Who am I texting?

By Tattoo_Heart

2.4M 97.7K 42.3K

[COMPLETE] A story of a girl who had a massive crush on a heartthrob high school rock band leader Kyle Hogan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Vote for Alex

Chapter 37

52K 1.7K 417
By Tattoo_Heart


Me: excuse me.

Me: Mrs Follese..

Me: are you ready for our date?

Me: bc like you're NOT ANSWERING

Me: I swear if I'm being stood up by my girlfriend

Me: I'll


Me: I'll probably cry

Me: I'm very emotional okay

Me: baby please ):


Me: If you don't answer I'll send more jokes

Me: in 3..

Me: 2...

Me: 1...

Girlfriend: OKOK IM HERE

Girlfriend: just no jokes PLS


Me: you only answer when I threaten you

Me: and like girls beg for my jokes

Me: and you're just drinkin dat haterate

Me: like you obviously we just like sitting there reading the notifications

Girlfriend: girls beg for your jokes?

Girlfriend: they must be vv lonely fangirl

Me: shut up

Me: I found your kink

Me: You're probably into someone like Christian Grey ;)

Girlfriend: wtf

Girlfriend: I was taking a dump

Girlfriend: I didn't want to answer while pooping

Girlfriend: It makes me feel uncomfortable to talk to people when you're releasing that brown stuff

Girlfriend: and no

Girlfriend: do I look like a submissive to you asshole

Me: well not when you say it like that

Me: well are you ready or?

Girlfriend: calm down spongebob

Girlfriend: I need to change out of my lingerie

Me: nice

Me: and sexy

Girlfriend: I don't even bother to ask if you're outside

Girlfriend: My alex senses tingle

Girlfriend: and I start getting a rash

Girlfriend: and breakout with a case of "you're an assholeitis"

Me: sounds sexy

Girlfriend: does everything sound sexy to you rn?

Me: a little bit

Girlfriend: judging

Me: go ahead and judge

Me: MY BODY IS READY *violently strip*

Girlfriend: bye

Me: aw

Me: no fun

Me: now I'm just naked and disappointed

Girlfriend: me. Everyday. Same

Me: I know

Me: it's hard being a teenage girl

Me: nobody understands us

Me: gosh mom



Girlfriend: are you hungry?

Me: why?

Girlfriend: ur not you when you're hungry

Girlfriend: eat snickers bar

Girlfriend: or you're on your period

Girlfriend: aw girlfriend I'll bring you dozens of chocolate

Me: I don't want to be fat

Girlfriend: I'm not fat I'm king size bitch

Me: nobody understand the things I go through when born a girl

Me: girlfriend being manipulative and backstabber

Girlfriend: are you referring to me?

Girlfriend: but that's true they also try to steal your boyfriend and act like the guy coming on to them

Girlfriend: teenage girls are evil and should be destroyed of

Me: I'm glad I was a boy

Me: being a girl is too much work



"You should proud of me, Sky," Alex smiles. He sets the food down on the table and takes a seat across from me.

"Why should I be proud?"

"I remembered everything you got on our first date."

"Wow. Brain Olympics winner right here."

"Even on our second first date you're still mean," he frowns.

"I can't help. I am naturally mean," I shrug. "But I'll try not to and be nicer for my girlfriend."

"Boyfriend," he corrects me.

"Man-friend." I said.

"That sounds like I friendzoned you," I laugh. "Hey, this is my man-friend."

"Pfft. At least I won't be your girlfriend."

"Just eat your food, Alexander," I mumble. "Don't make me spank you."

"Whoa!" He sets his food down. "Did I hear that correctly? Are you getting naughty over Taco Bell?"

"No," I bite my bottom lip. "Taco Bell just has me feeling things, you know? Dirty things."

"You are seriously disturbed, Thomson," Alex chuckles. "And I'm more in love with you everyday."

"I'm more in love with Taco Bell everyday," I take a bite of my burrito. "So beautifully delicious."

"Are you about to cry, Sky?" Alex furrows his eyebrows. "It's a burrito, geez. I'm sure you'd cry less if we ever broke up."

"I'm not crying," I sniffle. "I just got allergies.. To food."

"Right," he snorts. "It's true. That's why I don't eat often," I flutter my eyelashes. "I'm starving."

"Lying is sin, Skylar, excuse you," he points his finger at me.

"You just ate pizza rolls on our way here."

"I was eating a pre-dinner snack!"

"A pre-dinner snack? Really?" Alex shakes his head. "Maybe dessert can be a kiss."

"No," I frown. "I'll just have this sexy brownie, thanks."

"Too bad," he huffs. "You're getting the kisses anyways."



"Not happening."

"It's about to happen," he raises his eyebrow.

"Nope. I have burrito in my mouth." I shove the rest of the burrito in my mouth.

"You look like a hamster who just ate too much," He starts laughing. I roll my eyes and try to finish chewing my food. "I mean save some space for me later."

I near chock on the rest of my food when he says that. Alex starts laughing really hard and I can feel my face turn red.

"That was so embarrassing, you jackass."

"Oh, you're ready for the kiss now?"

I shake my head no. "Not tonight, Follese."

"Right now?"

"No! Are you deaf?"

"I hear now," He scoots out of his seat and moves over to my side of the booth. "How about now?"

"No, oh my god," I groan.

"Now," he smiles. His lips brush mine and I poke his stomach.

"Not now," I huff.

"Sky," he whines. "Stop being so difficult I just wanna kiss you."

"I am not difficult."

"You''re extremely difficult, all the time." I frown and he kisses me briefly.


 "I said not now! You're being difficult."

"Too late," he laughs. "I got my kiss."

"You're lucky I like you or I'd have my fist in your face for being so annoying all the time."

"Same," He smiles.

"Not same. Don't agree."


"Shut up."

"Lame," he moves back to the other side of the booth.

"Yeah, you better move," I mumble under my breath.


Axel: hey baby

Axel: can I ask for a favour?

Me: what

Axel: can you let me in?

Me: you better stop doing that axel

Axel: what

Me: appearing at my house for no reason

Me: what if I was doing something super important

Me: or I was dead

Me: or gone

Me: then what

Me: warn a brotha

Axel: it's no fun warning you

Axel: the fun of the surprise

Axel: so please

Me: hold on

I put my hair in a ponytail and make my way downstairs. I stop and check my reflection in the mirror. I look awful. No makeup. Saturday is a success.

I open the front door and Alex smiles.

"Axel, my dear old friend. What are you doing here?"

"I came with food, soda and candy."

"I see," Alex takes a step inside and I close the front door. "Sorry, I look like crap. The warning wasn't enough to fix the trainwreck that is my face."

"You look beautiful," he grins. "Don't flatter me, asshole. What do you want?" I reach for the bag, but he jerks it away.

"Ecusez-meh," Alex furrows his eyebrows. "You're being mean."

"I'm sorry," I sigh. "Now give me the food, please."

"I thought we could have a movie night," he smiles. "A movie night?" I ask.

"A movie night," he responds. I move towards the stairs and Alex follows behind me.

"What movie, exactly?" I ask when we reach my bedroom.

"I'm not picky," he shrugs. "Anything that's interesting."

"Okay," I mumble. I grab my computer off the desk and set it on the bed. "Do you want to watch Netflix on the computer or TV?"

"The computer is fine." He sets the bag on the bed and slips his shoes off.

"Okay..." Alex frowns. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just surprised you're here."

"I've been meaning to spend more time with you anyways, since things aren't going to be-" he sighs.

"Since things aren't going to be what?"

"Things are just going to be change when I graduate, you know?"

"Yeah," I nod. "Well, I'm going to pick a movie."

"Oh god." Alex groans and take a seat on the bed. He props himself up slightly on the headboard.

"You shouldn't trust me, to be honest," I shrug and move myself closer to Alex. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I smile slightly as I look for a movie.


"Alex, you fatass, move."

"Mm," he mumbles, pulling me closer. "You're squishing me," I groan. "Your hair in my eyes, jackass."

"Mm, you're amazing too, baby."

"You're going to break my bones, Alex." I try to move his arm but he tightens his grip.

"I swear to god, Alex. Cuddling you is like being stuck in a sharks mouth," I bite his arm, but he doesn't move. "Seriously? You piss me off, Axel."

"You're pretty too," he smiles.

"Please get off me, you're so annoying when you're sleepy."

"You're so talkative when you're sleepy," he whines. "Can you just enjoy my cuddling?"

"No," I poke his stomach. "My poop is coming,"

"Mm. Okay." Alex let go of me and pulls the blankets closer to him.

"Thanks for being so kind as you let my go poop, Alex. You're such a kind spirit."

He doesn't say anything, just rolls over.

"Really? Now you roll over? You could've done that like five minutes ago!"

"Shut up, Skylar. Just go shit."

"Rude," I huff.


"Alex," I call. "Alex, are you hiding?" I check in my closet, but I don't see him. "I was literally gone for thirty minutes and you disappear?"

I check the guest bedroom, but he's not in there either. My parents door is open, so they're obviously up.

Oh god.

"Alex, I swear to god if you're having some deep ass conversation with my parents!" I yell as make my way down the stairs. "This is so embarrassing, Alex!"

I walk through the living room and round the corner into my kitchen and there he is.. Sitting with my parents.

"Good morning my beautiful girlfriend," Alex smiles. "I was just telling mom and dad about our movie date last night."

"Mom and dad?" I furrow my eyebrows. "They're not your parents, Alex."

"He will be someday." My mom rubs Alex's shoulder.

"Mom, I'm seventeen!"

"You're going to be an adult in October. Free to make your own decision in life."

"Mom, I don't want to be an adult. I also don't want to marry Alex!"

"That's not what you were saying the other day," Alex winks.

I take a seat beside Alex and pat his knee, digging my nails into him slightly. Alex's eye twitches slightly, but he continues to smile at me.

"I'll be saying a few other things to you later," I whisper.

"Babe, please," Alex whispers.

"Not in front of your parents."

"So, what are we doing today?" My mom sighs. "I'm thinking about bowling, sweetheart."

"Sky and I are going to have dinner with my mom and sisters tonight."

"That sounds exciting. Wear something nice, Skylar," she frowns.


"You know we don't have to do this." I said. Alex stops in front of the door and turns around.

"Babe, we're here now, there's no turning back." He grabs my hand and drag me inside. I seriously going to piss myself. I mean, what if I'm not going well with his mom or what if his little sister hates me?

"What if they don't like me?" I said and he stops once again turning around.

"They will, I promise. Just don't be offended with my mom because she's a bit... sarcastic."

"Sounds like me," I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, no. You're like a saint compared to her." I gasp. "Is she.." I lean in. "Slytherin?"

"You always have sarcasm, don't you?"

"Yes," I smile.

Truthfully, I'm just nervous as hell. And when I'm nervous, I get defensive. And when I get defensive, I throw insults out into the wind. Just bite your tongue and don't call them stuck-up white people.

I sigh when we reach the dining room area. His mother and this familiar girl already sitting down the table. She looked up from her phone and stand up from her seat to greet me.

"Hi, you must be Sky. I'm Violet, Alexs' sister." I smile briefly. I never thought she was this friendly and she even knew my name. Oh yeah, she's a freshman in school of course she knew.

Or maybe Alex keeps telling her about his silly crush on me.

"Hi, nice to meet you too, Violet and Mrs Follese." I try to sound not to fake polite in front of his mom.

"Is this Sky?"


"Oh," she looks me up and down and I can see her eye twitch slightly. Alex pulls the chair out for me and I take a sear. He takes a sit beside me and sighs briefly. He squeeze my hand and give me and encouraging smile.

For ten minutes we sit in silence and eat. I hate seafood. Like seafood is weird tasting. I could be eating Taco Bell or pizza. This seafood taste like shit – salty and slimy. Gross. I really wanted to leave now.

"You're really pretty, Sky. Just like how Alex always described you." Violet says and I immediately shoot him a what-the-hell look and his face turning slightly red.

"What is Sky short for?" This time his mom asking.

"Um... Skylar."

"Why were you called Sky then?" Seriously? Never heard of abbreviation?

"I prefer Sky."

"Honestly," his mom sets her napkin down on the table. "I don't approve this."

"Approve what?" Alex lets go of my hand.

"You two. You're going to be leaving in a little over a month. You should be focusing on graduating and moving out," she rolls her eyes. "Not a girlfriend." He's leaving so soon? I thought he wasn't leaving until fall?

"I am focusing on that stuff!" Alex raises his voice. "Sky is not distracting me at all."

"You're far too busy to be in some naïve relationship that won't last. I'm sure she's fully aware of the situation. You're leaving promptly on the first of June and then what?" She raises her eyebrow. "You two breakup."

After a minute, Alex takes a deep breath. "I'm taking her home. I refuse to let your opinion on my relationship bother me."

"This is exactly what I'm talking about Alex Follese. You're a child and you don't understand how relationship work. You guys won't make it past the summer."

"Let's go," Alex stands up. I look at Violet and she gave me the apologetic smile. I can tell how sorry she was but I felt more sorry for her having a bitchy mother like that.

I nod and stand up. "Thanks for the food Mrs Follese, I hope we'll be meeting again sooner."

"So you'll be leaving in two weeks? Why do I know this now?" I said as soon as we're outside.

"I'm sorry. I'm planning to tell you but I forgot."

"If your mother didn't come up with this you'll never gonna tell me till the day you're leaving?" Or maybe he attempt to leave without telling me?

"God, Sky you need to stop with your negative connotation. I really forgot about it, okay?" he paused running his hand through his hair.

"I really don't want to think about it. I just want to spend time with you as much as I can and I don't want this thing to get between us when we're supposed to have fun at this very last moment. I am going to tell you but I still need to find the right time and I'm sorry that you have to figure it out this way."

I didn't say anything and I'm not going to say anything. I knew he meant it. Having the thought of him going far away creeps me out. He could've found someone else way better than me, right?

"Please don't cry, you're making this harder." He grabs me by the waist and huggedme tight. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears slipped on my cheek.

"I promised I will worked this out. I believe in us." He says and planted a kiss on my hair.

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