you're the football team captain, you can take a punch from me. Now tell me, why did you tell her?" I demand with a frown on my face. What was he thinking? He could have ruined everything that they had going.

"Does it matter? She's practically throwing herself at him now." He replies with a chuckle as the bell rings signaling us to go to our first class which both Ty and Jadon have together.

"Well I have to get going, I have a presentation for my English class. Happy birthday." He kisses me on the cheek leaving me to blush like crazy as he walks away.

Okay, I'll admit it, I like him a little. But the truth is, I don't know if I trust myself to be in a relationship after two summers ago.
"Happy birthday best friend!" Sage says while opening her arms and practically giving me a bear hug. "Thanks, so are you going to tell me what all of you are planning?" She chuckles.

"Not one bit. It will be a surprise, but what won't be a surprise is when you finally say yes to Jadon's gestures." I roll my eyes at her attempt to be subtle.

"Sage... I told you-"

"Yeah yeah player blah blah Daniel blah blah Carter, all of that's history! Just go out with him!" She says rather loudly causing attention to go on us.

"Sage, Lily, is your conversation so important that you have to interrupt my lesson?" Mr. Malik, our math teacher replies angrily, I shake my head and glare at Sage.

"No, we were just talking about the problem." I reply referring to the math problem on the board. Mr. Malik crosses his arms. "Oh really? Then what's the answer?" He questions, I chuckle.

"Negative nine." I reply, knowing that I'm right. His smile turns into a frown. "That's... that's right. I guess you were listening, my bad."
"You showed him!" Ty comments referring to math class, Sage laughs as I stuff my face with fries. "What did I miss?" Jadon asks while sitting next to me.

"Oh nothing, just that Lily basically showed up Mr. Malik in Math class, it was amazing, but she's an amazing girl." Ty replies with a wink, I roll my eyes. He's been extra flirty lately, I don't understand why, I mean he's been in love with my sister for so long.

"It's about time good girl went bad. I'm proud of you Lily." Jadon jokes, I roll my eyes and chuckle, taking another bite of food and almost gagging when I taste paper.

I pulled the piece of paper out of my mouth and saw that everyone had smirks on their faces. I unrolled the paper and starts reading it, of course it was another clue.

To my dearest sister,
    I guess that since you're reading this, unfortunately you didn't choke on it and die so here is your next clue. Go to the football field after school and follow the roses. Good luck ;)

I glare over at Brianna who is smiling like the true bitch she is. "This could have killed me!" I shout over at her, she laughs, along with the others, I glare back at them.

"You guys better have something good planned, other wise I'm gonna birthday bash you over the head for this!"

"That's my girl!" Jadon replies with a chuckle, wrapping his arm around me, this time I decided not to push it away and of course Sage smirked.

"The two of you should go out." She says bluntly, I glare at her, giving her a look that tells her to shut up. "I highly agree. So, will go out with me tonight?" Jadon replies, I chuckle.

"Oh I see, this was all a thing just so I would go out with him." I reply with a glare, Jadon smirks while Tyler on the other hand doesn't look so happy.

"Yes, that was the plan, so what do you say Lily?" Jadon turns back to me with a genuine smile on his face, I stand there in shock. He's never called me by my first name, he's serious about this. Oh my god.

"I don't know-"

"Oh come on, I promise I will take you somewhere very nice. And you will have the best day of your life." He pleads, I look at Sage who is smiling like an idiot, then at Ty who has his arms crossed, and then basically at the whole student body that is looking at us in the cafeteria.

"Fine. I'll go on a date with you tonight!" Right on time the bell rings, I quickly grab my things and bump in to Jadon, a blush rises to my cheeks. "I'll pick you up at six." He says with a wink, I nod and make a dash for the exit.

He's so cute! No. I need to stop thinking that way.

Lets just focus on my next three classes and then worry about the date, wait I have to babysit today. Shit.

My phone buzzes, I check to see that it's a text message.
From Mrs. Hunter:
Hey Lily, something came up so I will be home today, you have the day off, enjoy it. Happy birthday!

Sara probably told her that today was my birthday.

The late bell rings.

Crap! I have to get to class!
Sage's POV
I'm happy that Jadon fell through with the plan but I'm also a little curious at Tyler's behavior, the whole time he was frowning and that made me kind of mad.

Since I have my next class with Ty, I decided to walk with him and "casually" bring up the cafeteria situation.

"What happened back there? You lost your cool." I say in an annoyed tone because to be honest I am very annoyed. He could have ruined this whole thing!

"I don't know-"

"I do. You're just mad that she agreed to go out with Jay." I reply while stopping in my tracks, he doesn't reply but he keeps walking.

"I know about the bet. And let me just say that you must be pretty pathetic to try to get in the way of your best friend's feelings-"

"His feelings? What about mine? He told Bri-"

"I know what he said and I know what happened. It was my party and if it weren't for your stupid bet he wouldn't have said anything to her. Are you so stupid that you would try to deflower a girl that used to be one of your best friends? She doesn't like you anymore Ty and she hasn't in a long time. Go after the girl you have been in love with for a couple years now. Go after Bri. Today is Lily's birthday so please don't fuck with her head today."

It's official, I've snapped.

I'm a genuinely nice person, I don't get mad, nor do I curse so this is a first for me. But I guess when it comes to Lily I come off as a momma bear who wants to protect her cub.

He looks at me in shock, I just brush past him in anger.
Lily's POV
I didn't really know what to wear considering the fact that I've never been on a real date before, pathetic, I know.

There are many things that could happen tonight. We could have a good time and this could be the best birthday ever, or it can go horribly and end in juice or food being spilled on us, resulting in a food fight.

"Aw are you nervous? You look nervous." Bri taunts, I glare at her and roll my eyes. "Why are you dressed up?" I question, trying to change the subject, she smirks.

"I'm going to a party, don't change the subject! You're going on a date. Say no more I'll help you. This is your first official date since-"

"We shall never say his name. Now help me, he's coming over soon." She smiles and claps her hands excitedly and pulls me into her closet.
"I thought this day would never come. You're finally a girl" She replied while adding the finishing touch to my look. "I don't know how to respond to that so I'm just gonna smile and take it as a compliment." My phone buzzes.

"Is that him?" She asks, I nod. "Yeah, he said he's downstairs and that he is going to take me somewhere special."

"Perfect. I hope your birthday is a good one sis, love you, here's a condom, have fun." She winks while pushing me out the door. I throw it in the bushes outside knowing that I am not going to need that, only to come face to face with Jadon.

"How much of that did you see?" I ask, a blush rising to my cheeks, he chuckles. "Just you throwing a condom into the bushes, I hope it wasn't used." He cringed as a joke, I push him and laugh.

"Shut up. So where is it that you are taking me?" I question, changing the subject, he smirks and opens the passenger set door of his car for me, I get in. "That's a surprise." I grunt as he gets into the car.

"You know I hate surprises after almost dying because of that piece of paper earlier." He bursts out laughing, "don't be so dramatic!"

"I can't help it, I could have died man and we both know that a dead me would haunt everyone for it." He chuckles, putting the car in gear. "That I would not put past you. You look beautiful by the way, I kind of forgot to tell you." I look at him and then I realize that he is wearing cologne for once.

"Thanks, you smell good, what is that scent? French vanilla?" I tease, he chuckles. "Actually yes, as dumb as it sounds my mother lent it to me for my first date." I burst out laughing and almost choke, he doesn't seem fazed.

"Wait you're serious? But you have gone out with so many girls-"

"Like I said before, it's all rumors. Don't believe everything you hear about me." I stare at him in shock, but I am also low key checking him out. He looks really cute with his hair done and a nice dress shirt, and the way his brown eyes are lit up reminds me of a puppy dog. Damn that was weird.

Oh god, what if he things I'm weird?

"Earth to Fitzgerald!" His hand waves past my face, I snap out of my trance. "Sorry what?"

"I said stop checking me out, we're here." I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks, I shake my head. "I-I wasn't..." I stutter, implying that I am caught, he laughs as he opens my door for me.

He helps me out of the car and then gets something out of the trunk, before I know it, he's tying something around my eyes. "A blindfold? Are you kidnapping me?"

"No Fitzgerald, I just want this to be a surprise. Now walk." I grunt and walk. "You know this would be the part in the movies where the girl gets murdered. You murder me and I'll haunt your ass, do you hear me I'll haunt you forever-" I stop mid sentence as he takes his hands off my eyes, forcing me to look at the beautiful view.

"Woah." That was all I could say. Between the mix of the mountains and the stars and the glistening of the lake, it was all just breath taking. "I thought you would like it, I remember you always used to tell me that one day you wanted to see the stars, and not just from the window. Do you like it?" I turn to him with a smile on my face.

"Like it? I love it, this view is beautiful, how did you find this place?" I question, he chuckles and wraps his arm around me. "It's a long story actually. It was before Alec was born, our parents took us camping and me and Daniel decided to play a game of hide and go seek. It's a funny story actually, I got lost while finding Dan and eventually I found him here. We watched the sun set and eventually the park rangers found us and had to bring us back to mom and dad. But every year we would come back and just look at the view. I've never shared this with anyone before, I'm glad I get to share it with you."

He laughed, and I saw him smile. He has never genuinely smiled in a long time. "Well, I'm glad you showed me too, it makes me feel special."

"You are special. I really like you Lily." I stare at him in shock again. "You have never called me by my name before-"

"I know your name. I just like nicknames better, in case you haven't noticed, my family isn't that formal. In fact, it was pretty hard after Dan's death. My mom tried to kill herself because also at the time she was pregnant with Alec."

"I'm so sorry, that must have been horrible for you to have to go through that." I reply, he sighs and continues. "Yeah, it was. She didn't want Alec because she wanted Daniel back. She had to go to a hospital so she wouldn't hurt herself or the baby. Unfortunately, she got out two years ago. She claims to be better but my father takes her out and then they come back either too drunk or too high to know we exist. But mom tries buying us gifts to make up for it. My grandma watches Alec a lot of the time, I feel bad for the kid."

"I know how you feel. The past few months have just been chaos for my family. Two summers ago, something happened with my brother and my boyfriend... ever since then my father started drinking after focusing on him and my mother focused on Brianna. Nobody really cared about me and I believed it so I hid my nose in my studies and talked to Sage consistently."

He grabbed my hand and for a second, I thought we were having a moment. That is until his phone started buzzing. "Ugh, its Ty." He grunts, I scratch my head awkwardly. "Uh you should probably answer that, it could be important." I reply with a nod, he sighs and answers the phone.

"What Ty?" There's a long pause, Jadon looks angrier. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm on a date! ... Ugh fine I'll be there in a few minutes." He hangs up the phone and kicks the tree stump.

"What's wrong?"

"Ty was adding on to the tree house for Sara and the little bitch got himself stuck on a rope and now he is hanging from a tree at home alone." I start laughing uncontrollably.

"Ah haha! I'm sorry, that's too funny. We-we have t-to go cut him down!" I reply in between laughs, he rolls his eyes as we walk back to the car.
"I have to go to the bathroom-"

"Are you serious Jay? The poor thing is hanging from the tree! We have to cut him down." I comment, he rolls his eyes and groans.

"Ugh fine! Lets go cut him down!" He whines sarcastically, I chuckle and shake my head as we walk to the backyard, when I don't see him hanging I get confused.

"What the-"

"SURPRISE!" People shout, I gasp but then smile when I see who is here. The Hunter's, Bri, Sage, Matt, Ty, my dad, Jadon's parents, Alec, it was amazing.

I glare at Jadon. "You!" He smiles and points at himself. "Me! Happy birthday Lily." He gives me a kiss on the cheek leaving me standing there blushing.

"So who was really behind all this?" I question as the blush goes away, turning to everyone. "That would be us." Matt replies while pointing to him and Sara, I hug the both of them.

"Well thank you-"

"Are you happy now Lily?" Sara questions, I smile while looking around at everyone and then looking at her. "You know what, yes I am. Thank you so much."

The night was amazing, we laughed and danced, and we heard the tales of what everyone remembers about me. Even though my mother couldn't be here to see it, this was what I would call the best night of my life.

But in a way, part of me kind of felt sad that my "date" with Jadon wasn't real, and that it was just a hoax. Part of me wishes that it was real. But the other half is just telling me I need to shake off my emotions.

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