Thirteen Reasons Why (Ezria f...

By katrinaasalvador

178K 3.6K 736

A is finished. No, A is not Mona nor Lucas. Not CeCe nor Alison. Not Toby nor Spencer. And no, it’s not Ezra... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Cheesy moments with Ezria
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
another meep
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Christmas chapter!
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
last meep of the story
v important meep

Chapter 1

15.5K 170 44
By katrinaasalvador

“We’re safe now.” Ezra told me as he kissed my temple while we watch Jackie being escorted to her cell.

At last, the court has decided that Jackie Molina is the big A. Yes, we even brought this issue to the court. Guess we got tired of having A screw us up.

Finding out that Ezra was one of the members of the A-team, I almost lost hold of my sanity. But when I realized the motive behind it, I got some of my sanity back. Some.

He only wanted to protect me. He wanted to lessen the burden that A would bring to me. I remembered the time when I was locked up in a box and I was about to fall over the precipice but A—which I bet was, well, Ezra, pulled me back to the edge.

He proved to me that he was worth the fight.

I heaved a sigh and gave him a bone-crushing hug, relieved that no one would ever come between us again. Even my parents or his parents.

Ella and Byron finally accepted Ezra as my boyfriend and that they know that they can’t do anything about it since Ezra and I are far from breaking up. Maybe we could even last until marriage. Who knows, right?

We are sure that the A-team is now a divided group since everyone wanted to be out of it. They only joined because they didn’t know how they would delve deep and add more problems to Emily, Hanna, Spencer and I’s life. Ezra told me that the A-team only consisted of seven members, including him which means the A-team consisted of Mona, Lucas, CeCe, Toby, Spencer and then Jackie, meaning no one is left of the A-team to be bad or to try to hurt us in any way.

An unexpected dam released and I ended up crying in Ezra’s arms. What are the tears for? Relief? Happiness? I don’t know either.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Ezra asked and kissed my tears away and I heard someone clear their throat in the distance. I’m betting that it’s Byron or Mike.

“Nothing. I just feel… overwhelmed with all these feelings.” I explained and squeezed his hand as we walk towards my parents.

“At least she’s locked up in jail to rot, right?” Mike said in a very crude manner and Ezra stiffened. Jackie was his ex-fiancée after all so he would still have some unfathomable feelings for her.

“Mike!” Ella scolded and smiles apologetically to Ezra, knowing the situation at hand. Byron placed his hand at Mike’s shoulder and said, “As much as I’d love to second the motion to that one, I don’t want to sound so rude but the things she did to my daughter and my daughter’s friends are really… there are no words to describe it, Ezra.”

Ezra nodded as a response. If I was in his position, I would not know how to reply to that one. It’s like a trap question.

“I understand, sir.” Ezra said and Ella’s face crunched up in distaste. She told Ezra to call them with their first names, to drop the formality between them but Byron insisted, saying that they’re not close and they will never be since our relationship will never be approved by him which resulted to me and Byron’s fight. He’s being so unreasonable about this.

“This calls for a celebration, don’t you think, Ezra?” Ella said and he nodded. I wasn’t ready to untangle my hands with his because it felt like I’m gonna enter a battle alone. There’s a small gathering at the corner where Hanna, Caleb, Emily, Toby and Spencer is there with their families and Ezra lead us there.

“We could finally have our normal lives back.” Hanna said while in Caleb’s protective arms. It’s been awkward between everyone ever since we knew Toby was A and then eventually Spencer revealed that she joined the A-team for a while to get some information… but when we knew Ezra is A… All hell breaks loose.

“I don’t even know the feeling of the ‘normal life’ you’re talking about anymore. Thanks to A.” Emily sighed and I know that they’re trying to make Ezra feel guiltier and their plan is going out good so far.

“Guys, stop making Ezra feel bad, okay? He only joined because he wanted to protect me… us.” I protected Ezra’s side and I was rewarded with his all-American-boy smile as I remember one of the sweetest lines he ever told me.

“You know I would do anything for you, right?”

And he proved himself right.

Hanna snorted.

“He only saved you, Aria. What about us?” Hanna challenged and Spencer butted in.

“He did. He told us who A is and that’s the biggest favor anyone could do for you, Han. Without Ezra, A would probably still be blackmailing us at the moment so shut your big, painted mouth.” Spencer said and I thanked her for taking her side with me.

“I bet Caleb would do the same thing for you, Han. Am I correct, Caleb?” Emily asked and Caleb did not hesitate to nod.

“Of course.” Caleb replied.

Hanna rolled her eyes and off we go to the small restaurant where we’ll be celebrating this day. Jackie Molina or big A no more.


I was done dressing up for the little assembly we have and Mike entered my room without knocking on the door which surprised me… in a bad way.

“Jesus, Mike! Go out!” I screamed but I stopped when I found him crying while he was hugging me.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked with concern. He is my little brother after all.

“N-nothing.” He said and he tried to stop sobbing but he ended up sobbing some more.

“Spit it out, Mike.” I demanded and he hugged me tighter. “Mike, I can barely breathe! Stop!”

He stopped hugging me and I gave him a tissue from my vanity corner. He smiled sadly at me.

“I had a nightmare and you were in it. Aria, I probably never told you this but I love you as my older sister and I really appreciate you for always being there for me. Thank you.” Mike said and I was flustered. Yes, Mike and I were a bit close but this is the first time he ever told me those words.

“I love you as my little brother too. Do you mind if I ask what was your dream all about?” I ask with curiosity and he reluctantly agreed.

“To cut to the chase, you have this incurable disease and then you died.” He sobbed again and I hugged him.

“Now, now. Forget about that silly nightmare. For now, go dress up because we’re gonna go out anytime soon!” I said and he gave me another hug before he went out of my room.


“You’re supposed to be on the dance floor, dancing ‘til you drop yet you’re sitting out here in the cold as if your dog just died. What’s up, babe?” Ezra suddenly popped out of nowhere and sat beside me. I clutched my chest to calm my erratic heartbeat.

“I don’t know. Something just—ugh. I can’t even explain it.” I sigh and he brings my head to rest to his shoulder.

“You can do it. If you can make a poem within five minutes, you could explain what’s wrong right now.” Ezra coerced me.

“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just that… I feel tired. Like, all the time.” I said and he stood up and made me follow suit and he carried me bridal style and I shrieked.

“What are you doing?” I asked and he smiles as he kissed me.

“Carrying you to my car so I could drive you home.” He said and before I knew it, he carried me inside the hall where my parents are.

“Mrs. Montgomery, Aria is tired. If it’s okay I’m gonna excuse her and I’ll drive her home.” Ezra told my mother politely and Ella nodded.

“It’s Ella, Ezra.” Ella reminded him and he nodded hesitantly.

“Don’t you dare do anything to my daughter, Fitz.” Byron warned and I frowned.

“Grow up, Byron, for heaven’s sake!” Ella scolded and since I was a bit heady, I can’t keep my eyes open anymore so I didn’t see Ezra’s reaction to my parents’ conversation with him.

“I just want to sleep, is that too much to ask for?” I rasped out and they stopped arguing with each other.

“Sorry. Thank you for your initiative to bring her home, Ezra.” Ella said.

“Anything for your daughter, Mrs. Mont—Ella.” Ezra corrected himself and he didn’t wait for anyone’s response, instead, he started walking towards his car.

He gently opened the door for me and I stood up, not wanting him to stress over putting me to the car seat. I could still manage that.

“No need to, babe. Go to the driver’s seat.” I smiled and he obeyed. The drive home was quite fast, considering that it’s past midnight already and the roads are deserted by this time and the place where the party was held was not that far from my house. Rosewood is really a small town.

In second’s time, I was already sleeping but before I did I won’t forget to say something to Ezra.

“Ezra?” I call out.


“Thank you for everything, I really appreciate it. I love you.”

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