Aphmau the Renegade

By Llama_Derp

70.9K 1.8K 719

Aphmau left Pheonix Drop and leaves Laurence in charge. Garroth have into O'kasis but never got married to Ni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not A Chapter I'm Sorry
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Please Read: The Story Depends On This
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Yeh or Nah?
Chapter 39: Dream
Chapter 40
Chapter Aphmau
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Dream
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Hey Guys!
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
well this is awkward
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
For Your Information.
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
whoops 2.0
well then.

Chapter 51

546 19 3
By Llama_Derp

I lightly slapped Dante and Travis, I quickly muffled their yelps and let go when they relaxed.

"Jess! What happened?" Dante asked in a loud whisper.

I just shook my head, "I'll tell you when we're all done. For now let's focus on getting out of here." They nodded and we left to the other side. Vylad got Aaron and Laurence. Who we had Travis and Dante hold down due to their little argument. We freed Adam, Ross, Jin, and Barney, who all looked relieved to finally be able to leave. We got our weapons and possessions back then silently walked back upstairs. We managed to get out of the castle and back into the forest without getting caught. Then I realized, "Gosh dangit!" I facepalmed. We were at a lake nearby to O'kasis, taking a quick rest. We couldn't teleport since we were still too weak and tired, even combined we couldn't.

"What?" Dante asked.

"We forgot Garroth you imbeciles." I sighed, they all facepalmed as well, noticing our oblivion. I stood up, "I'm going back in to get him." I turned back to face them, "You guys get ready to leave, as soon as we get back. I'll be back soon." I started to sprint back only to hear a set of footsteps behind me, it was Vyald.

He smiled at me, "We haven't had a mission before, why not now?" I smiled back and in a few minutes we made it back to the outer walls. Without being seen, we entered through the sewers and bought some clothes to blend in. We just slipped it over our main clothes and walked on through the town. There was a night market tonight so I don't think there'll be too many gaurds at the castle. I ended up in a long purple dress with a flower crown. Vylad was in a grayish-beige shirt and some regular jeans.

We walked around until we didn't see anymore guards, we ran through the ally ways and ended up at the inner wall surrounding the castle.

"How do we get in?" Vylad and I were looking for some easy way in, only to be disappointed by our results.

"I don't know, we can use either force or we can somehow get back into the cells." I suggested.

We agreed on finding the way back into the cells. We saw the window in was on one of the upper floors. We used our angel forms and silently blasted through the cell wall. I think some guards heard us because we heard the clanging of metal footsteps against the dungeon's floor. Vyald and I looked at eachother and smiled, we both summoned out swords, ready to take on what comes.

We were greeted with five guards all equipped and ready to fight. We were all taught to never kill unless necessary, so we simply left them with a few cuts and unconscious. We ran upstairs where we presumed Garroth was, we knocked down several doors, ran into several guards, then finally, we found the master bedroom. We kicked down the two doors to find Garroth hovering over papers and two guards by his side, who looked like they belonged in the Jury of Nine.

"Lord Garroth go!" The blue haired one yelled.

Garroth looked up from his work, he saw us and smiled, "No Lady Katelyn. They're my friends."

"B-But Lord Garroth! They came into the castle unwelcomed, took out our guards, and probably destroyed half the castle in the process! How can you let this go?" The brown and green eyed one yelled.

"Garroth c'mon, we gotta get going, before you know. Zane wakes up." I muttered, still clutching his sword and my sword in my hands. Vylad next to me, still in his angel form, pastel green wings, green scarf, and a cross bow.

Garroth stood up, to his gaurds suprise and walked over to us. "Lady Katelyn, Sir Jeffory. We bid you a farewell!" He smiled and waved, I started chanting a spell to conjure a portal get us out, right before I closed it, the two guards jumped through, making them teleport home with us.

When we got back home, I told everyone still in the Phoenix Dimension, to teleport back as well. They were all soon piled into the couch, bombarding me with questions. Jeffory and Katelyn were knocked out in the corner, going unnoticed.

I couldn't take the constant chatter, full of questions and impossible answer, and slammed my fist onto the table. That quieted everyone down.

"Okay! First things first, is anyone still hurt?" Aaron, Laurence, and Adam raised their hands. I wasn't fazed by Aaron and Laurence, but why Adam? "Adam?"

He nodded, "I had an outburst, and they overdosed me. It hasn't healed like the others, so I'm assuming it wasn't that serum he gave the rest of you."

I nodded, "May you tell what that outburst was about?"

He looked away, "I started screaming about Alesa and Mason. They're sleeping right now and I don't want to wake them. I know Mason's a pain to get to sleep."

I nodded again, "Okay Ross, Jin, you two start healing them."

Ross started without a word, but of course Jin had to say something, "Why not you?"

I glared at him, "Oh I don't know, maybe I used a bit too much magic already? Check your charts every once and awhile." I sassed. He just shook his head and went to healing. Ross checked out Adam's wound and apparently he still has way to much of that Pota-something, and it might take him a bit longer to heal, Ross gave him a medicine mixture to help numb the pain.

"Second things, Loki's soul is still alive." This caught everyone's attention, they looked at me like I was crazy.

"Jess how much did you get out of him?" Aaron asked.

"Not much, but what I need to know. Apparently he got that serum from Loki a month back. It's called, 'Potestatemeum'. Obviously it's a poison that takes your strength away. Anyways, if that was a month ago, that means that he's either finding a way to communicate from his second life. Or he lied and is in hiding and we need to find him before he gets any smart ideas." I commanded.

"Jess we have no lead. We can't do anything until he does something, knowing him, it'll be sooner than later." Travis sighed.

"Yeahs Jets. We's needs to relax. We'd just gots out of the jails. Justs takes time to relax." Barney proped his feet up on the table.

I sighed and gave in, "Yeah I guess so." I pointed to the Jury of Nine folks in the back, "What do we do with them?"

"Hmmm, we'll see when they wake up. For now we should all get some rest, we've had a long week." Garroth stood up and headed upstairs to the portal room.

"Yeah, g'night guys." Laurence and Dante followed him to the portal room.

"Should one of us watch them? I mean who knows what they'll do when they wake up." I suggested.

Travis raised his hand, "I will. Demons don't need much sleep anyway." He said with boredom."

We all agreed and all headed to sleep.


I tossed and turned in my sleep, I was having another nightmare. I sat up with sweat lining my forehead, I wiped it away, and flopped back onto my bed.

I've always hated nightmares, they scared me. Durning nightmares and dreams I feel vulnerable, like anything can happen. In reality I can change my actions, my fate, it's all in my control. But in dreams everything's set out, all predated. I didn't like that, I like the freedom to change my choices.

I glanced at the clock, and it was about one am. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was a fruitless effort. Instead I got out of bed and took a shower and changed. I slowly walked downstairs, to find Travis and the two guards talking. They noticed me and Travis waved.

"That's Aphmau correct?" Jeffory asked. Travis nodded.

I shook both their hands and took a seat next to Travis, he said he's already explained why they're here, and why Garroth followed us.

"So when do you guys wanna go back?" I asked.

The both quickly shook their heads, "No, we don't want to go back. We'd only be punished anyways if we come back without Lord Garroth. Plus I refuse to work under Zane." Katelyn said in disgust. Jeffory nodded in agreement.

"Tell me about it. Anyways, you don't want to go back? At all?" Katelyn quickly agreed but Jeffory hesitated.

"Abby," he whispered, "My daughters still in there! I'm going back, if I don't, they're gonna torture her and kill her!" He yelled, and stood up.

The guys heard and came down, "What's with all the yelling?" Ross yawned.

"Jeffory needs to go get his daughter." I turned to face him, "Are you coming back?"

He nodded, "We'll be back, I don't think it's safe for us there anymore." He sighed.

Adam walked over to him and said something we couldn't hear. Jeffory nodded, then Adam faced us, "I'll go help him. I know how it's feels when your away from your child for too long." He opened a portal before any of us can protest, "We'll be back in the afternoon." And with that, the portal closed.

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