The Perfect Boy (Book 2)

By Andy_is_my_life

57.2K 1.5K 385

The sequel to The Perfect Boy (Hunter Rowland Fan Fiction). Brianna starts to lose many of her so called "fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
A/N: Please read
Yes... it's another A/N
Book 3!!!

Chapter 41

1.1K 30 11
By Andy_is_my_life

----Brianna's POV----
After this long car ride, my mom and I finally get to the mall.

"Come on, I wanna get this clothes shopping over with" I say to my mom. "Okay, what store?" she asks and I start to think. "Hot Topic" I say and we walk to the Hot Topic shop.

I picked out a couple pairs of black jeans, a few Andy Black and Black Veil Brides shirts, and then a couple other band T-shirts.

I look at the jewelry rack and get some braclets and then I check out.

After Hot Topic we go to Hollister. I was actually kind of happy to go shopping in there.

But then I seen him.

Of course Hunter would just so happen be shopping the same day as me.

I turn around and start to leave, hoping Hunter didn't see me.

But he did.

"Hey, Brianna can we talk later?" he asks. "No" I say rudely, hoping he'll leave me alone. "Please, after we talk later, I'll leave you alone forever" he says. "How about we don't talk ever again and you leave me alone forever" I say. "But we need to talk" he says grabbing my hand.

Usually I get butterflies in my stomach when he touches me, but I didn't this time. Their was one butterfly, flying around, but then it's kinda like it died.

What he did really ruined our relationship.

"Let go of me" I say and jerk my hand back. "Please Bri" he says. "Don't, just leave me alone" I say, getting really mad now.

I just grab my moms hand and pull her out of the Hollister shop, hoping Hunter won't try to talk to me again. But knowing Hunter, he probably will.

We go to a couple more stores and then go home. I actually left with alot of clothes.

"So do you wanna go school supply shopping with me?" my mom asks. "No, I just wanna go home" I reply. "Okay" she says, and it most of the car ride is silent.

A couple minutes before we get home, my mom decides to start a new conversation.

"I think you should talk to him and tell him what he did wrong, because he obviously doesn't know" my mom says. "I'm pretty sure he knows, I don't wanna talk to him" I say. "But you should, you guys have been friends forever" she says to me. "No, he was never my friend, he just acted like it" I say. "What did he do to you that makes you never wanna see him again?" my mom asks me. "Nothing" I reply.

I don't wanna tell her. I rather her not remember any of the stuff that she found out her daughter did and then feel disappointed in me because of that again.

We pull in the driveway and I get out.

"Bye Brianna!" she shouts before I get to the door. "Bye!" I shout back and walk inside.

I walk to my room and do some thinking, while listening to Pierce The Veil.
15 minutes later

----Hunter's POV----
I understand that she doesn't wanna talk to me, but it would be nice if she told me why she was mad at me.

I got home about ten minutes ago and I've been texting her ever since, trying to get her to talk to me. I'm starting to get annoyed.

I throw my phone on my bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen to get a snack. When I walk back upstairs I hear my phone going off.

I check my phone, and to my surprise, it was Brianna.

Brianna: Meet me at the park at 6:00 I guess

Me: Okay

She's actually gonna talk to me. About time. I've been waiting to find out what I've done wrong, forever. At least that's what it feels like.

I check the time and see its 5:30. I got at least twenty minutes before I have to leave.

I go downstairs and sit down on the couch, while eating my snack. I decide to watch TV and of course, when I turn on the TV, Girl Meets World comes on.

Brianna's favorite show.

I don't think Im gonna be able to live with out Brianna.

After twenty minutes of TV, I decide to start walking down to the park.

"Bye mom, I'll be back later, I'm going to the park!" I shout to my mom, not knowing if she's even in the house. I don't get a reply so she must be getting school supplies.

I leave and start thinking about everything, while I walk to the park.

When I get there, I don't see Brianna anywhere. I dig my phone out of my pocket and check the time.


I forgot she's the kind of person who shows up on time or late, but never early.

Ten minutes later, at exactly 6:00, Brianna sits on the swing beside me.

"Hey" I say. "Okay what did you wanna talk about?" she asks. "'Hey to you to Hunter, how's your day going?' 'Oh well my day is going just fine and yours?' 'My-'" I say joking around with her before she cuts me off. "My day was fine before I saw you, now what do you wanna talk about?" she asks again, angrily.

She's rude.

"I just wanna know what I did wrong" I say. "I found out your secret" she says. "What secret?" I ask. "Don't act like you don't know!" she says. "I obviously don't know!" I shout back. "Did you really think that I'd never find out?!" she shouts to much. "Okay calm down, your causing a seen" I say, noticing the few kids and parents that are now staring at us.

"I found out who took the video and posted it" she say more calmer than she was to seconds ago, but obviously still angry.

"Who?" I ask. "Oh my gosh, stop, you know exactly who" she says. "No, I don't, I wasn't really paying any attention to anyone in the room, but you and the guy on top of you when I walked in" I say. "Was it Blake?"

She grunts and says, "No Hunter, I know it was you" she says, while starting to cry. "No it wasn't, how and why would I do that, who told you I did it?" I ask. "It doesn't matter" she says. "Yes it does!" I shout.

I'm mad, just incase that wasn't obvious.

"Weston told Jayla and Jayla told me" she says with tears running down her cheeks. I wipe her tears away with my thumb and say, "I promise you I would never do that, I love you way to much to ever do that." "And how do I know that I can trust you?" she asks. "Because all I've been trying to do is prove that I love you, you think I would spend all my time with you if it wasn't true?" I ask.

"You know what, we've talked enough, now you leave me alone forever, like you promised" she says getting up and wiping her tears away. "Please don't leave me, I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you" I beg. "Well your about to find out" she says. "We live next to eachother you aren't gonna be able to avoid me" I say. "I can try" she says and walks away.

I don't know what to do. What do you do when you love someone but they don't wanna see or talk to you?

I walk home soon after Brianna does and go up to my room, where I spend most of my time.

She can't avoid me, we go to school together; we're bound to have classes together, and we live right next door to eachother.
Monday- First day of school

----Brianna's POV----
I'm awoken by my stupid alarm clock, that I set to wake me up for the first day of school.

Yeah! (Note my sarcasm)

I get up and pick out an outfit that is a good 'first day back to hell' outfit, but is also comfortable.

I decide on a pair of white jeans (bad idea, I know) and a black shirt that says 'Leave Me Alone' in white letters, with a pair of black Converse high tops.

After getting dressed I brush my teeth and hair, then I decide to straighten my hair. If I would have curled my hair, then people wouldn't have tooken my shirt seriously.

After getting ready I grab my keys and head towards the door.

"Bye mom!" I shout. "You got everything?" she asks as she walks into the living room. "Ye-" I cut myself off. "No, forgetting my phone and back pack" I say.

Only I would forget my backpack when I'm going to school. I run upstairs and grab my phone and my school supply-filled backpack.

"Okay now I got everything" I say. "You sure you don't want me to drive you?" she asks. "Yes, I'm sure" I say. "Okay, bye I love you" she says. "I love you to" I say and walk out.

I get my car and buckle up. Before starting the car I turn on my phone and check my notifications.

My phone has been turned off since I talked to Hunter. I know I probably have like twenty messages from him.

Of course I was right.

When my phone turns on, my phone starts going crazy. I put my phone on silent and start the car.

Prison, here I come.

I get to school and get my schedule. Hopefully I don't have any classes with Hunter.

I check my schedule and look for my locker number.


I check my schedule to see what my first class is, which is Science, and then I walk to my locker.

I keep all the stuff I think that I need then I put everything away.

But I'm not exactly sure what all I need.

I put everything back into my bag and then walk to science. Luckily it wasn't far from my locker. That's the good thing.

I walk into class and look for my friends. But the I remember that I don't have any.

After remembering that, I walk to the only empty desk in the room, Bessie I rather not sit beside anyone.

I hope no one decides to sit beside me.

I get out my notebook and a pen, then begin to draw. If that's what you wanna call it anyways. I can't really draw, so I call it doodling.

That's and interesting word.


"Hey" a familiar voice says snapping me out of my stupid thoughts. "I hope you don't mind if I sit here" the person says and I look up. "Actually, I do" I say to Hunter.

Of course I would have first class with him.

"Oh, well that sucks, because I'm sitting here anyways" he says and sits down. "So what are you drawing?" he asks. "Nothing" I say and shut my notebook. "Come on Brianna, you can't be mad at me for something that I didn't do" he says. "I'm not, I'm mad at you for something you did do" I say. "I didn't do it" he says. "Just stop lying, you know what just stop talking to me" I say and thankfully the teacher walks in.

I've never been so happy to see a teacher.

"Hi class, I'm Mrs.Wright" the science teacher introduces herself. "First off I wanna learn your names so, I'm gonna call you one by one and your going to tell me your first and last name" she says. "This is stuff preschoolers do" someone says. "Great, than it should be really simple for you to do" Mrs.Wright says. "And the lucky person who said that gets to go first."

Everyone laughs, even though it's not funny, and the boy should said it stands up.

"I'm Zach Clayton" he says and sits down. "You have to stay standing" Mrs.Wright says.

I like this teacher so far. She seems like the kind of teacher who likes to embarrass or torcher other kids through the school year.

The person besides him goes and then sits down. "Hey, how come he gets to sit down?" Zach or whatever his name is, asks the teacher. "Because he's not as special as you, and neither are the rest of your classmates, that's why everyone else is going to sit down" she says. "Now who's next?" she asks and the next person goes.

I'm the last one to go and it's so uncomfortable. Everyone, except for Zach, is looking up at me waiting for me to speak. I don't think I've ever talked to these people even once.

"I'm Brianna" I say. I don't like my last name, hopefully she won't make me say it. "What's your last name?" She asks.


"Baldoni" I say and sit down.

I know people are laughing on the inside. It's a terrible last name. Who even came up with that name?

After I talked, Mrs.Wright let Zach sit down, and she told us what were going to be doing in her class.

After science class I had Math.

With Hunter.

Why do I always have bad luck?

Finally, four classes (with Hunter) later, it's lunch time. I'm able to leave school, so I do. I don't go anywhere. I just walk out side and sit behind trees listening to music while doodling.

Before I made friends, when I first moved here, I came out here and looked for somewhere to hide from everyone inside.

I couldn't go anywhere because I'm to lazy to walk, I didn't have a car or drivers license, and I wasn't really aloud to leave; it was a school rule.

Anyways, I found this hole that was covered by bushes and stuff. I don't know how I found it.

I sat down and got comfortable. I plugged my earbuds into my phone and start listening to Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides, which made me wanna doodle.

I got out my pen and notebook, and started doodling...I don't know what I was doodling, but it was something. I guess.

----Hunter's POV----
I walk to the lunch room, which wasn't far from my last, which was English 2.

I hate English. But I liked it because Brianna's in it.

We have assigned seats in there and I sit right next to Brianna.

Anyways, when I walk in the lunch room I don't see Brianna. She must've left.

I walk in line to get my lunch and then sit at a table by myself.

"Hey" a blond says, sitting next to me. "Hey" I say back. "What's your name?" she asks. "Hunter" I reply. "That's a nice name" she says. "I guess" I say. "So are you single?" she asks. "Yeah" I reply. "You wanna go out?" she asks. "No thanks, I like someone else" I say and take a bite of my food.

"Your making a bad decision" she says. "First of all I don't even know you, and second of all I don't think your attractive, so can you please leave me alone and let me eat my lunch" I say. "Ugh, your so rude" she says and walks away.

Five minutes later someone else sits beside me.

"Hey, you wanna come sit with us?" some random guy asks. "Um, no, I'll pass" I say after looking at his group of friends. They all look like popular jerks, and I rather not have Brianna thinking that I'm one of those.

Since I can't eat without anyone bothering me in here, I walk outside to eat.

I look around and look for a comforable spot on the ground, which was hard to do considering that the ground is not a comfortable place to sit.

I sit down against a tree near a bunch of bushes. After sitting against the tree for a little while, I start to hear something that sounds like music. It sounded like it was coming from the bushes.

I went to the bushes and pushes them around, and there I saw Brianna.

"Hey!" I said excitedly.

No reply.

I don't think she hurd me.

"Hey!" I say again.

No reply.

I pull her earbuds out and say hey again.

"I heard you the first two times" she says angrily. "I'm sorry" I say. "I'll forgive you if you leave" she says looking up at me. "Even for the thing that I didn't do?" I ask. "You did do it and no Im not forgiving you for that" she says. "But I didn't do it" I argue her. "I'm not fighting you about it again, just go away" she says.

I decide to just leave her alone for now. "I don't wanna annoy her to the point where she won't wanna talk to me again.

Oh wait, she already doesn't wanna talk to me.

But I decide to leave her alone anyways.

I pick up my tray of food and take it inside and go to my next class,History. I'm about five minutes early, but oh well. Now I won't have to walk through a hallway full of people.

I go through my instagram and twitter while I'm waiting for Brianna to walk through the door, but she never does.

I was hoping that we would have every class together.

So that class was boring to death. All I did was sit there and listen to the teacher talk for forty-five minutes. It sucked.

I only fell asleep four times.

It's not my fault though. He wouldn't stop boring me to death, and when I'm bored I sleep.

Surprisingly, Mr.Smith didn't catch me.

Obviously, Mr.Smith is the Boring History teacher.

After History, I go to Phys Ed.

Finally a class that won't bore me.

Everyone gets their gym outfits, which was a white shirt and blue shorts, and then we went for a run around the school. It was actually fun and relaxing.

But that's just me. I've always loved running and Phys Ed.

Finally, ten classes later, it's time to go home.

I get in my car and drive home.

When I get home I get a snack and go up to my room. I lay down and check my phone.

None of the messages that I sent were even read. At least that's what my phone says. I wish she would talk to me.

I text her one last time. For right now anyways.

Me: Hey

Soon I get a message from her.

Brianna: Leave. Me. Alone

Not what I was hoping she'd say, but it's a start I guess.

A/N: Here's a long chapter. I hope you liked it, I worked hard on it. I've been up all night.
Anyways, please Vote and Comment!!

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