The King's Den ||h.s||

By HarrysLatte_

1.1M 36.7K 8.7K

[completed] Harry Styles, a man no stranger to the world of violence and leader of notorious mafia group the... More

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official character list
author's note
The Wattys 2016
authors note
short story sequel- Royalty's Paradise


15.3K 525 60
By HarrysLatte_

Niall and I walked out of the shooting range, "your aim has gotten a whole lot better," he beams at me. "I remember you could barely even hit the target."

"Eh, been practicing," I shrugged.
"We should go out for drinks," he suggests. "You know to have a good few days."

I frowned, "no offense but that doesn't really call for my attention, can we do something else?"

"I don't know, the last thing I was to do is get drunk though."

He thinks for a moment, "I don't know then." He thinks for a bit longer, "we could go out to eat?"

"Last time I did that, Harry yelled at me and Louis," I giggled.

Niall smiles, "well if we go tomorrow, what's he gonna do? He can't make you leave."

"Point made, I guess we could go out to eat," I agree, "I'm gonna call it a night."

"Night Julia," he says.



Niall didn't exactly specify what time we were leaving, by 11 in the morning (while I was still asleep) he starts pounding on my door.

"Really?" I glared.

"I wanted to go early," he smiles. "Also I have a job later, and I don't know how long that'll take."

"Fine, give me a bit," I sighed. I closed the door, I quickly got ready. I was shuffling around my room, finding the stuff I need. I take a deep breath and mentally laugh remembering this was my routine in high school. I went to grab my gun (you never know) and I walked out.

"That was actually pretty fast," Niall laughs.

"Well I was rushed, lets go. I get into a shitty mood if I don't eat," I started walking.

We went to a Denny's (it's a diner for those who don't know), Niall kept staring at the menu, "should I get the huge platter of pancakes or the burgers?"

"Niall don't hurt yourself deciding, do eenie meanie," I say.
"But what if I'm not satisfied?" he complains.

I groaned, "then take the other order to go."

"Oh... Yeah," he mumbles. "Okay I'll get the pancakes first. What are you getting?"

"These peanut butter pancakes," I looked over the menu, making sure I don't want anything else.

After ordering, and eating our food. And having to wait for Niall's to go order, it was pretty fun just hanging out.

"Alright lets go," Niall stands up, holding his order close to him.

We walk out to the car and we leave the parking lot back into the busy streets of Los Angeles. I looked out the window, I see different people walking, rushing, and others jogging. I don't remember the time I spent a lot of time just walking around town, usually it would be once or twice a month I'd leave the den. Maybe leaving won't be such a bad thing, at least in that perspective.

"We need gas," Niall interrupts my thoughts. "We'll stop at the next Gas Station."

I didn't say anything, and I continued to look out the window. I noticed different stores, and what kind of people going inside or out of. The diversity of people always did interest me, weird what people call "normal", clearly nothing is normal. It's all unique.

I continued forth thinking into my deep thoughts, and wondering the life each person that crosses my eye. It took me a moment to realize we had stopped, and currently parked in a gas station.

"I'll be back," Niall says, he walks out of the car and I watch him go into the Gas Station, opening a door for a lady and her son.

I glance around the cars in the Gas Station, and then my eyes widen.

They're still here?

I start to panic as I see my mother walk into the Gas Station and with, I assume, a man that works for my father. I pray that Niall doesn't get noticed, I focus my direction into the Gas Station, he's looking through the drink aisle.

"Fucking shit," I say. I get out of the car and I hurry inside, I make sure to lower my head so no one sees my face. I see my mom and the guy at the counter, I quickly take a route towards the back where the drinks are. Niall is walking towards the register, and I quickly grab his shirt and pull him back.

"Hey!" he shouts. Everyone turns around and I quickly hide my face again.

"Niall," I turned him around. "My mom is here with I assume one of Julio's guys."

He looks at the counter, "we'll wait until they leave. Just don't be seen."

We stayed in the back of the store until finally my mother leaves. I hurry Niall to the register while I look outside to see where they went, they seemed to be filling gas and looking around, I'm assuming they feel they're being watched too.

"Alright I paid, what do we do?" Niall comes up behind me.

I looked at our car and then them. "You go first, just keep your face hidden. If I go they'll notice me off the bat."

"Okay, I'll be back," he walks out, looking around and hurries to the car. I see him filling up the car, I then focus my attention to my mother. She's sitting in the car while the guy fills up his car. I can see him glancing at Niall, I start to panic but if I go I know I'll fuck up the situation.

"Niall hurry up," I mumble to myself.

I see Niall finally finish and gets in the car and drives out, the man is watching him. Niall comes back around and parks right in front of the Gas Station, I lower my head and get inside. I look down and we drive off. Niall glances behind him, "the guy said something to your mom."

"I hope she doesn't do anything," I say. "She left me off the hook last time."

"Last time?" he says. "What do you mean last time?"

"The one day I went out by myself I ran into her, she asked if I was actually doing okay and said that she'll pretend that I'm dead. She doesn't hate me like my father, I think she just doesn't want to see what he'd do to me if he finds me. I think she's just glad she doesn't have to worry about my problematic ass anymore."

"You sure she hasn't told your father?" he asks.

"Highly doubt it, he would have gone in a worse rampage if anything," I answer.

"Well lets hope she didn't."

"It doesn't matter either way, I leave the den in a few days," I say more bitterly.

"Yeah... "he trails off and everything is quiet. And we drive back to the den.

When we enter the atmosphere seems rather intense. Everyone seems more busy than usual, and irritated. We walks into the hangout, as per usual, and Zayn was sitting there by himself, on his phone I guess.

"Hey Zayn," I say.

He looks up at us," hey Julia, all good?"

"Yeah, where's everyone?" I ask.

"Jobs, I only had one today, so here I am. You guys went to eat?" he notices the food bag Niall is carrying.

"Yeah got myself a burger," He holds it up. "Want the fries, I was going to give it to Louis but he isn't here."

"Yeah," Zayn smiles. Niall hands him the fries then offers me some. I sit next to Zayn and we start eating together. Niall grabs sits in the other couch, eating his burger.

"Well I have a job, see you guys later," Niall stands up and tosses away the box.

"Alright bye Niall," Zayn calls out.

Zayn and I just talked about restaurants we enjoyed, and then Harry came barging in.

"Where have you been?" Harry snaps looking at me.

I sighed, "I was with Niall."

"Seriously, this again?" Harry glares. "We've discussed this."

"You sound like some clingy boyfriend," I scoffed. His face flushed and furrows his eyebrows.

"I have a job for you," he ignores my comment. "Zayn join her."

"What is it?" Zayn asks.

"I need you to deliver some weaponry for Billy's men," Harry looks at Zayn. Zayn nods, "no problem." Zayn looks at me, "Let's go."

I followed him and I glanced back at Harry, and then hurried next to Zayn. Zayn explains to me Billy has been one of the King's Den longest customers. We talked with a few men, loaded a truck and we drove down small streets. We drive into a rather nice building, it's like our warehouse but you wouldn't guess that this place held weaponry.

"Alright we're here, I'll unload the truck, go on and let them know we're here," Zayn and I step out. I walked to one of the doors and someone's voice talks through a machine next to the door.

"Who are you?" they asked.

"Styles, we have your delivery," I try to sound confident.

"We'll open the closest garage door, drive in," says the man.

"Okay," I looked back at Zayn who already started unpacking,"Zayn they want us to drive inside first."

He groans and starts reloading the truck, the giant garage doors open and Zayn drives inside.

"Zayn good to see you, was hoping to see Styles," a man greets Zayn. He looks over at me, "and you are?"

I was luckily dressed as Marcus, "Marcus," I say.

The man nods and smiles, "very nice to meet you, Harry must be recruiting. Heard about Julio, that asshole is still around?"

"Apparently..." sighs Zayn.

"That dick has been trying to get us to sell him our stuff, I'm not an idiot when it comes to choosing between anyone else and Harry, Harry will always be superior," the man laughs. "Alright the order, let's see it."

Zayn pulls out small crates and takes the top off, I'm assuming this is Billy now, he beams, "what beauties." The crates full of weapons of all sorts. Billy calls for his men to unload the several crates, while Billy pays Zayn in cash.

One man runs towards us, "we have company."

"What kind of company?" Billy's smile falters and grows serious.

"The Pit's men," the man says slowly.

"Shit, Zayn we have to get out of here, " I say quickly.

"We'll try to hold them off," Billy nods. "Go."

Billy and his men holding onto guns and walk out into the next room. Zayn and I wait patiently, when we suddenly hear gun shots.

"That's our signal, let's go," Zayn says. We close the back of the truck and we start to hurry, men barge into the room and immediately start shooting, I duck and start running for the truck when in all sudden I see Zayn collapse. I start shooting, two men fall, I run to Zayn who's bleeding from his side.

"Shit, shit, shit, " I start panicking. I grabbed Zayn and the strength he has left helps him off the floor and I continue shooting and I put him in the truck while I continue shooting until I successfully get into the truck and duck my head while I desperately trying to start the car.

"Julia we need to get out," Zayn says, pain in his voice.

I finally get the truck to start, and I hit the pedal and drive down the streets while people start shooting behind us. No one seemed to be in their cars from The Pit, so our getaway was rather easy.

I glanced at Zayn who took the bullet out, I remembered he was in pain, "Don't you dare close your eyes," I snapped.

"Trying, " he jokingly says.

"You just got shot, this isn't exactly a good time for jokes," I had no patience at the moment. "We need to hurry before you lose too much blood."

I'm speeding down the streets, not giving a shit of red lights, these are small streets, no police can give me shit in this part.

Zayn's eyes started to get droopy, "Zayn stay awake!"

"It's hard you know," he mumbles.

"Two minutes, hang on," I breathed.

I made sure no one was following us before pulling into the streets of the den.

"Okay, okay, hang on I'm gonna get someone," I rush my words. I run out of the truck into the den screaming for help, a few men started following me. "Take him the infirmary, I'll tell Harry".

I'm sprinting into Harry's office, he wasn't in there. I then run to the hangout, also empty. I looked around and bumped into one our men, "where's Harry?"

"Saw him in the hallway to his room," he says. I don't think twice and I start sprinting again to his room, I push past a few people and I banged on Harry's door. "Harry!" I kept banging until Harry opens the door, in his boxers and dripping wet.

"What?" he looks down at me worried.

"Zayn got shot, The Pit ambushed us at Billy's place. Billy couldn't hold him off long enough for us to leave and they shot Zayn," I ramble my words.

He quickly walks back into his room, and I follow, "How bad is he?"

"Not sure, he was shot in his right side, not exactly sure where or how critical," I explained.

"Okay," he's grabbing a shirt and a pair of jeans. He changes right in front of me, hurriedly putting his clothes on. I feel panicked, unsure where to look at the same time.

"Hand me my boots," he calls out. I looked around and handed him his black boots by my side. He puts them on, and we then finally leave the room. We make it to where Zayn is, Harry goes in to talk to whoever was treating him.

"He's lost a lot of blood but he'll be okay," Harry tells me once he walks out.

"That's good," I let out a sigh and a huge weight was lifted from my chest.

"The Pit, did you see how any of the men looked like?" he asks.

"No, it was more of a blur," I looked down.

He licks his lips and folds his arms, "you may not understand why I want you to leave, but the way Zayn is... It's an example of what I don't want to happen to you."

"Just me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I mean of course I don't want any of my men killed, but Julia you have to understand that they would want to kill my men but if they get you, they'll do worse than that," he looks at me, I looked around awkwardly, I couldn't handle his intense stare.

I then directed my attention back to him, "like what?"

"They'll torture you to the point where you wish you want to be dead," says slowly. "That's the last thing I want for you."

Sorry for the late updates, I've had a lot if stuff, I had some exams, been catching up at school and ap testing. So yeah, yikes for me. But this week is a slow week, so I'll update again in a few days.

Hope I didn't disappoint you with this chapter, it did take me a while to type out.

Comment and vote!

Love you all,

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