The Vicky Series: Book 3: Liv...

By Gloriannajames

13.6K 1.1K 48

Q. E. McClintock has never shied from his duty and when the Civil War starts, he once again answers the call... More

Note and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 Part 1
Chapter 1 Part 2
Chapter 2 Part 1
Chapter 2 Part 2
Chapter 3 Part 1
Author Note
Chapter 3 Part 2
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 Part 2
Chapter 05 Part 1
Chapter 5 Part 2
Chapter 06 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Author's note
Chapter 07 Part 1
Chapter 7 Part 2
chapter 08 part 1
Chapter 8 part 2
Chapter 09 part 1
Chapter 9 part 2
Chapter 10 part 1
Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11 part 1
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12 part 1
Chapter 12 part 2
Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 13 part 2
chapter 14 part 1
Chapter 14 part 2
Author's Note
Chapter 15-part 1
Chapter 15 - part 2
Chapter 16-part 1
Chapter 16 - part 2
Chapter 17-part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2
Chapter 19 part 1
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20 part 2
Chapter 20 part 1
Chapter 21 part 1
Chapter 21 part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
This Story is finished but...

Chapter 28

298 28 3
By Gloriannajames

Quin bit his cheek. Damn. He did make the rule before he left them while she was carrying Lizzy. So this was all his doing?

"Thanks anyway." He grumbled and stepped out on the porch to collect his thoughts.

Something wasn't right. If he didn't know better, he'd swear he was jealous. But that was ridiculous. As Bo pointed out, he was following orders and just helping out. There wasn't anything untoward by helping out folks in need, especially when they were helping you out. Hell, isn't that what he did for the Kelley's when they ...Damnation.

That was when he'd fallen in love with Vicky...He swallowed the last of his coffee and was about to send Bo back to the bunkhouse when the door opened and six little munchkins came scrambling out to say good morning to Pa. With his attention sufficiently diverted, he felt his spirits lifting. Then Vicky joined them and when their eyes met, his happiness was complete.

"I've said my goodbye's." he whispered after he shooed them inside to eat the breakfast Bo announced was ready. "And they've promised to behave when I leave after breakfast."

"Ah. If this is to be the last of our time with you, then let us make the most of it. No more talk of goodbye." She smiled sadly as he opened the door for her and nodded agreement.

He left the noise of his family as he headed for the barn and then the hills. He wanted to catch up with all of his men today if he could. As he rode he thought about all the little things his family did that he was going to miss. As his eyes began to burn he shook his head and laughed. Vicky was so much better with these goodbyes.

Perhaps it was that the children kept her too busy, or perhaps she was just stronger than he. But he was sure she wasn't this emotional about their parting. She was just too damned sensible.

Quin was soaked and frozen before he caught up with the first of his men that afternoon. Three days later he couldn't remember what it felt like to be dry...or warm. Late in the morning the weather gave them a reprieve. It was still cold as hell but at least it stopped raining for a spell. Quin laughed at his men as they worked. They took bets as to how long the rain would hold off.

They worked quickly in the absence of the downpour and although the mud made everything more strenuous, they managed to build up the temporary corral. He left them to gather the strays in the area and set out to the north to round up the strays from the valley. It would be prime for mudslides and he couldn't afford to lose any stock...not if he was to recover from a four year absence.

As the afternoon wore on the rain again started. He pulled his hat down and adjusted his slicker. Jonah nickered his protest; he didn't like the mud and cold rain either. The rain quickly became a downpour that made any further progress impossible. He looked around for the best place to get out of the weather and let out a noise somewhere between a grunt and a scoff but definitely a noise of disgust.

He might have laughed, or maybe smiled...but his face was frozen. Instead of a sarcastic chuckle he mumbled a string of expletives. It didn't make anything better, but it helped to vent a little of his frustration. As if to express his mutual displeasure, Jonah bobbed his head and snorted. Vicky claimed he was smart and could understand her. Quin almost believed her as Jonah's timing was uncanny.

This rain had gone on for so long there was no place for them to get "out of the weather". The trees were saturated and their leaves and branches no longer offered any protection from the dripping on the rain. Not that anywhere near a tree was a good place to be in a thunderstorm...on top of a mountain. The ground was saturated and the mud was soft. Poor Jonah sank almost to his knees in places.

That made the rocks super slick and any rocks they might shelter under would be potentially dangerous...slick, cold, and a potential grave if the mud shifted and the rocks fell. Still, they had to find someplace and a rock overhang would be best. That's what his eyes locked on a few hundred yards ahead. It was on the other side of a little ravine where the rain had washed the mud from between the rock.

It was narrow and filled almost to the top with fast moving water. No way to tell how deep it was, but even with the ground as wet as it was, Jonah could easily take it in stride. Lightning struck. It was close. The crack of thunder that came almost simultaneously with the flash of light was deafening and the rumble of it shook his bones.

Jonah was a good mount: steady, strong, and bottomless. He was battle trained and sure footed and any cowboy would give his right arm for a horse like him...but that jolt unnerved him. Quin felt the muscles rippling beneath his legs as Jonah pawed nervously. Suddenly he arched his head high with his ears pinned back. He threw his head side to side as his eyes went wide with fear.

The fingers on Quin's right hand curled tighter on the reins and he immediately began talking in a low steady voice.

"Woah Jonah." He spoke softly in an unruffled tone as he gently pulled back on the reins trying to back him up away from the site, "Woah there boy...Easy now."

Jonah's nostrils flared as he snorted and fought against the bit. Quin felt the big horse tense as he tried to pull his head down right before he stopped and went stiff all over. Quin kept up a steady stream of calming comments as he pulled the reins sharply to the right. Jonah turned his head and they began to circle. Quin could tell he wanted to hop or buck so he kept him turning tight circles while he kept up the calming commentary.

Only after Jonah reluctantly blew out a sigh did Quin let Jonah stop. His ears went forward and he shook his head and blew as if to shake off the last of his nerves. Quin leaned forward and patted his neck and changed his voice and comments to praise.

"That's a good boy." He patted and stroked Jonah's neck.

He kept up his comments and held them at a stand allowing Jonah to rest as he kept talking in a slow steady voice.

"That was one hell of a fright, wasn't it, buddy?" He almost laughed as Jonah turned one ear back and turned his head to look at Quin.

"I don't blame you for being afraid. But you know I won't let anything happen to you, don't you boy? Vicky would kill me." This time he chuckled softly as Jonah blew a soft snort and dipped his head as if to nod his agreement.

"You know that's true don't you boy." The soft steady droning of his voice as he stroked and patted calmed them both.

"Well, now that's all settled, let's get the hell out of this infernal rain." He mumbled as he pointed them for the spot out of the rain.

The shadow of the crevice grew larger and Quin's heart lightened just a little. The overhand wasn't much...six feet at best. But it was about four feet deep. A fire at the back might stand a chance against the rain and wind. The best part is that Jonah would fit too...barely.

Stopping outside the overhang he flung his saddle bags over his shoulder and pulled the rifle from its scabbard. Setting them just inside the overhang he made short work of the cinch and hoisted the saddle inside. Pulling the blanket off he stood in front of Jonah.

"It's going to be a tight fit, buddy. Do you trust me?" He stroked Jonah's nose. "Do you buddy?"

As if in answer, Jonah nudged him in the shoulder.

"Alright. Let's go low." He said and crouched tugging gently on the reins.

Jonah lowered his head and followed into the small space and let Quin lead him up against the back wall.

"Down." He said as he knelt and Jonah followed suit.

"Good boy." Quin patted his nose with a chuckle. "I'm going to see what I can do about getting a little fire going. You stay put."

Jonah dipped his head once before he tucked his front legs under him and curled his head around. His horse looked like a dog curled for a nap. Quin chuckled as he hunched his shoulders and ducked his chin into his collar against the rain. Quin managed to find a bit of grass near the base of a particularly thick pine that wasn't too soaked.

It wasn't much more than a few fistfuls but with a few fistfuls of oats, it was more than what Quin was going to eat...jerky and water. He growled at the thought. If this rain ever stopped he wondered if he'd ever want another drink of water.

"Here you go buddy. It's not much. I'll be back in a minute to start us a fire and get you some oats."

Jonah nosed the grass and snorted his agreement. It wasn't much. Quin laughed as he headed back into the rain. He wouldn't have bothered with the storm and the dangerous terrain he didn't want to take the chance Jonah might come up lane or take off on him. Jonah was a good sport though. He ate his oats without damaging Quin's hat and even stole a stale biscuit Quin found.

"Vicky does make some good biscuits, doesn't she buddy?" Quin agreed with a chuckle as he patted his friend's neck.

He was sorry he hadn't anything dry to rub him down with, but at least they had a respite from the rain and their tiny fire was hardly worth the effort. Still, the large horse and the large man filled the tiny space and Quin slowly felt himself defrost. Jonah's blanket was almost dry where he'd laid it over the saddle by their fire. With a smile he knelt next to Jonah to flip the blanket over him.

"There ya go buddy. At least you won't be frozen in the morning." He patted the horse affectionately.

Jonah nudged his arm and blew softly.

"Good night buddy."

Quin shook his head as he dug out the coffee makings. Jonah was a good sport and settled quickly to sleep leaving Quin with first watch. After a few hours he shifted again to scare the stiff from his limbs. As he sipped his coffee and cradled the cup in both hands, he was mighty thankful for its warmth.

He was grateful Vicky let him have Jonah for those three years he was away. He was already an amazing animal but the two of them spent a lot of time together and they'd grown together out on the trail. As Quin thought back he had his doubts if another mount could have seen him through it all. He turned back and smiled at his friend.

A cold breeze chilled Quin to the bone and he shivered. It wasn't likely that there would be any Indian activity in this weather. Carson's campaigns had all but stopped the raiding. There likely wouldn't be any animals out in this weather either. Not quite satisfied it would be safe enough to get some sleep, he shrugged his slicker closer and argued with himself for a few more minutes.

He finished his coffee and tossed the empty cup down on his saddle bags. What was it going to do? Get something wet. Chuckling at his own joke he stoked up the fire and gave in to his fatigue. With a shrug he crawled over to Jonah to rest against him. It didn't take long for Quin to fall into a comfortable but light sleep. He dreamt of Vicky

When she was Vic Bradley...when she stood tall against the slander to help him with his infant daughter...When she proudly introduced him to the twins...When she knelt and wept at Naomi Beth's grave...When she fought next to him against her abductors with the infant Naomi Beth on her back like a papoose...The way she kept her head and saved Zeke...

The memories were all mixed up and out of order, in fact, there was no order to them at all.

The smile on her face when she returned from her sunrise rides with her face flushed and her eyes twinkling with glee...creeping up to the window and finding Black Wolf tearing at her skirts...the motherly stare she gave the misbehaving child...her look of love and wanting as she came to his arms in the night...the terror as he held her while she bled out after losing Joseph...

Through the night the terrible fearful memories of all the times he'd nearly lost her mixed with so many wonderful moments in between. He awoke to a gentle nudge from Jonah. Their fire had gone out and but at least it stopped raining. As he started to move he realized how stiff he'd become sleeping on the cold rocks. Thanks to Jonah he didn't need to add frozen to the list of morning complaints.

As Quin packed up he knew how silly he'd been to be jealous of Bo, or any man for that matter. Vicky's heart was true and she gave it to him. At the moment he felt a little undeserving. Vicky's heart saw a need and when she could, she filled it. Louie and Bo were two misfits in need of home and family and Vicky took them in. He was smiling as he stood and cracked his head on a low hanging rock.

"OW!" he yelped and shot a side glance down when Jonah horse-laughed at him.

"I guess I do look pretty silly, eh buddy?"

Jonah nodded and Quin laughed.

"Careful now or I might let you find your own way out of here."

Jonah shook his head and Quin could have sworn the way he flapped his lips was a raspberry. Vicky was right. Jonah was almost human.

"Come on buddy." He crouched to grab the reins as he coaxed Jonah to stand. "Let's go low. That's it. Watch your head!"

Quin crouched as Jonah stood and held his head low trusting Quin to back him safely into the clear. As cozy as their little space was, he was glad to be in the open again. They needed to get moving. As Quin replaced the saddle his pocket crinkled. With a smile he remembered the drawing he had safely tucked against his heart. His hodgepodge family meant the world to him.

Jonah seemed ready to get moving too. As Quin mounted, he turned back to find their trail with a sense of well-being despite the circumstances. He was one lucky hombre...

His men met him on the trail a little after the noon hour. They shouldn't be here. Judging from their faces and the way they sat their saddles, something was very wrong. Reining up in front of them he braced for the worst.

"Major." Buck nodded his greeting soberly. "There's been another mudslide. It's bad. We lost Cody and Shorty."

Quin swallowed before he could speak.

"And the horses?"

"Hard to tell, sir. It was like something from a bad dream. The canyon was falling all around us and the roar was deafening. We got them running..."

"Not that they needed any help..."Matt put in.

"Right." Buck nodded. "We were all running like hell but when the boulders started falling in front of us the remuda splintered. We just got out of there."

"Hard to tell sir. It was like something from a bad dream. The canyon was falling all around us and the roar was deafening. We got the horses running not that they needed much help there. But when the boulders started falling in front of us the herd splintered. We just got out of there."

Quin didn't speak. He tried to keep a calm neutral face. This was bad, but it wasn't any of their doing.

"What about the boys who went after the strays?"

"Lefty hasn't come back yet. He rode out after them after we regrouped."

"Alright then. The first order would be let's go take a look."

The men nodded and turned their mounts. Their faces were white. Quinton's stomach knotted. These were seasoned men that saw the carnage of stampedes and Indian raids. Buck fought in the war. These were not greenhorns to pale at the sight of blood. Quin knew whatever they would find was going to be mighty bad indeed.

They rode in silence to the canyon. A river of gnarled wood and crushed rock covered the canyon floor and spilled out the entrance like a bucket that's been tipped. The rubble was at least twenty feet high. Nothing survived if it was in that canyon. There was not going to be a burial for Cody and Shorty. Any horses that made it out would be good and spooked as they scattered over the mountains.

Quin took his hat off, placing it over his heart as he bowed his head. The men followed suit. Buck nudged his mount forward looked at Quin, asking without words if they should do something. Unable to speak, Quin nodded. They sang Amazing Grace and then Quin asked the Lord to watch over Cody and Shorty. After which they stood in silence with their hats in hand remembering their friends.

Quin turned Jonah first.

"Come on boys. We need to find Lefty." He sighed. "Nothing more can be done here."

They found Lefty's horse before they found him. A small slide covered the trail making it difficult to navigate. His horse had a badly broken leg. There was nothing to do but shoot it. Following the tracks to find Lefty, they saw the horse ran a good hundred yards in panic before it collapsed. Quin saw where a tree pinned Lefty to some rocks. Damn.

The boys didn't move at first.

"Buck, help me get that tree off him." Quin said as he leapt down. "Jim, pull him loose as soon as you can."

"Come on boys." Buck rallied and the boys jumped into action.

Lefty was still breathing and his legs felt like they were in once piece. His shoulder was dislocated thought. Clenching his jaw he braced Lefty with a boot to his chest and yanked hard. The shoulder popped loudly and Lefty moaned but didn't move. Quin checked his neck and skull. His fingers found a knot and some blood but nothing that wouldn't mend.

Together they managed to get Lefty across Buck's lap and sent them back to the Arrow Q. Quin sent the other three out to try to round up whatever horses they could find and herd them toward the valley. They'd be harder to find later, but at least they'd be safe from floods and landslides.

Quin went on alone to see how the men minding the cattle had fared. After maneuvering several small slides he found the cattle safe and skittish. The three men with them were fine but they were in for a long night. Quin turned back to help round up his scattered horses and ducked down into his collar as the sky opened up with a low rumble.

It was slow going in the rain as he picked his way around the evidence of the unstable state of the area. Small slides scattered various sized rock and thick layers of mud across the trail obliterating it completely in places. After about a mile and a half he looked at the sky and groused. It was too cloudy to tell the time that way and he wasn't going to ruin his watch in this downpour.

But he didn't need a clock to know that he was making lousy time. The canyon that he lost two of his men in was still a little over two miles away. At the rate he was going he might make it by nightfall. He looked again at the sky as it rumbled low and grew very dark. Damn this weather. There was precious little light as it was!

As he adjusted his collar where the rain was dripping down his back he shrugged deeper into his slicker. Damn but that rain was cold...Without warning lightning struck a mesquite not ten feet to his left. Jonah reared up and kicked at the air as his eyes rolled with terror. Jonah's nostrils flared in fright and filled with the smoke from the burning tree.

Quin held tight to the bucking horse and nearly had control when another strike hit not a mile away. The crack that followed was too much, even for Jonah. The downpour of rain made everything slippery, including Quin. As he was air born he saw the rocks coming up fast and prayed Jonah wouldn't go too far or break a leg in his panicked flight.

When he came to it was dark. He couldn't see the stars and there was no moon. Without their light to guide him, he had no way to know how late it was. He hurt all over. Best not to move too fast. He wiggled his fingers and toes and gasped as pain registered from his limbs. Lifting his head he groaned as the world spun round and let his head fall back with a thump.

"Ow." He mumbled.

If he didn't hurt so badly everywhere else, he might have laughed at the irony. Moving slowly and with great care he managed to sit up and take better inventory of his limbs. Nothing was broken. His slicker was torn and his hat was nowhere that he could see. Neither was Jonah. Quin grimaced. It was going to be a long walk to anywhere.

His legs weren't broken but as he tried to stand he knew at once he definitely twisted something. His trousers felt tight at the knee and his boot felt snug. He felt the sting of the water on various cuts and as he moved he felt the tenderness of multiple bruises. This was going to hurt for a good long while.

He hadn't felt like this since he was a smart-mouthed teenager who thought he could ride anything. He chuckled at the memory of how hard that particular fall hurt, although a goodly portion of his pain that day was from his bruised pride. The men, including his pa, had a good belly laugh out of that. He deserved it though. A streak of fire shot up his leg and reminded him where he was.

He needed to find Jonah. No one knew where he was and one was expecting him. His men chasing the horses couldn't know he was coming to help them and the three he left with the cattle would have no reason to think he hadn't made it. Testing his leg, he almost fell on the first step. He needed a crutch... At least there was plenty of mesquite around.

It was going to be a long, cold, wet walk if Jonah ran all the way back to Arrow Q. Three shots was the signal for help but he'd lost his pistol along with his hat and his rifle was tucked in the scabbard...with Jonah. He did have a few extra bullets he'd slipped in his pocket but it was raining too hard to build a fire in the open and he'd be a fool to put bullets in a sheltered fire.

He dragged his sorry self to the nearest mesquite and tried to take stock. His slicker was torn but what remained offered some comfort. No hat, no food, no blanket, no lucifers. He let out a low chuckle and cringed. As wet as everything was, without the lucifers there was no likelihood he'd be able to light even a sheltered fire. He nearly fell and paused a moment to rest his leg.

And no horse. Well, he'd been in worse situations before. At least no one was shooting at him or hunting his scalp. When he finally made it to the mesquite he found a solid branch with a convenient "Y" that was already breaking off. Probably a victim of a previous storm. After several tries his tired muscles found the strength to break it free.

He glanced around and hobbled next to a large boulder to try to get a little shelter from the wind at least. While he trimmed the wood into a walking stick he tried not to think of anything but the stick. When it was finished he determined to get moving but stumbled back to his rock after a few agonizing feet and two near falls. It was too dark to get anywhere without breaking his neck.

Resigning himself to a long cold night he arranged his slicker so he could stay covered, despite the tear and settled down against the boulder. He wished he could put his leg up, it throbbed like the devil with every beat of his heart. There was nothing for it though, and tucking his chin against his chest he crossed his arms and let the fatigue take over.

Suddenly he was awake and he listened a moment before he realized it was the quiet that woke him. No rain. No wind. No coyotes. Nothing but the gently dripping sounds after a rain. He decided to try the whistle before testing his leg again. To think, he'd teased Vicky for trying to teach Jonah to come when she whistled. He was glad she hadn't listened to his ribbing.

He whistled once more and waited. Jonah would come if he was within earshot. And thanks to the nature of the canyons and the absence of other noise, the sound would travel far. After several minutes he decided to haul himself up and set out. It was early enough that it was still quite dark, but his eyes were adjusted now. He hobbled slowly making slow progress. Damn he was cold.

He stopped to rest more often than he liked. And each time he whistled. His fingers were numb. He looked up as the first light began to color the cloudy sky and sighed. What he wouldn't give for a cup of coffee.


Vicky sat in the kitchen trying to ignore the rain and the restless children. Lizzie and Tomas sat at her feet hiding from the noisy storm. As she crocheted a blanket for the new baby she smiled sadly. Penelope had spent many hours on their trip to California teaching Vicky to crochet. There was a tug and she looked down to find the kitten curled around her ball of yarn attacking it with vigor.

Lizzie and Tomas laughed at his antics. The poor thing showed up at their door a few days ago mewing, cold, wet, and hungry. It was so grateful it even tolerated the rough handling the youngest ones gave him. It wouldn't stay in the house, of course, but for now it was a welcome diversion for the children.

There was a low rumbling far off in the distance and she felt her stomach knot.

"The sky is grumpy again." Ida Rose commented as she came out to play with the kitten.

"Yes." Was all she said but in her heart she knew it wasn't thunder and sent up a prayer for Quin.

"Ma!" Reuben shrieked.

His voice had begun to change but he was over his initial embarrassment, confident with Bo and Zeke's assurances that it would end soon enough. Her heart leapt as she stood quickly and dropped her blanket, knocking Lizzie over as she tugged on her skirts.

"Sorry Baby!" she hollered back over her shoulder.

She joined Reuben at the door and saw Buck leading Jonah. Without a thought she bolted out the door. One step off the front porch she turned back long enough to grab the hat and slicker that hung near the door.

"Stay here Reuben...And bolt the door." She managed to remember before hurrying toward the rider and Jonah as quickly as her swollen belly would let her.

Bo appeared in at the door in time to see Vicky's foot slip in the mud and he started for her.


"It's okay. I'm fine." She groused as she slipped again. "Go back inside with the children."

"Quin wouldn't like this very much." He tried.

"Well, he's not here is he?"

Bo shrugged. He didn't have a hat or a slicker and was soaked to the skin but he moved to stand behind Vicky. He'd learned a long time ago that there was no changing her mind once she'd settled on something, but he'd be damned if he was going to leave her here alone. Satisfied she was alright he needed only one look to know something bad happened.

He stepped forward as Vicky quizzed Buck about how and where and when he found the horse. Bo ran his hands along Jonah's neck soothing him with soft words and his calming touch. He could feel the muscles quivering beneath his hand as he moved and stroked down his neck and shoulder. Jonah's heart was still pounding from his run.

Bo checked his legs and feet carefully before he looked over the rest of him. The underside of the back curve of the cantle and parts of the blanket near the skirt and fender were still relatively dry. That would be the case if the rider wore a slicker that covered the saddle. Since there was no man and the horse had obviously had a wild run, it was clear Quin wasn't long out of the saddle.


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