I fell in love with the Wrong...

By hopehopehopehopehope

166K 7.5K 8.1K

« She was pretending to be aggressive, but she was the nicest. He was pretending to have feelings, but he wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
happy new year
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
important !!!
Chapter 43
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 44
o shit
Chapter 45
Thank you!

Chapter 42

1.5K 83 60
By hopehopehopehopehope

How. Stupid. Could. You. Possibly. Be?

No, stupid wasn't the right word — the word was naive. You never thought you would be able to forgive someone that easily.
You've been staying at home for two more days, thinking about school : should you go back there? If you did so, you would have to explain everything to Ouma, he wouldn't want you to go back to school with Hika around.

And how were you supposed to explain that you forgave, once again, the man who took everything away from Ouma?

That simply wasn't fair. You hated yourself, at this moment. Someone like you... someone like the person you used to be, would never forgive a man who locked up people in his house, and who was a murderous psychopath. You would've confronted him, and would've tried your best to fight against him. But the person you became acted like a naive, weak little girl, and you hated that.

You perfectly understood that you absolutely shouldn't forgive a monster like Hika, no matter how lonely he looks, and no matter how sad his backstory was. But it wasn't about his loneliness or his sad backstory, it was about the feelings you had for him. It wasn't about him, it was about you. It was about the fact that you could hardly imagine you being without him. You felt a strange emptiness inside of you, before you met him. You never knew how it felt to love someone, and how it felt to be loved back — you thought it was either a myth or an ephemeral feeling.

But now, you thought differently. You got addicted to this feeling ; you liked it when your heart beat much faster around him, when his orange orbs were fixated on you with a loving gaze, when your fingertips turned cold and when your whole body suddenly was burning hot. These were things you never experienced in your whole life, before you met Hika Takeo. You didn't want to let go of this feeling, no matter the cost.
You know that was such an egoistic thought, and you often found yourself thinking 'What is happening to me?'

You remembered the time when you watched that anime called 'Mirai Nikki'. In this show, the male protagonist was in love with a psychopathic, insanely possessive girl ; well, actually, he wasn't in love with her at first, but he gradually learnt to love her. You often found yourself laughing at that poor boy, 'how dumb is he, to keep following and trusting that girl?'. Well... even though his situation was slightly different than yours, you now understood how he felt. Even though you knew Hika was a bad person, you couldn't help but follow and trust him. Because you were in love with him. Love makes you blind, doesn't it? Sad, but true.

These last two days, you did your best to avoid Ouma. You felt too guilty to talk to him, or even look at him. He wondered what you could possibly be hiding, even though he guessed that you were probably feeling bad about something. He tried to talk about it with you, but you just wouldn't tell him anything.
Lying to him wasn't going to make things better, anyway. Today, you decided to talk with him about it. Even if you kept all of this to yourself, Ouma would eventually find out one day, and he would be even more pissed, which is was understandable. The best option was to tell him the truth right now.

You walked up to 'his' room, which was in fact your room, but he slept in there too. "Hey, Ouma..." you murmured, knocking on the already opened door.
The short boy lying on the floor turned his head towards you, a slight smile on his face. "Oh, grumpy-cat finally decided to talk with me!" he exclaimed, his smile widening even more.
You chuckled and rolled your [e/c] eyes, "I... There's something I have to admit..." you almost whispered, looking down in shame.
Ouma stood up, and approached you until he was embarrassingly close to you. "You're here to tell me you're in love with me? Don't be nervous. The feeling is mutual." he casually said, an innocent grin plastered on his pale face.
Your cheeks quickly turned pink, as you playfully hit the side of his head, "Don't joke right now. I'm trying to be serious, dumbass."
He chuckled, caressing his pained head, "Ah, I wasn't joking though..." he whispered, so lowly that you couldn't hear anything. "What did you want to tell me, anyway?"
You looked down once again, playing with your fingers nervously, "It's about Hika. He–"

"You forgave him, right?" the purple head cut you off, staring at you with a blank face.
You gasped slightly — this guy... he was really smart. He also had an excellent intuition. You simply nodded slowly, waiting for his reaction.
"I expected that. I'm not mad. I was just scared that Hika will hurt us– will hurt me, because I was persuaded he would be extremely mad. But... apparently... things went pretty well. You don't have to feel bad [Y/N], I understand. It's because you..." he paused for a moment, and grabbed your hand with an almost sad look on his face, "...you love him, right?... I guess that's not a feeling you can control." he stated, letting go of your hand, and staring at you once again with inexpressive eyes.
"You know, as long as you keep me far away from that freak, I won't be mad. I'm only worried about my own safety." he lied, before rushing out of the room, leaving you dumbfounded behind him.

He only cared about his own safety? Strangely enough, he seemed to want to protect you, a few days ago. Was he lying? You really couldn't understand him. You wanted to know what was going on in his head. You wished you could help him, but you didn't know how, since you didn't know what his problem was. The most surprising thing was, that he didn't seem mad. He simply seemed sad, disappointed.
You thought Ouma changed a lot lately, he didn't use as much curse words as he used to, and he seemed much calmer than he was before. You were pretty happy about that — this change was a good thing, and it was surely because he moved far away from his brother. Well, not that far away since you were neighbors, but still.

It would be hard to help Hika and Ouma at the same time, since they're basically enemies — but you cared a lot for them both. You just didn't know how to please them both, it was basically impossible. It was either help Hika, or help Ouma.
When you helped Hika, you felt bad for Ouma, and when you helped Ouma, you felt bad for Hika.

How lame.

If only things were easier.

A/N : I am alive!!! Barely, but still!
I feel so bad for Ouma,,, like,,, just,,, protect this bean,,, reADER-CHAN IS SO BLIND SHE CANT EVEN SEE HIS FEELINGS TOWARDS HER.
Anyway I hope you appreciated this chapter, and I'll see ya'll in the next one! Lots of love!!!

I hope you have a nice day/night (><),

— komaeda

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