Only time will tell (Not a ba...

By voyagegypsy

38.9K 958 191

Chelsi Beckham, football loving starlet, has done a lot over the last few years. Including getting her own re... More

- One -
-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-
-Thirty Two-
-Thirty Three-
-Thirty Four-
-Thirty Five-
-Thirty Six-
-Thirty Seven-
-Thirty Eight-
-Thirty Nine-
-Forty One-
-Forty Two-
-Forty Three-
-Forty Four-
-Forty Five-
-Forty Six- -The End-


1K 24 21
By voyagegypsy

"Chels, he's probably lying. He's just trying to get into your head" Louis sat beside me on the couch, placing a hand on my shoulder. I stood up, leaning on the railing of the balcony. I let out an annoyed groan, smacking my fists on the railing. "He's not lying" I mumbled, turning to face the boys. "What?" Louis asked, leaning forward a bit. I sighed once more, moving back to sit on the couch, leaning forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "He's not lying. And i fucking hate that hes not lying" I looked at Louis, leaning back on the couch. Louis looked both confused and stunned, looking between each of the boys, shaking his head, looking back at me.

"I'm not going back in there until he's gone" I whispered, biting my nail. "Chels..." Harry began, "No. I'm not going in there. I am ridiculously and utterly in love with that boy, even after he broke my heart, ripped it out of my chest, smashed it to pieces. He has a hold over me that i can't brake out of." I paused, running a hand through my hair, letting out a frustrated sigh, "I can't take it anymore. I'm in so much pain. I don't want to be this way anymore. I want the pain to stop, and the only way that's going to happen is if either i completely cut him out of my life and i move on, or" I paused once more, looking at each of the boys, finishing with my eyes locked with Liam's. 

"Or what?" He asked, sitting on the other side. "Or him and i get back together and we work it out. But That's not going to happen because if that happens, he has the chance to break my heart again and that would kill me" I half whispered. "Moving on it is then" Louis half smiled, standing up from the couch, making his way inside, followed by Harry. "I hate him Liam. I hate him for doing this to me. I hate how much i love him. I hate that i let it get to me like this, I hate how weak i am" I looked at him, shaking my head. "Are you kidding me Chelsi. you are the strongest person i know. Its ridiculous to think otherwise. Don't let him make you think like this".

"He's gone." Harry half smiled as he walking out onto the balcony. "Where's Lou?" I asked, looking back at the door. "Followed Niall" Harry sighed, leaning on the railing. "What? Why?" Liam asked, looking at Harry confused. "He must of overheard our conversation because when we went inside, he was halfway out the door. So Louis followed him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid." He shrugged, folding his arms across his chest. "He made a dick move Chels, but he's still our friend". I nodded slowly, a small smile on my face, "I know. Thank you".

*Niall's P.O.V*

"I'm not going back in there until he's gone". I stood up, taking a few steps towards the sliding doors, pausing."Broke my heart, ripped it out of my chest, smashed it to pieces" I placed my hands on the back of my head, interlocking my fingers. "Because if that happens, he has the chance to break my heart again and that would kill me". I shook my head, backing my towards the front door. I turned around, placing my hand on the door handle. I heard the sliding door open as i made my way out the front door. "Niall" Louis voice rang after me, the sound of footsteps following me.

"Niall, mate. Where are you going?" Louis yelled, running up behind me. "I'm leaving" I shrugged, opening the door to my car. "So sudden?" he looked at me confused. I looked at him, shaking my head slightly, shrugging. "I didn't want to hurt her you know. I wanted to love her forever, I wanted to give her everything she ever wanted. I couldn't face what i'd done to her." i paused, shutting the door, leaning my back on the car, "Hearing how hurt she is, she was, is killing me. I didn't want to do that to her. I was trying to protect her".

"Protect her from what?" Louis looked at me confused, folding his arms across his chest. "From me." I sighed, shaking my head, "If i hadn't let her go, if i held on to her then i would have damaged her a lot worse than she is now". Louis looked at me confused, stepping back slightly. "What the hell are you on about?" He placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head at me. "I fell in love with someone else Louis. At the same time i was with Chels, i fell in love with someone else. I didn't want to have to choose. But then..." I paused, letting out a sigh. "But then the other girl found out, and so i had to choose." i shrugged.

"And you chose the other girl" Louis looked at me disgusted and confused. "Not at first. At first i chose neither. Broke it off with them both. But i bumped into Av a a month after and we hit it off again and started dating" I shrugged slightly. "Av?" he asked, looking at me confused. "Avalon" I sighed, shaking my head. "Wait. As is, Avalon Chelsi's best friend Avalon?" he half yelled, shaking his head. I nodded slowly, folding my arms across my chest. He looked at me disgusted, shaking his head, "Are you absolutely out of your fucking mind?".

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