The Cosmic Princess

By tlwsweety2

1M 67.4K 22.3K

Sequel to The Lethal Princess. Must read first book before this. Becoming princess of an entire nation: That... More

Pawns on a Chess Board
Wedding Day
The Touchdown
I Always Believed in You
Adventure Time
Yatheans....Or Amazonians?
Just in Time
Strike Two
Selling Souls
White Flag
Heart to Heart
Elements of life
Dinner Time
Signs of a Trigger
Signs of a Trigger Part Two
Free Falling
Free Falling Pt. 2
Pinks and Purples
Love VS. Power
Enemy Number One
Not Jealous, Just Territorial
It's Just Not Fair
You're Stronger
Now I'm only Falling Apart
The Fates Have Decided
That Cold December Night
Picking Up the Pieces
I'm Only Nobellian
A Woman's Work
Ike's Story
Drops of Jupiter in Her Hair
The Return
Get it Together
His Heart
Broken Puzzle Pieces
Broken Frame
Love Drought
The Departure
The Cosmic Princess (Part Two)
Danger, Danger, and more Danger
On the Run
Pay it Forward
Live Free or Die Hard
Power Play
Set up or Help
For the Children
All Night
The Good, The Bad, and The Disaster
In the Name of Love
The Grays In Between
It Begins
His Rules
Author's Note
His Punishment
His Satisfaction
His Goals
His Desires
His Origins
His Last Straw
His Coliseum
His Soul
Mermaids and Dragons
Double Rainbow
When Things Hit the Fan
Russian Roulette
Falling Apart
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
The Final Battle & The Story of Faven
I'm Coming Home
Growing Pains
Planet Terra
For the First Time


17.4K 976 534
By tlwsweety2

Song: Kat Dahlia- Fucking Trust

Arms crossed, Ike and I did not say much as we headed back to the main village. The normally lively, welcoming forest felt frigid as Ike and I walked side by side. Not one word was spoken between the two us and I could feel the bond churning uneasily.

Everything felt off now. The relationship Ike and I had been building didn't feel the same anymore, and I didn't know why.

"That's called a lack of trust." My voice soothed my questions. "The trust that you have for Ike is at an all time low honey."

It was true. Ike did explain to me that Teelah had basically bamboozled them by using their memories of her against them to influence them and make her seem like a victim constantly. She had entangled their memories so bad that they constantly saw images of her when she needed saving to induce sympathy, which made it easier for her to make me look like bad guy. However, while my friends and him may have been influenced by her, it still didn't take away from the fact that they still had the will power to do what was right. I guess though that when it came down to it, based off of how Teelah managed to make me look like a bad guy and how she used her powers, my friends had been fighting a losing battle anyways.

But still, a part of me argued.

I didn't want to excuse their actions because when it came down to it, they all turned their backs on me when I needed it the most. And I couldn't just let that go. The whole situation sucked because it just wasn't black or white, but a gray in between that had influenced everything. They had been hoodwinked, yet there had been doubt which made her powers work so greatly.

Yeah, the entire situation was set up and the way she had been begging me to stop created the doubt, and yeah at that time I did look like the bad guy, and also maybe I even would have been slightly wary but I still would have listened, had their backs I do believe. It was just disappointing either way I looked at it. I guess realizing that not everyone would do as I would and not everyone had my type of heart made me upset. Just because everything had just been so unfair, but I knew life wasn't fair.

But still, I told myself.

I cast a side glance at Ike to see a troubled expression on his face, slowly I turned away with a small sigh. I loved Ike, and I wanted this relationship to work. I wanted this relationship to work with every fiber in my being. It was a relationship chosen by the goddess herself, but how could I make it work when I didn't have the same trust I had in him at the beginning of this quest. We were kindred spirits, yet it felt like we were strangers and were walking on broken shards of trust that had once been whole. We had our disagreements and we had our setbacks, but at least the trust had been there. But look at us now.

How could I trust a guy who probably thought I would fuck up at every moment because apparently I was reckless and impulsive. And I may be those two things, but my recklessness and impulsiveness have gotten me pretty far. What hurt the most with Ike was that I now realized he didn't support my decisions and actions. Even looking back in the past, I could point out times when he hit down my ideas and actions because he found them too irresponsible and thoughtless. Yeah, many times he hit the ideas down because he was just worried for my safety but a lot of times he just thought what I did was too negligent. His lack of support and mentality that I was too reckless for my own good was the reason why we tended to butt heads all the time. If this bond between us would ever work, I needed his support and honestly, he really hadn't shown much at all. That was one of the things that hurt me the most about him.

"Avril." Ike broke the tense silence with a tired sigh. "I have no idea how I'm going to make it up to you."

"You don't deserve it." I snapped suddenly pulling myself out of my reverie with hostility still flowing through me at my realization, but abruptly I cooled down. One minute I was fired up ready to tear Ike apart, and the next I was just too tired and just wanted to let it go. It was amazing what a near death experience could do to you. Everything worldly suddenly turned trivial, and none of it seemed to matter anymore.

But still, a part of me huffed.

I was here now, and I had to pick up the pieces whether I wanted to or not. I had to address all the problems to move forward so I couldn't just brush away and act like the problems weren't there. I could feel them. I could feel them in the way I longed for my kindred spirit, but refused the bond and him because the wound was still fresh and raw and he would no longer be able to rub salt in it.

"I know I don't deserve it Avril." Ike admitted softly, shoulders dropping. "I don't deserve you, and I know this. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it."

Swallowing, I simply nodded and continued to stare ahead. A part of me just wanted to forget this ever happened, but the much larger, wiser and more self-preservative type couldn't allow myself to forget.

"Maybe you should start being in-tune with how to really treat me and understand. Maybe that was why everything happened the way it did." I piped quietly and lost myself to my thoughts once more as Ike said nothing, which I was thankful for.

Ike and I had just walked back into the village when I was suddenly bombarded by a pair of slender arms. I was propelled backwards by the sheer force, but Ike's hands around my waist immediately caught me before I could slam on the ground.

"Mist!" Ike hissed warningly from behind me, his warmth fanning the back of my neck and making the hair stand on end.

Mist pulled back and, wow such a surprise, tears were evident. "I'm sorry Avril, we're all sorry. Were horrible friends. We were being played the entire time, and we've treated you horribly. I'm so, so sorry." Mist wiped the back of her hand across her face, blinking at me pitifully.

Normally her tears would have done something for me, caused my heart to tighten just a little bit, caused me to emphasize with her a tiny bit more because I knew Mist's heart was pure, but at that moment, I felt nothing. I felt numb. Her tears did nothing for me.

As if she could feel my frigidness, she took a step back and silently nodded like she understood. "Is it okay if I brought you to see the others?" Her tone was timid as she nibbled on her bottom lip, eyeing me solemnly with glassy eyes.

Mutely and a little reluctant, I nodded. I would have to get over this roadblock sooner or later, and I guess I chose sooner. Briefly, my eyes skidded around the village looking for a certain curly haired fairy but sadly could not spot her in the crowd. It seemed that now I felt more comfortable around Ivy than I did anyone else. My observing did pick up on the fact that many of the warriors eyed me with a new, revived sense of curiosity and almost fascination. Slowly roving my eyes over the crowd and then in front of me, I could feel the weight of multiple appraising stares simmering on every inch of my skin.

The approaching figures of three people sitting on a log bench became clearer and clearer the farther we walked to the back of Alem's villa. A slow wariness began to crawl down my back as I approached Aeon, Nydale, and Kaiya, like I was bracing myself to hear their apologies.

They all stood up at once when we arrived, each eyeing me like I would disappear if they blinked.

"Long time no see." Aeon was the first one to break the silence, awkwardly rubbing the top of his head while Kaiya stood reservedly with her arms crossed and Nydale stood with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Th-that is true." I replied, not knowing what else to say to them. Once again nothing felt the same.

Avoiding eye contact, we all stood around each other while Ike and Mist waited patiently behind us waiting for one of us to break the ice.

"Fuck!" Kaiya blurted snapping my attention to her. "I'm sorry Avril. I'm a horrible friend, I know this. I fucked our comfortable friendship up, and I can see it in the way you act like you wished you were anywhere but here." She had a point. "I'm sorry! I know that my apology does nothing for you because the worst has already happened, but I just want to let you know that...I realized I messed up and our friendship does mean a lot to me. Teelah did have a lot of sway in fucking shit up, but...I just want us to go back to being comfortable and what we use to be because I own up to the mistakes I made and I honestly apologize for it. "

A surprisingly small part of my chest warmed at her words feeling nostalgia hit me at the memories of us joking around and being so in-tune because me and her seemed to just have gotten each other.

Not knowing what else to say, my body replayed its earlier actions and simply nodded.

As if sensing that was all she would get, she stepped back with that a frown and crossed her arms.

"Can I hug you?" Aeon questioned making my eyes widened. One, he reminded me of the guy I had first met, shy and timid, but secretly acting to try and woo me; however, this time, I knew there was no acting involved. Secondly, he actually asked to touch me because normally he would just jump right on me because we had just been comfortable like that.

Permanent cotton balls seemed to be stuffed down my throat today because all I could do was move my head up and down, slowly and apprehensively wishing things were different. Almost scared that I would run away, his arms shyly came to encircle me until he said to hell with the gentle act, and I was instantly engulfed into the exuberant presence of Aeon.

"Avy forgive me...for I have fucked up." Was his first words right before he sniffed loudly, head buried into my neck and arms squeezing me. Dampness met the side of my neck, and quickly I blinked back tears. I was tired of crying. "Avy, my sweet, sweet Avy. I was so dumb to believe her."

Aeon continued to hug me and apologize profusely. The once vivacious warmth of Aeon that had the power to raise my mood instantly felt cold. Arms staying glued to my side, Aeon finally released me. My sigh of relief was almost evident, and the sorrow and shame that flickered in his eyes told me that he actually saw it.

Knowing the pattern already, I turned to the last acquaintance. Mutely, I listened as Nydale apologize to me, looking the most ashamed of his actions as he told me why he initially believed and how much of an idiot he was. The pain in his eyes as he talked about his deceased sister was evident, a small part of my heart clenched feeling his pain, but I didn't make an effort to soothe his pain, I merely watched.

Standing and observing everyone, this was the moment that I had fought and ached for. This was the moment that I had imagined, seeing everyone apologizing and groveling, yet for some reason it didn't feel so sweet. Instead there was a disconnect, an emptiness, and I had no idea why. I knew their words were true and actually genuine for once, yet there was still a numbness to their apologies. I wasn't able to readily accept them as I thought I would. Once again, I was face to face with strangers, and I couldn't figure out why I felt this way.

"You have not forgiven them." My voice whispered. "You can't forgive them right now."

It was right. I hadn't forgiven them, and I didn't even know if I wanted to.


"We must talk about," Alem furrowed his eyebrows and looked uncharacteristically confused because he always appeared as if he was under control of every situation even the bad, "about these past few events that have occurred."

Ike, the acquaintances, Ivy, and I all set in his lounge area the very next day. I could still feel the awkward vibes in the air as the acquaintances all moved around uncomfortably but I chose to ignore it as I got comfortable next to Ivy in the two seater lounge chair. Ike sat to my right and the others sat in individuals chairs while Alem floated in the middle.

After their apologies yesterday, we had all small chatted and tried, and I use that word loosely, tried to get back into a comfortable playing square. However, I didn't really feel comfortable, I felt like an outsider and really just wanted to leave and go to my room to be alone.

At Alem's words, the pink elephant in the room was finally addressed. The questioning stares of the others seemed to weigh me to the seat as I changed positions deciding to cross my legs in the seat.

"I've been around for a while Avril, but never in my life have I seen someone come from the dead." Alem blurted what everyone must have been thinking.

Letting out a sigh already feeling like this was going to be a long day, I spoke. "I didn't die, well not completely. I-" I paused, eyes flickering over everyone to see them watching me like a moth would watch a flame. "I met my mother. She saved me from completely dying and here I am." I briefed over everything else such as the fact that I was princess in a whole different planet, my grandparents had no idea I existed, I still didn't know my mother's actual name, and oh yeah that I had wings that for some reason have been non-existent except on my mother's home planet.

Alem's eyes seemed to glimmer at this new found information. "Tell me more." The amount of repressed, almost obsessive, excitement I could hear in his voice and see in his posture at the thought of more knowledge almost made me think of how obsessed Gollum was with those rings from The Lord of the Rings movie that Simon had forced me to watch years ago.

My eyes surreptitiously floated over to Mist to see that she was the only one who wasn't leaning in her chair, eyes glued to me, mouth slightly parted, and hungry for answers. Instead, she looked reserved, almost apprehensive. With a slight shake of head, she non-verbally told me exactly what I was thinking.

Don't tell them everything.

If being on Yetheria has taught me anything, it's taught me that sometimes you only had yourself. Considering that my mother and her people, well my people, chose to keep themselves hidden and their identities a secret, I knew I couldn't tell them everything. In fact, I wouldn't because it was none of their business.

"That's all I know. I wasn't there for long, a part of me even feels like it was damn near fake, but I'm here." I breathed with a shrug of my shoulders. "Somehow, I survived and I'm here."

Alem didn't look shocked at my lack of explanation, as if he expected it, and simply nodded his head. "Well, what you did Avril, you saved everyone." In his tone, I spotted appreciation and gratefulness, something I had never heard coming from Alem.

"You honestly did." Kaiya added. "If it wasn't for you, Ike, Mist, and myself would've been pancakes. I'm just sorry, you had to go through that before we all realized our mistakes. Teelah played us all like fiddles, fucked up our group, but it's all our faults and I just can't blame her. I'm-" She paused, biting her lip. "I'm sorry Avril. From the start, you were my girl, me and you, but I let you down."

Unlike her usual words that are often filled with an intense fire, which was just her personality, her words spoken now were calm, gentle, and even tired.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and I even felt Ike lace our fingers together. The only reason why I didn't pull away was because the entire morning, a raging migraine has pounded away in my head. Ike's touch seemed to be the only relief though, even Mist's healing powers wouldn't work. She seemed put off and almost ashamed that her healing didn't work on me for some reason, but I didn't understand why she had looked so hurt. I had an idea why it didn't work though...the bond was ready to seal the deal.

Realizing that everyone was staring at me waiting for a reply, I did what I've been doing since yesterday. I simply nodded. That was all they were going to get from me. The words, "I forgive you" seemed like a distant future goal that was incapable of scratching out between my lips.

"Okay." Alem quickly spoke watching the hopelessness gloss over Kaiya's face before blankness replaced it and she leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. "Now, next step-"

The doors of the lounge suddenly burst open as a practically heaving fairy barreled through the door. "Master Alem! Master Alem! The....enemies have crossed our borders, they're on our land! They got three giants, and at least thirty warriors at their beck and call." Frantic pink eyes stared at him, looking utterly petrified and horrified.

Alem's face paled and for the first time I saw actual distraught wash across his face. "What? They know it's our mating months, that's practically barbaric to try and invade our own land with the men here knowing the relations between the men and women tribes are still fragile and-"

"They've invaded near the mating houses." Her blonde hair was soaked with sweat as she shoved some out of her face and Alem's face grew pale. "I believe they're going to try to take out some of the men and pregnant warriors who are at their most vulnerable-"

I was up before anyone could stop me.

"Where are you going?"

"Avy! Wait!"


Alarmed calls from my acquaintances for me to come back were brushed off my shoulder as I grabbed the fairy's hand and quickly instructed her to take me to the house.

Without a moment to lose, eyes widening in shock as if she knew who I was, she pivoted and her wings went flapping as she flew out of the house with me hot on her trails. Scrambling and furniture being pushed around sounded from behind me, and I was pretty sure that my friends were hot on my trails.

Racing through the woods, skidding branches and jumping over tree logs, Alem and Ivy both appeared on either side of me.

With worry painting her face, Ivy looked at me appreciatively while Alem nodded at me gratefully both knowing what I was about to do.

The closer we got, the louder the chaos got. We had just reached the end of the forest in which the tree line had got thinner and I could see the enemy through random spots in the trees, when a hand suddenly latched onto my arms pulling me back.

So focused on getting to my destination, I wasn't ready for the change in direction and saw myself spinning and losing my balance. A molten heat blared through my blood as I fell into Ike's arms only to have me steady him.

Violet eyes stared at me protectively. "What are you doing?"

I stared at him as if he was dumb. "Um, I'm going to help." I went to make a make move to go to where everyone had vanished to, but Ike's hold on my arm grew tighter and more unwavering. He stepped closer, minty breath fanning across the top of my head as he peered down on me and the heat of his body nearly making me lightheaded.

"Are you kidding me? Do you remember what happened last time you used your powers? It's too dangerous." If it wasn't for the way his voice broke or the way his hold grew tighter as if I would vanish without a trace, I probably would have been enraged at him trying to stop me. But through the protectiveness, I saw what he wasn't outwardly showing which was the fact that was he scared, he was scared for me.

The words "it's too late for you to try and care" caressed my tongue, but I held it back deciding to go about the more proper way that would most likely not end up with me thrown over Ike's shoulders and heading back to the safety of the camp.

"Ike, I'll be fine. I'm okay now."

"No." Ike shook his head, eyes now swirling with pain and what looked like utter dread "I can't have anything happen to you again, love. It-It's too risky."

Sighing softly, I shook my head. "I'm okay." My mom did something to my necklace so I'm no longer a menace to myself or society, I wanted to tell him, but instead said. "I can do this."

Ike seemed like he wanted to do what I had previously imagined, which was to throw me on his back caveman style and carry me away, instead he nodded slowly hearing the conviction in my voice and Ike let out a sigh. "Okay."

Taking my hand, he began to briskly walk in front of me. His head seeming to analyze every corner for danger before we emerged out of the woods.

The battle looked like it had just began as our fellow warriors fought fiercely against the enemy, with some herding other women who I assumed were pregnant towards the protection of our woods. Woman held their stomachs defensively as they were herded to safety by other warriors be blocked from attacks and dodging weapons. Male warriors fought alongside the women seeming to protectively maneuver around the village women with a fierce determination that I had never witnessed before. Warrior against warrior, they all seemed to be equally matched. The only hindrance to us was the three giants who were mowing down our warriors like road kill. Cringing, I watched as a giant's foot came sailing across the ground scraping the warriors meters away who had ducked too slowly.

Without another second to waste, my feet moved on their own as I raced towards the scene, running to my acquaintances as they used their elemental powers to alleviate the warriors burden and take on the giants themselves. At my appearance though, they all seemed to tense.

It was hard to miss the way Aeon, Nydale, Kaiya, and Mist all took backwards steps enclosing me in a tightly held circle. Were they trying to protect me?

"Guys, I'm fine." I told them over the chaos watching as vines raced up one giant encircling his body in green wood before seemingly to tightened in a death-hold.

Kaiya's deflecting shield flashed around us as a boulder came hurdling to us. It connected to the invisible bubble causing the boulder to smash into pieces before her shield drop. I grew antsy watching all the fighting happen, but feeling the non-verbal wave of them telling me to stand there and not do anything.

"Guys seriously!" I snapped, a couple seconds later as a part of the ground opened up as one of the giants charged to us realizing who his attacker was. The ground opened causing his foot to get caught within the Yetherian soil. A wail sounding between a mix of a train horn blowing and a lion roaring charged through the air as the ground quickly closed most likely breaking his ankle in the process.

"Yes seriously, we saw what happened last time you overexerted yourself. We got you." Aeon said, back to me and keeping his eyes on the giant on the ground who now struggling to get up. Raging black eyes pinned us to the spot, but my friends seemed unaffected, instead there was vengeance painted on all their faces as I got a good look at them.

"Ike." I hissed, trying to make a move to break the circle, but they stepped closer pinning me in. Crossing my arms in frustration I stared at Ike, eyes telling him I was becoming agitated. I knew I could break through the circle if I actually tried, but their concentration was on the giants and I didn't want to ruin them or have them hurt by cutting through the circle and messing their focus up.

With a face like thunder, Ike tensely moved his head sideways cracking his neck. Violent eyes churned with a slowing emerging fury. "Protect my princess." He instructed to the group, right before blazing blue embers with a crisp purple outline exploded onto the third giant who had just swiped four warriors across the expansion of land while barreling his foot through two mating houses.

Protect my princess, the words echoed in my mind and for a second, the numbness that had wrapped my viewpoint in a fuzzy, gray transparent dome suddenly came clear. He didn't just say protect the princess, like I was some object whose only worth was what I could give; he said protect my princess, and that seemed to touch me more than I thought it ever would.

For a couple moments, slightly frazzled, I watched as the giant bellowed behind the flaming waterfalls of blue before I turned back to Ike suddenly seeing him in a new light. A part of me ached for the numbness so I wouldn't feel my love for this man, yet the numbness never came. "Ike." I breathed again, the vulnerability was clear in my voice and I wished for nothing but to be numb to him again.

His back tense and I knew he could hear me. "Please, Ike." I spoke softly. "I can help, trust me, support me on this." I spoke what seemed to be hardest thing to do for us nowadays. As I watched him throw his elemental powers around, I waited for the actions I knew would come; the actions that would seal the deal and have the numbness rushing back through my reality. A part of me even wanted him to let me down just so it shake me back into not feeling anything. He was so good at doing that, a bitter part of me hissed. I waited for the coldness to fall on me as I watched him expecting him to once again undermined me and do what he thought was best.

It never did.

Hands falling and slowly turning back to me, his eyes connected with mine. Through his pools of purple, a need to protect, a love for me, and a fear of the repercussions swam in his eyes. "Av, I don't want you to get hurt." Was his weak argument, body already telling me what he was about to do.

"I won't, but I need you to trust me." My eyes skidded over to where Alem and Ivy were. They were each frantically moving injured warriors and pregnant women off the field. I could stop this quickly approaching bloodbath, if they would just give me the chance they never gave me. "Trust me, believe in me." I stated quietly.

I don't know how long it was, but it felt like eternity as Ike stared into my eyes, seeming to analyze my soul in the process. "Okay." He said the words softly, shoulders dropping in defeat as terror amplified in his eyes. "Open the circle you guys."

The hesitancy as Nydale and Aeon moved aside to let me out was apparent as I quickly rushed out to face the battle scene. Ike's molten head blared on my backside before his arms circled my waist. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you." He promised.

Nodding slowly, I anxiously bit my lip thinking of my mother's words. Ike was my trigger, but could he also be my remedy?

As if sensing what I was about to do, the necklace around my neck grew warm against my skin. Shaky hands elevated as I directed them at one giant. Hands splayed out, already imagining how I wanted the one giant who was slowly pulling his foot out the ground, glaring at us with its four eyes with murder on the brain. One minute he was almost seconds away from having his foot freed, the next his body disintegrated into fiery ruby balls.

The shock wave that went across the field was evident as warriors, friend and foe, paused briefly, eyes skirting to the flames that had nicked other warriors and landed in the grass.

Small bundles of water sprouted above the flames on the ground, putting them out before they could start a forest fire of some type.

Their surprise seemed to only amplify my response. The fatigue that I normally felt due to the amount of energy I used was non-existent as I sat my eyes on my next target. I couldn't tell if was due to my necklace's influence or Ike's presence. Either way, I felt like I was on a roll.

My eyes turned to the giant who currently had three warriors in its hand and had ignored his fellow partner in crime demise. He shouldn't have. One moment he was terrorizing the women, the next moment colorful petals was falling from the heavens in his absence.

Ike's arms tightened around my waist, a non-verbal act of encouragement. Eyes deadly, I sat my sight on the final one who had collapsed from the fire haze and had his forehead and knees resting on the ground.

I had just began to do the final lethal blow to the enemy warriors when a women's voiced halted me.

Her voice rung around the field, seeming to freeze all the warriors. The enemies broke free from their fighting and all huddled around the fallen warriors while our warriors merely looked confused.

Alem suddenly appeared next to me, eyes narrowed and calculative while Aeon stepped closer to me.

"She said 'stop'." He translated the foreign tongue and reminded me that while many of the warriors in our village could speak our language, their actual language was still foreign to us.

"A draw, it's a draw we seek." The voice was finally matched up to a face as a women appeared through the chaos, marching towards us as Aeon continued to translate for us.

Black hair draped down her back in one plait as she slowly and cautiously approached us. Ike was no longer behind me, but partially standing in front of me.

"Why a draw?" Alem asked, but sounded like he already knew the reason.

Fierce pools of yellow snapped to me. "I thought she had perished. One of my fellow warriors said she had died in the last attack." As Aeon translated, I could stick pick up on the reluctance she exuded in telling us that and the loathing as she eyed us all.

"So you thought you could take me out did you? What a cowardly way to do it. You break the small treaty we have by attacking during mating months."

Her mouth stayed sealed as Alem spoke being wise to understand that if she can't say anything to help herself, she might as well keep quiet.

"I do not want a draw; I want all of your blood." Alem stated as casually as you would talk about what you ate for lunch.

"And I could do that." I blurted, feeling some odd fierce protective need take over me as I watched Alem's warrior, some who were severely injured, limp and trample their way to the outskirts of the forest while others stayed to keep guard over Alem.

Aeon translated the heated words for me and the warriors' eyes widened at what sounded like a promise while Alem nodded assertively realizing my bluff and the game I was playing.

"No," she whispered, taking a step back like she was on the verge of pivoting and hightailing it away from here.

"Why not? You broke the treaty and my alliance is with Alem. An attack on him or his warriors, is an attack on myself. Traitors are a big no-no in my book." I emphasized the last part, imagining my acquaintances cringing at that despite the way Aeon unwavering voice shouted to the warriors.

"We don't even know what you are and-"

Alem cut her off. "And you will never have a chance to know who or what she is either. I'll give you a final warning because I'm a nice fairy. Leave my lands and never return or next time you decide to come uninvited well lets just say you'll probably need a much larger burial ground than you do already." His eyes flickered to me.

Like some no-nonsense badass, I crossed my arms putting on my best intimidating face and glared at her.

She gulped visibly.

Seconds passed of Alem and I staring this woman down before she bowed to her enemy like the she coward she was to set up an attack that would harm pregnant women and uttered words she must have hated. "My deepest regrets. I'll be sure to tell my chief to never bother these lands or expect repercussions." She looked pained to be forced to say those words. "Warriors move out."

Silently we watched her and the other enemy warriors round up their injured and make a hasty get away. We didn't miss the loathing glances they threw over their shoulder and the glower the last giant threw at us as he limped away. Threateningly, I flicked my hand like I was about to release another wave of my powers and the giant began to limp even faster into the safety of the woods.

The trees literately tilted sideways as he shoved through them before they sprung back up like you would see in some cartoon show. Under the falling haze of leaves from the giant's exit, the other enemy women departed.

Silence descended over the field at their exit. My once racing heart slowed to a calm thrumming as I continued to stare at the last place the last remaining warrior vanished into. Momentarily shock was radiating off of me not believing that I had did that without feeling fatigue and without collapsing.

My lapse of action was suddenly shattered as two pairs of arms wrapped around me.

"You did it Avril!" Mist's voice echoed in one ear while Ivy's voice saying " You saved us all" rang in the next.

Their elation sunk into me making me smile as I basked in their praising. "I did do it, didn't I?"

"You're still saving our asses." Nydale's voice sounded from behind me, we all three turned to see him, Aeon, and Kaiya standing and staring at me appreciatively.

Kaiya looked like she couldn't be bothered to care, but if you knew her like I did, you would know that her tough girl was all a façade, and she did have emotion under that tough girl alibi. Even now I could see the relief with slight awe coating her eyes as she crossed her arms with her hip jutting out.

Nydale too looked relived that I didn't suddenly collapse and perish, but stayed silent as he surveyed my body for any cuts or damages. Once obviously not finding anything, he sent me a genuine nod.

"Avy," Aeon coed. "That's my Avy." Aeon laughed, playfully bouncing his shoulders in a small dance, not even trying to hide his awe. It was clear on his face; his eyes were practically gleaming. He fidgeted anxiously.

Sensing why, the need to be detached from everything began to rush back into me, but I pushed it back slightly. The goal was to save Terra. We needed to work together. Nodding my head, I let him know that it was alright. Without a second to lose, he sprung forward completely knocking the other two girls off of me.

"Aeon!" Mist and Ivy both yelled stumbling backward. Mist righted herself in the nick of time, and Ivy simply flapped her wings harder to stay steady.

His arms were around me, and I was suddenly being sprung into the air and spun around.

"Aeon!" This time it was me yelling as the few remaining warriors looked at our group amused. Cheeks growing hot, I wrestled with him to put me down but with a loud laugh he simply spun me more.

"Argh!" Aeon suddenly yelped and jolted forward. My feet met the ground in record time.

There Ike was like a guard dog, glaring at Aeon who was rubbing his shoulder. "She wanted you to put her down." Ike said simply, like that was all the reason he needed to nearly dislocate Aeon's shoulder blade.

Eyeing Ike with a sour look, he moped next to Kaiya who was trying her best not to laugh. "You can be such an ass, Ike." Aeon stopped next to Kaiya, still rubbing his shoulder. She began to playful coo at him and rub his shoulder making his frown drop and a smile appear.

My attention turned to Alem to seeing that his aurora around him was painted a glowing orange, the same color as his eyes. I figured out long ago that with time came the ability to calm this glowing around you. That's why Alem never seemed to have that other worldly glow around him while Ivy and the other few fairies in this village did. They were still learning.

As I stared at him though, with Ike coming around to hook his arm around my waist and pull me closer into his chest, I noticed that Alem was glowing pretty bright.

"Avril, I just want to thank you for what you did back there." He bowed to me. Something I had never saw Alem do. "Your kindness will not be forgotten, so thank you. You saved my warriors. While few were injured, no one was fatally hurt." For once Alem gazed at me openly with his facial expression vulnerable. It was at that moment I understood how deeply he cared for his warriors. It was as each one was his own child. In fact, it seemed almost deeper than a child and parent relationship. It was a bond he had between every single one of his warriors and fairies connecting each and every one of them to his soul.

"I can't even fathom what would have happened if you guys weren't here. You saved my girls when you didn't even have to. You could have hurt yourself doing that, yet you did it anyways. Why?" Alem seemed at a lost for why I would do it.

The answer was simple.

"You guys had my back. You took us in, gave us shelter, food, anything we really needed. You have been nothing but helpful Alem; therefore, I have your back. It's loyalty, trust." I spoke honestly.

Alem smiled graciously at me. "The enemy never stops with their attacks, but now I believe they think you are a permanent asset to me. I feel like our troubled times will be depleting very soon."

He turned to look at my acquaintances then the remaining warriors with a more liberating stare. My attention turned to them too, and once again their looks mirrored what I have been seeing for days. Discomfort licked my skin seeing the reverie like stares they were directing my way. I didn't want them to adore me like I was this ethereal, amazing being, I was just Avril with a few advantages I didn't have a couple years ago.

"This calls for a celebration, isn't that right Hynon?"

"Yes sir!" A blue haired warrior smiled at me before, excitedly vanishing back into the coverage of the trees.

Alem chuckled at her clear joy. "She's going to tell the other warriors about what has transpired and about my call for celebration." He filled me in, eyeing the trees happily. "These past few weeks sure have been interesting. We'll start preparation tonight and be ready for tomorrow."

I stepped forward "Honestly Alem, you don't have to have a celebration because of me. Honestly-"

"Love." Ike whispered in my ear, gently kissing the curve of my jaw making heat flare from that spot. "You deserve it. Come on."

My friends all shot me agreeing nods before they too began following a glowing Alem who was making it to the forest.

I watched for a couple of seconds before Ike's warmth vanished from my body and his hand appeared into my vision.

My eyes connected with him to see an almost goofy grin on his face. His smile made me smile, and now I was pretty sure I too was sporting a goofy grin. "Come on princess, your party awaits."

Eyeing his hand, I tentatively placed mine in the tenderness of his. Silently, I followed him feeling the numbness and the warmth fighting to overcome the other. I wasn't sure which one would win, but I knew they still hadn't earned my forgiveness.

Small steps Avril, small steps.

Vote. Comment. Thoughts. Feedback.

Once again thank you all for your love and support!

1. I've seen a wide range of emotions about Avril's and Ike's relationship with some totally forgiving him, some with mixed feelings, and some utterly hating him which are all understandable. Avril has not forgiven him therefore you guys are going to see a lot of different things going on their relationship. Sometimes it will be setbacks, sometimes things will be okay, it'll all vary. I like to make emotions realistic and I can't have my main character forgiving some guy completely and utterly within a chapter or so. Hell no! 

Story time!: I remember I read one book before I really begin writing which was a story about werewolf rejection. It was the cliche, but at the time I was okay with cliches. Anywho, the male mate treated this girl so bad, like disgustingly bad. And there was no outside influences, it was just him being horrible. The girl went through some horrible things and they were all because of him and then at the very end, she forgives him which is fine. Okay, forgive him. But the way she forgave him blew my mind. He shed a fear tears (ass wasn't even blubbering to make me feel sympathy) and said sorry (pathetic ass sorry too), she slapped him and was like "don't you ever do that to me again", and then forgave him and that was the final chapter before the epilogue. I could've cried at that lackluster ending. The girl had been homeless, beaten, abused in so many ways and she forgave him that easily. In the comments everyone was mad, I couldn't even comment. If there would have been a block button on wattpad at that time or if I would have known there was one, I would've blocked her because that's how upset and petty-feeling I had been. Then the author was like "well if you don't like the way I wrote my story, you write one yourself" to all her readers. I was like bet, for sure. And that's how I began writing again. :))

2. So it has been really great uploading every week because even-though sometimes I dislike writing (because it takes hours to write a new chapter and I wish I could just think of the words and have them magically be transferred to the web), I still enjoy writing and love all of yours guys support (seriously without your guys support, I would have went M.I.A a long time ago, but y'all make me put on my big girl pants and write haha), I have to let you guys know that I will be going back to school in a couple of days which means that the uploading per week will probably slow so I am so, so sorry but I did try to make sure I kept my promise to you guys and uploaded every week while I was on break because I already knew this possibility. It's just school and work combined is utterly stressful and tiring and it's hard for me to keep a organized schedule on my uploading. So yes, thank you all for your passionate comments and supportive votes and reading. I love you all!

3. Once again another beautiful banner done by Amxxxf!

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