Part 14: Faint

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"Open your eyes now."

I could barely contain my excitement. I knew I was smiling -showing my teeth- like crazy. My body was shaking with the excitement oozing out all pieces of my skin. This would be the greatest day of my life. This would be the greatest moment of my life. Finally getting to see part of the species that I had been obsessing over for the longest of times. Proof that they were real. Even if I couldn't tell-or show- anyone, the burning sensation in my chest of hope and belief that werewolves were real would be settled.

I opened my eyes.

At first I was so blinded by excitement that I instantly jumped out to hug the wolf that brought me so much joy. But I was hugging a human body.

I stepped back.

Lycan's appearance did not change.

Except for the fact that a wolf mask was on his face.

He growled at me.

It was a fake growl, a human one.

"Got you!" he yelled thru the mask.

Lycan had tricked me.

Oh my gosh, why would he do that?!?!


He stumbled backwards from the volume and anger held in my voice.

"I- I'm sorry," he whispered.

"No you're not. You don't understand. I have been obsessing over werewolves my whole life and when I find one,"

I pointed to him.

"he is just a jerk!

I thought you were gonna actually show me your wolf, but no, I get this kids mask you got at a costume store!"

I ripped the mask off his face and ripped it to shreds.

I was now shaking with anger, I had been the whole time I yelled at him.

"Well fine! I'll just go find another werewolf then."

I walked towards the way we came.

"Grey wait," he stopped me on my fourth step.

"Since today, I thought I was just keeping my secret. But today, I was just being a jerk. I'm so sorry, that was just really rude of me. I'll show you my wolf," he said to me.

My eyes widen.

"Wait, is this another trick?"

He shook his head, vigorously.

"Ok, show me," I whispered. But he could still hear me, I knew that he still could.

He smiled and stepped back.

He closed his eyes.

Suddenly I saw his bones rearranging.

He got slightly got shorter, but larger at the same time.

And I saw the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on.

A werewolf.

He was so large, almost the size of me.

But his back was so long.

His fur was maroon.

His eyes were the same color as his eyes when he was in human form, crystal blue.

I don't know why I did the thing I did next.

It was something that I never wanted to happen to me when I first saw a werewolf shift.

It was something that would happen to a girl in a cliché werewolf story when she sees a werewolf shift for the first time, but she has only heard of werewolves in a few fairytales.

I shouldn't have done this, I've been preparing for this moment my whole life.

It was something that I've never done before.

I fainted.

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