But, Shes my Best Friend (Ash...

By xxHxxx

509K 9.2K 1.3K

Zoë and Ashton have been friends since 3rd grade. He's never realised he's had a crush on his best friend unt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Authors Update *Important*

Chapter 40

7.5K 135 13
By xxHxxx

"This is the best cotton candy ever" I said as I pulled some of it off the stick.

"You say that every time you eat it" Ashton laughed.

"Yeah but every time I eat some it just gets better than the last" We both laughed. The fair began to sound like those cliche carnivals from movies.

"Zoë, if I said anything stupid last night can you forget about it, because I was pretty drunk and..."

"I don't think you talked to me that much last night" I lied, taking a bit of the sticky floss.

"Oh" he stayed silent, and looked down at his feet. I thought it would've been better to lie so we could both just easily forget about it.

I spotted a girl walking hand in hand with her boyfriend as she carried a gigantic teddy bear.

''You want one of those?" Ashton asked, signally towards the girl and her boyfriend.

"I actually do" I blushed, "but your not gonna get me one"

"Why not?" He said sounding offended.

"Because you suck at these games Ashton" I laughed.

"I do not" He smiled, "I could get you one if I wanted to"

"I dare you" I tease him grabbing popping more cotton candy into my mouth. We pass the ring toss, which I though we were gonna go to, but instead Ashton makes his way to the Strongman Game.

"You're kidding"

"Nope" he grins as he stands in line behind a scrawny kid. I feel bad for him because it doesn't seem like he's gonna get the electronic bar high enough. The scrawny kid moves as another guy 2 sizes bigger than him takes his place in line.

"Thanks man" the guy says and with that the scrawny kid leaves.

The guy that took scrawny kids place is up next, his what seems to be, girlfriend stands by the fence cheering him on. The intensity of watching the people hit the thing with the mallet makes me eat the floss like candy a lot faster till there's no more left.

As I throw away the stick, Ashton is being handed the mallet.

"Come on Irwin" I mutter to myself. If he wins he's probably gonna get the big teddy bear that the girl was caring.

There's no other good prizes but that one and so far no one has made the bell at the top ring. I have very high hopes for Ashton, as I watch him bring the mallet up and over his head.

With all his strength he hits the puck connected to the tower. The bar goes up quickly hitting the bell and making it ring.

I don't notice the huge smile on my face until Ashton comes out holding the gigantic brow teddy bear in his hand.

"Told you I could do it" He smirks, thank god we didn't bet on anything.

I open my arms to grab the teddy bear but Ashton refuses to hand it to me, "it's way to big, and you're too short Zoë"

I scoff, mildly irritated. We walk over to the spinning cups. We came at the right time too, the guy waits for a couple more people to get in before starting the ride. We show him the ticket we got to get on all the rides for free. Well technically you have to pay more for this one so its not really free but at the same time free?

Ashton picks out a cup that's basically secluded from everyone else. The ride begins off slowly and Ashton's ginormous hands take over the wheel.

.Ashtons POV.

I begin to spin the wheel as fast as I can. Zoë grabs a hold of the bear to keep it from flying out. We begin going a lot faster than I imagined. Everything around us is a big fat blur of lights and sounds.

We begin laughing hysterically, as I let go off the wheel and we're still spinning faster than most the other people.

"Oh my god" Zoë groans, as her hair whips behind her.

She buries her head into the bears arm waiting for the ride to stop. But unfortunately it keeps going.

When you can clearly see she's probably gonna throw up the ride slowly comes to a halt.

"Damn Ashton why'd you make it go so fast?" She says as I help her get out of the cup. She stumbles towards me, almost falling into me but she catches herself quickly. I hold the bear in my arms as we walk slowly. We sit down at a nearby bench.

My plan was to make her forget about things that happened last night. And so far I think it's working. Her mind is slowly bing cleared off by the fun of the attraction and the vibe you get from the fair.

For a small town fair, it's also pretty good. The rides nor the food a complete shit, and there's a lot to look forward to.

"Where to next?" She asks getting up on her feet.

"Are you sure do you wanna sit down a little bit more?" I ask worriedly, the last thing I want is for her to throw up while wwe're in the middle of a ride. Which people already do, but I just don't want her to.

"I'm fine Ashton" she swats her hand at me and looks around for the next possible thing we could do.

"The Fun house is right up front" I suggest.

She nods, "lets go then"

She takes the bear from the bench and carries it with her like a small child would. The bear is almost her size, just a bit smaller, and it seems like she's having problems looking forward.

The Fun house entrance is a bunch of mirrors and you have to find your way through. I let Zoë lead the way and we, actually she, keeps running into her reflection.

"Why don't you lead?" she asks in frustration.

"Thought you'd never ask" I grin, stepping in front of her.

The tiles on the floor have a different look when you look at them with your eyes then through the reflection, that was one was to figure it out. We breeze through the first part and enter a dark narrow hallway. Hung on the walls are those mirrors that distort your body and make you look all funny. They are lined up one after another. Zoë decides to look at herself in everyone. The hallway is dimly light which makes it a bit hard to look at yourself so it took a long time. But I guess it was worth it, we both seemed to get a good laugh out of it. Once past the hallway we head to the next room which is what they call the "car wash". Zoë makes me get in front of her so I have to go through it first. I squeeze past the spinning cylinder type things.

Thick cloth hangs above us and we easily pass through it. The ending is basically a slide, Zoë rest in between my legs, we both laugh as we slide down but get stuck along the way due to the way we're siting. When we hit the ground we get a couple of odd looks from parents and people our age.

"It's a small slide!" Zoë tells one of the moms looking at us as she waits for one of her children to slide down.

"Yeah because it's for children" She says giving her an even uglier look. Zoë shrugs and wipes the dirt collect from the slide off her pants. It wasn't a lot so it didn't take long. We made our way to a ride called The Ring Of Fire, which seems terrifying when you first look at it because you're basically going upside, in a circle. Most people think it's unsafe because all you have is your seatbelt and the glass the keeps you in ontop of you. But it goes pretty fast so you don't feel a thing.

"Wow you finally wants to get on?" I say shocked because she's a wimp when it comes to this ride.

"Shut up Ashton, you had Chloe drag you onto this ride last year so I wouldn't be talking" She folds her arms cross her chest and stands behind two middle schoolers.

"They're even braver then you were" I whisper in her ear, and she smacks my arm. The two girls in front of us look back at us and giggle. Zoë doesn't seem to notice them or she doesn't care at all. She tries to see how long we have till we get on.

"There's so much people getting on jeez" She says tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah because people aren't afraid to come on" I continue teasing her, she shoots me another glare and I can't help but laugh.

The line seems to go on forever as people keep finding there way in front of us. Most people don't mind because the people are only cutting in front of them but everyone behind them are getting pissed off. We don't have the metal bars to separate lines and keep us all in check so literally anyone could get in wherever the wanted to.

"Ashton" Zoë said her voice full of worry.


"Didn't you have a date with Bianca" Zoë said all panicky.

"Oh shit" my eyes widened, me and Zoë both shared the same look. Zoë began to lightly chuckle.

I ran my hands through my hair, "how could I forget, I'm such a bad person Jesus!"

"No don't worry" She took a long pause, a very long pause.

"I'll call her and tell her something came up, and something clearly did" Zoë finally spoke making it perfectly clear she was the one to call Bianca. Hopefully she understood because she's the only girl I sorta liked, besides Zoë.

"How do you know she'll understand?" I asked.

"I don't, I'm just hoping for the best man" she let out a sigh and a light laugh.

After a while the line had gotten ridiculously long so me and Zoë decided to go on the Ferris wheel and a ride called 'Scorpion'. When we got on the guy came along quickly making sure we were strapped in safely. Our feet lifted up off the ground, and we started spinning around slowly, our legs swinging at almost the same pace but slower.

The speed gradually picked up speed and everything around us was a blur. The ride spun terrifyingly fast. I could barely turn my head to see Zoë next to me, but she seemed fine since she wasn't saying anything.

The ride came to a sudden halt and it slowly led us down back to the ground. I helped Zoë off the ride and she could barely walk.

We began walking back to the car and she stopped.

"Are you ok?" I asked her but she didn't say anything. She hadn't said anything for a while now and I began to get worried.

She doubled over and began vomiting all over the grass.

"Oh god" I said looking away but holding her hair from her face. A bunch of disgusted looks and sounds came our way. Once Zoë was done I made sure to get us both into the car so she could go home and lay down.

I left the windows open in the car to give her some fresh air. I sped above the speed limit afraid she might throw up again.

We got home safety and thankfully without a ticket. I rushed her inside her house and it seemed like deja vu all over again as she sat by the toilet.

"It's getting really unhealthy throwing up this much" She laughed. I joined her, she always found away to make a joke out of something that wasnt so serious. That was one of the things I admired about her.

By the time I was back upstairs from getting her a cup of water she was passed out. I carried her to her bed and slowly and carefully undressed and into some more comfortable clothe. I grabbed a blanket and sat in her chair, planning on spending the night just to make sure she was ok.

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