Bad Blood // Z.M A.U

By HoneyCocaineXO

17.5K 948 171

"We in this together. You and me baby. All the way." 》 》 》 - For ages 16+ - Contains violence, strong langua... More

Prologue and Disclaimer


340 19 3
By HoneyCocaineXO


"Morning!" Zayn greets cheerily and I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"Good morning to you too." I chuckle as he kisses me against my cheek and continue with making breakfast.

"No offence, but you are very happy this morning. What's up?"

"I just woke up feeling all energetic." He shrugs making me chuckle once again.

"Weird but I am not complaining. What's for breakfast?"

"French toast but I made some a small bowls of yoghurt and berries for now." Zayn slides one of the bowls to me and I nod, eating from it while he makes the French toast.

"Today, all the guys are going to be with Ronnie's gang all day long to sort some business out and I don't have to be present so today we can chill if up for it."

"Isn't Ronnie going to complain because you know how defensive he gets when everyone is not present, including me?"

"I sorted that out. Not to worry babe. Sophia is going to be with Jade the whole day while the guys are busy." He says reassuringly as I eat from my bowl.

"Alright then. " I mutter.



"I don't want to cause any harm and I know that we have put it behind us but about Jade, did you actually enjoy having sẻx with her? That has been floating around in my head lately."

Almost choking on my yogurt, I look at him with a straight face.

He is actually cross questioning Jade and I's one night stand that meant absolutely nothing?

"Honestly, it was good but it wasn't good as a male would do it with female." I shrug and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"So it was just a onetime thing."

"Yes. I am not bisexual just because I had sex with a girl and it was literally a one night stand for the both of us. We are okay with it and we are one-hundred per cent straight." I say reassuringly and he pierces his lips together while he thinks pensively.

"Let me tell you something Zayn. I am glad I slept with Jade rather than Justin because if I slept with him, that's cheating on you and I wasn't going to sell myself cheap to him because he is a celebrity, so if I were you, I wouldn't fret myself over this shít. It's over." Rolling my eyes, I continue to eat out of my bowl.

"I am not. It was just a thought. As long as you don't do it again, I am alright with it." He says nonchalantly but I know very well that he is bothered him that I had 'sẻx' with someone either than him.


Ten minutes later Zayn finishes up with breakfast and we both decide to go sit outside by the pool to eat instead.

"Zayn, I have a question."

"And that is?" He looks up from his plate and at me, interested in what I have to say.

"The other day I was cleaning and then there was this book lying on your bedside table. It was open and I can't exactly remember what it said but it said something like 'Loving like you do' and what is the other one? Uh... wait! I am speaking under correction but something like 'It's you' that's repeated constantly. What is that?" I ask and in his eyes, I can see he is panicking but his face shows no emotion.

I have to ask to prove my assumption right. I really want to know if he writing songs.

"Carmelita, what in the world are talking about?" Zayn lies and I groan in annoyance.

"You have to know what I am talking about! It's in that Marvel book of yours!" I retort and he shakes his head.

"That book isn't supposed to be touched by anyone just so you know." He mutters.

"And just so you know, I am glad you writing songs you ass. I think it's unique and if any chance, I want to maybe write one with you." A smile tugs on lips at the thought of it and he snorts before he eats from his plate.

"I honestly don't know what you talking about."

"Do you want me to go fetch the book for you and show you because honestly, I can't take this lying!" Getting up from my seat, I make my way to his art room where it stays but before I can make it to the door, Zayn pulls me against his bare chest and holds me in a tight embrace.

"You are not going anywhere to fetch anything!" He says sternly but in a playful manner.

"Then admit you writing songs otherwise I will fight you." I retaliate which makes Zayn burst out of laughter.

"I am not admitting to anything! And you can't fight me because otherwise I will throw you into the pool." He changes and I step on top of his foot forcefully which makes him loosen this embrace around me.

Taking the advantage, I run as fast as I can into the house with him hot of my heels. Just as I am about to reach for the final step on the staircase to go upstairs, I trip on the second last step and Zayn quickly catches me.

"You are losing it. No one is writing songs in the house. As you can see, you almost fell down the stairs. Imagine I wasn't here." He chuckles.

"I don't know then!" I argue as he turns me around to face him.

"Now that I see you are very persistent about my song writing, I will admit that I might be writing but it's just meaningless you know. It's honestly no big deal and it's not like I am going to be singing one day. Think of it as a diary or even 'stories' of mine that I just want to get out. Speaking on that basis, I kind of don't really like the fact that you actually read through it. "

"It's not like I really remember exactly what you wrote in there but I really am happy you are writing because I know that you have the ability to do it. I am serious about writing a song with you." I say reassuringly and he frowns at me as he thinks pensively.

"Now that you actually mentioned it, it's not a bad idea and maybe you can help me with this one song that I just can't seem to figure out." He agrees.

"Let me just fetch it and you relax wherever you want to." Zayn leaves me on the staircase and a smile tugs on my lips as he walks upstairs.

I honestly can't contain my excitement. Zayn is actually consulting me for help on something that is personal to him!

Before I pay my undivided attention to him for the next couple of hours, I quickly clean up dishes from breakfast and take a seat on the comfortable couches in the living room.

"This one has been bothering me because I can't find a suitable verse. I have the first verse and the chorus but I feel like I can write the next verse but it's not happening. Nothing really comes to mind." Zayn explains as he sits down next to me.

"Sing it to me first. Everything what you have written for this song."

"Uh... I am not quite sure about that." He murmurs.

"You not shy are you? You do it's just me and I won't judge." Chuckles escape from my lips as I pat his shoulder in comfort and he just stares at me.

"If it makes you comfortable, I won't look at you." I suggest and he sighs, rolling his eyes at me.

"Please do that and keep your comments till the end." Getting up from the couch, I sit on the arm rest and face my back towards him.

It's so cute how he is shy about his writing.

Zayn clears his throat in the silence and begins to sing.

"Oh when I, on the same place. Show me in the same light. Feels right, when we take flight. Clothes off 'cause she's so soft. This ain't a fair fight, yeah. I wanna shed light on this subject. I'll get her wetter than ever. Four letters is never the question. She likes when I'm messy and I like when she's undressing." He sings the first verse and I can't contain myself from grinning.

"You're looking in the wrong place for my love. Don't think because you're with me this is real. You're looking in the wrong place for my love. Don't stop what you're doing 'cause I like that too."

Holy shít. This is good.

"That's where I stopped. I went blank after that for some reason." He says and I turn around, looking at him with a grin on my face.

"That was quite good. I like it. Quite a lot actually." I say and I can see him relaxing with my reassuring words.

"You do?"

"Yeah! For a person that is an 'amateur' in this type of field, you actually quite good. You're no Chris Brown or Miguel but that was really good and now I have the chance to help you out here!" I gush and he chuckles, looking down onto his lap.

"Thank you. It actually means a lot to me." He murmurs and I sit back down next to him.

"Alright. Sing it a couple of times more so I can just process it and I can figure what fits."

My pen taps against my thigh as I lay upside down on the couch, helping Zayn with his song.

So far, I have written half of the verse in two hours which is not really good progress in my opinion. Zayn has been nagging me for the past ten minutes to hear what I have written so far and it's kind of interrupting my train of thought.

"Okay, Zayn. I love you but can you just shut the fucķ up for another two hours or so. You will get your damn verse! It's not like I am going to run away." I scold, throwing a pillow at him.

"Can I just say one thing before you continue?"

"What?!" Groaning in annoyance, I cover my face with Zayn's song book.

"You know so far I have written the song in my point of view but I have been thinking, maybe you should write the verse in your point of view or something. We can work something out but write it in your point of view."

Jolting up from the couch, I glare at him.

"You are telling me this now only?! I might have been done long time ago you díck!"

"Sorry!" He apologizes and runs out the room quickly before I can say or doing anything else.

For the past two hours, I have been struggling to write something in his point of view and now he tells me I can do it from my point of view.

How fuckíng great.

I pull the page with the lyrics on out of his book and crumble it up – scrap that idea then.

Think Carmelita.

From what I am hearing, Zayn explains how he basically has someone who he just enjoys having sẻx with and no love is involved. There is a possibility of that person loving him but he says straight looking for love from him is wrong.

So what would this person say if he had to say that to her? What would her reaction be?

What would I say to him?

Thirty minutes later, a grin tugs on my lips and I squeal in excitement as I read through my verse. "Zayn! I think I got it!"

Zayn comes into the living room a few seconds later and rushes down to sit next to me. "Let's hear."

"I am no singer so I am just going to say them, alright?"

"Just let me hear what you have written down!" He gushes and I chuckle just before I read my verse out loud.

"Here with you 'cause you got the right vibe. Seems like you probably gotta do mine. But it's gotta be the right time. We're only good for the night time. I see through your demeanor. Baby, I'm a pleaser. I go out my way to treat you but I can't be a teacher. 'Cause I'm a problem with problems. I know who I am and I'm not no good. You can have me tonight or never, I thought you understood. Baby, some people are meant to be loved and others just make it. So take what I'm willing to give and love it or hate it." I read out and he looks at me with a frown on his face.

"Read it again please."

Once again I read the verse I have written and once I finish up, a grin tugs on his lips.

"Holy shít. Let me see this." Passing the book to him, he reads through it, plays around with it and he nods.

"You did it. This is fuckíng perfect! Oh my god." He says exasperatedly and I giggle.

I fuckíng did it.

"So I am taking it as you really like it."

"Like it? I fuckíng love this! It's just what I needed!" Zayn says excited and next moment he is showering me with kisses.

If something small like this can make Zayn happy then it makes me happy. I know that this means a lot to him and the fact that I was able to help him out - warms my heart.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I appreciate it My Lita. I really do." His voice comes out as whisper against my lips and I can't contain myself from smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's no problem. I am flattered you like it and the fact that I was able to contribute to your song writing, I am glad."

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Every single day and it never gets old." Giggles escape from my lips.

"Well, I love you so much. Really, I love what you did with this verse. What would I do without you?"

"I don't mean to sound conceited but you know, you do need me." I say innocently and he chuckles.

"I do. I really do." He whispers, cupping my face with both of his hands and placing a soft kiss against my lips.

My baby blue eyes look into his mesmerising, honey brown eyes momentarily and the next moment I know is that my lips is against his once again. His hands move down to my waist and my hands are tugging on the roots of his hair.

Sharing a few more gentle kisses with him, I take the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth. A throaty grown escapes from his lips and I feel my stomach churning. Shifting my body closer to him, my legs straddle him and his hands grip onto my hips.

"Fucķ Carmelita." He pants as he moves his kisses down my neck.

I need him. It's been too long.

I feel his teeth tug on my sweet spot against my neck which makes me moan quietly and my nails claw on his shoulder blades. "Zayn."

The next thing I know is that his fingers tug on the hem of his black hoodie and he pulls it over my head, discarding it on the floor, leaving me just in my panties. He pulls me down along with him so that we lay down straight on the couch with me on the top.

"Not on the couch. Sorry." I whisper breathlessly between his kisses and the next I know, he sits up and carries me all the way to our bedroom.

Zayn lies me down on the bed and pulls off his sweats along with his underwear, not bothering to tease me before we actually have sẻx.

I pull my off my panties and he climbs on top of me, his hands on each side of my head and his lips dangerously close to mine.

"Ready?" He whispers seductively.

"You don't even have to ask."

He pushes into me and I release a shaky breath from the amount of time I have been waiting for this moment.

Zayn starts off usually slow that I can get use to him but all I want him is to fucķ me, make me feel like I am on cloud nine, make me scream out in ecstasy.

"Please." My voice comes out barely as a whisper as Zayn thrusts into me slow and torturously. He takes my legs and wraps them around his waist to go deeper. Finally he thrusts faster, making me moan in satisfaction.

"Faster papi." I pant and he moans, picking up the pace as he thrusts hard and fast. "Fucķ."

"Don't stop." I moan, clawing my nails deep into his back while Zayn fucķs me how I like it. A couple more thrusts, he rolls us over so that I am on top.

My hands grip onto his shoulders and his hands grip on my hips as I move my hips against his as fast as possible. He moans and once he lifts his hips to meet my thrusts, I throw my head back, whimpering in pleasure as he meets the right spot.

"Fucķ Carmi." He pants and I continue moving my hips against his until I feel my peak reaching me fast.

How I missed this.

"I am close." My voice comes out as a whisper and immediately he rolls us over so that he back on top of me. Wrapping my legs around him once again, Zayn continues to fucķ me hard and fast.

After a couple more minutes of us moaning, groaning and panting, I finally come along with him and I sigh in awe.

"Shít." He cusses between his rugged breathing, collapsing next to me on the bed.

"It has been too long." I say quietly and he hums in agreement.

"To be honest, I don't really want to stop." Zayn admits and I giggle.

"Later on." My voice comes out as whisper against his lips and his infamous smirk forms on his lips.

"Dressed in that lace bodysuit then I am sold."

"Maybe. Maybe I have something even better but you will just have to wait." I say seductively and my pointer finger runs down his toned, heaving chest.

"I can't fuckíng wait."

Sorry for the late chapter but I hope the last part made it up for the lost time ;)

Every time I want to write, something pops up like today – my day off and it's just planned out by my mom -_-

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!

Bye bye XO

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