An Arranged Marriage ❉ n.m

By natemaloski

840K 30.4K 9.2K

Famous and living the dream, Skate Maloley didn't plan on being involved in an arranged marriage with a small... More

Sixty - Part Two
A/N: Crossover ❤️


10.1K 433 76
By natemaloski

-Tori POV-

"Its your wedding!" My cousins and Jade jumped on my bed the next morning. I opened my eyes and the sun hit me so hard - I groaned.

Not the reaction you'd get from a bride on her wedding day.

"Someone isn't happy." My cousin, Cass giggled and laid beside me. Despite her red hair, we could have been sisters by the look of us.

"Breakfast!" Nates sister - Kaylan sang as she walked into the room, hauling a cart that must have been room service.

"Food." I exhaled happily and sat up. I was really hungry and the thought of strong coffee made me feel less uneasy.

I made eye contact with Kaylan and last night came into memory again. She had been the only one who knew what went down with Nate and I. She didn't tell anyone and I was grateful.

"Nate had it sent up." Kaylan said with a small hopeful smile.

I rolled my eyes. A breakfast tray wasn't going to fix my heart nor the clash that went down last night. It all came back like a heavy blanket I couldn't shrug off even now.

After Nate had begged me to open the door, I didn't budge. His sister had come to the rescue and urged him to make an excuse that I was sick. Nobody needed to know that we were in a bad place.

Thankfully, she managed to get me out while he assured everyone I just felt a little sick. Being a girl, she knew I needed space and drove me to the hotel we had booked for the wedding day.

The beach where our ceremony would be held was just a walking distance and part of the hotel. After all, I still couldn't see Nate until I walked down the isle.

Wedding traditions. Infact, I wanted to call the wedding off last night, never see him again but I didn't. I mean I couldn't anyways.

It was still an arranged marriage.

And the fact that Nate was meant to marry Sera ate me terribly. He should have told me.

"Let's eat up." Jade said, pouring me coffee. "The makeup artist will be here at 10:30 sharp so we gotta shower and everything."

We all ate breakfast in my room, had some champagne, made jokes and my cousin couldn't help make dirty jokes about my honeymoon.

I told them Nate and I were having our honeymoon around family vacation. So it wasn't even a honeymoon. I didn't mind either. I loved his family.

"I'm gonna steam your dress." Cass said after downing her champagne.

"Please help her." I whispered to Jade. "I think she may be tipsy."

Jade laughed. "On it."

That left Nate's sister and I alone. I just wanted to make sure Kaylan was on the same page I was. Maybe I didn't want to pretend anymore.

"You okay?" She asked, reaching out for my hand.

I shrugged. I didn't cry now. Last night was enough emotional drainage.

"Nate didn't love her like he loves you Tori." Kaylan said. "I know my brother better than anyone."

"It doesn't matter because this is kind of a big secret to keep." I sniffed. "The fact that she's always around gets under my skin. Like how can everyone just be so welcoming."

"He doesn't want to lose you." She said sadly. "You saw how he wouldn't leave you until I showed up."

"Before that, he basically made it obvious that he needed space and didn't want me around." I told her about him snapping at me.

She sighed. "Look, it must have been something else that got to him. There's an explanation."

I gave her a look.

"You're still marrying him?" She asked after a short silence.

I shrugged and looked out the window at the beach. Somewhere in the hotel Nate was with his guys and Ben. Was he happy with this?

"I don't have a choice now do I?" I said sadly. "I have to marry him."

"Its going to be okay, Tori." She said with a smile, rubbing my arms. "I know this isn't how people are meant to fall in love but Nate does love you. Its real."

"Maybe." Was all I could say. I felt numb this morning.


My makeup was done by a professional artist and so was my hairdo. The bridesmaid were already dressed and ready to go. I must say they looked flawless.

"This is so exciting." Jade squealed as I stood up to slip my dress on. It felt too heavy and more like a burden on my body. I forced a smile. Nobody should feel this way on their wedding.

"We'll do touch ups after." The makeup artists and hairstylist said standing back and gazing at me.

All the attention was on me. I may have loved it but I wanted to hide myself now more than anything. How was I supposed to walk down the isle like this and face the man I love...when I wasn't sure anymore.

The dress fit perfectly. The lacy dress fell over my body perfectly and clung to my hips. The back was low, making me look taller. My skin was more tanned now. I can't believe I was getting married.

"Let's give her a minute." Kaylan said, leading everyone out of my room. I was so grateful for her. I wanted to be alone.

I turned away from the mirror. I wish Nate and I had worked or talked it out then maybe this would be a lot better. I really wanted to be happy but Sera kept nagging my mind.

A few minutes later, I heard the girls yell from the other room. "Nate! You can't see her now." Jade said loudly.

"Its bad luck!" My cousin yelled. "But you won't listen of course!"

"I don't fucking care!" Nate yelled back with determination.

I groaned. Nate was here. Great.

I stood on the side of the door, expecting him to barge in. But instead Nate had knocked softly and opened the door slowly, a small gap. I was still hiding against the wall, not in the doorway.

"You can't see me." I whispered. My voice was so devoid of emotion.

"I'm not looking at you." Nate spoke gently. His voice was like a warm shower of love that loosened up my anxiety. "Just wanted to hear your voice."

He must have been on the other side of the wall because I couldn't see him, his back against it just like I was positioned too. It broke my heart that we were in a bad place.

On our wedding day.

His hand slid slowly through the gap of the door. He didn't say anything or ask anything, just held his hand out for me. I hesitated, still mad and hurting but I wanted to touch him so badly.

I grasped his hand slowly, my fingers intertwining with his larger ones. I felt my heart melt at the touch and heard Nate sigh deeply. They looked they had meant to be linked.

"I'm so sorry Tori." He finally spoke. "For lastnight, for everything. I should never have let Sera back into my life - our life like that."

I didn't say anything.

"I guess I should have taken better control of things instead of lashing out at you of all people. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway that I have...god it broke me when you said you don't trust me."

"I was just angry." I admitted. "I just wanted you to know how hurt I was."

"It worked. And I deserved it." Nate said in a neutral voice. "But I don't wanna fight with you Tori. I felt like shit this morning, waking up knowing what I'd done."

I felt my eyes burn. "People make mistakes." I had given in. "Its okay Nate, it really is."

"Its not. I realized all I ever wanna do is make you happy. Make you smile." Nate went on. "Instead I made you cry just because I was jealous."

"Jealous? That's what this is about?" I asked.

"Cameron." Nate admitted. "Yesterday he was too close to you, making you laugh and smile, touching you. I wanted to kill him."

"That's a lame excuse." I exhaled. "You got angry because Cam couldn't control his feelings. I barely know him Nate!"

"It is lame." Nate said, agreeing with me for once. "Its just that you're so valuable, so precious to me and I never wanna lose you to anyone."

"But you never will." I squeezed his hand gently.

"I know, I let my feelings ruin our last night before the wedding." Nate said taking a deep breath. "I'm so sorry Tori, I really am."

"I forgive you." I whispered.

Hearing his voice filled me with so much happiness that I couldn't stay mad much longer. I love him. I want him. I couldn't let Sera get between that...that is what she wanted after all.

"I don't want you to walk down the isle to me full of regret and resentment." He said. "I want you to enjoy your special day. Our day."

I bit my lip to stop the tears from coming down.

"I don't want you to say your vows with anger. I'm still the man you fell in love with, I don't want you to look at me any differently." Nate went on. "I want you to know that I'm crazy about you and that I love you."

His voice broke at the end. The raw emotion hit me.

"I love you Nathan." My voice broke too and I let myself feel. I cried.

Nate gripped my hand. "I can't see you now but I love you so much. Please marry me."

"I still am." I said between breaths.

"Not because of this arranged marriage Tori. Marry me because you love me just as much." Nate said.

"I am." I spoke. "I wanna be your wife."

He breathed out. I heard his back hit the wall. I wanted to face him and hold him and kiss him. But we agreed to keep to the tradition.

"I've gotta go." Nate finally spoke. His voice was steady now - tougher like he didn't just lose himself. He pulled my hand up and kissed it softly.

"See you in a few." I mumbled, feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulder.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife." Nate said quietly then let my hand go reluctantly.

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