YOᑌ ᗩGᗩIᑎ

By MultiFandomsFreak

763K 21.3K 40.6K

[COMPLETED]✓ I never forgot my first love. I just learnt to pretend everything was okay while I was breaking... More

Please Read This.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9⚠
Chapter 10 ⚠
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.⚠
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
The Last Chapter.
Thank you.
Read This Please!
My pissed self.
New Book

Chapter 41.

12K 282 217
By MultiFandomsFreak

It was a nice day with Allison. The two of us bonded as much as we could and ended up in a carnival where I won her a teddy bear. She was very happy and even if she acted like a teenager, she was definitely a child. She reminded me of younger Camila so much and how everything used to excite her. Allison and I were once again on good terms and she asked me couple of questions regarding her mother and I. I told her everything she wanted to know and by the end of the day, we were like best friends again and I was so glad that we could fix things between us. I even asked her to color her hair brown again, which she surprisingly accepted.

When we reached home, Ally was there. Seeing her instantly broke my heart because she was crying like anything. I knew Brad had broken up with her and as much as I was feeling bad, it was needed to be done. Normani and Camila were talking to her as my two partners in crime stayed back and watched everything with guilty faces. But a broken heart was hundred times better than a bruised body. I wanted to tell Ally about Troy and how she should give him a chance but if I'd do that, she would know it was my doing. After crying for two hours straight, Ally calmed down and everyone tried to talk her through. They told her that Brad was gone and he wasn't good enough for her anyway. I felt like a horrible friend.

But when Ally stopped crying, we decided to order in and watch movies of her choices. We ended up watching 10 things I hate about you just because it was Ally's favorite. Her mood seemed to change and by the end of the night, she agreed to give Troy a chance because she needed a chance for happiness. I was very glad that she was actually understanding. Camila though, she kept on kissing my neck throughout the movie. Dinah would often glare at her but we honestly didn't care. I was enjoying all the attention from her, I always did. We ended up making out in front of everyone which got them mad. Real mad.

But I was lucky that we were back on track. Camila and I went through so much. We went through the first ever heartbreak, then our very own personal lives and the distance of five years between us and now we were here. We were here without any restrictions and people trying to stop us from getting together. And I knew I would ask her to marry me very soon. I would go down on my knees just like she wanted me to all those years ago and beg her to make me hers for the rest of our lifetime. Even the thought of being Camila's sent a shiver down my body, I was so excited to actually start a family with her.

That was all two month ago, though. This was the present where Ally and Troy were a thing, she was very happy with him and I was glad. Camila and I made our relationship even more stronger. We always talked to each other about everything. Even though we still didn't live together, we both decided that it was better to move in together after the marriage only. And no, I haven't asked Camila to marry me yet just because I didn't have any ideas how. I wanted to surprise her, I wanted to scare her. I wanted to show her that I would be there for her for the rest of the lifetime and I knew she was waiting. Waiting for my proposal.

Today I decided to take Camila out. The two of us had been very busy with our works, I was also in Spain for a couple days for a conference. And let me tell you, Camila was amazing when it came to sexting. I never did that before so it was quite new for me when suddenly she started telling me how she was picturing me naked. Funny thing, I was with my clients and they were pretty sure something was up with me because I couldn't sit still on my chair. My flight last night was pretty late and so, I couldn't meet Camila and now I was headed off to her apartment to take her out. Anywhere she wanted.

I was happy. I was so happy with her. I didn't know I would be able to laugh or smile again but when Camila came into my life, everything changed. I was so lucky to have her and I knew I wouldn't leave her or do something which would make her leave me. I was so much in love that at times it felt unreal, as if I'd wake up and see that everything was a dream. Camila was gone and that I was still with Reyna. Speaking of Reyna, she had been with this guy, I didn't know his name but Camila told me that my ex-fiance was very happy with him. I was happy for her. She deserved someone better and someone to treat her like the princess she really is. Finally everything was going better for all of us, even Austin. That douchebag who turned out to be my best friend.

As I parked my car in the guest parking lot of Camila's apartment, I took a look at myself in the mirror again. I looked alright, nothing too fancy and nothing too homeless. I wore a simple white T-shirt and my black jeans along with some boots. My hair were messy because I didn't bother brushing them after waking up. With a huge smile and a bouquet of flowers, I got out of the car and took the elevator to Camila's apartment. I didn't know if she would be awake or not but I didn't care, I had the spare key and it would be better to wake her up. I was looking forward to wake her up just because she said she liked it. When I entered her apartment, I saw Allison sitting in front of the television, watching Pretty Little Liars. I smirked to myself knowing how much I used to love those series, even though they are pretty stupid now as a television show. Allison was indulged though, so I decided to scare her. I sneakily moved towards the almost ten years old and put my hand on her shoulder.

“Jesus Christ!” She almost yelled as she moved towards the other part of the house while I stayed back and laughed at her.

“Lauren, I told you not to scare me like that. I'll have a heart attack.” The young one dramatically said while putting her hand over her heart. This reminded me of Camila. Allison was so much like her mother.

“Drama Queen. You always exaggerate a bit more.” I slightly nudged her shoulder and the two of us sat down on the couch again. Allison looked pissed but it was funny.

“You’re so annoying. I don't know how mom keeps up with you.” She said through the gritted teeth as her eyes were glued on the television. “And I don't know why I still love you.”

I huge smile appeared on my face as I put my head on her lap and watched her, trying to hold back her smile. She was so pretty, her blue eyes were shining, as if she found a boyfriend. I smirked to myself knowing how absurd I sounded but even then I decided to tease Allison. I loved to tease her just like I loved to tease Diego.

“Someone's glowing. Did you find a new boyfriend?” I asked her as she played with my hair on her lap. Her mouth twitched and turned into a smirk shortly after.

“What makes you think I have a boyfriend? I could have a girlfriend or a puppy.” She said, I grinned at her and tickled her stomach a little.

“Well, you wanna know a secret then?” I asked as she nodded, I got up from her lap and slowly whispered in her ears, “I ship it.”

Allison instantly yanked me away and threw a pillow at me which fell on the floor. I was so enjoying this. She was trying to get to me but instead her plan backfired, how funny. I loved to tease and annoy people, it gives me inner satisfaction.

“But seriously though, why are you up at nine in the morning? That too, on a Saturday. You should be sleeping, not watching television with a glowing face. Why are you glowing anyway?”

Allison's face turned bright red, “I have a crush on Toby Cavanaugh.”

I burst out laughing, “You mean The Toby Cavanaugh? Spencer's boyfriend? That's why you're all dressed up just to impress a guy behind the television?” I laughed out loud again.

“Stop making fun of me.” Allison growled which made me laugh again. It was hilarious. “At least I don't go around soothing a painting's hair like you.”

I laughed again, “Well, good for you. At least I don't dress up early in the morning for guy on the telev—”


Allison growled and ran towards Camila's room while I sat back and laughed at her again, pissing her off even more. I loved that kid so much. Allison slammed open Camila's bedroom door and went inside it and I followed her shortly after. Camila was still asleep, looking so peacefully gorgeous while Allison tried to wake her mother up. The sight was beautiful but I couldn't help but laugh again when Allison glared at me. Damn, if looks could kill I'd surely be dead by now. Allison continuously shook Camila's body when the love of my life lazily opened her eyes and smiled at Allison. Oh God, I must have melted right then and there.

“Good morning, baby. Why are you so angry? What time is it?” Camila said in her morning voice. God! I closed my eyes when I heard her voice after a week. Phones weren't much help.

“It’s nine fifteen in the morning and I was watching my Pretty Little Liars when your girlfriend decided to show up and ruin it for me.” Allison crossed her arms around her chest and sassily spoke. Camila's eyes widened in a shock and she quickly sat up and looked at me.

“Did you know she dresses up for a fictional character?” I said while stifling a laugh.

“SHUT UP!” Allison said as she groaned and walked out of the door, leaving me and Camila behind.

My girlfriend instantly squealed and jumped off the bed before running towards me. For a second I was startled because it all happened so fast. Her legs were wrapped around my waist as she quickly pressed her lips on mine, taking me completely off guard. I was still trying to kiss her back when she shoved her tongue down my throat, making my eyes bulge and then I kissed her back. It was so unexpected and heated. I didn't know how or when, but the two of us ended up on the bed with our shirts across the room. But we knew we wouldn't do anything in front of Allison, even though she pretty much knew not to disturb us when we are alone. She learned from the last time she walked in on us and. . .never mind.

“I missed you. Oh God!” She said as she grabbed my face and kissed me once again. I was just overwhelmed to fucking function.

“I know. I missed you more but we need to calm down Camila, your daughter is just outside and we need to do some stuff today.” I said as I kissed her again, very quickly and passionately before getting away from her. Camila groaned but didn't say anything. I grabbed my shirt along with hers and wore it before tossing her hers.

“What kind of stuff?” She asked, I simply shrugged because I wasn't sure. We could go out and do nothing or we could just watch some movies. It would be boring. “I don't know, go and freshen up and let me plan.”

Camila nodded as she pecked my lips once and soon moved inside the washroom to do her morning routine. I made my way out of the room, only to find Allison drooling over that Toby guy. I laughed to myself while moving towards her, I needed her help to plan a day with me. I smiled big as I sat next to her on the couch, she ignored me. And then I decided to do stupid stuff to get her attention on me. I knew it was working but she was trying so hard not to look at me.

“Truce?” I slowly extended my hand out for her.

“Just say what you want, Lauren.” She asked me cockily which made me laugh again.

“I want nothing.” I smiled, she raised her eyebrow at me, “Okay fine, I do want something but I'm also sorry for behaving like that earlier. It's just you're so cute and it's funny. Now help me and I might buy you that camera you loved so much.”

Her eyes instantly lit up and she hopped up on my lap and kissed my face all over, “Oh my God, thank you. Yes, I'll help you but you have to promise me you'll buy me that today.”

“I promise.”

And that was how Allison and I began preparing our day. She was very excited to hang out with Camila and I just like we always did. It felt good to have her around and honestly without her, I wouldn't like to go anywhere either. The two of us planned our day while Camila came out of the bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her body. God, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was the owner of a divine body. I'd want to worship and kiss every inch of it. With a smile on her face, she winked at me and made her way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast. In her towel.

“Stop staring at my mother, Lauren. Tell her about the plan. She's making breakfast.” the nine years old sassily said as I got up from the couch immediately and moved towards the kitchen. I had no idea why I was so nervous all of a sudden. Was it because of the towel or just because of Camila herself?

“Uh, Camz. Don't worry about the breakfast today. We're going out to eat.” I announced as she turned around. Her towel almost falling off her body which instantly made my feet feel like a jelly. I gulped hard visibly.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

I shrugged and nervously looked back at Allison to help me out but she was watching her TV shows again, leaving me alone with her mother. Since I had no other options, I told Camila about our little “date” which got her really excited. She kissed me, which was expected and told me how amazing I was. I already knew that but still, I pretended to tell her no, just to hear more of my praising. I loved it when it came from Camila. Soon, the two girls left me alone with my cellphone as they went to their individual rooms to change their clothes for the day. As soon as I checked my phone, first time after yesterday, I saw alot of messages. The senders were none other than my sisters, Dinah, Mani and surprisingly Austin. So I opened them all one by one.

Normani: Do you know a painter named Alvaro Boneta? He says he knows you.

Lauren: Tell him to stop being a big fat liar. I don't know him.

I rolled my eyes as I opened another thread, this time Dinah's.

Dinah: Aye, are we still up for that right? I can't mention cause Mani reads my stuff. So just be smart and understand.

I laughed because I already knew what she meant.

Lauren: How does tomorrow sound?

Then I opened my sister's threads. They both said the same things, asking me when I was getting home and I told them I was already there. Not that they'd see my texts before noon. And finally, I opened Austin's texts. And a huge smile appeared on my face after it.

Fairy God Mother: Remember me, stranger? I'm your oh-so-gorgeous friend.

Fairy God Mother: Haha anyways, I’m coming to Miami this weekend along with Becky so I was hoping we could meet. You and Camila. Double date sounds good? Maybe we could ditch the girls and go out to drink for old times sake, ring a bell? Sure didn't cause that never happened. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know if you were up for it.

Lauren: I'm definitely up for it, man. I can't wait to see you. And I don't know about Camila but I'll definitely come and meet Becky. Finally you realized she won't leave you for me, iykwim ;) but on a serious note, I'll definitely keep my next weekend free and I'll meet you. Miss you, bro.

With that I kept my phone aside and waited for Camila and Allison to arrive. While I waited for them, I re-read my conversation with Austin with a wide smile on my face. I still couldn't believe that him and I were friends. Not only that but both him and I found the love of our lives. I couldn't wait to see him because no matter what, he was an amazing friend and I was stupid to hate him before. I just was. I regret hating him and doing what I did. But if I hadn't, Camila wouldn't be there with me. Another thirty minutes passed and finally when I was about to fall asleep, the two beautiful women in my life came out of their bedrooms, looking so beautiful while I looked like a homeless girl. I greeted them both with a peck on the cheek.

“Guess what, loves?” I asked them with a huge smile on my face. They both shrugged, obviously they didn't know.

“Austin’s coming next weekend. And Camila, he wants a double date. With him and Becky.” I said. Allison started squealing while Camila on the other hand looked a little off. I didn't know what was the matter with her but obviously she didn't find the idea of Austin coming back very appealing. I joined Allison in her happiness and soon sent off to my car downstairs. She wasn't going to stay anyway.

“Camz, what's wrong?” I asked her with genuine worry. She looked fazed.

“Nothing Lauren. I just. . .do you think it's a good idea for a double date? Wouldn't it be awkward?”

I smiled as I took a step forward in her direction. Cupping her face in my hands, I pecked her lips. “No, it wouldn't be because he is my best friend and Becky is amazing. Not to mention, he is the one who invited me. Obviously Becky would know about it.”

“Okay, if you say so!” Camila gave me a weak smile. The two of us locked our apartment and hand in hand walked towards the elevator before moving down again.

“Camila, if you don't want to go, I'll cancel. Your comfort is the only thing which matters to me right now. I hope you know th—”

I was cut off with her finger on my lips, “Sh, yes I know. And I want to do this. We're going on a double date with my ex-husband and his girlfriend, okay? Because I love you.”

“I love you more.”

“Cut it out Lauren, I'm not doing this again. I love you more.” She said as she pecked my lips and intertwined my fingers with hers. The two of us got out of the elevator and I instantly saw Allison leaning against my car, typing something on her iPhone, which I still couldn't believed that she owned.

“But I love you more. That's final, Camila. Drop it now.” I said sternly this time but it only made Camila nudge my ribs.

“I love—”

Camila got cut off when Allison chimed in, “Please don't start again. I don't think I'd be able to take it anymore.”

The girl I was in love with instantly turned red while I laughed out loud. I knew I finally got the last say and it pissed Camila off but she wouldn't do anything about it. Specially not in front of Allison. It was really funny. As the three of us got inside the car, I whispered in Camila's ears. “I win!”

I did nothing but to trigger her further. She pushed me away as I laughed and drove towards the nearest cafe to get our breakfast. Throughout the whole drive, the three of us sang along the songs on the radio. Allison and I did our very own carpool karaoke. She was an amazing singer, let me tell you that. And when her mother's voice complemented hers, I nearly crashed my car because it made my feet feel like water. They both were so beautiful when they sang. We reached the cafe, though. Just like Allison and I planned, we ordered each and everything from the menu, despite Camila's objection. And we didn't even eat half of it but got the rest of it packed. The whole time there we did our little food fight and Camila being the responsible one always scolded us for polluting the area. She had forgotten how to have fun. Even though it was mostly my fault, I was going to make it up to her.

By the time we were done, it was already eleven so we decided to head towards the mall since I promised Allison I'd buy her her favorite pink colored Polaroid camera. Even though Camila continuously told me not to, I didn't listen. I loved to pamper her just like I loved to pamper my nephew. The mall was less crowded at that time. We only went to buy the camera but ended up buying unnecessary items as well. I bought a Santa Claus' costume which was definitely not needed at all. Camila and Allison decided to go the small indoor amusement park inside the mall which got me more excited than the two of them. The three of us ended up on the mini Drop Down Ride which literally scared the hell out of me. I never screamed more than I did right then, I felt like I was going to die.

We spent our lunch at the beach, eating our leftover breakfast which was perfect. Allison and I ended up making sand castles and took a swim in our clothes, we didn't plan on coming here so we didn't have any spare clothes with us. Trust me, when it was time to go, it was hell. Soon, Camila had this crazy cravings for chocolates and as I was in a mood for an adventure, I knew just the right thing to do. We ended up in a chocolate shops where they allowed us to taste the chocolates before buying them. And guess who got the kick-ass idea of not paying? Not me. Allison. As the three of us looked at the hundreds of chocolate flavors infront of us, the woman behind the counter watched us with a huge smile on her face.

“Can I try that one?” I pointed at the heart shaped chocolate. The woman wore her plastic gloves and handed me over the chocolate. I must say, it was delicious. Allison and Camila did the same.

“This one,” I pointed at the pink one this time while Allison and Camila had the ones of their choices.

“Mom look, a Santa shaped chocolate. Can I taste one?” Allison asked the lady behind the counter who apologetically smiled at the three of us.

“I’m sorry sweety, you three tasted more chocolates than ten people who'd buy them. I'm afraid but you're gonna have to buy your chocolates now.” The lady said and Allison instantly looked at me and shook her head, as if pretending that she didn't like any flavor.

“What is it?” I asked her. Even though I knew what it was but it wouldn't hurt to have some fun, right?

“I don't like any of the flavors. Let's go and see the shop next door. Maybe I'll find something better there.” Allison said as she grabbed mine and Camila's hands before dragging us out of the shop. As soon as we were out, we heard the woman call us out.

And then we ran like hell.

The woman kept on calling us out but there was no one to listen. Camila was dying of laughter while Allison and I continued running. As soon as the chocolate shop was out of sight, the three of made a full stop and started laughing hysterically once again. Camila and Allison never did stuff like that, so they told, but I, well let's just say that Normani and I were really rebellious in our early twenties. We once used a fake gun to steal beer from a small mart in the gas station. That was the last time we did any of those stuff because we got caught and her father had to bail us out of jail. It was amazing though, the two of us got really popular in our college after our little rendezvous.

My ladies and I walked towards the car again. My breathing was rapid while Allison and Camila kept on telling me how amazing it was. Allison couldn't wait to tell it to the rest of her friends either. The three of us entered the car and the youngest one was quick to put her new Polaroid camera into action. She took a picture of the three of us and smiled at the hard copy after. We did look like a perfect family. I just wished I would have done this sooner. As soon as I started the ignition and drove away, I put my hand on Camila's thigh, just like I always did when I drove. Suddenly Camila's phone started to ring and she groaned when she saw the caller ID.

“It’s Laura, my boss. It's freaking Saturday.” She groaned again and picked up her call while Allison and I giggled at her irritation.

Camila: Hey Laura, what a lovely surprise on a Saturday.

C: Yup.

C: Right now? But—

C: God, alright. I'll be there. See you then.

I looked at Camila, disappointment was taking over when I realized I had to drop her off to her office. I didn't want her to go but I couldn't stop her. Work always comes first and I won't stop her just for goofing around. Also, her magazine was very successful so it was obvious that she was needed even on weekends. Allison and Camila continued arguing. The little one didn't want her mother gone since she wanted to spend more time with her but then I had to bribe her, telling her I'd give her another "surprise". Allison's mind instantly changed and she was ready to allow her mother to go. But then one question arises, what surprise I was gonna give to Allison?

I drove towards Camila's office. The whole drive she continuously ranted and groaned about how she hated her job. I knew she didn't mean it because she loved her job. It was just weekends which pissed her off the most. Allison and I kept on listening to her and whatever she had to say even though I saw the youngest one rolling her eyes after a little while. Finally, the fimiliar building of People's magazine was right in front of us and I felt a pang in my chest. Camila was going to work but I still couldn't help but feel sad. I now know that I couldn't survive without her. She was my addiction. I stopped the car right outside the entrance which was empty because of the weekend and turned the ignition off before looking towards her.

“Call me when you're free alright? I'll pick you up.” I said as I grabbed her hand and softly kissed it. She nodded and turned her attention to Allison. Kissing her forehead lovingly, she told her daughter that she loved her and then met my gaze again. She slowly leaned in and captured my lips with hers. I was in pure bliss. I didn't want this moment to end but we both couldn't help it.

“I love you!” Camila softly whispered closer to my lips and I grinned so big. I was so happy. I couldn't stop hearing that she loved me. That phrase blessed my ears, in a way no one could understand.

“I love you mo—”

“Don’t start, you two. Mom, please go. We'll see you at home.” The nine years old literally pushed us away from each other before bidding her mom goodbye. They both hugged and soon Camila's place on the first seat was replaced by her nine years old, now brunette daughter.

“Where to now, mademoiselle?” I asked Allison in a French accent, making her roll her eyes again. I loved to tease her.

“Surprise, remember? So surprise me. And I don't want surprises like aunt Megan gave me where she left me on a rollercoaster alone. Don't do that.” Allison pouted and crossed her arms around her chest. It was hilarious, I still remember how much Allison was crying when Megan brought her home and how much shit Camila and Taylor had to give her. But that was nothing. When Dinah found out, she really flipped because Allison was Dinah's favorite.

Deciding to give her a surprise indeed, I drove off towards the only place which could make us happy. I knew she would love to see what I was about to show her and if things goes right and I like something, maybe I'll even buy them. Who knows? With a huge grin on my face, I drove towards our new destination.

Camila's PoV.

I sat inside my cabin, trying to figure out what mistake did the publisher make. The issue for this month would be released very shortly but there was some printing mistake which happened this time. Now I had to look after it since I was the one who brought those people from the printing press to work for People's magazine. My mind was going crazy. Mostly because the release date is so close and secondly because thousands of copies would go to waste just because of one printing mistake. Mistake which was very weird, half of the articles were horizontally written while the other ones were vertical. My first four hours went by quick. Me, along with my other colleagues and Dinah made sure to go to the publication house and complain about it but the men decided to do it all. I was lucky to stay back.

My mind once again stopped at Lauren and Allison. What were they doing right now? Were they enjoying their time or just staying inside and doing nothing? I decided to call her multiple times but every time I would pick my phone up, someone would interrupt me. I was free now but I decided to talk to her after I was done. My mind solely stopped at Lauren. I thought about what she did for Allison and I and how she treated the two of us so well. Lauren was amazing, I loved her with all my being. Being with her makes me happy and not being around her drives me insane. Something about her attracts me towards her just like it did all those years ago and it's funny how it feels the exact same way when I look at her. I still stutter infront of her and I still blush like crazy whenever I would hear a compliment from her. But most importantly, she treated my daughter like a princess. What else would I want, right?

As my phone started to vibrate on my desk, I broke out of my daydreams and picked it up. Only to see Lauren's name flashing on the screen. Excitement took over me and I felt my heartbeat rising too. I felt like a love-struck Camila from fifteen years ago all over again. Taking a deep breath excitedly, I opened the conversation thread and suddenly, something inside me broke and I instantly frowned again.

Lauren: Our son Miguel is making a mess, baby. Tell me how to make a child wear a diaper. I can't do it.

Tears welled up in my eyes when I read that message. Surely she didn't mean to send it to me but then who would it be? Was she cheating on me? How could I even consider doubting otherwise. She had a baby with someone else and I can't help but cry while sitting inside my office. But then again maybe she was just messing with me.

Camila: Lauren, we don't have a baby named Miguel.

I thought about erasing the text multiple times but I finally sent the text message. Now it was up to her, whether she wanted to lie to me or tell me everything clearly. Would I be mad at her, of course. But would I talk to her again? I still wasn't sure. My cellphone vibrated again and I quickly grabbed my phone before opening the text message, hoping to see no heartbreaking stuff. But what caught my eye instantly bulged my eyes and my mouth fell on the floor. There was a picture attached to the message.

Lauren: We do have a baby boy named Miguel now. I just adopted him today along with Allison. And I actually googled how to make a baby wear diapers. Isn't he beautiful, Camz?

A fucking monkey!

Lauren and Allison adopted a fucking monkey. How was I going to take that news in and digest it? I was still not recovered from the fact that thought Lauren was cheating on me and now this. How were we going to take care of a monkey this small? And why wasn't he in a jungle anyway.


Lauren: Lower your voice. I just put him in bed.

Oh my god.

Camila: We are texting and Lauren I don't want him in my place. Take him away. You should have bought a dog but clearly you're extravagant. I can't treat him like a real baby. Monkeys are the closest animals to the human. Please take “Miguel” away.

L: What? How could you even say that about your son! Allison and I strongly disagree. Come home soon in a taxi cause I can't pick you up now. He is sleeping so....oh and pick some baby bottles on your way home. Love you.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to do. The work stress was tiring as it is and now I had monkey in my house. Another living thing to look after. Even though he was so cute, I couldn't help but think about what was I going to do with him. Would I let him stay? Would I let him go? I finally decided to leave because I needed to solve this mess at home. I showed Dinah the messages and she burst into laughter, telling me that the money was indeed my son because he looked like me. Also said I now had someone to share bananas with. I told her about my departure and soon I was headed off home.

I needed to take care of the monkey and send him away, where he wanted and then wanted to warn Allison and Lauren not to do stupid stuff like this again. I just hoped my mood wouldn't change when I'll go back home. My mind once again stopped on Lauren and how I thought she was cheating on me. Did I not trust her anymore? Even though I knew she wouldn't lie to me but a little part of me thought she was cheating just because she did it to Reyna. But I cleared my head before heading home. Over thinking would lead me nowhere other than in square one where I'd doubt Lauren and ask her questions, ending up on the couch or another room.

I just wanted to keep my cool and have a serious conversation with not only two, but three kids in my house now. Fuck, I was screwed big time.


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