High school DXD The path of t...

By Damowatling

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This a story of Issei's early awakening after his parents are tragically murdered when he was only 11 years o... More

Chapter 1 the birth of the red dragon emperor!
Chapter 2 Introducing Rias Gremory
Chapter 3 The rampaging Stray devil
Chapter 4 The red dragon emperor!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 times of peace
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Yuuto returns
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Let's clean the pool!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 The priestess of lightning vs the ruin princess
Chapter 27 The Heart of a Dragon!
Chapter 28 This ends now!
Author note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 The crimson saviour!
Chapter 31 Blunt sword
Chapter 32 Koneko's shadow. Release your power!
Chapter 33 I've missed you Shirone
Chapter 34 Cat fight! The Nekomata siblings
Chapter 35 Get ready for the Kuoh academy sports festival! He's my Issei!
Chapter 36 Go for the gold Kuoh Academy!
Chapter 37 the darkness behind the door
Chapter 38 you picked the wrong day to piss me off!
Chapter 39 The Gremories vs the Crime force dragon!
Chapter 40 Holy demonic light vs chaotic despair!
Chapter 41 A mask to cover up the sadness
Chapter 42 The dark wings which ensnare her heart
Chapter 43 One year with the Gremories! Issei's big surprise!
Chapter 44 Euclid's master plan. I won't let you hurt my fiancee!
Chapter 45 Rias Gremory has fallen? Issei's tough decision!
Chapter 46 Issei's heavy gamble!
Chapter 48 the master and his servant

Chapter 47 Hail to the new king! A crash of crimson

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By Damowatling

Chapter 47 Hail to the new king! A crash of crimson!

"The crimson heavenly dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a king!" Issei and Draig said in unison as the new unlocked power began to resonate throughout the atmosphere.

"Amazing! Issei-kun really did become stronger! His power is incredible!" Kiba said as he used his sword to prevent him from falling.

Issei's peerage gathered near him as they stared at their master in awe with their eyes filled with hope and determination to serve him.

"Everyone, thank you for your help in saving Rias. But if it's okay with you, I think it's time for your king to deal some payback for all of your pain." Issei said as he increased his power further with the boosted gear.

"Issei-Senpai, we can still fight! And besides, there are still loads of enemies that could get in your way." Koneko said making Issei smile inside his helmet.

"I see, well then, I will just have to give you some encouragement.... Dragon king's blessing" Issei uttered immediately surrounding the area behind him with an emerald dome.

Within seconds, the Gremories were covered in a powerful but gentle aura. As they found themselves being gifted with invigorating and new levels of power.

Koneko's power increase was the most obvious as she now stood before her comrades with a completely different appearance.

The young Nekomata found herself now completely startled as she found her body had taken a definite change.

The rook of the Gremories realised that she had grown older and her height and bust size had dramatically increased.

But along with this mind boggling change, came a wicked power boost to make things that much more convenient for the surprised fighter.

"Amazing, I can feel the power flowing through my veins. Along with Issei's warmth." Koneko said as she embraced the boosted strength and magical ability inside her.

"What are your orders my king?" Akeno said with a mischievous and daring expression. Showing clearly that she enjoyed referring to Issei in such a manor.

"Everyone! Take care of the remaining forces of Euclid's army. I will deal with Euclid myself!" Issei commanded sending his comrades into battle.

"Xenovia, Grendel is still giving the student council a hard time. Let's show the crime force dragon why it is that his kind used to fear the knights." Kiba said picking Gram up once again and activating his balance break. So now all of his dragon knights were also carrying powerful blades.

"Yes I'm with you!" Xenovia said as she and the rest of the Gremories split into groups. Leaving Issei and Euclid with a whole terrain to battle in.

"Was that really a good idea Sekiryutei? Giving your friends all of your power I mean." Euclid said now speaking in an arrogant tone to suggest he had already foreseen his victory.

"All of my power? No that's not true." Issei said instantly vanishing from Euclid's sight.

The silver haired dragon impostor, suddenly found himself experiencing agonising pain as his armour was instantly pulverised by an immediate reappearing Issei.

"That was only a small fraction of my new power." Issei said finishing his sentence as he easily shattered Euclid's armour into pieces.

"Damn you Sekiryutei!" Euclid said as he felt naked without his armour to protect him.

"Hurry up and re-equip your armour. I'm nowhere near close enough to finishing crushing you just yet!" Issei said as Euclid quickly reassembled his fake imitation armour.

"Don't think for a second that just because you have become a high class devil, that you will finish this so quickly! Don't underestimate me you power hungry fool!" Euclid said now firing a dragon shot at Issei.

Once again, Issei was gone! Out of sight frightening the now weaker Euclid.

"Ha-ha! I think you're forgetting something Issei Hyoudo, remember this? I have all of your abilities!" Euclid laughed maniacally as he placed his fake boosted gear arm towards his eyes and used Issei's boosted gear technique.

To Euclid's joy, Issei suddenly came into sight and a dragon shot was now heading his way.

However, the moment Euclid caught sight of the dragon king, Issei vanished once again!

"Impossible! I had you in my sights locked!" Euclid said as Issei once again appeared in front of him.

"You think you can beat me with your stolen sacred gear abilities? Well I've got news for you buddy, my buddy Draig here is boosting my power way faster and even higher than your weak replica!" Issei said upper-cutting Euclid into the sky.

"The boosted gear responds to the heart and will of the user! And there is no way you can match the power I harbour inside this special sacred gear. My resolve is and always will be, stronger than your pathetic copy!" Issei said as he instantly appeared above Euclid Lucifuge and smashed him back down into the ground again.

Issei's opponent hit the ground hard and once again, his replica scale mail was easily annihilated.

After a struggle to stand up on his feet again, Euclid restored his armour but found he couldn't restore a piece around his left leg.

"Looks like your sacred gear invention is reaching its end." Issei said making Euclid frustrated.

"Damn you! How dare you! How dare you do this to me you damn monster!" Issei's foe said as he after a struggle, restored the final piece of armour.

"Give up Euclid Lucifuge, no matter how many forces you bring. Or how much power you steal from me. You cannot defeat me." Issei proudly stated as a strange aura began to surround the enraged silver haired demon.

"Well then, let's see how well you do against the power of the one you cherish so dearly!" Euclid yelled as he unleashed Rias Gremories stolen destructive power which hit Issei with a direct hit.

"Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Not so fast now are you?!" The arrogant demon said as the smoke began to blow away from the dragon behind it.

Lucifuge's expression of joy and victory instantly vanished the moment Issei became visible again.

The earth began to shake tremendously as Issei's crimson aura grew to exponential levels and began to stain the battlefield including the skies in his crimson glow. And to Euclid's greatest despair, Issei still remained standing without a scratch on him.

"How dare you.... HOW DARE YOU USE RIAS' POWER AGAINST ME YOU BASTARD!" Issei yelled recalling when Ryuu did the exact same thing to him.

Grayfia's little brothers actions and the drastic consequences he was about to face became a reality the instant Issei smashed his highly boosted fist into his face.

"Unforgivable. UNFORGIVABLE!" Issei roared as he prepared his own dragon shot.

"You like that then how about this? Extinguished star!" Euclid created Rias' most powerful but slow technique. However this technique worked as a black hole and destroyed all within its path.

(Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!)

"Super Dragon shot!" Issei yelled as he unleashed a mega blast towards the victim.

"Don't underestimate me!" Euclid yelled back as he once again tried to strengthen his own power.

An atomic explosion erupted on the battlefield as both attacks smashed into each other. Which meant a lucky break for Issei's friends who felt it was best to get as far away from Issei's battle as possible.

Despite Rias' believed to be indestructible attack, Issei still remained standing. Whilst the unlucky and outclassed old Satan faction member lay on the ground with his armour once again eviscerated. His limbs coated within his own blood.

"Get up you bastard! I'm not finished dealing you the king's punishment for hurting my friends not to mention my queen!" Issei yelled as Euclid struggled to his feet once again.

Issei closed in on Euclid in a blink of an eye. The enraged red dragon emperor dealt excruciating and critical damage to the now punching bag Euclid Lucifuge with a 50 punch combo.

Issei followed his punching barrage with a painful high kick to the traitors' jaw sending him sky high.

The sekiryutei met with the wounded demon in the sky and sent him flying in the opposite direction when he drove a foot into his gut.

Issei next using his dragon wings after he flapped them vigorously, sent shockwaves cutting into the targets skin.

Just as Euclid was about to vanish from the atmosphere, Issei wrapped his tail around his neck and pulled him back.

"Get over here!" Issei pulled Euclid in close and fired another super dragon shot but this time in such close range that he wouldn't be able to escape its dynamic power.

"AHHHH!" The tortured demon cried out as he hit the ground after suffering severe damage.

Issei landed on the ground and took this opportunity to sense out for his comrades to check on their well-being. Once he was satisfied that his gifted power to them was keeping them safe, the brown haired teen reverted his attention to Euclid who was now pulling a bottle from his pocket.

Issei instantly recognised the bottle to be a vial of phoenix tears. However, Issei didn't stop his opponent from recovering. He waited patiently for Euclid to regenerate.

With his wounds healed and his strength restored, Euclid vaulted up instantly. However, he was clearly pissed and exhausted.

The silver haired villain struggled to catch his breath as he narrowly escaped death.

"You think you're so fast?! Well I've got news for you damn dragon. I'm fast too!" Euclid said as he reappeared holding a blade towards the beautiful skin of the still unconscious Rias Gremory.

Issei remained where he stood. His anger ferociously building inside of him as he removed his helmet.

"If I'm going to die here, I'm at least going to accomplish my goal! Now stay right there Hyoudo Issei while I kill you're..." Euclid said stopping his sentence short once Issei removed his helmet glaring at him with a look alone that spelled his death.

"I'm only going to say this once so pay attention. Put down the sword.... Take it away from my fiancée's next... BEFORE I FUCKING RIP OFF YOUR ARM AND THE REST OF YOUR LIMBS!" Issei shouted striking fear into the believed to be fear free demon.

"STAY BACK!" Euclid yelled as he one second later felt his body had suddenly became lighter. Unfortunately for him, a feeling of faintness began to come over him as well.

Euclid looked over to his right where his hand was holding a sword to Rias Gremories neck.

However, not only was Rias Gremory now in Issei's free arm but so was Euclid's right arm which its blood was now staining the ground as his dripped above it in Issei's other arm.

"Damn you! You filthy creature! I'll annihilate you! You monster!" Euclid yelled as he struggled to stop the blood pouring out of his empty arm socket.

"You won't die from that wound alone. And besides, the only thing we need to bring back with us is your head so you can spill all of your intentions to us. A leg or arm will not be missed." Issei said with a frightening glare making Euclid feel as if he was looking at death itself.

"Wait for me my love, I will finish this now." Issei said as he quickly transported Rias to a safe location and then returned back to the field of battle.

"I will destroy you! I will end your existence with every ounce of magic power I possess!" Euclid yelled as he began to concentrate both his copied dragon shot ability and the destruction power's he stole from Rias.

"Everyone! Brace for impact!" Issei yelled as he began to make preparations to end this fight once and for all.

Issei called on the power of his bishop blaster cannons which were now greater in mass and power storage.

"I will hit you with everything I have! And you will be killed by me! I will take back my sister and wipe out the Gremory clan!" The white demon said as his attack grew larger in power.

Issei made his counter strike preparations and began charging both his crimson dragon cannon strike and his bishop blasters.

"Die!" Euclid fired his ultra dragon shot towards Issei who was finalising his attack.

"Sorry Euclid, but this is where it all ends. Crimson dragon king's blaster!" Issei roared as both his crimson dragon cannon and bishop blaster combined after they both fired and moulded together to create a colossal blast which practically consumed and swallowed up the power of Euclid's weak attack in comparison.

Euclid cried out in pain as the attack swallowed him whole and blinded the area.

Once the light show in the sky disappeared and the sky returned to its original purple shade, Euclid was now laying on the ground with what was left of his previous consciousness now faded and gone.

"Sirzechs." Issei said alerting the nearby demon lord.

"Yes Issei-kun." Sirzechs replied feeling it was safe now Issei's aura had simmered down.

"Please take Euclid in to custody." Issei said as Sirzechs approached him.

"Of course. But what are you going to do?" Sirzechs asked Issei who now put his helmet back on.

"I have cleaning up to do." The red dragon emperor replied as he took flight towards the other remaining old Satan faction forces.

"It's Issei-senpai!" Gasper said as the Gremories King appeared.

"That means he must have defeated the leader!" Asia said making the others rejoice.

"Well what would you expect from our new king?" Akeno said with once again a smile on her face.

"Everyone! Clear the area! I'm going to wipe them all out with one attack." Issei said as he raised his palm up to the sky.

"Yes my king!" They all yelled as they obeyed Issei's command.

"Hey isn't that the Sekiryutei up there?!" One of the rebels said pointing up to the sky.

"Impossible! Lord Euclid was fighting him!"

"No way?! He defeated Lord Euclid?!"

"Wait a second.... He's up to something! Everybody run!"

The opposing team began to fall back as soon as they saw the giant sphere of destruction raised high above Issei's head in the palm of his hand.

"Dragon king's oblivion!" Issei yelled as he launched his super nova bomb magical dragon attack on the remaining forces.

Issei's other newly formed move like Rias' possessed the same destructive power. However, it was much faster and instantly imploded the minute it hit the ground. The blast site was so vast, all of the retreating treasonous demons were incinerated within an instant.

Issei touched the ground once again and deactivated his armour. Falling into the arms of his friends where they were there ready to catch him.

"Great job Issei-kun. Thanks to you, not only did we not lose any of our precious friends. But we can live to see the next day." Akeno said as she and everyone else held him in their arms.

"Still, it's hard to believe that Issei-kun singlehandedly ended this conflict." Sirzechs said coming to greet them with phoenix tears.

"It's not hard to believe at all Lord Sirzechs." Kiba said making Sirzechs nod.

The Gremories carried both Rias and the unconscious saviour of the underworld back to the castle. Where they would rest and afterwards resume their party for yet another reason.

It is with a heavy heart that I say, next chapter will be the final chapter of this story. I thank you all for staying with me despite this story being so long and drawn out! I appreciate every last one of you! And I cannot thank you enough for all of your support and kind words! However, if you all crave and demand more, I will create a sequel to follow afterwards. Please take this opportunity to tell me your favourite arc, fight, chapter below and join me in the last chapter of the path of the Sekiryutei soon! Chapter 48 the master and his servant.

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