Bad Blood // Z.M A.U

By HoneyCocaineXO

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"We in this together. You and me baby. All the way." 》 》 》 - For ages 16+ - Contains violence, strong langua... More

Prologue and Disclaimer


273 24 2
By HoneyCocaineXO

Okay, it seems like the last chapter was so good that I actually made ghost readers vote for the first time. But hey, let's see what's happening in this chapter :)

Oh and heads up for this chapter, there is constant change of POV


This is bad. Very bad.

And there was no way I can make an excuse or even fix this because I let the perfect girl slip through my fingers because of my cheating ways.

I have been cheating on her for such a long time and the fact that I have been doing it along with her finding out right now is unacceptable.

Trust me, I tried to stop cheating but there is no way I could do it for a long time. There is this sick side of me that felt that one woman was never enough but two was.

I had it all along and now that I don't have any, especially Carmelita, I finally feel what's it's like to be caught in the moment.

How could I be so stupid to even cheat on her?! In our own house?!

Carmelita gave me everything I could ever need to keep me going and now she has left me because she has had enough of my games.

She cared for me, made sure I am healthy, fed every day, get enough sleep and gave me enough love to keep me going every day.

She left her whole life behind four years ago for me and I ended up cheating on her to show my appreciation.

Now she is gone. She left me here on my knees, crying for the first time for her and I want nothing else but to run after her to tell her to come back to me.

Carmelita thinks that I don't love her but I do, I really do. Maybe I did not in the beginning when she told me she loved me but I do now and that's what matters.

For the first time I have a broken heart by the girl who has walked away because of my unfaithfulness but I know Carmelita is going to suffer more.

I am her first and only boyfriend and for the first time, she walks with a broken heart because she has no one to turn to.

She doesn't want to do anything with me and I don't blame her. After everything we have all been through the four years, Carmelita finally drew the line and left me for good.

Carmelita might have not said that but I know her, she will never forgive me for being unfaithful.

I played with her heart, her feelings and her life because of my selfish needs.

There is no way I can win her back and what really bothers me is that all of this shit had to happen the day before her birthday.

'Let me tell you something Zayn, you'll never find another bíṭch that loves you like I do.'

She's right. No one will ever love me like she does but also I will never have someone like she is.

No one will understand me like she does, no one will accept me for who I have become like she does and no one will definitely put up with my shít like she does.

Carmelita Wilfred has finally left me.


For the past three hours, Sophia has been with Carmelita in Zayn's room and it's killing me to know what has happened to Carmelita.

According to Harry, she just stormed into the house but when we heard shattering; the whole lot of us ran up to the room to see what the hell is going on.

Seeing Carmelita sobbing on her knees, glass shards stuck to her body and her screaming is a horrific scene for those who are close to her.

And I have a feeling that Zayn has finally let the cat out the bag. It's about time because at least I don't have to hide it no longer away from Carmelita.

But how stupid can he be to tell her before her birthday? I swear he doesn't think before he acts.

"I just need to know if she is fine." Niall says worriedly and I nod in response.

"By the sounds of it, it seems like she is."

"Maybe but what could Zayn have done that got her so upset?"

You'll be surprised Niall.

Instead, I say. "No clue."

Finally the bedroom door opens and Niall and I look up at Sophia who closes the door then wipes her tears away.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask sincerely making her nod. "I am fine, just feeling so sorry for Carmelita." She murmurs, taking a seat next to on the ground.

"How is she?" Niall asks next. "She is getting some sleep. Thanks for the sedative, it really calmed her down."

"Why is she in such a state?" He mutters.

Sophia takes a deep breath in, leaning her head against the wall behind her. "I feel so sorry for her and it's such a sad thing. Who would have known?!"

So Zayn must have told the truth about the aboŗtion pills.

"What happened?" I ask impatiently as my patience is wearing thin.

Can she tell us already?!

"Carmelita found Zayn cheating on her."

"What?!" Niall and I say in unison, leaning forward to hear more from Sophia.

Zayn has been cheating on Carmelita? What the hell?!

"Yes. I am shocked as you are and you could imagine how broken she is by it. Carmelita is deeply in love with Zayn and then she finds this out right before her birthday. It breaks my heart, really." Sophia whispers and once again tears run down her face.

"I am sorry. It's just I am not use to seeing Carmelita like this and I can't watch her in this state." She sniffles. Niall passes her a tissue and she thanks him.

"Good lord. I can't believe this." He sighs, placing his hand on his head.

"Me neither."

Zayn has fuelled the fire now. With his cheating and the abortíon pills, he dug his grave very deep.

And finally I can tell Carmelita the truth since she doesn't want to talk to him. Obviously I won't tell her today or tomorrow, so I'll leave it for later.

Zayn, you asked for it and now you're getting it. I warned you several times and you took me for a joke - now we will see who the joke really is.

"Luckily that sedative will knock Carmelita out for a couple of hours so she can get some sleep." Sophia mutters.

"She'll wake up eventually but I'll look after her. Don't worry." Niall offers.

"Sure Nialler?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. She is like my baby sister and she needs someone to be there for her. I'll be that person for her."

"Okay then." Getting up, I walk downstairs to make a phone call to Zayn.

I hope that basṭard answers his damn phone.

After the sixth ring, he finally picks up. "Liam." He mumbles and I have to refrain myself from saying something rude towards him.

"Don't expect yourself coming tomorrow for Carmelita's birthday. You're no longer welcomed and I am sure she will agree with me. Another thing before I hang up, your time is up Malik and you know what I mean. Thursday, you and I are going to talk face to face, so expect me to be there in the morning."


Twenty-years old.

One thing for sure, I don't feel twenty when I still have all my problems that I faced at nineteen.

I still have the heartache, the tears and the anger and I know that it will not go away anytime soon.

Everything is ruined - my birthday, my days I spend in this shít and of course my life.

All because of him.

One thing I am definitely not looking forward to is all my friends asking where Zayn is. I know I can't tell them the truth without crying but every time I have to lie about it, the more it makes me upset.

Honestly, I just want to cancel today's plan and stay here by myself but knowing my friends, they want me to forget about it for a few hours and for me to stop crying.

That's all I want to do - cry.

Cry because everything that was good has been forgotten, cry because I don't have a special someone any longer, cry because I was cheated on.

All I want to know is, why? Why did Zayn cheat on me?

My thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking on the bedroom door. The door opens slowly and Niall peaks his head inside.

A sheepish smile tugs on his lips as he opens the door wider with a saucer that has a cupcake on it with a candle lit.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Carmi. Happy birthday to you!" He sings quietly and for the first time in a couple of hours, I chuckle.

"Thank you Niall."

He takes a seat on the bed and passes me the saucer with the cupcake. "Make your wish."

"I don't have anything to wish for now Niall." I mumble but he shakes his head.

"I am sure there is one thing you wish for constantly."

He is actually right. My wish is to go back home very soon, so I can forget about this and live my life.

Blowing out the candle, Niall claps his hands softly. "Yay! See, I knew you had something. Do you want your present now or later?"

"Well, it's my birthday so I'll say now."

Niall leaves the room momentarily to fetch my present. Since I haven't eaten for a couple of hours, I take a bite out of the chocolate cupcake and I hum in satisfaction.

This is one good cupcake.

"Here we go." Niall returns back with a square-like gift and I raise my eyebrows. He sits back down and passes me the gift.

"I hope you like them."

Ripping the gift-wrap, some of the books fall onto my lap and a smile tugs on my lips. "Since you love your books and classics, I got you first addition of the best classics for you."

My eyes scan through the classics like 'Great Expectations', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Little Women' and many more. Out of all the books, one book captures my attention.


A young girl that was attracted to an older man. So stupidly and foolishly in love.

Coincidence? I think not.

I show Niall and he chuckles. "Hey, you might use that name but it's a classic!" He says defensively.

"Thank you Niall. I love this." Wrapping my arms around him, he does too and kisses me against my forehead.

"You're welcome. I know you love your books, so why not get a collection of classics."

Placing all the books on the bedside table, I finish up the rest of my cupcake. "Did you make this by the way?"

"Oh god no! You know I can't cook or bake to save my life! I bought it at some bakery downtown." He chuckles.

"Just checking." I tease him making him roll his eyes. "Oh hush."

A few seconds of silence pass by and just as I am about to say something, Niall beats me. "I heard what happened." He murmurs and I look down to my lap, feeling overwhelmed once again.

"All I want to know Niall is why? Why did he do it?"

"I think that's the question we all want to know Carmelita. Why did he do it to you?"

"You know what's funny? Monday he told me how much he didn't want to lose me and how I am the reason to live yet here I am, heartbroken by the same guy." I murmur, looking out the window.

"Sunday we were talking about getting married and the future. What future? What marriage?" A tear slide down my face and quickly I wipe it away.

"I just can't believe this is actually happening and I am so stupid Niall. I am so stupid to fall so in love with a guy who never loved me from the beginning. Look at me now, I have nowhere to go and I am heartbroken."

"Hey. You are always welcomed here Carmelita. You're our family." He reaches for my hand, squeezing it in comfort but all it does is make me cry more.

"Sirus is right about me, I am nothing more than Zayn's sluṭ. Come on, how can a twenty-year old be interested in a sixteen-year old? It sounds so peculiar. What did he even see in me at that age?"

"Carmelita, you are not a sluṭ. You are someone more special than a sluṭ. You are a girl that likes helping others, kind to your friends and loving. You're smart, definitely have class compared to others here and definitely have the looks. All of us hold a special place for you in our hearts and now that you need us the most, we are here every step of the way."

Nodding, Niall brings me closer and wraps his arms around me in hope to comfort me. "I gave him everything Niall. I gave him all of me and anything he wanted and this is how things end up. I loved him unconditionally every single day and he never did."

"Happy birthday Carmi!" Sophia gushes as she wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tightly in her embrace.

"Thank you Soph." I say, mustering a smile up upon my face.

I might be really upset from yesterday's event but with Niall's talk and since it is my twentieth birthday, I had to somehow make an effort to enjoy it.

Birthdays only come once a year and I had to at least to make the most of this day even though I walk around with a broken heart.

Next Liam walks inside with a big grin on his face and doesn't hesitate to hug me next. "My baby sister is finally twenty! You have grown too fast. Happy birthday."

"Thank you Liam. I can't believe I am already twenty."

"And as it's your birthday. Here is a gift for you from Sophia and I." He says as he hands me a box that is wrapped up.

"Actually it's my gift but you know men, always wanting to join in on the present." Sophia says, rolling her eyes playfully.

Sitting down, once again I rip the gift wrap and open the box to see a whole box of the best cosmetics brands that every girl possibly dreams of.

"I wasn't too sure what exactly you would like but I know you love your makeup so I hope you like it." Sophia explains.

"Check the envelope. That's actually my gift because I know that's your all-time favourite." Liam says defensively making Sophia laugh.

Next, I open the envelope and there is a gift voucher to one of my favourite online clothing store.

"Thank you guys. I really like the gifts."

Getting up from the bed, I wrap my arms around the both of them and Sophia giggles. "Glad you like it." Sophia says.

"Shop till you drop." Liam adds next.

"Are you going to join us for breakfast?" Sophia asks. "Yeah. Sure."

Following Sophia and Liam out the bedroom, I make my way downstairs to the living room where breakfast is already laid out on the table and all the gang members are seated already.

What takes me by surprise is the fact that Timothy is here. Don't get me wrong, I love him to bits but he wasn't supposed to be here but hey, I am not complaining.

He jumps off from his father's lap and runs over to me with a gift in his hands. Crouching down, I wrap my arms around him. "Happy birthday Auntie Carmi!" Realising him from my hold, I keep his tiny arms out in length.

"Thank you Tim. What do you have in your hands?"

"Present!" He gushes and pushes the gift towards me.

I know for a fact that Whitney didn't buy me a gift because she doesn't know when my birthday is and why would she even buy me a gift?

Opening the gift, there is a slab of my favourite chocolate. "Ooh! Thank you Timothy but you didn't have to give me a present."

"No! I must Auntie Carmi!" The little boy giggles, making a smile tug on my lips. "Thank you, my angel." Placing a kiss against the tip of his nose, he giggles again.

"I am hungry! Can we eat already!?" Timothy's annoying father moans out.

"Louis!" Harry hushes him but I shake my head. "Please don't. It's okay. Don't make any exceptions because of me." I say to Harry. Reluctantly, he nods his head and Timothy takes my hand.

"Daddy, can I sit by Auntie Carmi?" He asks and Louis looks at his child weirdly. "If she is okay with it. Fine."

"I don't see why not." Once I again I crouch down and pick Timothy up. Taking a seat at the table, I sit down along with Timothy on my lap.

"By the way, happy birthday Carmelita!" Harry says before he digs into his waffles. "Thanks Haz."

"Happy birthday Carmelita." Louis mutters and I have to refrain myself from rolling my eyes.

"Thank you Louis and thank you for the 'you know what.'" I say instead, brushing off his half-heartedly wish.

Taking two waffles and a fruit cup, eat breakfast along with the others. As I eat, I can feel Louis staring at me and it makes me more anxious as every second passes by. Just before I can say something, Louis says something first.

"Question, why are you even here from yesterday already? Aren't you supposed to be with your beloved?"

Beloved? Not anymore.

Everyone at the table glares at Louis, making him frown. "What? I don't know why she was screaming like a mental biṭch yesterday."

"Louis!" The five of them say in unison and immediately he raises his arms up in surrender. "Sorry for my language in front of my son but also, I have no idea what is going on."

I knew no one would tell Louis what had happened yesterday. They didn't want him to rub it in my face about how he is right about Zayn and I because it wouldn't make me any better.

I would rather let Louis be in dark about this matter but I know right now, that's all going to change.

"Can I just tell him?" Harry murmurs and I nod. He leans closer to Louis, whispering about what had happened to me instead of telling it out loud.

Come on, who wants to hear that their own boyfriend for four years has cheated on you constantly? Even the thought of it, upsets me terribly.

Looking at Louis, his eyes widen and he looks back at Harry shell-shocked. "You're not lying are you?"

"No." Harry shakes his head and Louis looks back at me. Immediately I look down, not wanting to see him smirking or grinning at how he was right all along and I was wrong.

Maybe breakfast was a bad idea.

"Is Harry right about Zayn?" He asks instead. "Yeah."

"Holy shít! I can't actually believe this!"

Abruptly, I drop my utensils down on the plate and stand up from my seat. "I don't hear anything from you Louis. I really can't. Not today, tomorrow or whenever. I just can't!" I plea as tears well up in my eyes.

"Yes, the truth hurts but right now, what hurts more?! The truth or the guy that I love so much has been c-cheating on m-me?!" I choke on my words and end up crying in front of them.

Turning around, I storm out the room and rush upstairs with Timothy still in my arms, not wanting to be in the presence of people that have the power of saying the truth.

"Auntie Carmi, are you okay?" Timothy asks, wrapping his arms around my knees. Covering my mouth with both of my hands to control my sobbing, I try to take deep breathes in to avoid another panic attack but also to control my constant crying.

My birthday hasn't really started and I already hate it.

Hate how I have to walk around, acting like everything is okay, hate how I have to lie to people about the truth and hate how I have been a fool for all this time.

"Auntie Carmi?" Timothy mutters when I don't answer him and when I do, I am finally calm enough to talk to him.

"I am sorry Timothy." I whisper, dropping down to my knees to be at his height. "It's just that Auntie Carmi is really upset with Uncle Zayn."

"Why?" A pout tugs on his lips. "He was really bad and did something Auntie Carmi didn't like. Now I am really upset."

"What he do?" He asks next. "You won't understand but what I will say is that he is a bad man like you thought."

His tiny arms wrap around me by surprise and I don't hesitate to hug him back. "You have me Auntie Carmi. I love you!" He says cheerfully. Chuckling, a few stray tears run down my face.

"Thank you and I love you too."

"Hey, I have you covered okay? I told them that Zayn had really important business to attend to that couldn't be placed on hold till tomorrow. No one knows the truth about what had happened last night." Liam says, placing his hand on my arm just before we get out of the car.

"Thank you Liam. I really appreciate it."

Now for the actual birthday celebration with everyone else. After this morning's event's, I am in no mood for anything but after Sophia and Niall spoke to me, they had convinced me that I still had to make the most of this day.

How can I if I really don't want to be celebrating anything at the moment?

"I know you don't want to be around everyone right now but it will do you good. I know you don't want countless questions asked about Zayn's absence but I have it all under control. Just put a smile on your face for two or three hours and you will go home to do whatever you want." He says reassuringly.

"I'll try."

All three of us get out of the car and make our way to the restaurant where everyone is settling down at the table. Once Jade sees me, a big grin tugs on her lips and she rushes over to me to squeeze me with a bone-crushing hug.

"Happy birthday Carmelita! You look so cute!" She gushes excitedly.

"Thank you. Sophia actually helped me out because I really couldn't pick."

"Good choice Soph!" Jade compliments and Sophia nods in agreement.

Sophia actually helped me get dressed because I didn't feel like dressing up at all and I really like her choice of clothing she has picked out.

A dress that has the top-half white and the bottom half with blue, white and lilac patterns.

"There is the birthday girl!" Donovan yells out and immediately I raise my finger to my lips to shut him up. "Keep quiet!"

"No no. It's your birthday darling! Everyone must know that fabulous Carmelita has her day today!" Mike screams out.

Walking around the table to greet and be wished by everyone like Mike, Donovan, Austin and another two people that close to us, I eventually take a seat at the head of the table.

Thank you Liam for sorting out a table that has the exact amount of seats for everyone because imagine having one empty seat - that will be awkward.

"And since it's the birthday girl's day, she needs to wear this." Austin says as he gets out of his seat and places a silver tiara with crystals upon my head.

"I am not two. I am twenty." I say to Austin and he chuckles, taking a seat back down next to Mike.

"Now that everyone is here, let's eat and then open the gifts we have for the birthday girl!"


My head is fuckíng pounding. My throat is burning. My surroundings seem all fuzzy.

But let's not forget how I actually feel - lost.

I feel so lost without her.

It's been a while since I have slept alone in this house but the other times I knew that she would come back but this time - Carmelita is definitely not coming back home.

And it feels weird.

Last night, I drowned my guilt in my two best friends, alcohol and cocaíne, to numb everything.

I didn't want to think about how I have cheated on her and how she was never coming back here.

'You only realise what was good in your life, disappears at the slip of your fingertips once it's no longer there."

Carmelita is right about that - now that she is gone, I realise that I was so stupid to cheat on her.

And there is nothing I want other than her to come back to me.

That's not happening to you Zayn.

The doorbell rings and I groan in annoyance, wanting nothing more than to be left alone to drown in my guilt.

Taking my own time down the stairs, the doorbell rings once again and I want to tell this person to fucķ off.

Opening the front door, two men stand in front of it and I squint at them. "What do you want?" I mutter.

"You are Mr Malik right?" One of them asks. "No shít hey?"

They ignore my comment and get straight to the point. "We have a delivery for you."

"I did not order anything-" But before I can continue the sentence, one of the men points towards the truck and everything I tried to avoid feeling comes back to me.

Carmelita's birthday present.

"Right. You can bring it in."

Both of them walk back to the truck to off load my delivery and I walk back into the house, getting myself fully dressed for this day.

Grabbing my phone from my bedside table, I see many texts from the gang but I chose to ignore it because I don't to hear what they have to say about what I have been doing behind Carmelita's back.

"Sir!" One of the men calls out from downstairs and I rush down to see what the hell they want from me now.

"Where do we put this?" They ask. "Let me show you."

Even though I ask the men to put it nearby the pool area, the stubborn and angry me wants to treat someone else like my punching bag as I am not satisfied at the position it's placed. Five minutes later, I am finally satisfied and they finally leave.

My eyes wander over to the gift of Carmelita's. A gift she will never be able to use.

I have the perfect gift for her and I screwed everything up from wanting to set a foot in this house but also, the fact that she doesn't want to see me.

Another useless item in this damn house.

As I walk over to it, I grab my tumbler of whiskey and sit down at the piano chair, looking out the glass door that leads to the swimming pool.

A grand, white, piano I sit in front of, thinking about everything.

I know Carmelita would love this gift because I know she can play the piano and thoroughly enjoys it. Even though she hasn't played in years since she has joined me, I wanted to bring something back that I have taken away from her.

I heard her play several times and she really has great talent. It's kind of stupid how I only want her to embrace it now but rather now than never.

But that's no longer possible since Carmelita isn't coming back here.

Taking a sip of my whiskey, it burns down my dry throat but it feels comforting. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out to see another text.

Once again, I ignore it and head over to my social media to see many birthday posts for Carmelita - mainly pictures.

But one grabs my attention, a brand new picture of her taken today as she is dressed beautifully in a dress along with a tiara on top of her head.

You let that beautiful girl slip through your fingers.

How fuckíng stupid are you?

Drinking the rest of the whiskey up, I throw the glass forcefully against the glass door, feeling overwhelmed.




There is absolutely no way I can fix this. Not this time.


"Cumpleaños feliz! Cumpleaños feliz te deseamos Carmelita! Cumpleaños feliz!" Everyone sings as my massive Chanel birthday cake is placed in front of me.

"Come on! Make your wish!" Harry cheers as I stand up from my chair to blow the twenty candles out.

My one and only wish - Go back home to forget about everything.

As I blow them out, everyone claps their hands and cheers for me. "Since I know that everyone will be expecting me to say a speech, here it goes. Thank you to everyone that has come here to celebrate my birthday. Thank you for being here for me for the past four years and I love each and every one of you, except Louis."

All of them laugh out loud while Louis rolls his eyes. "I can say the same about her so no hard feelings."

"I love you Auntie Carmi!" Timothy adds and everyone laughs once again. "He is just too cute. God!" Jade says in awe.

"Is everyone okay with having cake first then opening gifts or the other way around?" I ask and everyone nods in agreement.

Thirty minutes later, everyone is finished with their cake and have their gifts to give to me in front of them.

I actually thought that I would be sour the whole lunch through but it turns out I am having a good time. I am enjoying everyone's conversations and no one has asked once about Zayn missing.

For the first time in a couple of hours, I am actually not thinking about what I am going through right now and my heart doesn't feel so heavy as it has been.

Maybe my birthday is actually enjoyable and I have to thank Liam and the others for trying to make it the best as possible.

"Please can we go first?" Jade begs. Chuckling, I nod in agreement and she stands up, passing me the gift.

"Happy birthday darling! This is from Donovan and I. Hope you love it."

Opening the box, a grin tugs on my lips as a bunch of old records of some of my favourite bands and singers.

"You like old school things and especially if you have your favourite things, I know you treasure them dearly. Hope you love them." Donovan explains.

"Absolutely! Thank you so much! I really love them!" As I look through them, my ultimate favourite band is in the collection and I end up squealing.

"Oh my god! All The Killers on Vinyl! Mike and Austin, I don't think you can beat this gift." I say triumphantly and they shake their heads.

"Oh I think we might still have the chance." Austin says proudly. As I wrap my arms around Jade and Dono, thanking them for the amazing gift, I head over to Mike and Austin.

"This screams you. You can't live without this and some other awesome things in here. Happy birthday baby girl." Mike says, handing me a box.

"No offense guys but what's up with people giving me a gift in a box this year?" I chuckle as I open the box in my seat.

Taking the lid off, immediately I scream a little bit too loud. "No way!"

"If Netflix ever takes eleven seasons of Frasier off, your world will officially come to an end." Austin coos.

"So why not keep this for a lifetime? Along with Friends, Will and Grace and Everybody Loves Raymond hmm?" Mike adds, his voice hinting with playfulness and immediately I get up from my seat.

Wrapping my arms around the both of them, thanking them for the best gift I have gotten the whole day.

"Sorry Jade and Dono, this beat your gift." I giggle and Donovan groans, taking his wallet out.

"Pay up brother. I told you my gift is better than yours!" Mike snickers as Donovan passes his brother a hundred dollar bill over to him.

"High five babe!" Mike says to Austin, raising his hand and Austin chuckles, high-fiving him.

"You are all mean. I love all your gifts but this is the best I have gotten this whole day."

"And we still have one more. Take a seat." Sophia says.

Another gift?

Frowning, she shakes her and points over to my empty seat. "Take your seat and you will get your gift."

"Everyone has already gone out for me today; I seriously don't need another gift." Saying in reassurance but everyone is persistent for me to get one more gift.

Finally I take a seat at back at the table, Sophia stands up and bending down momentarily to retrieve the gift.

"Once again you are getting another box." Niall jokes.

"This is a group present. From ours and Donovan's. Everyone contributed and we hope you will love this. This is a gift that we all had fun making." She explains, handing me the gift box.

Everyone looks at me contentedly while I open the gift and once the lid comes off, there is a scrapbook inside.

"Since you have turned twenty and finally left the teens behind, we thought we should make a scrapbook of all the best memories you had so far in this gang. Small little things that made you smile." Harry explains.

"And when we all get out, one day you will be able to look back at these and laugh about it with your family but only a few." Liam adds next.

Opening the book, I skim through the pages to see all the goods we all had together with everyone one.

"Let me show you my favourite picture!" Louis exclaims, rushing over to me and paging through the scrapbook.

A big grin tugs on his lips as he shows me a picture of me who has pie all over my face. Thanks to Louis himself.

"Best picture ever!" Louis laughs and I shove him away from me quickly. "How can you put this picture in here?!" I ask everyone but all they seem to do is cackle with laughter.

"Sorry!" Sophia giggles and I end up laughing along with them as well.

When Louis did that to me in front of Zayn, I was really angry but I ended up laughing with the both of them about it.

Skimming through the rest of the book, a smile tugs on my lips as I look at the good memories that we all shared together over these past few years.

Once I reach the empty pages, I close the book and look at everyone with a smile. "Thank you everyone for this gift. I definitely love this and I will definitely look back at this one day."

"The empty pages are left for more memories to come and I am sure there are many more ahead."

I haven't forgotten about you guys but school has been really hectic -_-

So if you want an update, I hope I can next week because I have a long weekend next week but after that, things will come along slow because my trial exams are on its way.

But hey, I can't wait for the next chapter omg. Super excited to write it! :D

As always, hope you beauties are doing well.

Bye bye


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