Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3...

By EmotionalPerson01

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Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Rewrite starts here)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
BOOK 4 Cover read!!!(CLOSED)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 14

4.7K 252 17
By EmotionalPerson01

"Is everyone ready" I shouted in the lobby. A bunch of cheers erupted. "The 4 limos are outside for us. Make sure you have took everything. There's also a truck outside so as soon as you walk out, just give them your luggage They will carry it and load it onto the plane" I explained.

They all started to walk out on by one with their luggage. "Axel said he has to pick up Makenzie so he'll meet us at the airport" Lucifer mumbled next to me. I nodded my head, "Is this your first time seeing his girlfriend" I asked looking up at him.

He shook his head, "She came over to the house before. We just had a formal greeting then just went our way" he shrugged it off. My mouth dropped into a 'o' shape and I watched as the remaining guys exited the house. I looked into my purse making sure I had everything.

I looked around the house and saw it was just Lucifer and I left in the house. Lucifer grabbed my suitcase and him. I thanked him and he just smiled in return. We walked out the house and I set the house on lockdown.

"That all the bags" Lucifer stated to the guys as he handed them our suitcase. The two guys placed it in the truck and locked it up. The truck then drove out the driveway and a limo took the empty spot. Lucifer opened the door or me and I got in. He got in the back with me and closed the door.

Music filled the car I looked around to see some of the guys just jamming along. My phone went off and I saw it was a message from Jayson.

Jayson: Henry and I are almost at the airport.

Me: We're all heading there now. See you in 30 mins

Jayson: See ya

For the rest of the ride, I stayed quiet. I was excited about the trip but something in me just felt a little off. I don't know what it was but it was freaking me out a little.

"You okay" a voice whispered in my air. I turned to see Lucifer a bit worried. I gave him a small smile, "Yeah, I'm fine" I reassured him. He slowly nodded his head and I knew he didn't fully believed me but he dropped the topic.

We finally reached to the airport. We didn't have to go through security or anything like that since we worked for the organization and it was the guys and I plane. Stepping out the car, I watched as some guys were loading the plane up without luggage. Others were check on the plane and the pilots along with the flight attendant were boarding the plane.

"Skylar" a voice called. I turned around to see Henry and his wife along with Jason and his wife. I honestly haven't see his wife for the longest time. I even forgot he was married.

"Hey" I smiled as Henry wrapped me in a hug. I hugged him back and his wife and I hugged. I repeated these actions with Jayson and his wife as well.

"Thank you for -"

"Don't start that. I've been thanked so many times by the guys and their wife. No need to thank me. You deserve it" I smiled at Henry.

"Well to bad. Thank you" he smiled and I nodded my head.

We started boarding the plane. I looked over to Lucifer who was on the phone talking to Axel. I walked over and he gave me a small smile.

"...okay. Bye" he spoke before hanging up.

"He's three minutes away" Lucifer stated. I nodded my head and looked around to see the luggage guys waiting for the rest of things to put in the department. Everyone was now inside excepting Lucifer and I who was currently waiting for Axel and his girlfriend.

Lucifer wrapped me in a hug behind and kissed the top of my head. I placed my hand on his and we looked off towards the gate. After a few minutes, a car came speeding down. I recognized the car as Axel's. the car stopped a distance and two of the luggage guys walked over to the car.

Axel stepped out of the driver's side and a girl stepped out from the passenger's seat. Shock overtook me as I saw how gorgeous she was. It was like staring at Aphrodite herself. They both took each other's hand and walked over to us.

"Sorry we're late. This is Makenzie. Makenzie this is Skylar and you already met Vincent" Axel introduced me then Lucifer as Vincent. So she doesn't know.

I looked at Axel who was just looked at me with a "just go with it" look.

"Hi. It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much things about you" she greeted me with a hug. I chuckled and hugged her back. "Right back at you" I replied as we broke lose.

"Thanks for-"

"Please don't. I've had everyone thank me already. One was enough" I huffed causing them to laugh. They nodded their heads before going into the plane.

"Everything's ready" a guy shouted from the luggage department.

"Thanks" I shouted back as the door closed. They nodded their heads and drove off. Lucifer and I lastly boarded the plane. The plane was a bit different from the one we normally take. This one was much bigger and roomier. I watched as the guys spread apart with their partner or just with one another.

I walked to the back where the section was empty and took window seat. Lucifer sat down next to me and laid back in his chair. This was going to be a 11 hour flight but the resort we're going to is so worth it. I laid back in my seat and Lucifer laced his arm around me so my head was on his chest. I slowly drifted off to sleep in comfortable peace.


"Babe, wake up" a soft voice whisper. I slowly blinked open to see a plate of food in front me. "You haven't ate for the day" Lucifer mumbled before kissing the side of my head.

I slowly sat up in my seat and looked around the plane. Everyone was practically knocked out. I looked at Lucifer who was already smiling at me. Did he eat already?

"Yes I already ate if that's what you were going to ask" he spoke.

"Can you still read my mind" I asked with an eyebrow up.

He shook his head, "Nope. I just know you too well" he grinned causing me to roll my eyes. I started eating my plate of food which was fries and a burger. I first ate the burger and started picking at the fires since I was already pull. I took some fries in my hand and looked at Lucifer who was on his phone.

"Did you get any sleep yet" I asked.

He looked up, "No, I just -"

Before he could finish, I shoved the fries in his mouth. His eyebrow rose as he started to chew on the fries. I gave him an innocent smile as he swallowed it. Ha! Swallowed it.

I silently laughed at my dirty thought. So mature I am.

"Really? We're playing that game" he asked in a playful tone. I shrugged, "I wasn't hungry anymore" I admitted.

"Why not" he asked with an eyebrow up. My eyebrows furrowed at his question, "What do you mean why -" I was cut off with fries being shoved in my mouth. I glared at him and he just smirked.

I chewed the fried then you know the rest. "Well played" I admitted. He planted a kiss on my lips which I gladly received. We pulled away and I looked around the plane again. Everyone was all snuggled up. My eyes landed on Micah who wasn't asleep. He was sitting by the window looking out.

A small groan came out from Lucifer and I looked at him to see he saw Micah too. "Go talk to him" I nudged Lucifer. He let out a hysterical laugh, "Good one".

I glared at him, "I'm serious. I know you guys hate each other but he's still your brother. Just talk to him" I begged.

He shook his head, "I love you with all my heart but no" he spoke in a stern tone. I went back to glaring at him, "Fine. I'm going to go over there and talk to him. You have 30 seconds to get your ass over there with me. If you're not there within 30 seconds, I will ignore you for the whole week" I warned him.

A small rose to his face as I stood up. "You're bluffing" he scoffed.

I looked down at him, "Try me", I challenged causing his smirk to drop. I headed over to the empty seat next to Micah. They've had a grudge against each other for the longest time all for no reason. Just because one of them didn't choose sides.

"Hey" I greeted Micah. He didn't bother to look at me. He just nodded and kept staring at the clouds.

I looked over to Lucifer who was looking at me. I glared at him and nodded to the seat in front me. He shook his head and I held up ten fingers. I started to count down.

Five fingers down then was six. I had 3 fingers up remaining and he let out a groan before getting up. He walked over and sat down in front me. He literally gave me a death stare and I just smile back.

"What are you doing" Micah asked. I turned to look at him to see he was looking at Lucifer.

Before Lucifer could answer, I cut him off. "He's here to make thing right" I lied. Micah looked at me then at Lucifer. "She's forcing you" Micah asked him and Lucifer just nodded.

It was my turn to let out a groan. "Okay look, you two have been at it for years. Who knows how long! Just talk about it. This is ridiculous" I yelled in a whispering tone making sure not to wake up anyone else.

"No it's not. He-"

"Hush" I ordered Lucifer. He looked at me a bit shock.

"I will ask questions and you guys have to answer. No one is allowed to cut the other one off" I spoke to them in a firm tone. They didn't react so I proceed. I turned to Micah, "Why are you mad at Lucifer" I asked.

I saw anger inflamed within him. I felt how angry he was. "What's there not to be angry about?! He's rude and doesn't care about anyone excepting himself. He's also an asshole if I may add and he takes being fallen to a different level. He see's it as superior and lets not start on his ego" Micah scoffed.

"I don't have to listen to this shit" Lucifer hissed before standing up. I grabbed his hand and he looked down at me. I gave him a pleading look causing him to sigh and sit back down. "Why are you mad at Micah" I asked him.

He stared at me then at Micah. "He's the brother of betrayal. He stuck by my side throughout the whole thing but when father put his foot down, he was to much of a wimp. He backed down and watched the rest of us get punish while he just got a lecture. He stood by father's side and enjoyed it" he scoffed.

Micah's eyes widened, "Enjoyed it? Is that what you see" he asked amused.

Lucifer nodded his head, "It sure seemed like it" Lucifer folded his arms over his chest.

"You've got to be kidding me. You don't understand the shit I go through" Micah growled.

"I would say the same for you too" Lucifer fired back.

"You guys are both stupid" I sighed causing them to look at me.

"I know I'm an asshole but that's just harsh" Lucifer glared at me.

I rolled my eyes, "I mean you guys hold grudges against each other when you're both in the same problem" I stated. They both looked at me confused. I turned to Micah, "When was the last time you talked to your dad" I asked. I watched as he tensed up a bit and shrugged, "Maybe like 4 decades ago or 5" he mumbled.

"See" I said looking at Lucifer who looked shocked a bit. "Your father doesn't bother to talk to Micah anymore. He only calls Micah when he needs him. He's fallen just like you but came ascend and descend from heaven only when called on. He doesn't have it easy like you think" I explained.

I turned to Micah, "Lucifer can be an ass but you have to put yourself in his point of view. I never really understood why he acted the way he was until Axel just talked to me. It's not easy being cast out of heaven and banished by life. You have to understand the hurt and pain he has" I informed him.

I stood up and looked at both of them, "You both are in pain yet don't see each other's point of view because you're simply stubborn. I'm going back to sleep and you two are going to talk things over and make up like true brothers" I ordered them before walking back to my seat.

I took out a blanket from the carry on department and used it to cover with. Covered in warmth, I slowly drifted back to sleep.


Lucifer's P.O.V

I can't believe she made us talk to each other. Micah and I watched as she covered herself with the blanket and fell asleep within seconds.

"She's a keeper" Micah mumbled causing me to look at him. I stared at him a second and nodded with a sigh, "She's my world" I admitted.

A small smile rose to his face, "I'm glad you're finally happy" he spoke in a delicate tone. For some other reason, I felt like Skylar had repair our relationship.

My eyebrow rose, "What about your happiness" I asked. To be fair, it's polite to ask the same or that what humans do...I think.

He shrugged but kept the smile on his face, "I just got it back. To be honest, I hated your guts with a passion. I just always thought you got to live a better life than me despite what happened" he admitted. I looked at him to see he was serious.

I shook my head, "Yea I kind of thought the same for you too. I just can't believe he would treat you like that" I hissed referring to father.

He just shrugged again not bothering to reply. As I thought about Sky, a former question hit me. "Do you know what her gifts are" I asked.

He shook his head, "No but I do know she has two just like you" he replied.

I stared at him with curiosity, "Well, the other night, when she was having a bad dream, the room dropped to a negative temperature and the window was sheeted with ice" I informed him.

I watched as full focus took over him. "Ice" he questioned and I nodded my head.

You see, when everyone has a "gift" from father, he doesn't just give them just as how they are. For example, one of my power is fire but it represents light. Axel has the gift of peace but can manipulate it into destruction. Micah's power would be protection but he could us it as battles.

"What could ice represent" I mumbled. We both started to wondering off at question. Micah pulled out his phone from his pocket and started to search through on what ice could be represented as. I did the same and looked through Google.

"It only says ice can represent coldness which we already know" Micah mumbled which shoving his phone back in his pocket.

I let out a groan as I found the same thing. I locked my phone and shoved it into my pocket. "When you freeze something, you either preserve it or kill it" I mumbled as I thought about what ice can do.

"Maybe she's cold hearted but that wouldn't really suit her. She's to..."

"Caring" I filled in and he nodded.

We just turned back to look at Sky to see her sound sleep. A smile rose to my face.

"You really love her" Micah stated. I simply just nodded my head, "With all my heart" I added. 

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