Finding Hope

By forever_Jen_

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"You're hired." Nobody could have known that that those two words would eventually lead to so much. Most impo... More

Chapter 2- Babysitting
Chapter 3- The Mission
Chapter 4- Oh How I Wish Buddy
Chapter 5- Challenge Accepted
Chapter 6- Homecoming, Or Should I Say Disater Day
Chapter 7- I'm Gonna Birthday Bash You In The Head
Chapter 8- Nothing Like Carter Huh?
Chapter 9- What Happened Back There?
Chapter 10- Betrayal
Chapter 11- Mondays
Chapter 12- The Truth
Chapter 13- Mhmmm Sure
Chapter 14- I Hate You
Chapter 15- I Love Him
Chapter 16- I Have A Plan
Chapter 17- I Love You
Chapter 18- You're In Danger
Chapter 19- The New Face
Chapter 20- Will You Stop Pacing? It's Going To Make Me Sick
Chapter 21- Caller Unknown
Chapter 22- Teach me
Cast List
Chapter 23- Face Off (Part 1)
Chapter 24- Face Off (Part 2)
Chapter 25- She Took It Too Far
Chapter 26- Why Are You Showing Me This
Chapter 27- Life's Too Short
Chapter 28- You're Not A Psycho!
Chapter 29- The Best Day Of My Life
Chapter 30- You're Late
Chapter 31- 8 years later

Chapter 1- Senior Year

526 20 0
By forever_Jen_

"You need to get a job Liliana! It needs to look good for Yale!" This is all I've been hearing from my mother since I finished my junior year of high school, which was 3 months ago.

I don't wanna get a job. I've always gotten the perfect grades. I have the perfect academic record. I have the perfect life, the perfect family. The perfect everything.

But I'm tired of being perfect. This year I made a vow to myself that I would take risks and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

I decided to call my best friend Sage, she knows what to do with makeup. "Why are you calling me so early?" She groans, I chuckle.

"It's a girly girl emergency-"

"Say no more. I've been waiting to hear those words come out of your mouth forever. I'll be over in ten." I'm taking a new year new me to a whole knew level. 

Nobody likes a smart, nerdy girl.

As she said, Sage was over within the span of ten minutes with her makeup bag, curling iron, and a bag with multiple outfits in them.

"Alright so I have an idea. Instead of my level of clothes, we start you off with a tomboy sort of style, I can do your hair and make up and it will be amazing. Of course you can still wear your glasses if you want, I brought contacts just in case. Are you ready for this?" She asks over excitedly, I smile.

"I'm ready."

Tyler's POV
"Sup Ty, senior year we're going to own this school!" My best friend Jadon shouts while getting out of his Porsche, I roll my eyes with a chuckle.

"Sup Jay. How was Europe?" Over the summer, Jadon visited his mom in Europe. Meanwhile, I was stuck at home babysitting my little sister.

"Amazing! Lots of chicks, and mom bought me this bad boy." He gestures to his car. "How was your summer?" He questions while pointing at Brianna Fitzgerald, I shake my head.

"My summer was great, I played some ball, video games and as for Bri, nothing. I can't talk to her, nothing comes out of my mouth!" I grunt angrily while kicking my bike.

"Well that's all going to change this year my friend. My goal is to make you two the biggest power couple ever. I hear she's going up for head cheerleader this year, you should run for football captain." I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"That position is filled by you. Besides, I'm more into lacrosse-"

"Then go for lacrosse captain. I told you, I have a plan this year and it will be a good one." All of a sudden, a car comes speeding into the parking lot and almost hits Jadon.

"Watch it bitch!" Jadon shouts angrily, the person gets out of the car with a smirk plastered on her face. "Maybe you should watch where you're standing. Wouldn't wanna get hit now would we Jay Jay?" A smirk raises to his face as she walks into the building. Sage gets out of the car as well so I say hi.

"Hey Sage." I wave, she smiles and waves back. "Hey guys, senior year how do you feel?"

"Just great now that your friend almost killed me with her car. Who is the new girl anyways?" Sage laughs. "She's not new, she's always been here."

"I think I would have noticed a fine girl like that-"

"You have. Just not in that way. That was Lily." My eyes bug out. "Hold up. Lily like nerdy Lily?" I question, she nods.

"She discovered how to be a girl. You like?" She says cheerfully, I nod. "She looks-"

"Hot. New plan. I'm getting her to go out with me, and you're getting Brianna." Jadon says bluntly. Sage laughs, I look at her curiously. "What are you laughing at?" She shakes her head.

"Oh, nothing. Happy hunting boys!" She walks after Lily leaving Jadon with a smirk on his face just standing there looking at the car.

"Jay don't you dare-"

"Why not? It's just a little fun!" He takes out his key and strings it along the car making an unbearable screeching noise. Before I could do anything, the bell rings and he pulls me into school.

"Hey Ty, hey Jay!" Amelia, one of Brianna's minions says with a flirty wave. "Sup Mia." Jadon replied with a nod, I chuckle as Brianna walks by.

"Mia, you are supposed to be in Drama with me. Are you coming or not?" Bri snaps, I chuckle as Jadon pulls me away. "Dude. Snap out of it. There is a welcome back party tonight at her house. Wanna come?"

"As much as I would love to start your evil plan, I can't. I have to babysit my little sister-"

"Your parents really need to get a sitter." I chuckle. Little does he know that Sara is my niece and not my little sister, technically I am her babysitter. Nobody really knows about my past and I would like to keep it that way.

My phone buzzes, it's a text from Ivy:
Ivy- Hey little bro, just to let you know we have a babysitter in mind, do you happen to know Lily Fitzgerald?
Tyler- Yup. I totally know her, she's great
Ivy- Okay awesome. I'll tell her she got the job, you are free of service.

I start dancing in the middle of the hallway. "What the hell are you doing?" Jay replies with a chuckle. "My happy dance, I am free from my babysitting duties! They got Lily to be the sitter." He smirks causing me to roll my eyes.

"The plan is in action."

Lily's POV
When I got the text I was so happy. I can finally tell my parents that I got a job. Of course I'm not going to tell them what job because they will think it's just for the lower class.

My parents are loaded. They are what you would call snobby rich people. After my brother got sent away, my parents have been treating me and my sister like crap. I guess you could say that's why she's a grade A bitch.

The Hunter's want me to start after school, I have to pick up Sara from school and then I am going to bring her to get ice cream.

"So did you get the job?" Sage questions while taking a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich, I chuckle with a smile. "Yes-" She cuts me off by letting out a shriek causing Brianna to look at us.

"Great. Now she's coming over." I glare at Sage, she chuckles. "Who?"

"Hey ladies. I couldn't help but here a scream, did you finally realize how ugly you are?" Out of nowhere, Jadon wraps an arm around her and chuckles.

"This girl? Ugly? I don't think so, she's very beautiful indeed. Why if I was her boyfriend I would want to rip-"

"Not happening Jay." I cut him off, he chuckles. "A man could only try!" He puts his hand on his heart, acting like he's hurt. "Her? What do you see in her?"

"I am starting to see it." Tyler says at an obvious attempt to make her jealous, I roll my eyes. "Gee thanks." Jadon crosses his arms.

"I see how it is princess-"

"Do not call me princess." I glare at him. He knows never to call me that because of what happened to me. You see, we all used to be this big friend group a long time ago. But then Brianna got pretty, and what came with that was popularity, since then she refused to acknowledge that we're related. Jadon became a wanna be bad boy jock. Tyler stayed the same but he got pulled into all the Mumbo jumbo crap that is high school standards. As for Sage and I, well we stayed close friends as you can see but she's never mean to anyone and that's what I like about her.

"I'll tell you what, how about you come to Brianna's party with me?" I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Not that I would go anyways but I have work." Brianna's eyes pop out, I let out a small laugh.

"I'll pick you up after then." I shake my head again. "I think you misheard when I said no." He chuckles.


"Don't babe me. You're just not my type." Both Brianna, Sage's eyes bugged out but Tyler just laughed. "Princess, i'm everyone's type-"

"There you go with the princess thing again!" I flail my arms making it more dramatic, Sage catches on to what I'm doing and lets out a small chuckle. The bell rings.

"Ah! Saved by the bell. This was fun, we should do it again sometime." I walk away with Sage, I look back and Brianna still has her mouth hanging open. "What did you do that for? He's so hot!" I glare at her.

"Sage. We both know what type of guy he is. Besides, I am focusing on my future. No time for boys." She rolls her eyes as we approach our lockers. "I thought you said you were going to take risks this year."

"I am. But disappointing my mother is not one of them, you know how she is. Anyways, I have to get to work. Can you drive me? I don't feel like driving." I say with a chuckle, She nods. "Sure where to?" She replies.

"The Hunter's house." She stood in her tracks. "The Hunters? As in Tyler Hunter?" I nod and shrug. "It's no big deal-"

"No big deal? Lily this is huge! Why don't you go out with him?" I burst out into laughter. "Sage. First of all, I don't like him like that. Second of all, I know that you are only telling me to go for it because he's hot and it will get Jadon jealous. And third, he's into my sister. Always has been, always will be." I stop in my tracks once we reach the parking lot.

"My car! Who the hell did this to my car?!" I shout angrily, Sage looks at me worriedly. "Lily calm don't you don't wanna get too-"

"No I will not calm down. Someone keyed my car! Do you know what my mother is going to do to me? Ugh whoever did this is going to pay!" I shout angrily but it comes out of more of a scream.

"Hello princess-"

"Not the time Jay." I snap, he chuckles. "But we need to talk. Did you see the gift I left for you? You wanted to play hard to get, now it's my turn." I turn around and almost ring my hands around his neck. "This! Is not playing hard to get. This is vandalism! Do you know what my mother is going to do to me when she sees this?! Ugh! And to think that for one minute I actually was considering going out with you!" I yell, his mouth drops open. I get into the car angrily and tell Sage to drive.

"So you were considering it-"

"We shall never speak of it. Now not only do I have to do a paint job after going to my actual job but I have to go back home and deal with the raging party that Brianna is throwing!" I grunt, Sage chuckles.

"It's going to be fine-"

"How can you be so- oh shit!" She looks at me questionably. "Turn around and drive to the elementary school. It's my first day and I completely forgot to pick up the kid!" She makes a U turn and speeds over to the school.

Once we got to the school, I jumped out of the car and ran to the front desk. "I'm sorry I'm late. I'm here to pick up Sara Hunter."

"Lily!" She runs into my arms, I smile. "I thought you forgot about me." I shake my head as I sign her out. "No, I was just running a little late that's all. Wanna go for some ice cream?" She nods vigorously, I chuckle.

"Can my friend come too?" I ask while pointing to Sage, she nods. "The more the merrer as my mommy says." I chuckle at her attempt to say merrier. She's such a sweet little girl, she always has a smile on her face and her blue eyes are always glistening. Her brother on the other hand, not so much. Tyler is always complaining about something.

She skips to the car and I open the back door for her, she sits down and I buckle her in and then get into the passenger seat. "Where to?" Sage asks while looking at Sara, Sara smiles.

"Ice cream!" She chants, Sage chuckles. "Alright, ice cream it is!" Sage starts the car and we drive to the place I always went to as a kid to feel safe.

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