An Arranged Marriage ❉ n.m

By natemaloski

840K 30.4K 9.2K

Famous and living the dream, Skate Maloley didn't plan on being involved in an arranged marriage with a small... More

Sixty - Part Two
A/N: Crossover ❤️


7.6K 292 49
By natemaloski

-Tori POV-

The doctor insisted that I stay in hospital for at least the next full day. Since the birth was unexpected, I wasn't ready for it. The pain was still getting to me.

The nurses took Natalia for a wash which left me missing her and trying to read a book that Madison got from a nearby bookstore. I was bored and alone and missing my daughter already.

I couldn't sleep last night. Nate and I had stayed up the entire time, cuddling Talia and taking note of her every feature. She really was a perfect match of Nate and myself. It was unreal.

I just turned the page of the book when the hospital door opened. Nate popped his head in to check if I was up. He smile and shut the door behind him.

"How you feeling?" He asked, coming to my side. He wore a basketball tee, his tattoos on full display and I loved them that way.

I pouted. "Like I'm ready to go home."

Nate chuckled and absentmindedly ran his hand through my messy hair. It felt so good, I closed my eyes. He hadn't touched me like that in months.

"I mean, how do you feel foreal?" Nate asked again. "You were so strong the whole time. Even when I wasn't there to help."

I shrugged. "You were always there. And it must have been the fact that I was passed out."

He laughed. "Mom and dad are here to see you. Kaylan and Stew too. I told them everyone else can visit once youre back in Cali."

"Thanks." I exhaled. "I don't think I can do socializing right now."

"Tired?" He asked, running his finger up and down my cheek. God it felt so good.

I nodded. "But they're bringing Natalia back in. I want your family to meet her first."

Nates face lit up immediately at the mention of our daughters name. His smile matching mine.

"I'll bring them in to see you in the meantime." Nate smiled and then left, leaving me wishing for his touch.

The sudden change and leap of events made me feel unsure of everything. For one thing, I wasn't sure what Nate and I were doing now. We were here for Natalia of course but...was that all?

After the previous night I was so torn and so confused. But I forced myself to put it behind me and focus on taking care of Natalia. She comes first before any of the drama between Nate and I.

The door opened again and I smiled, half expecting the Maloley's but instead it was Sammy. My smile faltered a little bit when he walked in and shut the door.

"Hey." He said warmly. "Holding up?"

"I'm good." I nodded. "I'm excited for you to meet Natalia - "

"I swung by the nursery and peeked at her through the window." Sammy said, interrupting me. "She's so beautiful just like her mother."

I smiled. But frowned because Sammy looked different. He sounded oddly distant and wouldnt look me in the eye for longer than five minutes.

"Well thanks for checking up on." Was all I could say. There was a strange vibe in the room.

"I had to." He nodded. "Wanted to see you before I leave."

I chuckled. "You have to be home already? I figured we would all go back together."

"No." Sammy half laughed. "I mean before I leave California."

I frowned. "That business trip isn't til a few months. Did they change the date?"

"Tori you aren't understanding what I'm saying." Sammy closed his eyes. "I'm leaving California for a while. I need to get away, things have gotten too out of hand."

"Because of Nate? I thought you two talked it out - "

"Because of you." Sammy looked pained when he said that. "I didn't think that I would fall in love with you Tori! I didn't plan on needing you more than anyone I've ever known! It was the worse thing I could have done."

It was like a load of bricks hit me.

"Sammy..." I shook my head.

He nodded. "I can't even look at you without wanting to hold you for a little while. But Nate loves you and you love him. There's no place for me."

"You're our best friend!" I insisted. "You can't just leave."

"I can't be your best friend when all I think about is how good we would have been together!" Sammy groaned. "So just please understand..."

I shook my head in disbelief.

"I can't stay." Sammy turned away from me. "I really hope things work out for you Tori. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Then he walked towards the door.

"Sammy!" I raised my voice. It felt like he was dragging my heart along. But he didn't turn around or stop.

I yelled. "Samuel!"

But he was gone. I covered my mouth in shock that the closest friend I have had just walked out. I understood his point but it still hurt like hell. Tears formed in my eyes.

But the door opened again and Nate and his family walked in look cheerful. I backtracked so fast, blinking away the tears. But Nate caught on because he kne Sammy just came out of here.

He looked at briefly. But I wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Tori!" Kami exclaimed and pulled me into a massive hug. Everyone soon followed and we were in the midst of a family hug.

"Where's my little niece?" Kaylan pouted.

And on cue, the nurse brought Talia in after her bath. Everyone cooed and were surrounding our daughter - giggles and tears were all you could hear.

In this time, Nate was beside me. "I know he left."

"I dont have feelings for him." I nodded and looked down. "But its like I've lost my second best friend. I keep losing them."

Nate wrapped his arms around me. "I know. I'm so sorry Tori."

That was all he said. And it seemed to be enough because I didn't cry this time as he held me in his arms. Because I knew that I still had the most important best friend around.


After Nates family had met Natalia, the friends had come in to see her. Madison and Jade had fallen to pieces almost instantly. The guys had softened up so much - it was shocking.

Night time swung around and while everyone else left, Nate stayed. I was kind of happy that he didn't even consider leaving me. It wasn't even an option. I felt so much more safe when he was around.

-Nate POV-

Night time had come. I refused to leave her side. I wasn't ready to part ways with Talia nor was I ready to leave Tori.

Right now, Tori was giving breastfeeding a shot and it was interesting to watch. I mean a little strange seeing someone else on it but you know...

"You know, it hurts." Tori chuckled as he caught me staring in surprise. "I wish you could try."

I snorted. "You seem to like it when I'm on it."

Tori blushed so deeply. Only after saying it, I realized what I had actually said and I wanted to slap myself. It was way off given the circumstances of our relationship.

"Anyways." I cleared my throat. "I asked Taylor and Nash back home if they could get all your things from Sammy. I know you wouldn't wanna head back there."

Tori nodded. "Thanks. I really don't think its best for me to stay there even when he's gone. Knowing how he really feels, it does make me feel awkward."

"I pulled some strings and got you an apartment near our house - "

"Nate." She interrupted for once. "Can I just come home instead?"

I bet I looked bewildered, since my eyes widened immediately. "You wanna - "

"Yes." Tori said quickly. "This running around's stupid."

"Of course." I nodded. "I've been waiting for you to come back. We'll still keep the space...I'm just happy you wanna come home."

Tori smiled. "And it'll be easier for us to take care of Natalia and not have to miss anything."

I agreed. The look of content on her face must have matched mine. Our relationship wasn't perfect but it was better than it had been a month ago. And I was happy about that.

Looking back, I never thought we would get here. Maybe it just took a special moment to remind us of the love that's always been here.

"I think she fell asleep." I pointed at our daughter. Her eyelids closing ever so lightly. Damn. I didn't know such a tiny person could make me want to cry.

Tori quickly unattached her from her chest and covered up. Then Tori  laid Natalia on her chest and attempted to burp our little one. She seemed like a natural mom.

I just sat on the chair beside the bed and grinned. This was so exciting and crazy yet wonderful at the same time. The baby had changed something in me and I couldn't quiet explain.

At that moment, everything was perfect.

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