Your Majesty

By Mysteriousmoon44

549 63 35

"I am NOT werewolf!" The darkening black covering his eyes begged to differ. "Yes you are, I'l... More

Part 1 : Learning About Werewolves
Part 2 : Waiting Forever
Part 3: After school drama
Part 4: Obsession
Part 5: After School Drama part 2
Part 6: Plan
Part 7: Working Plan part 1
Part 8: Working Plan part 2
Part 9: Working Plan part 3
Part 10: Working plan part 4
Part 11: Working plan part 5
Part 12: Werewolf Senses
Part 13: Bones Cracking
Part 14: Faint
Part 15: Woke Up
Part 16: Grimm
Part 17: Melting DNA Samples
Part 18: Lost
Part 19: Investigation
Part 20: Night Out
Part 21: Night Out part 2
Part 22: Realization
Part 23: Day with Grimm
Part 24: Woke up
Part 25: Exchanging my DNA
Part 26: Rejection... or not?
Part 28: Tuesday
Part 29: Thursday and Friday
Part 30: Liza's changed
Part 31: Pranked
Part 23: Jealousy
Part 33: Rogues

Part 27: Tutor

14 2 4
By Mysteriousmoon44

It was raining outside.

I was driving to Grimm's house from Lycan's, when I saw raindrops gliding down my front windshield. I used the thingy to get the water away, so I could see the clear road( idk what it's called).

I honesty loved rain. I thought it was calming.

I loved to see how the drops went down your windows when driving, and the sound of it.

So anyways, soon I pulled up to Grimm's street which led to his house.

I pulled my backpack over my head, to protect me from the rain, because I forgot my jacket, as I ran to their front door.
Immediately after I knocked, Grimm answered and gestured for me to come in.

He looked up at the sky, then shut the front door.

"Hey," he greeted.

I had already made myself at home, by slipping my shoes off and putting my bag near their kitchen table.
"Hey," I said back.

"Ready to hit the books?" I asked, unzipping my back pack.
I took out my texts books and notebooks and took a seat at his table.

"Yep," he answered with a smile on.

He quickly got his books and pulled up a seat right next to me.

The kitchen looked rather gloomy, no lights were on, so the only light we had was the light clouds outside that was pouring out rain.

The tv was on in the living room, but you couldn't hear it because it was paused and was on football, of course.
I mentally rolled my eyes.

Friggin jock.

"So, go to the page your on in class," I pointed to his science text book.

He flipped to page 97.

"So, what are you struggling with?" I asked.
He pointed to a paragraph and started to talk, but then the door bell rang.

We then heard footsteps running downstairs, yelling "pizza's here."

I heard the door open and a voice saying "large pepporoni pizza no cheese?"

"Yes, sir!" the other voice said.

I could hear the pizza being payed by the sounds of coins and cash rattling around, then the door shut.

A guy came walking in the living room, then to the kitchen. It was the same guy who had ordered the pizza.
The man looked to be 21 and had just a plain t-shirt on and baggy sweatpants. His hair was combed to the side, and his eyes were a light grey color( some people actually do have grey eyes).

He kinda looked like Grimm.

He didn't notice me sitting at the kitchen table with Grimm.

He pulled out soda from the fridge and poured it into a cup with ice.

When he finally looked up, he gasped and put his hand on his chest. It seemed overly- dramatic.

"What?" Grimm asked.

"I didn't know your girlfriend was so pretty!" the man exclaimed.

I blurted out laughing.

Grimm just rolled his eyes.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend from school," Grimm explained.

"Why she here?" the man asked while taking a gulp of the soda right from the bottle.

"She's tutoring me," Grimm answered.

"Oh, cuz you're failing science."
"I'm not failing!" Grimm argued with him, "I'm just struggling."

"Mmmhhh," the man said, honestly not convinced.

Grimm just sighed.
"Grey, this is my brother, Grayson," Grimm introduced.

Grimm's bro laughed," haha, your name is my nickname, Gray."

I smiled.

"Why aren't you at college? Did they finally kick you out for being to dumb?"  Grimm asked.

He just laughed," ha, I wish. But, no my buds wanted to hang tonight, but we can't hang out without video games, and Andy's game console isn't working, so we had to come over here."

"I didn't hear your friends upstairs."

"Yeah, they're coming in a bit. Hopefully I don't eat all this pizza before they get here. Does your girlfriend want a slice?" Grayson asked.

"She's not my...whatever," Grimm gave up mid-sentence.

"Sure, I like pizza," I said.
I got up and grabbed a slice.

Grayson went back upstairs taking his glass of soda and the rest of the pizza with him.

When he was gone Grimm told me, " you know he was just joking when he said you were pretty, you're actually not."

I got up and walked over to the soda bottle Grayson had left out, luckily there was still some in there.

I splashed the soda all over Grimm's face.

"Am I pretty now?" I asked in a high-pitched voice.

"I guess i deserved that," Grimm sighed, and I nodded.

"You still didn't answer my question. Am I pretty now?" I asked again, I tried to purposely sound girly, he knew I was joking.

"If you get me some water," he then smiled at me.

I got up and got him some water, I mean, I did pour soda on him.

I sat down next to him again.
"Thanks," he said, before pouring the water, with ice, onto my head.

The ice cubes fell onto the floor, some fell on my lap.

I gasped, even tho I should've seen that coming.

After that, we luckily got some studying in. Then we heard another ring at the door.

Then footsteps came down the stairs again.

"Wassup!" and "hey!" was all I heard from over there.

For some reason, they came into the kitchen.

"Woah, Grimm actually got a girlfriend?!" one of the guy's said when they saw me, they put their hand on their chest.

"That's what I thought!" Grayson agreed.

"We're not dating!" Grimm argued.

This other guy came up to Grimm and touched his face," woah dude, your face is sticky."

There were a total of 6 guys in the kitchen, including Grayson, not including Grimm.

"Wait, if you're not dating, then why is she here?" another guy asked.

"Tutoring." Grimm answered.

"Oh, cuz you're failing science," they all said together, at the same time.

"I'm not failing!" Grimm yelled.

"Mmmhhh," they all said together, not convinced.

"Why is her hair wet?" another guy asked, touching my hair.
I instantly pulled back.

"Did you spill water on another girl again?" Grayson asked," you know he only does that to the girls he fancies(fancy means like like in Britain)."

"I only did that cuz she spilled soda on me!" Grimm yelled.

Grayson just rolled his eyes.

"Come on, guys," he yelled, and he and his 'gang' went upstairs.

"I think I should go now, it's getting pretty late," I suggested. The rain had stopped outside, and it was totally dark outside.

"That was fun, I hope you actually learned something."

"Yeah, I learned not to invite girls over when my brother's home."

I laughed.

Instead of leaving I decided to watch the tv in his living room for a bit, again.

I knew he wouldn't mind, so I didn't bother asking.

I layed down on the couch and switched the channel to something I liked.

I watched until my eyes got droopy and I eventually had to close them.

(A/n Longer chapter for you guys! Since the last one was super short... ps the people in the video at the top☝️☝☝ the girl in the video is supposed to play Grey in this story, and the guy in the video is supposed to play Lycan in the story, you can look at their names in the cast, or just ask their names in the comments. pps that video is like 3 years old so they probably look totally different right now)

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