bestfriends • grayson dolan

By dolansknj

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By dolansknj


grayson began to wriggle around, "good morning." I smiled. his eyes opened, he closed them again and smiled, stretching his arms out.

"you're here." he smiled, hugging me tightly.

"I am." I said, "I think ethan wants you." I told him.

he got up and stretched, pulling off his sweatshirt. it's so hot, I don't understand how he slept in that.

I hadn't showered, in more than a day. I felt gross and sticky, I guess grayson was hugging me all night. my phone vibrated, so I reached over for it.


your brother and I are
going food shopping.
you alright to just hang
out there?

yeah, i'll be fine.


grayson walked back in, "wanna go make breakfast?"

"yeah." I nodded, "my mum is going out so is it okay if I hang around for a while?"

"of course." he said.

"could I have a shower, I feel gross."

"yeah, i'll tell ethan cause we broke the lock the other day."

"thanks." I smiled, we left his room and he walked me to the bathroom, I entered and he went to ethan's room.

I started stripping, I literally stink so bad. what a great first impression, he is gonna think I do smell twenty-four seven.

I dumped my clothes in the pile and got inside the shower, the warm water splashed onto my skin sending chills through my body.

I washed my body, along with hair. I don't think he'd mind me using his shampoo and conditioner.

I rushed myself to get out, I stepped out realising there wasn't a towel on the rack. I went through the cupboard, nothing.


can you bring me a towel.

oh shit sorry, i'll be
there in a second.


I was looking around the bathroom when there was a light knock, I stood behind the door whilst opening it.

grayson's hand come through with towel and I grabbed it, thanking him. before I shut the door I peeped my head around, to see him walking away.

I shut the door, and opened the towel, wrapping it around myself, then wrung my hair out in the sink as much as I could.

I picked up my dirty clothes and left the bathroom, going straight to grayson's room.

I shut his door and locked it, I strapped my dirty bra back on as well as my underwear. I felt gross and uncomfortable but what else would I do.

I walked over to grayson's wardrobe, I began looking at his shirts trying to find one that I knew would fit like a dress on me.

"lex?" his voice shouted.

"yeah." I answered walking towards the door and unlocking it, I walked back towards his wardrobe and he walked in just after.

"um we don't have enough milk for cereal, do you just wanna try make pancakes from scratch?" he asked looking everywhere but myself.

"yeah, that could be fun. i'm just borrowing a shirt, if that's alright."

"yeah that's fine, go for it." he said, quickly leaving again.


grayson and I walked down stairs, to see ethan eating cereal in the dining room. "that's where all the milk went." grayson said, throwing the milk carton at ethan, scoping his head. it still had milk in it, so it would have hurt.

I laughed, "ow what the fuck." ethan grabbed the side of his head.

"good morning ethan." I smiled as we walked past and back into the kitchen.

"morning." he replied, standing up and following us into the kitchen.

grayson began handing me the ingredients, I just sat them on the table and ethan sat over on the breakfast chair watching.

"wanna go to the beach later?" ethan asked.

"that sounds good." I nodded.

"we should give you a tour of new jers, and show you our favourite spots." ethan smiled and I nodded.

I sat on the counter, kicking my legs back and forth as grayson washed up our plates. he finished and washed his hands, then he walked over to me, our faces were level because I was sitting on the high counter and he was standing.

he stood between my legs, "come on." he said, he wrapped his arms around my waist lifting my weight off the counter. my legs wrapped around him immediately, then he placed me down.


I sat on his bed, as he looked for clothes for the beach. he chose a pair of dark purple swimming trunks, and a white tank top.

ethan also got ready and they packed food into their truck, along with towels and a deflated blow up toy.

the three of us got into their truck, grayson driving, me passenger and ethan in the back. I felt bad for throwing him in the back of his own truck.

we made a quick drive to my house, they both decided to stay in the car to let the aircon cool up whilst I ran inside.

thank god my mum was home, I ran inside. "lexa is that you?"

"yeah, where's my stuff?" I asked.

"upstairs, last door on the right." I walked towards the staircase. following him instructions, to find my things dumped in a large room.

I opened my suitcase, ripping everything out to find a quick outfit for today. I changed and left downstairs again.

I ran into the lounge where my mum was, a couple guys were installing our new tv onto the wall.

it was literally the only thing in the house so far, I told her what my plans for the day were and left her with a quick kiss.

we found a little spot were no one was, laying our towels out, I began taking off my shirt and shorts. I was placing them into my bag when arms come around my waist and I was lifted off the ground. I was picked up by grayson and he chucked me over his shoulder, he held my legs whilst my top half complete hang over the back side of him.

"grayson bailey dolan, I swear to god if you throw me in i'll-"

"you'll what uhh?" he cut me off.

"i'll have to take you down with me." I yelled.

he walked further into the water, I lifted my face so it didn't touch but my feet were emerged.

"that's fine by me." he laughed, walking further out. he hugged me tighter and dunked us both under, I got away from him and came up for air.

he still hadn't surfaced, so I took the chance to swim to shore. well I tried, but that's when he grabbed my ankle, which made me scream.

he let go and came up for air a couple meters away from me. he took a large breath before laughing alongside ethan.

"I hate you." I laughed, wadding my way over to him, jumping onto him. I tried pushing him under but he was way stronger. he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder than he ran up the the shore.

grayson dolan

her laugh was so beautiful, it was so precious to me. hearing her laughs behind me, it made me weak literally. she was chasing me around the beach trying to get me back, but I tripped in the sand and got a mouthful of it. she just collapsed on floor laughing, the sand stuck to her cold, wet skin. i've never been so happy in my life, then I was with her.

I spat out the sand and ran back to her and tackled her, playfully. I noticed ethan had gone in the water, "do you wanna build a sand castle?" she asked.

"of course." I nodded, standing up and helping her up after. we sat on the edge of the water, where the semi-dry sand was and began digging and building.

"oh look." I said grabbing the crab I had just digged up.

"it's so small, and cute." she said holding her hand out as I placed it into her hand.

"wait here." I smiled, I ran up grabbing my phone and I took a photo of her and her crab.

"lets name sam."


"we don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and we shouldn't assume." she said so innocently, she was so adorable.

we packed up and drove to towards the seaside town up the road. we got an ice cream, then walked out on the pier. it was so pretty, the sky was pink and orange.

we walked forward and I grabbed her hand, she was still in her bikinis and I was still shirtless, such a beach vibe. ethan decided to take a few candids of the two of us.

"oh my god ethan, grayson." a young girl walked up whilst my arm was still around lexa."

"hi." ethan smiled at her.

but she was looking at me and lexa, "it was nice meeting you." I let go of lexa, giving her a painful smile.

"thank you for letting me get photos." she played along, "bye ethan." she said whilst waking away.

ethan and I quickly got pictures with the girl and gave her hugs and talked for a minute before we left.

"dude the fandom will eventually find out."

"find out what? the fandom already knows that lexa is my bestfriend. I just haven't told them that-"

"you guys are dating." he cut me off.

"no, I haven't told them that we met and that she lives here now. i'll let them know tonight on twitter, then post a snapchat."

"weak, you better post one of those pics I took on instagram with a long ass caption about her." he nudged my arm. "what if that girl spreads word that you guys were all over each other."

"best friends hug, plus it's that girls word against ours."

"against yours buddy." he patted my back.

"gee thanks." I said. "did you see where lexa went?" I asked.

"nope." ethan said, "but she stands out."

"what's that supposed to mean."

"she's hot dude." ethan said, "did you see her body today, can't believe you haven't already smashed."

"fuck off ethan, she hasn't even been in america for one full day."

"fine dude, she's there." he pointed.

I spotted her and walked over, "lex." I called, she turned to see me and ethan.

"is she gone?" lexa asked.

"she's probably taking candids from somewhere." ethan shrugged.

"come on." I nodded and we left.



I was sitting in my room, unpacking the things i'd carried here with me. my other things we're in my shipping container, who knows where.

I turned my music on, not too loud because my brother was sleeping in the room next door. I began singing, which I tended to do a lot because I actually liked my voice somehow.

I was walking around my empty room when I heard something hit my window. I walked over and looked out to see grayson, I opened the window.

"pebbles?" I asked.

"I thought it was more romantic than a door bell." he smiled. "here, this is yours." he held up a crimson rose.

"a rose? is grayson dolan, my bestfriend trying to serenade me?"

"was there a need to friend zone?" he asked, a slight laugh in his sentence.

"i'll meet you at the door." I smiled, shutting my window.

I jogged down stairs and opened the door, he stood there with the flower. "m'lady." he held it out and I took it from his hands.

I smelt it, "what's the catch?"

"can't I just buy my bestfriend a rose without there being a catch?"

"it's literally from my front garden."

"so." he said, making us both laugh. "I wanted to say i'm sorry for making you act like a fan today, I froze and I didn't know what to do."

"gray, it's fine honestly."

"I told twitter that I have a instagram post going up into twenty minutes with someone special in it. I was thinking one of our beach pics from today?"

"are you sure?"

"want to help pick one?" he ignored my question.

"yes." I smiled.

"well may I enter."

"you may." I opened the door and he came in, then we both went to my room.


"this one is cute." I smiled, showing him the one of us facing away from the camera, walking down the pier holding hands. "can't believe ethan took those without us noticing." she smiled, "I love them."

"yeah, I like that one too. but I like this one." he showed the one with his arm around me. "i'll post them both and the one of you with your crab."

"don't you think that one is too close, some of your fans already hate me."

"I don't care- I mean I do, they shouldn't- but they need to get over it."

"okay." I laughed.

"i'm nervous." I said, as he was about to post it.

"it's not your first appearance on my instagram, my fans know of you." he said. "and you have a youtube, like they mostly like you."

"yeah but they were face times and a birthday post, this is like real, together... holding hands, and being actually together in the picture."

"they've been so exited for us to meet, what did they expect? us to not touch." he laughed.

"yeah but-" I was cut off by a notification popping up that he had posted, and that I had been tagged.

I opened my phone and began reading it, a paragraph telling his fans who I was and that he was grateful to have me.

"gray." I pouted, I wanted to cry. I literally loved him so much.

he hugged me, "wanna go to the movies or something?" he asked.

"sure." I smiled.

it had been a full twenty four hours, and i've literally been with him the whole time.

I quickly changed into something presentable before we left to his house.

i've changed so much oops

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