High school DXD The path of t...

By Damowatling

274K 4.3K 1.1K

This a story of Issei's early awakening after his parents are tragically murdered when he was only 11 years o... More

Chapter 1 the birth of the red dragon emperor!
Chapter 2 Introducing Rias Gremory
Chapter 3 The rampaging Stray devil
Chapter 4 The red dragon emperor!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 times of peace
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Yuuto returns
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Let's clean the pool!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 The priestess of lightning vs the ruin princess
Chapter 27 The Heart of a Dragon!
Chapter 28 This ends now!
Author note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 The crimson saviour!
Chapter 31 Blunt sword
Chapter 32 Koneko's shadow. Release your power!
Chapter 33 I've missed you Shirone
Chapter 35 Get ready for the Kuoh academy sports festival! He's my Issei!
Chapter 36 Go for the gold Kuoh Academy!
Chapter 37 the darkness behind the door
Chapter 38 you picked the wrong day to piss me off!
Chapter 39 The Gremories vs the Crime force dragon!
Chapter 40 Holy demonic light vs chaotic despair!
Chapter 41 A mask to cover up the sadness
Chapter 42 The dark wings which ensnare her heart
Chapter 43 One year with the Gremories! Issei's big surprise!
Chapter 44 Euclid's master plan. I won't let you hurt my fiancee!
Chapter 45 Rias Gremory has fallen? Issei's tough decision!
Chapter 46 Issei's heavy gamble!
Chapter 47 Hail to the new king! A crash of crimson
Chapter 48 the master and his servant

Chapter 34 Cat fight! The Nekomata siblings

3.6K 56 10
By Damowatling

Chapter 34 Cat fight! The Nekomata siblings

Hey everyone, I just want to first apologise for the wait of this chapter you have had to all endure. Unfortunately, I have only just recovered from a very problematic bug which hindered me from uploading this any sooner.

As a token of my appreciation, I am going to answer some reviews that you guys have so thoughtfully posted.

RedCide47: (I hope Koneko wins. Thanks for the chapter!)

I bet you do :D I wanted to include Kuroka's fight because I feel it is necessary to bring out Koneko's Nekomata power and it also makes her connection with Issei stronger. Well enjoy and you will find out who wins.

DragonGod: Chapter 29 (This is the most awesome chapter that you have ever made! I love the LEMON SCENE! Make another LEMON SCENE in this story! I really enjoyed reading the lemon part and I was laughing when you replace the names of the private parts HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you for putting lemon part here in your story it's very nice of you. :)

Thanks for the kind words and the continued support. And I replaced the names of the private parts because I feel some discretion is needed for these kinds of scenes. :P

And rest assured, I plan on doing another lemon scene at some point. However, I'm not certain yet if it will be with another girl or with Rias again.

Onyx2589: Please drop the "president rias" crud. If you're going to put in Japanese terms, then be consistent. Buchou is "president" or "club president" in Japanese and sounds much better as opposed to the former. Please consider this.

I apologise if this upset you, but last time I did a story with mostly Japanese terms, I received a complaint from several readers saying it was too difficult for them to read and as a result, I was forced to take down the story and re-upload the whole thing. I may edit this if enough people request it when it's finished.

Imperial-samaB: My my, it seems like you've got something fun in the works.

Thanks for the Review, these kinds of messages help give me confidence and encouragement to carry on. It also helps to know that my fans love this story as much as I do.

TheLaughingStalk- Lenny-Kun: I like how you had him gain a mature position as role model for the children of the underworld.

Thank you, I am glad you like how I made Issei look. I always loved the idea of Issei being a hero to the children in the light novel, so it would have been a crime to leave this important factor out.

Thank you all for the continued support! I appreciate every last one of you! Now without further ado, let's get on with the next chapter!

"What's that? You plan on fighting me head to head Shirone?" Kuroka asked playfully.

"I know how strong you are big sister and yes I don't want to use this power that I fear so much. But, after Issei-Senpai and President Rias have risked their lives so many times to protect me, I have decided, that this time I will protect them! I will use this power and this time, I will master it and use it to protect Issei-Senpai and my friends!" Koneko said as a white tail and cat ears appeared upon her body.

"I love that look in your eyes Shirone, you have really grown. But it's true, if you master your Senjutsu power you may be able to save the Sekiryutei's life. That wound isn't too severe, but if you don't fix his Ki within 24 hours, his life will be over."

"No way, Issei will die?" Rias said now cradling Issei in her arms.

"But first you have to defeat me. Otherwise I'm taking you back with me. Show me your bonds you care so much about Shirone."

"Here I come!" Kuroka yelled as she launched all of her blue flames that she had channelled.

Koneko having just activated her Nekomata powers, realised that she didn't have the luxurious time to establish how to counter Kuroka's Senjutsu.

As a result, the brawler placed up her guard and used her evil pieces perks to reduce the damage.

However, Koneko realised her mistake when the attack that seemed to be aimed towards her exploded in front of her showing clear signs of a feint attack.

"Damn it a feint!" Koneko said as she was sent flying by Kuroka's sneak attack to her back.

Koneko adjusted her position mid-flight and slammed her feet into the dirt correcting her balance.

"Good job Shirone. But, will you be able to block the next attack from an opponent too fast for you to see?" Kuroka boasted as she showed off her increase in speed. Jumping from the branches that surrounded her.

Koneko started to panic. Only seeing the leaves fall to the ground with no sign of the person who dismantled them.

Suddenly, Koneko remembered something that Issei said to her when she was training with Kiba one day.

Koneko was battling against Kiba in the training studio at the Hyoudou residence. And Koneko seemed to have the upper hand.

That is until Kiba got serious and began to disappear from her sight.

Koneko just like in the situation she is currently in, darted her eyes back and forth across the room in an attempt to locate her attacker.

However, Koneko wasn't calm and with every area she searched, her focus began to falter and her nerves began to shake.

It was then that Issei called out to her.

"Calm down Koneko-Chan! When the enemy is moving faster than your eyes can follow, it is then you have to focus all of that wasted energy within your other senses! If you can't see him, listen for his footsteps. If you can't hear him, sense his demonic energy. And if you can't sense his cloaked presence, wait for the moment your opponent strikes, and then counter!"

Koneko was brought back to reality and as a consequence, was finally able to calm herself down. A smile now imprinted on her face.

Even though Issei wasn't there to cheer her on right now, he is still helping her win this fight.

Koneko closed her eyes and suddenly became still like a rock in the middle of a rushing river.

She discarded all pointless worries and relaxed her mind.

The wind howled through the branches of the towering trees and Koneko remained still.

Only her whimsical cat ears twitching slightly as they captured the sound of the branches shivering whilst the black cat leaped from tree to tree.

Suddenly, Koneko's hazel eyes shot wide open and her fist rocketed in the direction behind her.

Unfortunately, to Koneko's irritation, she punched nothing but air and received another thunderous strike to her back.

"Very good Shirone. But you're too slow!" Kuroka said as she leaped down from the branches and propelled Koneko into several trees behind her.

Koneko gripped her hands near her neck. Trying to pry the terrifying claw that had wrapped around it.

"It's so cute seeing you struggle Shirone. But don't do that. Didn't I tell you? Only big sister can protect you. So stop resisting and give up." Kuroka said hoping this would crush Koneko's fighting spirit.

"I refuse." Koneko said making Kuroka gasp.

"What did you say my cute little kitten?" The black cat lady said as she tightened her grip around her throat.

"I said I refuse. I want to stay with everyone. I want to eat more snacks with Gaspie, practice with Xenovia Senpai and Kiba senpai. I want to play more games with Asia Senpai. I want to continue to serve Akeno and Rias the vice president and president of the occult research club. And I also... I also.....

I also want to have more happy memories with Issei senpai!" Koneko said now driving her foot into Kuroka's abdomen.

The Khaos brigade mage was sent back quite a distance thanks to the Gremory rooks monstrous strength.

"I see, big sister gets it now... Shirone, you're in love with the Sekiryutei aren't you?" Kuroka said making Koneko gasp.

"I knew it! Well I can't blame you, I mean his blood alone verifies his strength and potential as a future mate." Kuroka said as she licked the back of her hand which was still covered with leftovers of Issei's blood.

"I won't let you hurt Issei-senpai big sister!" Koneko said immediately bringing up her fists.

"Hurt him? Of course not! I just said it didn't I? He has a lot of potential as a mate. After all, I always planned to have the blood of a dragon be infused into my future children." Kuroka said making Koneko shiver.

"What are you planning to do?" Koneko said as she fearfully awaited her sister's reply.

"Isn't it obvious Shirone? I'm going to steal the Sekiryutei from you! And then you'll definitely have to come back to me!" Kuroka said as she licked her scarlet lips.

Suddenly, Kuroka disappeared again and rushed towards the dripping mess of the red dragon emperor.

"NO!" Koneko screamed as she anticipated this movement and blocked the cunning cat's path.

"Oh you still think you can beat me Shirone?" Kuroka said as she stared at the silver haired devil who showed no sign of budging.

"Big sister.... I won't.... I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ISSEI-SENPAI AWAY FROM ALL OF US!" Koneko screamed suddenly launching blue flames that instantly appeared in her hands.

Kuroka leaped backwards and avoided Koneko's sudden Senjutsu strike.

"Oh not bad little sis." Kuroka teased springing Koneko into action.

"I'm just getting started!" Koneko said as she leaped high into the air with her Nekomata enhancement power.

"Take this!" Koneko said as she came down on her opponent with an axe kick strike.

Kuroka quickly blocked the attack but was not aware of Koneko's next sneaky follow up.

Koneko dropped to the ground and rammed her shoulder into the unsuspecting girl's stomach.

"You certainly are stronger than me in a close quarters brawl Shirone, but big sister is better at using Senjutsu and Youjutsu." Kuroka said as she now used the same strategy in her fight against Issei.

Koneko learned from her mistakes and put all of her faith in her Nekomata powers and sensed for Kuroka's hidden figure.

Koneko was hit by countless waves of Senjutsu flames in an attempt to throw her concentration off.

However, Kuroka was not aware of how much damage Koneko could take as the Rook of the Gremory household.

"You're there!" Koneko said after she sensed the strong and menacing aura of the hidden Khaos brigade fighter who stood behind her.

Kuroka groaned in pain after the thunderous punch successfully connected with her gut.

Instantly after, Kuroka was staring up towards the sky after she was sent sky high by Koneko's combo finishing upper cut strike.

"So it's going to be that kind of fight is it? Very well then, you leave me no choice Shirone."

"Touki!" Kuroka said as her whole body was enveloped with this powerful performance enhancer.

Koneko was blown away by the terrifying force of Kuroka's deadly counter.

The punch ruined her school top but if it wasn't for Koneko's tough guard she put up at the last minute, it was obvious that Koneko would be in the same situation as Issei right now.

Koneko once again remembered Issei's words. "Wait for them to strike and then counter!"

The white cat leaped and ensnared Kuroka's arm with her tight arm lock with her legs crushing the support of it.

"It's not going to work!" Kuroka yelled as she effortlessly lifted Koneko off the ground and then slammed her back down on to it with great force.

Just as Kuroka was about to do the same to get Koneko off, Koneko once she was lifted again, released her grip and vaulted over Kuroka. Planting her foot into her back with a colossal kick.

Kuroka once again took the damage from Koneko's attack. However, thanks to the perks of her opponents Touki, it wasn't too long until the black cat was on the attack again.

It was an all-out brawl between the siblings now. Each using their power to the best of their abilities.

Koneko was now able to predict the timing of Kuroka's Senjutsu flame attacks and as a result, she was able to use her super strength to extinguish them before they could cause her any harm.

"Amazing! Absolutely amazing Shirone! You're using that power so well now! This is getting exciting!" Kuroka said showing her obvious joy for this fight between the sisters.

"Be quiet! I will not let you win big sister!" Koneko said determined to come out of this fight a winner so she could return back with everyone.

"Calm down little sis, I've had a change of heart."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that if you come with me now, I will happily restore your beloved Sekiryutei's balance to his Ki and save his life." Kuroka said which with reasons beyond her understanding, angered Koneko further.

"No..... Definitely no! I don't want you to touch Issei-Senpai in that way big sister!" Koneko yelled now engaging in combat with her sibling again.

Koneko showed the appearance of a ferocious cat now as it protected their ideal mate.

The rook of the Gremories dashed towards her opponent dealing out punch after punch in explosive combinations.

Kuroka kept her Touki active as she dodged strikes from her little sister. To whom now had the eyes of a ferocious tiger as she protected her most precious loved one.

Koneko unlocked a new power, summoning several flames at once. Launching them at her sister who did not expect this sudden attack.

Kuroka instantly shifted from defence to offense and began her counterattack against Koneko.

Koneko now used to her heightened senses, blocked and evaded strike after strike.

"Are you sure you can afford to be so stubborn Shirone?" Kuroka asked showing no changes in Koneko's movements.

"I mean, if you don't accept my kind offer, or even if you decide to save him yourself, there is one thing you fail to realise. If you fail in both of these options, the red dragon emperor will die." Kuroka said making the words themselves sting the hearts of Koneko and the crimson princess who still held his almost lifeless body close to her.

"Shut up!" Koneko screamed as she continued her anger fuelled assault.

Kuroka used this opportunity of Koneko's unease and delivered a critical hit to the scared cat girl when she suddenly dropped her guard.

Hit head on by Kuroka's fully powered Touki punch, Koneko suffered intense pain as her light body shot through the air and crashed with a painful thud not too far from Issei and Rias.

"I'm not giving up." Koneko said as she stood herself up and wiped the blood away from her mouth.

"Shirone, give up! You can't beat me with the powers you currently possess. If you continue to fight against me, you're going to die just like Hyoudou Issei!" Kuroka said making Rias hurt again.

"I refuse to surrender! Not after how far I have come!" Koneko said as she once again stood her ground and positioned herself in a fighting stance.

"It can't be helped.... I will make you lose consciousness and then I will heal you once we return home!" Kuroka said as she too prepared to finish this battle.

Koneko and Kuroka began to charge towards each other in what would be a blood stained fist brawl. However, both Nekomata's ceased their charge and skidded to a halt just as they were about to collide.

"I will not let you die." Rias mumbled.

All of a sudden, a huge and suffocating explosion of demonic aura awakened from the ruin princess surrounding her and Issei in a tainted crimson light.

"President Rias...." Koneko said as she shivered from the immense power and the malice that hid inside it.

"Kuroka, how dare you! To my Issei!" Rias said as the trees began to disintegrate just be being within her reach.

"This is bad, I have to take her out now!" Kuroka said suddenly being grabbed by Bikou on his fleeing cloud.

"What are you doing Bikou let go of me!"

"Have you noticed yet?"

"Loki's awakened but how?"

"Vali wants us to head back so we can discuss where to go from here." Bikou said as they both escaped from that painful aura.

"Shirone, I will leave for now. But you will realise one day that you can't be protected by anyone else but me." Kuroka thought to herself as she and Bikou escaped from certain death.

Meanwhile, Rias Gremories power of destruction was beginning to spiral out of control!

"President Rias, please calm down. They are gone now!" Koneko desperately cried out.

"Calm down? How could I?! Look what they did to Issei! I won't forgive them!" Rias screamed destroying more of her surroundings.

Koneko realised the best thing to do would be to get Issei away from Rias so she could begin with the treatment. The problem was, the suffocating aura that Rias had shrouding around herself and him.

"This is bad, I need to get the others." Koneko said as she proceeded to flee back to the meeting room.

"Don't make a face like that Rias, I've not kicked the bucket just yet." A voice said making Rias instantly calm down.

"Issei?!" Was all Rias could say as the Red dragon emperor regained consciousness.

"I'm sorry to worry you like that Rias. But I think I'm going to be okay." Issei said smiling afterwards hoping this would help soothe Rias' heart.

"Issei!" Rias shouted out as her arms wrapped around him.

"Thank you so much for not leaving me" Rias said as her tears began to stain his shirt.

"Of course I wouldn't. I promise to never leave your side Rias." Issei said making Rias break down completely.

Koneko broke up the loving atmosphere with some bad news.

"He's not out of danger yet."

"What do you mean Koneko?" Rias said showing despair on her face.

"It's just like my big sister said, she altered his life force. So unless it's reverted back to normal with Senjutsu, he will die in 24 hours." Koneko said making Rias panic.

"No way."

"Don't worry Rias, everything is going to be fine." Issei said once again calming the poor girl down.

"What do you mean Issei?" Rias said showing obvious confusion.

"Well Koneko-Chan can help me after all. Right Koneko-Chan?" Issei said now looking at the surprised rook.

"But Issei-Senpai, I'm not sure I can do it." Koneko said with a sad look.

Issei suddenly moved towards the scared junior and patted her head.

"I believe in you Koneko-Chan, please heal me." Issei said with a smile lifting up Koneko's spirits.

"Of course Issei-senpai! I promise to turn you back to normal!" Koneko said making Issei smile.

"Thank you Koneko-Chan" Issei said once again patting her head.

"After all, Issei-Senpai is an important person to me as well" Koneko mumbled forgetting Issei's heightened hearing.

Issei pretended he didn't hear her and just smiled.

"Well then President Rias, I will be borrowing Issei-Senpai for a while." Koneko said suddenly taking his hand and walking off.

"EH?! What are you talking about Koneko? I haven't spent any time with Issei alone since we got here!" Rias said her cute jealous side awakening.

Koneko grinned and raced back inside finding an unoccupied bedroom and shutting the doors behind them.

"Well then Issei-Senpai, please lie down on the bed." Koneko said removing her ruined top.

"Okay. I'll leave everything to you Koneko-Chan." Issei said as he lay on his back.

"Okay I'm going to begin treating you now." Koneko said as she shyly lay down on top of Issei's toned chest and began to emit a refreshing blue light.

Koneko blushed as she pressed herself against Issei's torso and heard the sound of his heartbeat pounding against her eardrum.

"How is it Issei-Senpai?" Koneko asked nervously.

"Yeah. It feels nice. I can feel your power purifying the wrongs Kuroka did to my life force." Issei said as Koneko fluster struck carried on with the procedure.

"I see, that's good." Koneko said as she relaxed on top of him.

"Issei-senpai." Koneko said with a quiet and shy voice.

"What is it Koneko-Chan?" Issei replied.

"Are you afraid of me? My new power is it scary?"

"Of course not Koneko-Chan, how could I ever be scared of my cute Kouhai?" Issei said as she patted her on the head.

"But what if my power goes out of control and I end up like my big sister?!"

"I won't let that happen to you Koneko-Chan. If push comes to shove, I will definitely step in and stop you going down the wrong path."


"We'll work together and stop that from happening Koneko-Chan." Issei said finally putting Koneko's mind at ease.

"There is a more efficient way within Senjutsu to increase its healing properties. Would you like to hear what that is?" Koneko asked awaiting Issei's reply.

"Yes of course, I'm always interested to learn more about Senjutsu." Issei said giving Koneko the clear okay.

"Um okay.... Well here goes. The most efficient way to utilise Senjutsu's healing properties, is the bedroom thing."

"What do you mean?"

"You know sex..." Koneko said with a shy tone.

"Oh I see." Issei replied clearly showing his shock and surprise.

"You don't want that?" Koneko asked with a curious looking stare.

Before Issei could answer, the doors to the room suddenly burst open. Revealing a very angry and jealous ruin princess who could no longer hold herself back after what Koneko just said.

"That's enough of that Koneko. Issei is my Issei!" Rias said suddenly clinging to Issei's arm on the other side of the bed.

"Then I will take this place from now on as my own." Koneko said as she curled up into a ball on Issei's lap.

"Hey Koneko what do you think you are doing? KONEKO!" Rias yelled revealing to everyone else in the building the crisis was over.

That's chapter 35 finished! I really enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you all enjoyed it as well! The next chapter will be a more relaxed chapter which will take place at Kuoh Academy where a special event will be taking place. Can you guess it? Find out in the next chapter of High School DxD The path of the Sekiryutei! Chapter 35 Race for the gold Kuoh Academy!

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