Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3...

By EmotionalPerson01

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Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Rewrite starts here)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
BOOK 4 Cover read!!!(CLOSED)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 3

5.1K 255 8
By EmotionalPerson01


I love the support I get from everyone but some things need to change. I'm not trying to be rude or an asshole but I am somewhat annoyed at people who ask questions which are answered in book 1. There has been many times where someone would ask me questions in book 2 that was answered in book 1. I am not trying to put any of you on the spot or make you feel like a target but please do not ask me question until you have actually read all the books. I honestly don't mind answering questions but if it was answered in the previous book then you should've read it. Like I said, I don't mind answering question if you're lost or confused or just simply have a general question like "What if" or just "Why". Anything is fine. Once again, I'm not trying to sound rude. Just please read ALL the books before asking questions.

Book 1: Saved By The Devil

Book 2: Return Of The Devil

Book 3: Crowned By The Devil (This is book 3)

All the books can be found on my profile. Once again thank you for your support and love you all.


I turned around to see a guy with blue eyes and black hair. His scent was strong like Lucifer's but a tad different. He was also wearing all white jeans and shirt.

"What do you want now" Lucifer growled behind me.

"Who's he" I whispered.

"Micah, Archangel" Micah replied.

"You're the one who did this to -"

"No. My Father was the one who did this" he corrected me.

"What are you doing here" Lucifer's tone got deeper.

He walked around the room looked at practically everything. "Nice house you got. Anyways, I came to talk about her" he said looking at me.

"What about me" I quickly replied.

His face lit up with a bit of amusement, "Well for starters, being a half demon can throw your mortals off balance" he stated.

Lucifer let out a frustrated sigh unlike me who didn't understand anything he just said. "Meaning" I questioned.

He walked into the lobby and I followed to see him sitting on the bar stool. He turned in his seat and leaned back against the counter, "Well, it means you will eventually mix up your feelings. You wouldn't know what is what and you will not be able to control -"

"He's lying" Lucifer butt in.

"I still don't understand how a pure soul fell for him" Micah scoffed.

"What else am I being punished for" I shouted.

"Well, Father wants me to watch over you so I'll be checking on you once in a while" he stated.

"What type of shit is this" I yelled.

"Language please" Micah glared at me.

"Oh suck it Micah. It's not like you can get rid off me or your father. I mean I knew I use to go to church when I was small but now this is just stupid. There's literally nothing going for me here. What am I supposed to do just sit back and watch my brothers die as I stay immortal" I shouted in anger.

He stood up from his seat and smile, "That is exactly what you're suppose to do."

Within a blink I was inches away from his face, "You think this is amusing" I hissed.

A smirk rose to his face, "On the contrary Sweetheart, I find this to be more than amusing. Think of it as watching a soap opera and you're the star of it all."

I grabbed his throat and tightened my grip. His smirk rose more, "Full with so much anger your eye turned black. This must kill you" he spoke in a taunting voice.

"Sky let him go" Lucifer's voice came next to me.

"Come on Sky. You know you want to rip my head off" he provoked me and I did wanted to rip his head off. He found joy in my pain. What type of archangel was he?

"Sky" Lucifer called.

This isn't you. He may be an asshole archangel but it's not worth your time.

I looked at Micah who kept smirking. I released him and stepped back.

"Awe were you not going to finish the job" Micah fake pouted.

"No she isn't. Tell father I send my fucking regards" Lucifer hissed before twisting Micah's next.

I watched as Micah's body fell to the floor then disappeared. "Is he really an Archangel" I questioned.

Lucifer slowly nodded, "Trust me, I had the same question when it happened. He's like an outcast who barely made it. Father could give less craps of what he does most of the time" he scoffed.

"What type of nonsense is that?!"

"I agree" he sighed.

So I'm stuck like this.

"Where are the guys" I asked Lucifer who was just studying me.

"They haven't slept since you kind of umm.."

"You could say it. I promise not to bite" I rolled my eyes.

He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me. "Dead. Since you died they haven't sleep so they are catching up on some sleep" he explained while I hugged him back.

His scent filled my head and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. "You smell really good" I giggled into his chest. He let out a laugh which sent vibrations through his body.

"Thanks. Now you know how strong your scent is" he kissed the top of my head.

I hummed in response and broke the hug. "Since the guys are sleeping, we should do something I mean unless you're tired then you could sleep. I don't -"

"I'm not tired. Calm down and sure. What would you like to do" he asked with a smile.

I shrugged, "Whatever you want."

A grin rose to his face, "I have a lot of things I would like to do" he wiggles his eyebrows.

I playfully punched him in the arm, "Come on" I whined.

He shook his head and laughed, "Fine. Let's go" he started walking to the door.

I trailed behind him, "Where we going" I asked as he held the door open for me.

"It's a surprise" he stated as we walked into the garage. I decided not to question it and just get in the car he chose which was the lambo.

He started the engine and drove out. Within a blink we were driving on a different road.

"You know, I'm really surprise you're taking this half demon thing well" he stated.

"Yeah" I half lied.

"It's not nice to lie" he spoke turning towards me.

I looked at him to see his face without emotion. "Say's the one who lies twenty-four seven" I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes and turned towards the road, "You could talk to me you know."

I let out a sigh, "I know. It's just I understand why it happened but I still fail to process why it had to be this way. It's just -"

"I know. Trust me. You don't have to tell me" he mumbled.

"Lucifer what am I supposed to do as a half demon? And what does a half demon even mean" I shrieked.

"Well being a half demon just means a demon. We call it half if you were once human and just live your life normally as how you would. I know it may be hard but you have to try" he spoke in a soft tone as he held my hand with his free hand.

"You make it sound so easy" I whined.

He rose my hand up and planted a kiss on it. "It's easy if you believe it's easy Princessa."

I let out a sigh and knew he was right. I may be calm on the outside but I am freaking out in the inside.

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