I fell in love with the Wrong...

By hopehopehopehopehope

166K 7.5K 8.1K

« She was pretending to be aggressive, but she was the nicest. He was pretending to have feelings, but he wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
happy new year
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
important !!!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 44
o shit
Chapter 45
Thank you!

Chapter 4

6.6K 236 374
By hopehopehopehopehope

School ended just a few minutes ago, and here you were, still in that same class, still at the same seat, with the same goddamn teacher. Yay, detention.

At least Hika was with you. Strangely, he seemed to be a really nice guy. You spent your last lesson only talking and laughing with him, it was very amusing. You honestly never thought that he could be like that ; he was always very cold and distant, he talked to a lot of people but he didn't seem to have any real friends, and every time you walked past him in the corridors, he always had this deadpan, serious, inexpressive face, he almost seemed sad. Today was the first time that you saw him smile, laugh or even joke with someone. You enjoyed his company a lot, even if you got really mad every time he teased you, and even if he would often make some seriously perverted, masochistic remarks about you or himself.

"One hour. Here. I'm going to die." you whispered to yourself, slightly hitting your head on the desk.

"You won't die." the purple haired teen affirmed, calmly. His voice was always so pleasant and soothing, it was very nice to listen to. "And stop hitting your head."

You chuckled a bit at his comment, that he said in a surprisingly high-pitched voice, compared to his usual low voice. It made you think of an over-protective mother or something like that. Though, you didn't stop hitting your head. You only did that when you were very bored or annoyed. Like right now, for example. You were in a classroom, doing nothing, being watched by an angry teacher while all of your friends were probably nicely laying on their bed, watching anime or reading manga.

Hika furrowed his eyebrows and put his hand on your forehead, stopping you from repeatedly hitting it on this desk. "I told you to stop that. We wouldn't want you to get bruises all over your forehead, would we?", he questioned in a husky, deep voice, almost growling.

You also furrowed your eyebrows, your head still in his hand. "Can we get bruises on our foreheads?" you asked him in curiosity, completely brushing off his almost menacing tone (or maybe that some hardcore masochists would call it a seductive tone??).

He looked like he was taken aback by your question. "I guess we can. We can get bruises everywhere else so why not on the forehead?"

"I don't know. I never got any bruises on my forehead. Did you?" you continued, finally raising your head up to look at him. His perturbed concentrated expression made you giggle a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" he wondered, his expression turning blank again, as he tilted his head to the side, like every time he was confused about something.

"You seemed to be so perturbed by my question, it was just ridiculously funny." you explained, trying to stop your laughter.

The teacher seemed to be really deaf at this moment because he didn't pay attention at you two at all.

"I-I was just thinking about your question. That's all. Do you never think before you give an answer?" he grumbled, slightly frowning.

"Aww... Is the imperturbable Hika kinda embarrassed?" you teased, smirking widely. It was very pleasing to see that you were also able to tease him.

"Whatever." he whispered, turning his head away from you.

"Hika! Now that we know each other a little bit more, let's be friends." you proposed- more like stated, in an unusual cheerful voice.

"Is that how you do it?" he simply asked.

"What?" you also asked, not understanding what he was saying.

"Is that how you make friends? You just walk up to them and say "let's be friends!!!!"?

"Huh... uh... Isn't that how you do it?"

"I don't have friends."

A long and awkward silence followed after Hika's statement.

"Well now you have one, I guess?" you murmured, smiling at the purple haired boy.

"Uh? Who?"

Your eyes and eyebrows twitched at this. He was really dense, wasn't he? Or was he just stupid?

"Me! Me, dumbass. I'm your friend." you explained, as Hika's mouth formed an 'O', in realisation, finally understanding what you meant.

"Okay." he agreed, smiling discretely.

A part of him was actually happy about that, but another part of him was utterly furious. He was happy because he never had any friends, and he was happy because his first friend was also the love of his life. But he was furious because he wanted to be much more than a friend to you, he knew that he could just wait for you to fall in love with him, because you would, every girl does. But he wasn't patient enough for this. He wanted to touch you, to feel you, he wanted you to desire him, he wanted to show to the whole world that you were his. He was very conflicted about his emotions.


"I'm home, mom, dad,... idiot...!" you exclaimed, entering your home.

"Who are you calling an idiot?" a feminine voice murmured from behind you.

You quickly turned around to face your younger sister, Betty, with her long blonde twin tails attached by two pale pink ribbons, and her constantly glaring blue orbs (if you know where she is from i love you a lot).

"You. You're the idiot." you glared back, almost having a glaring contest with the angry little girl.

"Mph. Go away." she pouted angrily, her glare growing more intense.

"That's my home. I'm not gonna leave." you stated, narrowing your eyes at her.

"I won't leave either."

"But I didn't even tell you to leave??"



Before you could protest, Betty was already gone. "Grr... Angry small unbearable creature..." you mumbled, going to the kitchen.

"Hello, dear! How was your day, my sweet precious child?"

You frowned at your mother, a nervous laugh escaping your lips, "Mom... What's with that nickname..."

She chuckled a bit, grabbing a cooking knife with one hand, and holding a piece of meat with the other.

"Aw, I'm only kidding, dear. Anyways, you're a little bit late, today. One hour late, precisely. Why?" she questioned, holding her knife up, way too close to you for your comfort.

"I was stuck in detention," you bluntly said, your eyes fixated on this very frustrating cooking knife.

"Again?! Don't tell me that you were sleeping in class, [Name]...", she sighed, shaking the knife in front of your face again.

You looked down in shame, and played with your fingers, your hair covering your face, mumbling a low 'yes'. Your mother shook her head, and put the tip of the knife on the red meat ; just when you though that this bloody knife wouldn't bother you anymore, she raised it once again, the pointy tip almost touching your nose.

"Why are you so sleepy all the time? You've always got your computer in your room at night. Maybe I should remove it. Who knows what you're doing on it every night." she almost shouted, but she wasn't angry, just desperate.

"I don't go on my computer at night." you lied, your eyes following the knife's each movement, "And... c-could you, just... Put that knife down, mom..."

"The knife?" she looked down at it for a while, before laughing slightly, "Oh, yes. Sorry."

She placed it on the meat and started to cut it in smaller pieces.

"Dad's still working?" you broke the silence, putting a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Yes. He'll be also late today."

Your mother made no other comment ; seemed like she was really disappointed, or annoyed. You didn't like it when your parents were in a bad mood, because then you would be completely alone. Well... sure, there was Betty, but... you two didn't really get along. You had no pets. And your friends were always busy, except for Loki, who apparently had no life. But she would often get on your nerves, you already had to endure her high-pitched cheerful voice and her perverted jokes every day.

Someone knocked at your door.

"That's probably dad. I'm too lazy to go open the door, can you do it please?" you demanded to your mother, who was still concentrically cutting the meat.

"That's not your father, you stupid. He has keys, he doesn't need to knock on the door." she turned her head towards you, placing the now bloodied knife next to the meat, "It's probably for you. Nobody likes your sister and me... well... it's just that no one really comes to see me... Go open it yourself, lazy ass."

You laughed a bit at your mother's words, and walked up to the door, slowly. The knocks were getting louder, and they repeated themselves continually, also getting faster.

"Dude chill! I'm coming..." you grumbled, wondering who was that angry freak at the door.

Oh, here was Hika Takao. The angry freak.

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