The King's Den ||h.s||

By HarrysLatte_

1.1M 36.8K 8.7K

[completed] Harry Styles, a man no stranger to the world of violence and leader of notorious mafia group the... More

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official character list
author's note
The Wattys 2016
authors note
short story sequel- Royalty's Paradise


13K 432 27
By HarrysLatte_

Julia's POV

I have been walking around town all morning hoping to find someone hiring in the stores or restaurants. So far I haven't found much, and even though Harry had left me with money I don't think I can stay in that house for long without going absolutely mental.

The air was hot and thick, I kind of do regret coming outside today, but I really want a job. I come across a boutique with displays of nice clothing, not many people inside so maybe I can give this a try.

I walk inside, air conditioning hits me and I don't hesitate getting inside. I see a cashier looking up and saying, "welcome to White Pearl Boutique, do you need any help?"

I hesitate and respond with,"yes, actually... Are you guys by any chance hiring?"

She seemed surprised and sweetly smiles, "I'm actually not sure. But the head manager is in, I can go ask her."

"That would be great," I politely respond.

She nods and walks to the back room, she's gone for a good several minutes with another more older lady.

"This is the girl," the cashier tells the lady.

The lady makes her way towards me, "nice to meet you, what's your name honey?"

I mentally cringed getting called 'honey' but I respond with a soft smile, "Juli-e... Julie Castillo." Remembering my new false identity.

"Alright Julie, I'll have you fill out an application here and I can give you an interview today if you'd like," the lady's bright red painted lips smile at me.

"That's great! Thank you," I beam.

"Catherine, give her the application," the lady snaps at the cashier. Catherine runs into the back and comes back with a clipboard and an application. The manager goes back into the back just leaving me with Catherine.

I take the application and sit on a chair the boutique has, I start to fill out the application. I pull out the false documents given to me and the information I need to go by.

I finish and I walk towards Catherine and hand her my application, she looks up at me, "alright I'll give this Marge." Catherine was a tall, thin blonde who I assume is in her mid-20s, she doesn't seem suspicious towards me at all which is good.

Catherine comes out smiling, "Marge wants to interview you, looks like she might actually will you."

"Well that's great, okay."

I follow Catherine into the back, there was a storage room full of boxes and clothes. And then in the far back is another door which I assume is Marge's office.

"Good luck," Catherine mumbles to me and I step into Marge's office.

Marge smiles at me and asks me to sit, she asks me questions about my work ethic, gave me scenarios and what schedule works best for me.

"Well Julie, I think you'd be a great employee, can you start tomorrow?" She asks.

I smiled, "that's perfect, I definitely can."

"Alright, welcome to the team. Go to Catherine and let her know, you get an entire outfit free of charge," Marge seems to actually like me, this is a good start.

I thank her once more and I head out front again, I let Catherine know and she seemed excited for me, "finally someone new, this will be fun. I'll help you find an outfit."

I end up getting black jeans with knee slits, two shirts, and a leather jacket,"okay thanks Catherine."

She smiles, "we work together now, just call me Cat."

"Okay, Cat... I'll see you tomorrow," I walk out of the little store, bags in my hands and back out into the hot San Diego heat. My house wasn't far from here, a mile or so long which I can walk.

I was walking down the road, I mentally thought how everyone at the Den were doing, I hope nothing has happened. I wish I was still be able to be informed, but it's best I keep my distance for as long as I could.

The fact that I'm being tracked down just shoots up my paranoia, I always look over my shoulder to see if anyone is following me, it felt like it.

I grabbed some panda express on my way home and I swear I feel an eery feeling.

I started to walk faster back to my house, and when I got there I immediately opened the door and slammed the door behind me. I peeked out the window and I see a big black SUV drive past my house and it was out of sight.

Harry's POV

"Anything yet?" I frustratedly ask.

Jade shakes her head no, and Austin doesn't even say a word. I feel myself getting more on edge knowing The Pit are after Julia and gaining closer to her. I hear the ringtone of my phone go off and I don't hesitate answering.

"Hello?" I grumble.

"Mate, it's Niall. Julia seems to have gotten a job, she seems well. I haven't seen any signs of The Pit," Niall informs me.

"Good lets keep it that way. Did she see you?"

"No but I can tell she was paranoid."

I bite my lip, "alright. Just keep an eye on her for the week."

"Done deal," Niall says and then hangs up.

I walked back to the hackers, and they seem to have not gotten anything, all we seemed to have found is that there was a shoot out in a club a few nights ago. It's suspected that The Pit had something to do with it.

"Do you think they figured out she isn't in LA?" I ask.

Jade hums and the responds, "I think they're closing to the idea. So far we think they're still clueless."


We've been sitting here working nonstop, we sleep wake up in the crack of dawn and work until it's pitch black. I was exhausted, I barely slept at all, and when I did I would wake up from nightmares due to so much stress.

The sun was definitely down by now, Austin claps his hands and shouts, "got something!" I hurried up and the few of us in the room. "They are staying at two different hotels. One half is in Palm Sunday hotel and the other in the Ramada."

"So what?" Jade asks.

"We can maybe get someone to put trackers on a car of there's. If we can successfully do that we know where they are 24/7 without a doubt," Austin looks at us.

I nod, " alright. So they're at the hotel now?"

"Yeah, seems like it," Austin agrees.

"Alright," I start to walk towards the door and I hear Austin shout, "where are you going?"

"To get those trackers on those trucks," I announce.

Jade runs to me, "Harry hang on. You can't go by yourself? And plus we need to give you the trackers."

"Alright where are they?" I impatiently question.

She goes back to the computers and pulls out a box, she walks over next to me and sets the box on the table. Inside contains small cylinders, "these are the trackers, they will automatically attach themselves to a car, do that and we have them."

"Okay, but how do I known which car to put these on?"

"Austin will give you the license plate of the car he tracked," Jade smiles.

"Perfect, thank you Jade," I smile.

"You're welcome."

I get the license plate and I walk out and head to Liam's room and I start banging on it, moments later I see Liam half awake looking at me, "what do you want Harry?"

"Get dressed, we have a job to do. We know where The Pit are. Meet me outside," I don't say anything more and I head to Louis' room and I bang on his door he looks at me with a scowl. I tell him the same thing I told Liam before Louis could even say anything. I quickly went to my room and grabbed my gun, masks, and hoodie.

I walked back out and I see Louis and Liam have already arrived.

"What is this all about, what are we doing?" Liam starts shooting questions at me and I huffed and got into the car, as did they. "Well?" Liam pushes.

"We found where they're staying, so I have trackers that Jade and Austin gave me so... I'm sure you can get the rest," I explain.

"Harry why couldn't you wait until morning?" Louis whines.

"We can't afford to waste any time," I snapped.

"Ugh," Louis groans.

We drive to the hotel, we park at a street next to the hotel and we put on our masks. I put on the hoodie and I tell Louis and Liam the license plate, "if you can get a tracker on one of these cars we are good. Next we'll go to other hotel and do the same," I whisper.

Louis and Liam creep behind trees and cars, I do too and I start looking at license plates until I find one, I ready the tracker and I hurry down the darkness to the car. I successfully attach the tracker and I hear voices. I see two girls walking down towards me, giggling, probably drunk. I sigh and I go behind them and cup their moves and whisper, "scream and you die." They start to shake, and fight my grip but they don't win and start crying. I see Louis and Liam signal me that they're good, I let the girls and I point a gun at them, "tell anyone and I won't hesitate to find you." They both nod and I run down the street again and hop into the car and we race down the street.

"That was nerve racking," Louis says.

"No shit," Liam chuckles.

"One more stop," I add.

Update yay! Well it was an okay chapter Lol, nice.

It was kind of long, I hope that's okay?! Haha always leave your comments and vote!

Love you all,

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