Your Majesty

Autorstwa Mysteriousmoon44

549 63 35

"I am NOT werewolf!" The darkening black covering his eyes begged to differ. "Yes you are, I'l... Więcej

Part 1 : Learning About Werewolves
Part 2 : Waiting Forever
Part 3: After school drama
Part 4: Obsession
Part 5: After School Drama part 2
Part 6: Plan
Part 7: Working Plan part 1
Part 8: Working Plan part 2
Part 9: Working Plan part 3
Part 10: Working plan part 4
Part 11: Working plan part 5
Part 12: Werewolf Senses
Part 13: Bones Cracking
Part 14: Faint
Part 15: Woke Up
Part 16: Grimm
Part 17: Melting DNA Samples
Part 18: Lost
Part 19: Investigation
Part 20: Night Out
Part 21: Night Out part 2
Part 22: Realization
Part 23: Day with Grimm
Part 24: Woke up
Part 25: Exchanging my DNA
Part 26: Rejection... or not?
Part 27: Tutor
Part 29: Thursday and Friday
Part 30: Liza's changed
Part 31: Pranked
Part 23: Jealousy
Part 33: Rogues

Part 28: Tuesday

17 2 6
Autorstwa Mysteriousmoon44

I woke up to the sound of someone's voice saying "wake up Grey," very softly. I was being shook.

My eyes opened and Grimm's face was right in front of mine.

"Ahh," I screamed and instantly rose up.

"Did I seriously fall asleep here?" I asked.

"Yep, I found you here this morning," Grimm answered.

"Cmon we gotta get to school," he ordered.

I lazily got up and realized that I can't brush my teeth, or my hair since I didn't have any of my stuff.

I just asked Grimm for a mint instead, and I decided to just put my hair into a ponytail.

I was technically already dressed, cuz I didn't change from yesterday's clothing, and I didn't really care if people thought I was wearing things two days in a row.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked while walking into the kitchen.

Grayson was actually there and he seemed to be making pancakes.

He was wearing a white tank top, and baggy sweatpants again, his head was sweaty, like he had just gone to the gym.

"Why aren't you at college?" I asked him.

"Um, well let's just say I'm not always on time."

I laughed.

The pancakes were ready soon and he gave me and Grimm a couple of them.

They actually looked really good, Grimm was picking at his food.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.
"he made it," Grimm sneered.

"he doesn't like anything I make," Grayson explained," probably because my awesomeness will explode his intestines."

"More like your stupidity," Grimm mumbled, but Grayson could still hear it.
"At least I'm not failing science," Grayson argues...

Grimm and I drove together to school in my truck since I needed to drive my truck and Grimm didn't want to put more gas into the air after his brother on burrito Monday, at least that what Grimm said.

I arrived at Mr. Flemer's class on time, as usual.

"Hello class, today we will be learning how to dress our fake babies. They all have underwear on underneath. So, if you're doll is a female please grab a dress, if it is a male, then grab a t-shirt and some pants. Get into your groups and grab a worksheet."

Grimm pulled the baby from his back pack and onto our desk.

"She was fine all weekend, it's not that hard taking care of a baby," Grimm exclaimed.

We just shrugged.

Isaac got the baby a dress and the worksheet.

"Ok, so who wants to change her?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes," this is a group project, we all do it."

Isaac sighed,"fine."

"Hold her legs," I ordered Grimm.

Grimm sighed and held her legs while I pulled off her old clothes.

"Put the dress on her," I told Isaac.

"Whatever," he said as he pushed and shoved the dress over her head.

It took a while, but he eventually got the dress fully on her.

"Done!" he yelled, feeling accomplished.

Just then the bell rang.

Isaac shoved the baby to me," you take it."

"No, you!" I shoved the baby back to him.

Then, before he could give it back to me, I ran out the door.

"Grey!" I heard Isaac yell from behind me.

I just chuckled.

About half way I felt someone lift me over there shoulder.

It was Isaac...

"Isaac what's wrong with you! Put me down! This might be ok in stories, but in real life we'll get in trouble!"

"We are in a story, we're just characters in a werewolf story on this website. We're not real at all," he explained.

I paused for a second.

"Well, yeah but we're not supposed to know that!" I yelled back at him.

"True," he agreed.

"Still, can you put me down?" I asked.

"One sec."

He pulled my backpack off my back and shoved the fake baby from science class in there.

He then let me down, then ran.

I would chase after him, but the bell was about to ring, and I was lazy.

In P.E. class today, we were doing football.

Our teacher said we didn't need to be good at it, we just had to put in effort, and know how to play. Which was good for me since I suck at football.

But, it wasn't a worry for the rest of the kids in my P.E. class, because half of them were on the football team, the other half on the soccer team.

Isaac was also in my P.E class, but he usually doesn't speak to me unless he has to.

I got changed quickly, of course gossiping with the other girls stereotypically.

We sat outside in the grass for a bit, while the teacher, Mr. Bee, lectured us on how to play football safely.

He then assigned us groups, most of the football jocks were on the same group, leaving me with the soccer players...

Isaac was on the other team.

"1 2 3 hut!" The football jocks started off with the ball, they passed it around the field back and forth, my team barely able to tackle one of them.

They instantly scored a goal and our team was already exhausted.

I just stood to the side honestly, yelling encouraging things to my teammates so it would seem like I was putting in effort.

Suddenly, I was handed a ball and the coach said, "other team's ball."

"Wait! Does anyone else want to start with the football?" I yelled.

They all shook their heads.

"Ugh," I thought, and got into hike position.

I honestly wasn't sure what to do, so I just started running to our goal (I think it was ours) as fast I could when Mr.Bee blew his whistle.

Within seconds, I was tackled to the ground by pretty much everyone on the other team.

My forehead, and face, and bent arm collided with the ground. Yeah, it hurt, but I didn't hear any cracking sound, which was good!

They were all shouting," that's not how you play!" and "you were supposed to pass the ball to your teammate!"

How do they expect me to know anything about football?

The fall kinda hurt honestly, I think I bruised my arm. My head hurt just for a second when it hit the ground, but now it was just a loud throbbing which still kinda hurt. My face probably had a few bruises or scars. Wait, something wet is coming down my forehead, yep it's blood. It got in my eye, it burns!

The arm holding the football was bent before I was tackled and broke my fall.

Yeah, it really hurt.

And it didn't help that more then 10 people were tackling me all at once with full force.

I should've expected that.

"Ow!" I yelled. I needed it to seem like it hurt really bad so I could skip the rest of P.E. today, and hopefully school.

And maybe if the injury is really bad, I won't have to do P.E. anymore!

"Are you ok?!" Isaac said, frantically.

Wait... he cared?

I just then noticed that his face was really close to mine, akward!

Oh, that's why my arm hurt so bad, because all of Isaac's weight was pushed onto it!

And it was still on.

"Get off me!" I yelled then tried to push the thousands of people who had tackled me to the ground.

The jocks eventually all stood up, including Isaac.

"Your glasses fell off," Isaac said, while handing me them.

I honestly never wear glasses but today my contacts ran out so I had to.

When he saw my face, he gasped.

"Your head is bleeding!" Isaac yelled in shock.

"I know!" I tried to say, but he had already started walking me up to the teacher.

"Mr.Bee Grey's hurt!" Isaac yelled.

"Oh gosh, take her to the nurse, quickly!" Mr.Bee ordered.

Isaac nodded.

He started walking, more like running me to the building doors.

I couldn't see because my glasses fell off, and my contacts were run out.

"I need my glasses!" I yelled, waving my hands around, so I wouldn't run into him.

"Um, they're kinda broken," he stated.

Great, now I can't see.

Without my glasses, everything was a blur and I kept going one way, but Isaac kept telling me that the school entrance was the other way.

Then, Isaac just carried me.

"I can walk!" I said.

"You were taking forever!" he yelled.

"And the blood is spilling quicker," he added.

I touched my forehead and saw the blur of red on my finger.

"And your arm is really purple, we need to hurry," he said rushed.

We entered the school, I could only tell by the blurs getting lighter from the lights in school, and a blur of a small circle clock.

We soon made it to the nurse.

"She was tackled in football, and her head is bleeding!" Isaac yelled to the nurse and people in the office.

Isaac immediately put me down on a nurse's bed, and the blur of an elderly woman stood next to me.

"Go back to class Isaac, thanks for helping me get here," I said.

"No, P.E. is almost over, and there's no one to help guide you to eighth hour," he argued.

I just shrugged.

The nurse wiped away my blood, and gave me a small towel to press on my forehead to stop the bleeding. Turns out the cut that was bleeding so much was just where my hair met my forhead. I had a scar on my left cheek that luckily wasn't bleeding. And I had a bruise on my right arm, of course. She gave me an icepack for my arm.

Isaac was to help me to eighth hour, and since he had that class with me, was to tell the teacher if I started to look pale or dehydrated.

The nurse helped me stand up from the bed. I still couldn't see and was getting a bit dizzy.

Isaac held my shoulder as he guided me out of the office.

We waited for all the kids to pass, then we headed to our eighth hour.

While walking, more like walking into poles and walls, he apologized," sorry I tackled you so hard, it's just how I play I didn't think the whole team would come at you. I didn't think you would start bleeding."

"It's fine, it wasn't all your fault," I admitted. It was the whole team's fault, if they didn't tackle me all at once, I would be fine.

We got to eighth hour and Isaac informed the teacher of my situation.

Soon class ended and I tried to dizzily, an tiredly stand up, but immediately fell over, Isaac catching me.

"Can you even stand?" he asked.

"It's not like I broke my ankle," I answered.

I stood up, holding onto the desk. My feet wandered a bit, before becoming stationary and did not move. I let go of the desk, but immediately fell over again.

Isaac just laughed, as I landed on the desk next to me.

"Jerk," I mumbled.

"What happened?!" Grimm asked concerned when he saw my wounds from earlier.

"Nothing," I said, too tired too explain.
"She was tackled by practically the whole football team in P.E. today," Isaac explained for me.

"Are you ok?" Grimm asked.

"I dunno, it doesn't hurt much but I haven't felt physical pain in a while, so I kinda forgot what it feels like," I answered.

They both laughed.

That wasn't supposed to be funny...

"Can you drive me home?" I asked Grimm, I wasn't in fit condition to
Grimm shrugged.

"Yeah, sure," he answered.

I said bye and thanks to Isaac before hopping into the passenger seat of my truck.

I told Grimm my address and we were on our way.

"So, when were you gonna tell me that you sold our project to Mr. vampire obsessed," Grimm asked in the middle of the car ride.
How did he know that I gave the project to Vincent?

"I didn't think you cared," I said honestly," I mean we already got an A on the project."

"I'm not mad, but I am a bit angry that you didn't tell me. I put a lot of work into it," he sighed.

"It's not that big a deal. Look, I can get it back if you want...but I don't know why it would be any use to you," I stated.

"No, you don't have to get it back. I just don't know why Vincent would want something like that, a science project with mixed DNA samples..." Grimm said.

"He's a weird kid. How did you know that I gave him the project?" I asked.

"I saw it in his locker when he was getting his bag at the end of the day. I just happened to be passing by at that time and I saw it in his locker," Grimm explained.

I nodded.

We were then at my house.

"Thanks for driving me!" I said, then waved bye to him as I got out of the truck.

Wait a sec, who's gonna drive him home.

"I'll take the truck to my house, then bring it back to school tommorow so you can get your truck back tommorow," Grimm yelled out the window, as if he were thinking the same thing as me.

"Then how will you get home tommorow?" I asked.

"You'll drive me," he answered, then
pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street, soon out of sight.

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