Part 18: Lost

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That night after I went home from Grimm's house I didn't get in trouble, because my parents are used to me coming home late.
Don't worry, I'm not out at night partying or stealing or something, I usually just go around town by myself and do whatever feels cool (and is cheap)

Right now it is almost science class and Grimm told me he would bring our science project.

I saw Vincent walk by,  he was holding something. It looked exactly like our science project, well at least from far away. I guess great minds think a like?!?

It was two minutes early, but who cares. I was about to walk into science when -
Someone bumped into me. I was knocked to the ground from the blow.
"Ew! You're sweaty," I complained, standing up.
"Our project's gone!" Grimm whispered . I gasped.
"I thought you had it!" I accused.
"I thought I did too, but I put it in my gym locker for football practice. And I was too tired to lock it up-"
"You didn't lock it up!" I yelled.
"Hey! I was tired, coach made us wake up an hour earlier this morning!"
I had a flashback to like five seconds ago when I saw Vincent with the glass beaker.

"Is Vincent on the football team?" I asked.
"Don't think so, but I saw him in the locker room today for some reason."
"I saw him this morning holding something that looked exactly like our project!" I yelled.
We both went to track him down, while the two minutes we had to get to class counted down.

We found him just about to enter math class. He was still holding the container that looked like our project.

I snatched it from his hand.
"Hey!" he whined, "that's my science project!"

Vincent tried to snatch it back, but Grimm held his forearms.
I looked at the substance. It looked like our project. I smelled it and felt nauseous. It smells like our project.

I had Grimm examine it.

It was our project.

"Why would steal our project??!" I yelled at him.
"Hey, Grey, I would love to stay and chat, but if that project's not in science in the next 30 seconds then I'm gonna fail science!" Grimm yelled at me.

"Oh, right."I said.
I looked to Vincent.
"expect an interrogation later!" I shouted at him.

Then me and Grimm went running to science, him trying not to spill the melting, mixed DNA samples.

Once it was our turn to show the teacher our samples, we were perfectly ready.

"Please, explain your project to me," the Mr.Flemer said.

I took a deep breath, and was about to speak, but then-

"we decided to mix the DNA samples of a human and a bat," explained Grimm.

I kinda wanted to talk, but whatever, less work for me.

"The human DNA sample is from Grey's hair," Grimm continued.

"which is also kinda grey," Grimm mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" the Mr.Flemer asked confused.

"nothing," Grimm answered.

But I had heard what he mumbled and slightly elbowed him.

"Please continue," asked the teacher.

"We found-"

"we found a few bats in a forest near my uncle's house," he interrupted me.

I glared at him.

"What a creative way to mix DNA samples," the teacher commented,"and you are the only students I currently know of who used human DNA."


"thank you so much," Grimm interrupted me again, shaking Mr.Flemer's hand.

I rolled my eyes.

Yeah, this was getting annoying.

"So, what would you call the new breed of animals that you theoretically created?" Mr.Flemer asked.

I looked to Grimm- waiting for him ton answer. He didn't answer.

I thought for a good answer to his question.

"Vampire," I answered.

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