An Arranged Marriage ❉ n.m

By natemaloski

840K 30.4K 9.2K

Famous and living the dream, Skate Maloley didn't plan on being involved in an arranged marriage with a small... More

Sixty - Part Two
A/N: Crossover ❤️


6.3K 290 66
By natemaloski

-Tori POV-

I was mad as hell.

"Woah." Sammy muttered as we looked at my phone. "I don't know what to say about this."

I bit back tears. "I know what to say about this: I'm so done."

Sammy and I were sprawled on the carpet sorting through old CDs of his to pass time. Tomorrow night would be the night that Nate would have came home.

Would have.

"Hey - " Sammy began, running his hand over my arm.

I flinched my arm. "I'm done. I'm so done with your idiotic friend."

"Tori come on." Sammy sighed. "Social media is a fuck up in relationships! The pics look photoshopped and it doesn't look like anything!"

I shot him a look. "I know they aren't even touching but this is the last straw for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Its been a week." I said quietly, tossing my phone aside.

There were pictures of Nate and one of his old ex girls all over Instagram. Fans had even tagged me a few to be spiteful or to prove a point. She's a rapper too and apparently had been an open act.

"A week since Nate called or texted me, Sammy. A whole week." I said pulling my feelings in. Refusing to cry again.

I had let myself indulge in the pain of missing him for the whole week that he hasn't bothered to call. Sammy was silent. He knew. He knew that it was okay at all and this time he didn't have comforting words.

"I don't know who he is." I went on since Sammy didn't speak. "I don't know what he's doing. And I don't trust him."

And that was how I felt.

"What are you saying?" Sammy asked looking at me intently.

I sighed. "I need a break."

"Divorce? That isn't the answer Tori and you know it." Sammy spoke.

"Not divorce. I mean like I think I should go home." I said slowly. "Just get away. I never belonged here Sammy. Especially not now."

"Tori." Sammy said. "Youre kinda very pregnant. You can't get on a plane until after the baby."

I looked down. I had almost forgot about the fact that Nate and I were having a baby. I had become so distant with myself since Nate had prolonged his Barbados trip into the date we were supposed to find out the gender of our baby.

I knew whether it was a boy or girl.

I hadn't told a soul beside Sammy. Not my mom, not even Nates parents. I had just distanced myself from the entire world. It felt better this way since nothing made sense.

"He's coming back tomorrow night and I don't wanna see him." I said strongly. "I really don't want to."

"Stay here." Sammy said. "I wouldn't mind at all."

"He's already mad at you." I shook my head. "I'd love to but - "

"But nothing! Nate basically broke up with me." Sammy chuckled. "I can't let you stay alone anyways."

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Sammy squeezed my leg. "You can tell him youre in England. The kid is so stupid right now, he wouldn't even think you're here."

I sighed. "Are you sure you want me to stay here?"

"I'll crash in the living room." Sammy nodded and shook my arm. "Stop worrying and let's just get your stuff."

I nodded. Sammy helped me stand up slowly. I was close to 7 months now and my stomach was extremely round. I couldn't wait for my baby to get here.

Nate probably forgot about his child.

"I just never wanna see him." I said as stepped outside. The weather reflected my dull feelings now. It was about to rain.

Sammy nodded. "You and me both."

-Nate POV-

"Wake up kid!" Derek shook my face vigorously.

I grumpled. "Get the fuck out."

"The doorman found your phone at the pool area." Derek threw the phone in my face. That woke me up.

I sat up. "Lost that shit last week." I laughed and grabbed my charger from the side of the bed.

Derek raised a brow. "Are you still drunk?"

"Possibly. What time did we get back last night?"

Derek chuckled. "Holy shit! Only two hours ago."

We looked at each other and laughed. I felt so light and free. It was so good. This whole tour trip in Barbados had been so good to us. We killed the music and all the clubs in this place.

"Swear I've been drunk since last week Saturday." I snorted and flipped my phone on for the first time since I lost it.

Derek nodded. "Too bad we heading home later today. Gonna miss this crazy place."

"You and me both brother." I said as all the messages and notifications rolled in like crazy.

My face fell. "Oh shit. Tori."

Derek seemed to have come down from the Barbados high too. "Holy crap."

The room was silent and as my phone went off with rant messages from her. I had totally forgotten. I was ashamed to admit it but I had an amazing time and had forgotten Tori and the situation back home.

I missed my old life so much.

"It's been a week." Derek muttered and scratched his head.

I checked the dates. Monday had been the last time she texted or tried to call and it was Sunday. She had just stopped trying after three days of me being MIA.

Maybe she knew I lost my phone and understood?

"What'd she say?"

I read the last message. "I'm done with this Nathan." I read aloud for Derek.

Then there was silence when reality slapped me on the face. And suddenly all the fun from this trip didn't even mean shit to me. All I cared about Tori and hated myself for letting things get this way.

"Fuck no." I sunk low. "Fuck."


After seeing all the slamming Tori was getting on social media - I had finally realized all the mistakes u had made.

Especially when my ex made an appearance here. I couldn't ecen imagine what she was thinking. My heart was aching for my wife.

How could I have been stupid?

We had two hours before our flight and I decided to call her again. I tried the whole morning but she didn't even pick up her phone. Yet she was posting on IG.

I had even called Sammy who didn't answer and claimed to be on a date. I guess it was true because some Sofia girl posted on social media.

So where was Tori?

When I tried from the hotel phone, she picked up.

"Tori here." She said bleekly.

"Tori." I exhaled.

Her voice peaked. "Nate?"

"Baby I - "

"What do you want?" She asked quickly, the coldness in her voice was so evident that I felt it deeply.

"Its a long story! Okay I lost my phone and found it today and I've been so busy with the shows and shit! I shouldn't have ignored you but I couldn't reach out to you and I'm sorry - "

"Let me stop you right there Nate." She interrupted me. "I get that youre busy with shows and girls; but you couldn't have used Derek's phone and let me know? Heck you couldn't even use the hotels phone?"

She got me quiet.

"I was serious when I said I'm done with you Nate." She went on. "You've been out all night, I don't know where you've been or what you've been doing beside music!"

"Tori! I've never touched another woman here." I said loudly.

"I don't trust you." She said coldly. "I've always been cool with you drinking and smoking! We did that shit together. But this drinking wildly and fighting in clubs like a crazy person! Its all over news."

"They were accidents! People tryna come at me - "

"I don't wanna hear your excuses Nate I'm just exhausted." Tori spoke with a deep sadness in her voice. "You missed the gender reveal."

Her voice broke.

"Baby...I'm so sorry." I said softly. "I'm coming home and I promise - "

"You might as well stay in Barbados's for another three weeks." Tori snapped at me again. "I don't know who you are anymore."

My head was spinning with all these words she spoke. "What are you saying to me?"

"I'm in England." She said after a short pause. "I left a few days ago."

The words didn't seem normal to me and I laughed. "No youre not! Youre at home waiting for me."

"No." She said, the edge her voice was so serious. "I wanted to wait for you to get back home and discuss this like adults but we can't."


"I need a break Nate. I was never meant for this life and you know it. I tried to be okay with you gone but you purposely stayed longer knowing I needed you! I've been alone in this pregnancy!"

No words.

She exhaled. "I'll see you after I have the baby I guess."

"I'm coming to you! I can't let you do this to me." I yelled angrily. I wanted to punch something...kill someone.

"Don't bother." She said. "I just need a break. This relationship can never work if we carry on this way."

"Youre leaving me? You said you didn't want a divorce!" Tears fell down my face as I yelled into the phone.

"It's not divorce." Tori sighed. "I just need to be alone. I don't know what's gonna happen with us...but I can't do this."

"My baby! Our baby! Tori please..." I let myself loose and pleased. "You can't do this."

"Just give us space." Tori said with a final note in her voice. "See you around."

"Tori! Don't you dare - "

The line went dead.

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